gojos-precious · 4 months
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gojos-precious · 11 months
Minho: Look, I'm not in love with Jisung. I like him just as much as the next guy does. Changbin: Minho: I mean, clearly I have feelings for him, but feelings don't mean love. Chan: Minho: Do I have loving feelings for Jisung? Sure! But that doesn't mean I— Oh my god. I'm in love with Jisung! Seungmin: Minho: Why didn't you tell me?! Chan: We thought you knew! Minho: We?! Changbin: Yeah, we all know. We talk about it all the time.
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gojos-precious · 11 months
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hyunjin :: s class @ 2023 vmas
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gojos-precious · 11 months
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[one of] my favorite Hyunin moment[s] for @wisteriya!
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gojos-precious · 1 year
literally me rn: 😝😩🥴
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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@lee-minhoe asked favorite lino vlog? Lee know Log 9
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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this shirtless bangchan 🧎🏽‍♂️🔥
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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han for k-global heart dream awards
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gojos-precious · 1 year
Hey guys! I just thought that I would go ahead and upload a masterlist just for the hell of it. 
The Singer Series:
Becoming A Singer
The Singer Household 
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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Edit: i wanna thank @chrisbahng for sending me this 😔
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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no words to describe except... what's he so scrunkly for
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gojos-precious · 1 year
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365 notes · View notes
gojos-precious · 1 year
IM SURE that Hyunjin had a baby fever after meeting and taking care of baby Rowoon.
And now i have it too....
Just look at them 🥺🥺🥺
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gojos-precious · 1 year
Summary: Courtney helps Dean. 
A/N: This is part 3 of the Singer series that I’ve been working on. I hope you enjoy and as always please be kind.
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There were times that I hated hunting and this was one of them. I woke up at 5 o’clock this morning in mind-numbing pain. “Here we go again” I say to myself as I get up and try to get to the bathroom as fast as I can. I knew that it was coming based on how I’d been feeling the past few days, but I’m never prepared for how bad the pain is. Endometriosis was a bitch who had always managed to kick my ass better than any monster ever could. I was 16 when we figured out what it was and that there’s no cure. I’m 20 now and it still manages to take me out almost every time. I did what I needed to in the bathroom and got back in the bed and curled up into the fetal position. I was determined to stay there as long as I could but I knew I would have to get up eventually. Dean was coming to get me later today and we were going to drive to California to hopefully get Sam’s help. It’s been almost 2 years since he left for college and it’s been almost 2 years since any of us have heard from him. John had always kept tabs on him though, just to make sure he was safe. I was especially grateful for that. Which is why when Dean called yesterday asking for my help looking for John, I immediately agreed. John was always really good about checking in so I immediately knew that something had to be wrong when Dean said that he hadn’t heard from him in a few days. Even if me and John didn’t always get along, I was still going to be there for Dean.
 Bobby heard that I was awake and came to check on me. It’s unusual for me to be up this early so it made him concerned. When he came in and saw me curled up in the fetal position, he immediately knew what was wrong. He had lived with me long enough to know. He came to the side of the bed where I was and said “Hey kiddo, can I get you anything? Do you need me to call Dean and tell him you won’t be able to help him?” I sat up and rested against the headboard and said “Ibuprofen and a heating pad would be great. Don’t worry about calling Dean, I’m gonna suck it up and go.” Bobby just nodded and left to go grab the ibuprofen and a heating pad. He knew better than to try to convince me otherwise. There was no way I wasn’t going to help Dean. The fact that he called to ask for my help meant a lot. Dean had never really been one to ask for help like this. Sure, he would ask for help with research (because he hated doing it) but he rarely ever asked for help for something like this.
 When Dean came to pick me up, he immediately knew something was wrong as soon as he laid eyes on me. He had known me long enough that he could read me like a book. I was curled up on the couch when he came in and he said “Hey Court, you sure you’re okay to go with me? You don’t have to.” I sat up off the couch and carefully stretched and said “Yeah, I’m gonna be miserable wherever I am but at least if I go with you, I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile instead of just rotting away in my bed.” He nodded and went to grab my duffel bag and said “Fair enough. You can always lay down in the backseat if you need to.”  I carefully bent over and grabbed my backpack off the floor and walked over to where Bobby was standing by his desk and gave him a quick hug. After what happened with my dad, I always make sure to hug the people I love because I never know when it might be the last. Bobby walks us out to the salvage yard and says “You two be safe and please keep me updated.” I nod and give him one last hug before I crawl into the backseat of the Impala and try to get comfortable. It’s gonna be a long ride.
