goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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The Freyja Masterpost 
(Disclaimer; these listings will begin with the verifiable, slowly descend into the realm of shared personal gnosis and end on a personal note. Please take the ‘associations’ section in particular with a grain of salt, save for those things which we know to be directly linked to her, like milkwort and amber.)
→  Primary Source Material
Poetic Edda
Völuspá, Grímnismál, Lokasenna, Þrymskviða, Oddrúnargrátr, and Hyndluljóð
Prose Edda
Gylfaginning and Skáldskaparmál
 Egils saga, Njáls saga, Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka, and Sörla þáttr
Further breakdown of her references and source materials here.
→  Kennings & Titles
Names & Titles
Vanadís (Lady of the Vanir)
Valfreyja (Lady of the Slain)
Hörn (Flaxen, Flaxen-Haired)
Mardöll (Sea-Bright)
Gefn (Giver)
Sýr (Sow)
Thröng (Throng)
Kennings (Verified)
Post can be found here.
Kennings (Personal)
Freyja the Golden
Lady of Divine Inspiration
Freyja the Heart Seeker
Freyja the Ironclad
Freyja Sightbringer
Chooser of Victory
Freyja the Bloodied
Freyja Hedgerider
She of the Flowered Meadow
Lady of Folkvangr
Lady of the Weeping Heart
→  References & Secondary Source Materials
The Goddess Freyja and Other Female Figures in Germanic Mythology and Folklore (abstract)
The Concept of the Goddess
The Great Goddess of the North
Freyja’s Cats: Perspectives on Recent Viking Age Finds in North Iceland 
The Valkyrie’s Gender: Old Norse Shield-Maidens and Valkyries as a Third Gender
Hosting Freya, Goddess of Tears: The Transformative Power of Conscious Crying 
Freyja: Goddess of Magic
The Old Norse God Óðr 
→  Associations & Offerings
Cats, Boars, Pigs, Raptors, Geese, Horses, Songbirds, Fireflies, Cows
Plants & Herbs
Common Milkwort, Chamomile, Vervain, Hemp, Catnip, Rosemary, Rose, Dandelion, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Mint, Mugwort, Juniper, Wormwood, Belladonna, Wildflower, Thyme, Lavender, Birch, Yew
Scents & Incense
Sandalwood, Amber, Dragon’s Blood, Chamomile, Vervain, Rose, Frankincense, Citrus, Heady Perfumes
Stones & Gems
Amber, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Snow Quartz, Gold, Obsidian, Peridot, Jade, Pyrite
Mead, Honey, Pork, Nectarine, Strawberry, Cappuccino, Chocolate, Liquor, Hazelnut, Wine, Blackberry, Lemon, Bread, Corn, Tea, Fine Cheeses, Fish, Steak, Red Velvet Cupcakes, Apple Cider and Artisinal Products
Gold, White, Soft Pink, Ebony, Mint, Crimson, Violet, Leaf Green, Bronze, Orange, Rose Gold, Rose
Birdsong early in the morning
The sound of a river or stream rushing along the rocks
The rustle of tree branches
Laughter, intense or easy
Flesh clinging to flesh
The sound of a lovers’ moans
The crunch of bone
The singing of steel when withdrawn from a sheath
The keening of raised voices
The clink of glasses
The lilting of windchimes
The gentle rush of the waves as they kiss the sand
Kulning and throat-singing
Playlists & Music
Fljóð by Herborium (8tracks)
Vanadis by Mcgaldi (8tracks)
Warrior Queen by bphoenix (8tracks)
Tears of Gold by kristability (8tracks)
O’ Freyja by defnekartal (8tracks)
Folkvangr by kristability (8tracks)
Lady of the Slain (spotify)
Forged by Fate (spotify)
Freyja // General (spotify) 
Devotional Playlist (various)
Sex, blood, battle, hedgeriding, spiritworking, warding/protection magic, baneful magic, psychoanalysis, acts of courage, kulning, galdr, utiseta, acts of self care, psychopompery, gardening, meditation and diplomacy, rhetoric, righteous anger, acts of defense and protection, crying and acts of catharsis, acts of love, enjoying the "finer things,” large parties and banquets, dancing, fine art and visual aesthetic
→  Relevant Blog Posts
(to avoid deadlinking, all those listed below circle back to this blog)
It bothers me to see Freyja declawed.
Freyja - How to honour and invoke her.
Gullveig’s Gold Fixation
Kennings for the Vanir: Skáldskaparmál.
