goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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like this post for a starter!!
yes, your favourite hugo is back. slowly but surely. <3
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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i kind of want to be back on my hugo babe......
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
≈ ⁂ @justonexbite the husband always gets a thing ⁂ ≈
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        Sitting on the comfortable yellow puff, he lowered his almost husband’s secret diary-journal. He assumed it was secret due to the protection spell placed on it, which he cracked easily. ❛ This description of what your heart does whenever you see me in the corridor is exquisite and poetic, but anatomically preposterous, if you don’t mind a little tip. ❜
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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Grey Damon: Aquarius S2 Premiere. (Paley Center for Media. June 16, 2016.) 
[Getty Images]
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
@ojosxrojos || continued from here
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        Before he could open his mouth, the answer that made his face flare up shut him down. His arms slipped around the other and he gladly let Scott push him around. ❛ Oh god, ❜ he said in a shaken voice. Knowing that he was the cause of the other’s problem was enough without that thing that Scott did with his teeth. Eyes wide open, the blood pumped in all the wrong places due to it, as Scott could feel in his grinding. He was a werewolf, his biting wasn’t safe, but he thanked Merlin for his boyfriend’s lack of good sense. Hugo’s hands went down to Scott’s pants, and unbuttoned them.  ❛ Take me, ❜ he whispwered back. It was time. He really wanted it to be more romantic, but he had been in a similar state since he tasted his boyfriend. He found himself daydreaming about him in class, discovering that robes were good to hide that. And he wished Scott would just tear the extra-large sweater that he ‘borrowed’ from him just like in his dreams. ❛ Do it, papi. ❜
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
#I think you could easily find a position in Italy)
It’s not much of the curriculum: the schools pay a misery and demand uber prepared professionals on the field. And, on top of that, you have to abide by the demands of the kids and go along their whimsical desires because, they act like kids (which is why I call them that. Not student, kids.)
For example: I am pretty well prepared. Like, I’m not gonna brag, the truth is that I’m really well prepared:
I spend +4 hours a week on creating the material for my courses
Those hours are not paid
I spend +4 hours grading (when it’s supposed to be)
Those hours are also not paid
I also have limitless availability for the students, who can contact me via FB, WhatsApp and mobile number
I constantly update my knowledge and keep myself up to the task of taking courses (sometimes, those courses require me moving from one state to the other for a whole week, which is paid by my own pocket money)
I have no social security
I have no future funding
And yet:
This semester in one of the schools I came, a group of the students went to the academic coordinator and took a meaningless comment of mine from FB (which did not relate to them, but it kind of did) which caused a whole commotion because “how dare I speak ill about the students?”
(The basic gist of the message was a complain on how students usually complain on professors and teachers, without realizing all the work we put up. It wasn’t even a rude comment: it was a very honest and straight forward complain about the complains of the students, and how sometimes they aren’t the most mature to complain).
That got me “punished” with less courses (and of course, less money).
So, that really grinds me because I dare anyone in my goddamn city to actually do half the shit I do with the charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent I serve at every class.
So, TL;DR: Schools place the professors where they need to, disregarding if the professors do know the material or have the credentials for the positions. I happen to be one of those who does know his material and who does teach in order to “embiggen” my noble profession, which I see as actual magic on the work.
I was more thinking about how your curriculum would look in Italy (since you said you wished you could). You probably know there’s a huge crisis and it’s hard to find a job. I highly doubt there are many people here your age with your preparation AND experience.
Also, school in Italy is completely different. There’s like a vast cultural difference. Not saying it’s better (but then I can’t see a professor being punished for such a thing over here...), there are pros and cons, and it depends on what you’re used to.
I do know that university professors are very well paid and regarded here and that a career in the academic field is an option if you either know someone important or you’re super talented. I do know that part of their job is producing scientific research—which means that the material you create for your course would be valued and that you’re also paid for creating more knowledge. In fact, the situation seems to be very good for professors despite how much the university system is being butchered—the students are the ones who have it hard.