 I fell asleep not too long after we left Bobby’s and woke up about 4 hours later to Dean lightly tapping me on my knee and he said “Hey Court, I had to stop for gas, do you need anything?” I grumbled sleepily and started to sit up and said “Yeah, I need to pee. Where’s my backpack?” Dean reached across the front seat and grabbed it out of the floorboard and handed it to me and said “How are you feeling after your nap? You hungry?” I grabbed the backpack from him and started digging around for what I needed and said “I feel a little better. I’m actually starving though. Will you see if they have any of those breakfast burritos that I like while I’m in the bathroom?” He smiled as we both started to get out of the Impala and said “Sure thing! Anything else?” My face lit up and I said “Ooh! And a Dr.Pepper! Thanks!” And we both walked into the convenience store and went our separate ways. When I got done in the bathroom, I met him back at the Impala and climbed into the front seat and started rummaging through the bag from the store. “Dude, how many burritos did you get? There’s so many.” He shrugged and said “I got like 6 or 7. You said you were starving.” I laughed and immediately regretted it. Pain shot through me and it was enough to make me squeeze my eyes shut and clutch my stomach. Dean saw what happened and reached over into the glovebox and pulled out a big bottle of Ibuprofen and passed it to me and said “Here, I think it’s time for you to take more. It still hasn’t gotten any better has it?” I gratefully took it from him and said “I think it’s time too. No, it hasn’t gotten any better. Me and Bobby have been trying to find natural remedies and stuff but it seems to only help temporarily.” He just nodded and continued to focus on the road and I started opening up one of the burritos. The next few hours were spent catching each other up on things that had been happening in our lives. I had started solo hunting recently so we had a little more to bond over now. Me and Dean had always gotten along like brother and sister. He was like the older brother I never had. It was easy for me to be myself around him. Which is how he noticed that the closer we got to California, the more nervous I got. It had been so long since I had seen Sam. Would he even want to see me? I was pulled from my thoughts when Dean started talking to me. He said “I know you’re nervous to see him. If it makes you feel any better, I am too.” I just kind of nodded and started looking out the window before I said “What are we going to do if he won't help?” I was trying to avoid the conversation that I know Dean wanted to have. He’s been wanting to play matchmaker with us for years. He’s always noticed how I looked at Sam. I wasn’t ready to admit how I felt though. If I admitted it, then it could change everything. Especially if Sam didn’t feel the same. I wasn’t ready to deal with that. 
 It took us a little over a day to get to California. When we made it to Sam’s, Dean went into his apartment (or should I say, broke into his apartment) and I called Bobby to let him know we had made it. Dean was in there for what felt like forever. I eventually decided to get out of the Impala and stretch my legs. The fresh air helped to ease some of my nervous energy. I still didn’t really understand why I was so nervous. It’s Sam we’re talking about here. We grew up together. There’s no reason for me to be nervous, so why can’t I stop feeling this way? I’m pulled from my thoughts when I see Dean walking out of the apartment with Sam’s slightly taller frame following behind him. Apparently Dean hadn’t told Sam that I was with him because next thing I know Sam is running towards me and saying “Courtney! I didn’t know that you were here too!” I smile at him and say “Hi Sammy” and he pulls me in for a bone-crushing hug. I didn’t even care that it caused pain, it was Sam. I was just happy to be near him again. When he pulled away, he noticed that I winced and that I put my hand over my stomach and his face changed from one of happiness to one of concern. He put his hand on my shoulder and said “Courtney, are you okay? Did I do something?” I shrugged at him and said “Just the usual stuff. You didn’t do anything. I’m okay Sammy.” He pulled his hand away from my shoulder and rubbed the back of his head and said “You’re still dealing with all of that? I really thought it would’ve gotten better by now.” Dean spoke up from where he was standing behind Sam and said “Yeah, I think we all had been hoping it would get better.” I looked at the both of them and said “Yeah, Endo’s a bitch but it hasn’t killed me yet, so what do you say we get to work, yeah? I’d rather not focus on it.” They both nodded and we walked over to the trunk of the Impala, but I didn’t miss the look of concern that Sam had though. Dean wasted no time in filling Sam in on what had been happening with John. He had already filled me in on everything on the way here, so I went back to laying down in the backseat. I wasn’t trying to go to sleep. I just couldn’t stand up any longer. This is one of those times that I felt useless, but I was determined to help as much as I could. I could just faintly hear Sam talking to Dean, he was saying “Is she really okay? I’ve never seen her like this.” I wasn’t going to let them know that I could hear them just yet. I wanted to see what they were going to say. Dean started saying “I think she’s okay. She slept most of the way here which is definitely not like her. I think the Endo just wipes her out. I told her she didn’t have to come with me but she insisted and you know once Courtney has her mind set on something, you can’t talk her out of it. Even if she is in pain, she’d rather help than do nothing.” Hearing him say that made me smile. I had always been hard headed and they would never let me forget that. But it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. 
