godsinamericarp · 3 years
Looking for a new RP to join? Check out gods in America! The spirit of the Greek gods & goddesses of old may very well dwell within your OC. How might they handle this? Are they aware? These questions and more can be answered as you develop your OC here at gods in America!
Apps are accepted daily!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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The Greek gods walk among us again...somewhat.
For multiple millennia, the Greek gods were worshiped. And for centuries thereafter, they made sure that they were never forgotten about. Every so often, the spirit of about 20 Greek gods and goddesses take host within a living person. Due to their connections as deities, these spirits tend to flock to human beings within the same region. Presently, they and their hosts reside in New York City.
The amount of influence the spirits have on their hosts is unknown, but one thing is for certain: the gods and goddesses aren’t going anywhere.
This is: gods in America.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Event# o3--Giving to Others
For this event, the characters of gods in America have been invited to help put the “giving” in Thanksgiving. Invitations have been sent out for them (along with others in the City) to volunteer in preparing meals for others in the community. The meals will need people to cook them, package/prep them and deliver them throughout the 5 boroughs.
Reach out to others within the group to plot together. Perhaps your character(s) tag team in one part of the assignment. Maybe your character butts heads with another while preparing the meals or delivering them. Maybe friendships bloom or strengthen. Perhaps the volunteer opportunity allows your character to reflect. If your character possess the spirit of a god, feel free to incorporate the influence of their spirit in during the meal prep &/or delivery.
Have fun! While starters may be posted at any time, please try to wrap your threads by mid-December. Tag any posts related to the event “giaevent”.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Task #05--Honesty Hours
This month’s task is a simple and low-key one: Honesty Hours! For the remaining weeks of November, invite others to participate in Honesty Hour with your character! Answers to any asks that come to your character should be answered in-character, and answered honestly.
Be sure that your ask is on and you’re not only answering asks, but also sending asks too. They can be sent anonymously or not--your choice. Finally, tag your responses “giatask”!
This task is something that can occur anytime in giA, but is being especially encouraged all month long for November. Have fun!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Here’s what’s happening for the month of November!
Birthdays & Holidays:
1-2–Dia de Muertos
1–Quinton DuPont’s birthday
11–Veterans Day
25–Thanksgiving Day
Task #o5, Honesty Hours–details coming soon!
Events/Plot Drops:
Night at the Spookeasy–threads to wrap up by Nov. 13th!
Giving to Others--details coming soon
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Javali Aguilar
The spirit of Ares is now re-opened.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Activity Check
@javali-aguilar–spirit of Ares
Vonte, you have until the end of day, Sunday to become active on the dash or contact the main regarding your activity. Otherwise, you will be removed and the Ares skeleton will be re-opened. Hope to hear from you soon!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Event #o2: Night at the Spookeasy
Autumn is here and Halloween is just around the corner! With the trend of pop-up attractions, locals will get to enjoy a Spookeasy and everyone here is invited!
At the Spookeasy, as the play on words implies, this pop-up has a bar/lounge setting with a Halloween twist to it. All of it has been set up in NYC’s very own, very old & abandoned Renwick Smallpox Hospital.
“On Roosevelt Island, the decrepit 19th century Gothic Revival structure that once functioned as the Renwick Smallpox Hospital is high on the list of city’s creepiest landmarks. The hospital opened in 1856 in an effort to keep those with smallpox separated from the rest of society, and treated roughly 7,000 patients throughout its 19-year run. The hospital was later converted into a nursing school but eventually the building was shuttered and has fallen into disrepair. There have been talks of renovating and reviving the structure, but some Roosevelt Island resident would rather just see it torn down.”
The invite for the RP’s characters is Sat. Oct. 23rd but members can start writing threads and having fun for the event on Sun. Oct. 10th! Show off your character’s costume and prepare for some fun, frightening, & [possibly?] friendly interactions.
Entertainment includes:
Costume contest
DJ’d music & karaoke
Open self-guided tours of the old hospital
Spooky/Halloween-themed foods and cocktails
Again, have fun with this event! There are several opportunities to take with this event, so have at it! Fluff, angst and everything in between are welcome as always with the group’s events and plot drops. If you have any questions, the main’s inbox & IM are always open, and the group’s Discord is easily accessible! Be sure to tag any of your starters or posts related to this event, ‘giaevent’.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Task #o4--Dreams & Nightmares
This month’s task is simple: Show us a vivid recollection or ‘real time’ moment of your character experiencing either a dream or a nightmare. You choose which one! What might make this dream or nightmare stand out in your character’s mind?
Most likely, this will end up being a solo/self-para, but you are also welcome to have your character share the dream or nightmare with someone else.
Everyone has the entire month of October to participate in this task. Please be sure to tag your post (solo para, or the closed starter) ‘giatask’!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Javali Aguilar--The Spirit of Ares
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Congratulations to the following applicant on your accepted app:
Vonte–playing Javali Aguilar, the spirit of Ares
If you haven’t already, please be sure to read through the group’s checklist! From there, you have 24 hours to message/IM the main from your character’s blog!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Here’s what’s happening for the month of October!
Birthdays & Holidays:
11–Indigenous Peoples Day
23--Night at the Spookeasy
Task #o4, Dreams & Nightmares–details coming soon!
Events/Plot Drops:
Plot Drop: Visit from the gods--threads to wrap up by Oct. 16th!
Night at the Spookeasy–details coming soon!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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The Greek gods walk among us again...somewhat.
For multiple millennia, the Greek gods were worshiped. And for centuries thereafter, they made sure that they were never forgotten about. Every so often, the spirit of about 20 Greek gods and goddesses take host within a living person. Due to their connections as deities, these spirits tend to flock to human beings within the same region. Presently, they and their hosts reside in New York City.
The amount of influence the spirits have on their hosts is unknown, but one thing is for certain: the gods and goddesses aren’t going anywhere.
This is: gods in America.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Ionna Foti
The spirit of Apollo is now re-opened.
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Luis Pérez, spirit of Hades//Zelda Bichler--thru Sept. 26th
Gizella Rivera, spirit of Persephone–thru Oct. 1st
Activity Check
@liqvid-gold--spirit of Apollo
Chana, you have until the end of day, Sunday to become active on the dash or contact the main regarding your activity. Otherwise, you will be removed and the Apollo skeleton will be re-opened. Hope to hear from you soon!
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godsinamericarp · 3 years
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Task #o3–8 Tracks
With a play on words with the tape recorder made popular in the `80′s, this month’s task is to make a playlist! Post 8 songs that you associate with your character &/or that your character would most likely enjoy. You have until the end of the month to participate in this task!
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