goldencageshq · 4 years
hello members! rosie and i have been doing some talking and we have both come to the conclusion that unfortunately we are not capable of running a group at this time, both of us have personal issues come up, and can’t dedicate the time to this group like we would have liked. so while we didn’t have long with all of you, we did want to say thank you, for taking interest, for being present and excited, we enjoyed seeing your characters for the short time we had them and hope that maybe some day GC can be more than an ambitious idea. we wish you luck on all of your future rp endavors, and once again thank you for everything!
- admin team.
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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please give a warm welcome to:
veronica kennedy [ @ronniekennedy ]
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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POP THE CHAMPAGNE! welcome to goldencageshq where the world is yours for the taking! please read over the checklist and send in your character account / post your intro within 72 hours. happy writing!
veronica kennedy [ danielle campbell ] - first daughter of the usa 
introducing [ veronica kennedy ] from [ the united states ] ( she/her. ) is said to look just like [ danielle campbell ] and is a [ twenty-five ] year old, ( first daughter / social media influencer ), they believe they are [ intelligent & resourceful ] but are also rumored to be [ sarcastic & reckless ] will they change the world or will they become just another face in the crowd? only time will tell. ( mary, she/her, 19, est ) *theodore kennedy wc
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goldencageshq · 4 years
AND THINGS HAVE BEEN a bit slow on our end, but i’m finally on vacation, until january 10th which means i have much time to write. so i shall be around from today and moving forward, so how about we see some apps? i’d love to see our WANTED connections filled!!
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goldencageshq · 4 years
if the applicant who just sent in the danielle campbell app, reach out to us off anon, we’d really appreciate it.
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goldencageshq · 4 years
OFFICIALLY ON VACATION! i don’t have to be back in the office until january which means i get to play and that means a lot of attention to our little rpg, which i would love to see grow even more! i’m already in love with all our characters and i can’t wait to see them develop, so why don’t you join us? don’t miss out, great things are coming up i promise!
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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updated +1
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goldencageshq · 4 years
could we possibly have a family type page to make it easier for siblings, parents, etc wanted connections to be filled without it being a whole wanted connection?
hi anon! that’s actually going to be part of the established country page we’re working on. we’re putting it all into one for easy access and like admin drea said, will be finished by the weekend, but to make thing go by faster if members want to send in how many siblings / parents etc you’d like to be playable please do! it’d help a bunch! 
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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updated +1
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goldencageshq · 4 years
* jumps on bed, and screams * I AM EXHAUSTED! the audacity of my boss to actually expect me to work during office hours? like sir i have other things to do while you pay me. i am home for the day though and while i’m utterly brain dead i am going to be around, both IC and on the main so feel free to send in questions and apps! we’re on rolling acceptances for the FIRST two weeks, take advantage fo that.
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goldencageshq · 4 years
hi? where can i find the full list of taken/established or open countries?
Hi non, that’s still a pending page that admin rosie and i are working on, but i can give you the countries that are established in a quick summary here?
Canada ( first family established )
Czech Republic ( royalty established, crown princess adela )
Croatia ( royalty established, princess madlena )
France ( royalty established, queen alexandrine )
Germany ( royalty established, princess rebe ditcher )
Denmark ( royalty established, rasmussen family )
Mexico ( no first family yet, but we do have a character from here )
Norway ( royalty established, arianna nielsen is crown princess )
Spain ( royalty established, marisol de cordova is the infanta of spain )
Sweden ( royalty established, princess aleksandria )
Philippines ( no royalty established but there is a character from here )
United Kingdom ( royalty established, queen diana windsor )
United States ( first family established )
you can also take a look at our WANTED connections as many royals have siblings and other connections available for the taking. and a huge IOU on the established country page, expect it done this weekend!
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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please give a warm welcome to:
josefine caspersen [ @artofseductionandsong ]
marisol quintanilla [ @queenofmyownmadekingdom ]
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goldencageshq · 4 years
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POP THE CHAMPAGNE! welcome to goldencageshq where the world is yours for the taking! please read over the checklist and send in your character account / post your intro within 72 hours. happy writing! 
josefine caspersen [ dita von tease ] - mistress for the king of denmark 
marisol quintanilla  [ salma hayek ] - leader of a crime syndicate 
introducing [ Josefine Caspersen ] from [ denmark ]  ( she/her. ) is said to look just like [ dita von teese ] and is a [ forty ]  year old, ( singer ), they believe they are [ passionate & generous ] but are also rumored to be [ opinionated & vain ] will they change the world or will they become just another face in the crowd? only time will tell. ( nicole, she/her, 27, central ) – to fill wanted connection of King Jerrick’s mistress, already discussed.
introducing [ marisol quintanilla ] from [ mexico ]  ( she/her. ) is said to look just like [ salma hayek ] and is a [ fifty-three ]  year old, ( leader of crime syndicate ), they believe they are [ benevolent & caring ] but are also rumored to be [ vengeful & hot-headed ] will they change the world or will they become just another face in the crowd? only time will tell.
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goldencageshq · 4 years
BONJOUR! see what happens when you watch french films all week. we just opened for interactions on monday and i have to say i am LOVING all the locations around the world we have in play right now, but of course, i want to see more. so why don’t you come check us out maybe bring a few new apps. what about an up and coming kpop group? or a reality tv star from the u.k.? as we say here in gchq, THE WORLD IS YOURS!
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goldencageshq · 4 years
When is this group most active? Early in the morning? In the evening?
GIVEN THAT WE JUST opened for interactions, i’ve yet to gauge the full scope of our dash, but i do believe that we’ve been more active later on in the day, so i’d say the evening is our best time. that said however, there seems to always be someone on, morning, late at night, etc. 
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goldencageshq · 4 years
Do we have to apply for a wanted connection or are oc's welcome?
YOUR OC’S ARE MORE than welcome here non, i just keep mentioning our WANTED connections because we have a growing list of them, and we’d love to see them filled, but we wouldn’t love an OC any less. 
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goldencageshq · 4 years
Can threads be set in real time? Or do they all have to be flashbacks?
THREADS ARE more than welcome to be set in real time, flashbacks are just one of the many options that we’ve decided to add to our group, same with flash-fowards etc. 
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