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
But alas, I live in a forgotten corner of this world.
There is so much (historical) art in Italy everywhere that people barely notice it anymore.
In the little town forgot by God where I study, there is a very important Gothic-Romanesque ancient Cathedral. Two baroque churches, one frescoed. A theater built in the 1785. A sinagogue with a Jewish Art museum.
Where I was before moving here, I lived a walk away from a medieval bourgue.
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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I really have no muse to be on here anymore? Not for the time being. Also busy with school. But I do have muse for Hugo, so I will always be on and ready for my ships (alWAYS) and a few selected people. 
You can find me on my rule!63 Kira Yukimura.
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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“Well, you are mine, definitely,” Scott said pushing his lips against the other with an intimate kiss. His arms were possessive and held Hugo like it was his and his only. And that was how he felt, like he had this boy, this man, entirely for him. He chuckled when the kiss ended. “You do smell of me, but I see it more like a property thing,” Scott confessed under his breath, “like you are stating to the world that you belong to Papi and you want to say it out loud, but at the same time you still don’t want to shout it.” Two hads traveled down on Hugo’s butt, where they stood for a bit. “Maybe I should make you shout it, huh?” He responded with a joke, teasing the other further.
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        Hugo disclosed his lips and let the other in, returning the kiss and melting between his arms. Somehow it seemed their bodies were like two pieces of the same heart that longed to be whole again. Fully knowing the chemicals involved in the act of kissing, he couldn’t explain why he enjoyed it so much, what pushed his tongue to look for that of the other. ❛ I don’t like to be considered a property. It’s insulting. But I do feel like I belong to you—you’re home. ❜ The hands on his butt interrupted him, and he faked a little gasp. By now he was used to it, even if it always felt like the first time. ❛ Oh, I want to shout it. I couldn’t wait to say it to my family. But... I don’t want to draw attention on you. You said once you just want to fit in, and the news of the son of two war heroes engaged to a werewolf? I’m proud of it, I’m proud of you, I want to be seen around with you holding your hand... but the papers won’t stop at nothing for a scoop, and they can get offensive. And you’re mine too. I want to protect you. ❜ Then he nipped at the other’s lips, nuzzling at him. ❛ But I will shout it if you want. Although I do prefer the make me shout it option more. That is, if you can make me, ❜ he teased.
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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“I know you’ll do the right thing. And sometimes the right thing hurts, but it’s important you let him know your limits.“  Scott sometimes talked with the wisdom of a man who had lived long enough. Maybe it was the fact that he was between all of the worlds that made him understand so easily everything. He smiled at the other and embraced Hugo with passion. There was a bit of possessiveness on his touch, a thing that the wolf in him did. Or maybe it was that tiny drop of jealousy that did showed up when he mentioned the case. Either way, Scott had the redhead on his arms now and he leaned forward. “If he tells you, just let him know that you’re taken and happy about it,” he continued. Scott pressed his lips against Hugo, a careful and tiny kiss adorning the lips of his boyfriend, his touch deepening as he continued to push Hugo against a wall. “I mean, you are happy about this, right? Because that’s what you smell like,” he joked.