Various UPG Kennings
Freyja Primary Sources 
Folkvangr & Sessrumnir UPG
Regarding Devotional Jewelry
Freyja and the Golden Hour
Freyja Starter Kit
Gullveig and the Völuspá
Invoking Freyja
Freyja Pronunciation in Old Norse
On Cats in Norse Pre-Christian Society
Devotional Poetry, 22/6
Small Devotional Acts to Freyja
Bottled Offering for Freyja
Freya Cheat Sheet
Freyja vs. Frigg (short reply)
How to Reach Out to Freyja (UPG)
General Freyja UPG
→  Personal Thoughts & UPG
For those who are too keen, too intense, who fight for an ideal… She is their patron. She strips away illusion and leaves only truth. Freyja is the twilight, the place where light and shadow intersect, the glittering gold of inspiration and the bone-deep satisfaction that comes from exercising ones’ autonomy. She is the Heartseeker and with this talent finds the most valuable aspects of all things. Freyja acts as a mirror for the soul. 
To those she cares for, she is gentle and wiser still. She can exercise great patience and knows how to play the long game. She promotes stability and community and through this, knows how to call upon allies in times of need. She is not simply a goddess of love but a goddess of relations; of friends, enemies and rivalries.
When it is time for war, this darkest aspect of humanity, she revels in the fight and the kill. Never are her hands dirtied, yet Valfreyja loves the taste of blood on the tongue. Righteous fury, shrieks in the darkness, burning the sheds and salting the earth. Her anger is as deep and boundless as her love, for above all things she is a Goddess of Feeling and emotional intensity. 
She is of the human experience. To live is to know Freyja. Those who honor her well will receive the ends they seek. Those who place themself in her contempt will never know peace.
Hail the Vanadis, Chooser of the Slain! Hail Freyja!
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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The goddess of love and war.
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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Freyja + art
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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by Isabelle Dow
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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Breathing Purple (by Milamai)
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goldengentleness · 6 years
Thank you, Freyja. Your guidance is absolutely appreciated and loved. 💛
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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Finished this Freyja.
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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Wow I love the snow and Cats 😍😍
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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   F r e y j a  —  Norse goddess of war, love, magic, beauty, life and death; daughter of the god Njörðr and twin sister of the god Freyr. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, possesses a cloak of falcon feathers. She is said to be the most glorious among the norse goddesses and the most approachable one for people to pray to. Freyja has a particular fondness for love songs, and that’s why “it is good to pray to her concerning love affairs”.     Several plants were named after Freyja, such as Freyja’s tears and Freyja’s hair. In Värend, Sweden, Freyja could also arrive at Christmas night and she used to shake the apple trees for the sake of a good harvest and consequently people left some apples in the trees for her sake. However, it was dangerous to leave the plough outdoors, because if Freyja sat on it, it would no longer be of any use.
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goldengentleness · 6 years
Ways to Worship Freyja
I keep getting asks about this, so here’s a list of how I honor her. As always, these work for me and may not work for you. If anyone wants to add on their way to worship please do so.
1. Music. I find music to be one of the primary ways I worship my gods. How I incorporate music into my worship depends on the mood and situation. I have a playlist that I meditate on her with. It consists a lot of romantic ballads and songs featuring war drums; there is a few instrumental songs with a Nordic focus. In ritual, particular as a form of raising energy on holiday celebrations, I’ll start singing to her, and let the rising energy determine the words/notes/tone/etc. I think that’s when I feel closest to her, when I’m opening myself up to her energy and singing in tandem with her (so to speak).
2. Taking a walk. I view the gods as aspect of the greater universe and nature itself. Therefore, when I walk through nature, I like to reflect on Freyja’s gifts. I find her in the way the wind moves through the trees, how the grass and forest floor feels. I find her in the clouds passing over the sun, and the way plants burst through the cracks in the ground. I find her in the decomposition of dead plants and animals, the hidden skulls of passed wildlife sunken deep beneath the forest floors. 3. Art. Composing is a great way to get close to her. In lore, She is fond of love poems, but I’ve found she’ll accept anything from the heart. Art comes in many forms, whether it’s literary, graphic art, theatre, etc.
4. Go to protest. Let your voice be heard. She’s a goddess of war and in my experience, she’ll be by your side when you fight.
5. Devote a spell or two to her. As goddess of magic (specifically seidr) Freyja could appreciate acts of magic being done in her honor. She may even help you out. If she wants.
6. Leave her offerings of jewelry. It can be bought or crafted. She loves beautiful things.
7. Practice self love. As goddess of love, Freyja provides all love and she loves her followers. Practicing self love and self care is a great way to worship her. Doing this really helped me through a bad time.
8. Sex. I mean she’s goddess of fertility and sexuality so this is self explanatory. Consensual sex is both fun and a good way to worship her.
9. Volunteering at a veterans center.
10. Volunteer at a cat rescue!!! Like I said, these are personal to me but if you can think of anything else feel free to add!
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goldengentleness · 6 years
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@femmefatalenet ◇ Top 20 Mythological Women as Voted by Our Followers  ☈ 3. Fʀᴇʏᴊᴀ 
 “I was hungry for you. I could have pulled your clothes off when you brought me back to the hammock; I could have devoured you.”
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