It didn’t take us too long to get to Jericho. We only had to stop once for gas (and to stock up on road snacks). I tried to sleep as much as I could because I had a feeling I was going to need all my strength for the day ahead. And I was right. The next few hours were rough, to say the least. As soon as we made it into Jericho, we came across an active crime scene and the boys decided to investigate it. I thought it would be suspicious if all three of us went, so I decided to stay put in the Impala. We found out there was a woman in white in Jericho, some chick named Constance Welch. That ghost bitch attacked us and tried to run us over after she took control of the Impala. Needless to say, Dean was pissed. He could care less that she tried to kill us, but she messed with his Baby. He was bound and determined to put her to rest now.
 It didn’t take much digging to find John’s hotel room and of course, he was nowhere to be found. But most of the answers we needed about Constance were there, all over the walls. You could definitely tell that a hunter had been there (or a crazy person). Everything moved really fast after we got to the hotel. Dean got arrested because of the fake police badges he and Sam had flashed earlier that day. Me and Sam were able to make it out and Sam made a fake 911 call so that Dean could make a break for it. While Dean was God knows where, me and Sam went to see if we could get anything from Constance’s husband, Joseph. Only thing we were able to find out was that it seemed as though they didn’t have the happiest of marriages, which fits the woman in white theory. We also found out from Joseph that she’s buried behind their old house, the same house where her children died. As soon as we got done talking to the husband, we started heading to their old house. We didn’t make it very far before she showed up in the Impala, right in the backseat, and it all went downhill from there. She proceeded to take over the Impala again and drive us straight to her house, all the while asking Sam to take her home. 
After we pulled into the dirt driveway she started muttering and saying “I can never go home.” It’s almost like she’s scared, but not of us. Sam looks over at me and we both realize what’s happening. I turn around and look at her and say “you’re scared to go home,” and next thing I know, I’m being thrown out of the Impala. I land on the dirt and the door to the Impala immediately shuts and locks. I get up and mutter a quiet “fuck” under my breath and I hear Sam start screaming. At this point I’m officially panicking. I had taken my pistol out of my waistband on the way here because it had been digging into my stomach and causing me even more pain than I was already in, so now I was left with no weapons. I’m just about to start banging on the windows when I see Dean running down the driveway and he yells at me to get down. He starts shooting through the window and she disappears. As soon as she no longer has control of the Impala, Sam starts it and drives it straight into the house. With no hesitation, me and Dean run into the house after them. Dean goes to pull Sam out of the car and I start looking around to see if I can see her anywhere. By the time I spot her, it’s too late. She flings a dresser at the three of us and pins us to the Impala with enough force to knock the wind out of me. Before I realize what’s happening, the ghosts of her children appear at the top of the staircase and then immediately at her side. They hug her and she starts screaming and then in a burst of flames, they’re all gone. The boys are now able to shove the dresser off the three of us and as soon as it’s off of me, I slide down the Impala onto the ground, clutching my stomach. Dean is the first to notice, Sam was too preoccupied with making sure she was actually gone. Dean puts his hand on my shoulder and says “Court, are you okay? What’s wrong? What hurts?” I turn to face him and say “I think I’m okay. Definitely gonna be bruised though. You better let me tell Bobby about this, he worries about me enough as it is.” I go to try to stand up and immediately buckle back over and decide to sit back down. Sam has walked back over to us by this point and he catches my arm as I buckle and he says “Woah, easy there. Just sit back down for a few more minutes.” I go to stand up again and say “No, I’m good. Just gotta take it slow. I’ve dealt with worse.” I slowly walk over to the dusty mirror that was hanging on the wall and lift up my shirt and see the black and blue bruises already forming. I winced as I put my shirt back down and walked back over to the boys. Dean was checking for any damage on his precious car and bitching at Sam. All I heard Dean say was “I’ll tell you another thing, if you screwed up my car, I’ll kill you.” I laughed and looked at Dean and said “Dude, you’re the one who just shot out the windows. At least Sam actually dealt with her.” Sam nudges my arm and holds his fist out for a fist bump, which I happily obliged. Dean throws his hands up and scoffs and says “Courtney, are you ever actually on my side?” I shrug and say “When you’re right.” This is what I’ve missed. The three of us joking around. Yeah, me and Dean joke around, but when the three of us are together, it’s 10 times better. The pain doesn’t matter anymore, not as long as I have my boys. 
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gojos-precious · 1 year
mixtape: time out sounds like a disney channel intro from a series in it’s prime time. those are facts.
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gojos-precious · 1 year
How are straykids real
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