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        Hugo’s first instinct was to think, and then talk, and not always in that order, but as he slipped into the warm embrace, his mind became more quiet. There was something about Scott’s hugs sometimes, it was as though he was claiming him all for himself, and it made him melt. He tighetened the grip around the werewolf, and tried to listen to him, a soft smile printed on his lips. To Scott’s kiss, he responded with a little trail of kisses, drawing his jawline, and he eased against the wall without resisting to the force driving him. ❛ I know I do, because I am happy, Scott. I never thought I could be that happy with someone. You make me feel safe, right and—yeah, you make me feel great, ❜ he said, trailing off before he could fall into another one of his endless rambling. ❛ But I thought I’d smell of you, I kinda borrowed your t-shirt. You like to tell me what to do, don’t you, papi? ❜ He chuckled. Hugo could guess how the other felt about the whole thing: a tingle of jealousy outmatched by the trust they had in each other. At least, that was how he felt about him. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to get with Scott? But Hugo just knew that he would never do that to him. ❛ Rationally, I know all that, I just... don’t want to hurt his feelings, even if it’s the right thing. But yeah, I’ll remember your words if it happens. And just to be clear, I do have eyes only for you. I like to think I’m yours, but that’s a secret...  ❜
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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“Really? Who are you looking? Is he handsome?” Scott continued with the teasing. He understood that Rojo sometimes got himself too tangled on trying to make things right. He knew very well that Hugo, sometimes, didn’t understood a thing he had gotten from the start: that matters were never full black or white, but gray. More often than not, shades of gray would be the exact color he would describe his life. “He likes you, Rojo. And that’s not a problem because I trust you.” Scott took the hand of Hugo and stared at him. “I’m just stating a fact. I know you wouldn’t do that and try as he might, liking you it’s subpar to whatever I feel for you, so I know you won’t listen to whatever body signals you send.”
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        One of the things that he loved most about being with Scott, was that there was always something new to learn with him. Right now, he was learning how his boyfriend could be irritating, especially with his teasing. Then again, people enjoyed teasing him like that, and it wasn’t the bad kind of irritating. He listened in utter silence before he took word, squeezing Scott’s hand. ❛ A Hufflepuff who’s making me go bonkers, and no, handsome doesn’t quite cover it. ❜ Every moment was good to stop and sing about his boyfriend. ❛ He’s the best duellist I’ve seen in a long while, a great friend, thrustworthy and exceptional between the sheets. Not book smart, but so smart that he finds his ways around everything. A dummy because he doesn’t realise that his curse doesn’t have to be a curse and turns out he can basically read people’s feelings, which as wary as it makes me,  I find it an extraordinary gift. I can’t help but being a little jealous of him. ❜ He pulled him closer, failing to keep his pout. Not like he could be mad when Scott showed so much trust to him, and love.  ❛ He doesn’t like me. I’m glad I don’t even have to tell you I wouldn’t do that if he does, but then it’d be a problem to me. He’s a friend, I’d hate to know that we’re not on the same page, and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. ❜
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
Send me 💬 and my muse will describe yours in three words.    
@goldencharmer​ || accepting
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“The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Me.”
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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“Well, he is excited when he talks to you,” Scott continued, joking. His tone was neutral and it masked the scoff underneath. Only a small glimpse of a smirk came out and he nodded. “You know? There’s nothing wrong with him liking you. I don’t really see why you are trying to over explain this when it’s very simple.”
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        Truth be told, he was trying to change the topic and not to voice his feelings. If Scott didn’t pick up on that, then perhaps he didn’t pry on purpose with his senses, and he felt stupid for thinking that. ❛ I’m not. Yes, It’s very simple: he doesn’t like me. I was reassuring you of that—I assume that’s why you informed me about his feelings? And yeah, there would be something wrong with him liking me. I’m not single. ❜
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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                                                 AWESOME!                            i mean, completely terrifying,                                    but kind of awesome!
                                                             indie rule63!Kira Yukimura as written by Andrea. // i. ii. iii.
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goldencharmer-blog · 8 years
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“Well, definitely—” Scott responded to the other as he heard the tale. This was one of those gifts that were wrapped as a curse to any lycanthrope: your senses were high enough you could hear their inner thinking and smell their personal fears. “—But it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. You see, it’s like having a radio open to all signals. Sometimes you pick something, sometimes you don’t.” It was the best way he could describe it. 
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        He kept his arms crossed, as though they could offer a barrier against that. Part of him found Scott’s gift extraordinary, the other completely unethical. Still, he didn’t want Scott to feel that he was to be blamed for something that came as natural as breathing. And then it started: would Scott feel that? Would he feel that he doesn’t like it? That it makes him nervous? Would he blame himself? He tried to keep his breath steady. ❛ ... He’s not in love with me. We just have a few hobbies in common. Very exciting hobbies—I mean, not THAT kind of exciting. ❜
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