goldaged-blog · 7 years
this blog is going to undergo a serious makeover soon so, anyone still following me can unfollow or stick around for the reinvention of doyle 
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
On hiatus until December 15th for exams
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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i  really  can’t  believe  i’m  currently  celebrating  2.5K  FOLLOWERS  on  jace.  he’s  become  so  much  bigger  of  a  blog  then  i’ve  EVER  had  before.  what’s  more,  is  he’s  gotten  BIG,  but  he’s  still  so  enjoyable.  i  feel  like  EVERY  DAY,  my  love  for  his  character  just  grows  more  &&  more,  &&  that’s  something  that  i  haven’t  ever  experienced  to  this  degree  on  ANY  blog.  it’s  INSANE  to  me  to  think  that  along  with  that,  i’m  celebrating  ONE  YEAR  on  jace,  as  well.  i  rarely  make  it  so  long  on  a  blog  without  LOSING  MUSE  or  simply  LEAVING  to  go  to  another  blog.  i  WANTED  to  do  something  to  CELEBRATE  that.  unfortunately,  i  DON’T  have  many  new  psds  or  templates  to  share  since  the  LAST  pack  i’ve  made.  so  instead,  i  decided  to  try  my  first  GIVEAWAY  in  a  long  time. 
so  basically,  i’m  able  to  make  THEME  BACKGROUNDS,  PROMO  GRAPHICS,  DUAL  PROMOS,  100 ICONS W/PSD INCLUDED,  &&  CHARACTER  AESTHETICS.  most  examples  can  be  found  HERE.  you  can  also  snoop  around  HERE  for  some  promo  examples,  or  HERE  for  general  graphic / aesthetic examples.
i’m  going  to  be  randomly  choosing  3-5  WINNERS  from  this  giveaway,  all  who  will  get  to  choose  ONE  of  the  above  prizes.  note  that,  while  i  can  provide  some  assistance  with  theme  coding,  i’m  not  CURRENTLY  offering  the  theme  code  as  a  prize.  likes  &&  reblogs  count,  but  ONLY  from  my  followers.  after  all,  this  is  a  THANK  YOU  for  sticking  by  me.  i’ll choose the winners on NOVEMBER 18TH, so a week from now, && we’ll go from there ! 
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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Dylan O’Brien as Mitch Rapp in American Assassin
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
                                Cade, for his part, varied wildly on punctuality and thus often relied on a series of alarms on his phone to remind him when to do things. Time was hard to keep track of when it didn’t function in a necessarily linear way. But he had scheduled his ‘hang-out’ with Doyle very carefully, setting no less than three alarms to remind him when to get dressed, and when he should be leaving the house. This wasn’t a date, but he’d felt the need to allot several minutes to getting himself ready; making sure his hair was brushed just so, trying on a half-dozen outfits. Again it struck him that he felt the bizarre urge to impress Doyle, that he was a person whose respect and admiration were worth striving for.
                                So he arrived on time–according to the loyal clock on his phone–and rode the antique elevator up to Doyle’s apartment once more. Still a wonderful old thing, full of so much more history and life than the stainless-steel boxes that populated modern buildings everywhere. It creaked and groaned, for sure, but it never gave the impression that it was about to fail in its service. He used the last few minutes to gather his thoughts, clutching one of his favorite cookbooks under his arm and using the familiar image of the cover to ground himself. It was just cooking dinner for a friend. An attractive, life-saving friend, but nonetheless.
                                When he knocked on the door and got an ‘it’s open’ in response it hardly bothered him; he wasn’t going to offended because Doyle didn’t race to open the door. What he hadn’t expected was a furry friend launching itself at his legs, leaping around his shoes and batting at his shoelaces excitedly. “Hey, buddy–who are you?” he queried at the cat, who answered him by giving his shoelaces another swat and looking up at him with startling green eyes. Bending down, he allowed it to sniff his fingers, and was just rubbing its head when Doyle came in and he looked up with an almost contrite expression. 
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                                “Oh–not a problem, not at all. And you didn’t give me a concussion. Barely bruised the back of my left leg. I’m far more worried that I crushed you, ‘cause I know I’m not a little guy.” In his fluster, the low twang of his accent curls into his words, and he stands up quickly with the book held in front of him. Those golden eyes had him nearly frozen in place, and he hoped Doyle didn’t notice the blush creeping across his features. The other was in sweatpants and ruffled hair, but Cade was still the one that felt incongruous.
                                “Brought my favorite cookbook, figured you might want to look through and pick out what you want to eat.  If you don’t have the ingredients, I can just head down to the store and get them, but most of the stuff is fairly ‘make at home’.”
          way to make a good second impression doyle. cade looked great, of course, and it only made doyle's SHAME feel even heavier. had he actually prepared for this? he found himself thinking, ❛poor guy, he's got it in his head i'm some kind of important.❜ at the very least he was thankful for his little feline friend being something of a buffer between them. as doyle managed to get a hold of one crutch he watched with a small, crooked smile as the cat played between them.  
          ❝he's, ah, one of my neighbor's.❞ he mewed on cue, as though glad to be introduced. ❝you didn't hear this from me but i happen to spoil him whenever he visits.❞ for someone who had no pets at all, a portion of his PAYCHECK went towards expensive pet food ( and every cat in the building knew it too, yes they did ). though, he couldn't keep attention on the cat for long and quickly made to run a hand through his hair, hoping to make it look a bit more presentable.
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          his gaze fell to the book, ears reddening. damn it, he'd never been embarrassed like this before and he could FEEL his blush. ❝your favorite?❞ cade REALLY prepared for this. doyle wasn't even sure if he had a favorite anything ( he'd never had his own things before this apartment, he developed a difficulty in getting attached to things ). biting his bottom lip he looked up at cade hopefully, feeling quite meager suddenly.
          ❝to be honest you could probably just flip it open and point at a page --- i've never really been given the option of being a picky eater.❞ doyle could cook for himself, he'd had to grow up quite fast after all, but most of the food he made was simply just to fill a belly and keep it full for a while; nothing that was ever meant to TANTALIZE his tastebuds.    
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
          for the most part doyle was normally very good about keeping track of time. he'd NEVER been late to work in his life; in fact, to doyle fifteen minutes early was on time. there were, however, exceptions to this. such as an EXCELLENT book. yes, books and music seemed to be the surefire things that got doyle's ever punctual mind to wander off into distant places.
          such as it was, he'd been sitting out on the fire escape for a few minutes ( several hours ) INTENSELY thumbing through the book that cade had gifted him; and he had company, too. one of the lively young cats from the upper floor had been sitting with him stealing snacks and pawing at the pages. the window that lead into his apartment was left open so he could clearly hear the knock that sounded. it startled him, just slightly, but at least it got his attention away from tolkien's writing.
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            grabbing the rail of the metal stair case he stood, shakily, and leaned heavily onto the window frame, poking his head through and calling out, ❝it's open!❞ of course since doyle had stuck his head and shoulders through the window the cat took it as an open invitation, and DARTED through over the window sill into his apartment. doyle let out a little 'hey!', his gaze following after the cat as it leaped over his furniture and ran playfully around someone's feet ------------ golden eyes trailed a LONG ways upward to meet a familiar, handsome face.
          ❝cade? what're you-------❞
          suddenly his brows shot upward and he scrambled to look at the watch on his wrist. ❝shit----❞ doyle vanished outside the window and reappeared seconds later, setting the book onto a small table just inside the window where his crutches also rested, and made to awkwardly shamble inside. ❝i'm sorry i was just reading---- i lost track of the time----- you wanted to make dinner for basically giving you a concussion, right?❞ a tiny, embarrassed laugh. he was still in sweats, for crying out loud.    
                  🞮 ⦂ @diviinator ❜
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
alrighty for the most part doyle’s little revamp is complete! there have been minor alterations to his past and all of his arcs and verses have been scrapped and reorganized. tags still need to be done and i’ll work on adding and updating those slowly. otherwise, i think it’s time to clean up some drafts. unless we had a thread going and you want to continue it all of them are being dropped!! if you want something new, though, feel free to like this for a starter.
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
alrighty for the most part doyle's little revamp is complete! there have been minor alterations to his past and all of his arcs and verses have been scrapped and reorganized. tags still need to be done and i'll work on adding and updating those slowly. otherwise, i think it's time to clean up some drafts. unless we had a thread going and you want to continue it all of them are being dropped!! if you want something new, though, feel free to like this for a starter.
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
         i’m working on doyle getting up and running again so if you wanna do         things once he’s finished like this for a starter! i will also be making a         list of everything in my drafts later and whether threads will be continued         by them or not depends on the partner involved so keep an eye out for that! 
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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Palais Garnier, Paris.
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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                    caught somewhere between  BOY && MONSTER
                              equal parts CHILD && ANCIENT
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
You’re so calm and quiet, you never say. But there are things inside you. I see them sometimes, hiding in your eyes.
Tracy Chevalier, Girl with a Pearl Earring  (via roseir)
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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If you are an active TMI rper, reblog this post and you will be added to the masterlist. It doesn’t what series, or if it’s the show.  ***Disclaimer*** verses for tmi do not count. The character hs to be based off of the series.
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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goldaged-blog · 8 years
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“He wondered: about this, about that, about the world. His thoughts were his greatest asset and his biggest downfall.”
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