goldenmeat · 4 months
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A bit of a longer story, but I had some fun with this one haha. Prompt inspirationby @bigwishes
You had a wish. One simple wish. To be bigger and beefier than anyone else. Unfortunately, your body can't seem to keep up. You've been going to the gym since new years, being a consistent as you can, curating your diet as best as your budget allowed, yet even after almost half a year, you've only gained maybe five pounds of...well you can't even be sure it's all muscle.
You sigh deeply as you wait for the train. Your apartment is about three stops away, and usually, it's a peaceful ride. But today, there's an annoying number of people here, chatting, playing loud music, dressing up... you wondered if there was a convention or concert happening today.
The train arrives, and everyone packs in, diving each other in just to fit. You squeeze in last, huddled against the door by the time they close and the train gets moving. You hadn't showered yet, so you're already a little self-conscious about how you smell, given the looks you seemed to be getting. Hopefully this ride goes by quickly.
You suddenly get a text message. You fish around your pocket and pull it up your phone. It's from a number you don't recognize. Reading it definitely made you raise an eyebrow.
"Through the eyes of those around, your desires manifest. Once agreed, this promise bound, please reply, with no or yes."
What the fuck was this? A riddle? A prank? Some new scam tactic? You scoffed as you start to block the number. But before you follow through, you pause. "My desires manifest." Being bigger, being a muscle brute, you wanted nothing more than to be so swole, no one could ignore you. You stare at the text message again, this time with serious consideration.
You shrug your shoulders. Thinking too hard about it wasn't your style. You'd reply yes, and at worst, nothing happens. You send the reply, "YES", and put your phone back in your pocket, closing your eyes as you lean against the train door.
A few minutes pass, and the overhead voice announces your arrival at the next station. You open your eyes and yawn, raising your arm over your head. This causes quite the reaction from those around you.
"Ew! What the hell!" A blonde woman clenches her nose as the doors open, allowing her to escape from you. "Ugh! This is why I hate the city..." You hear her mumbling to herself as she and a number of people walk out of the train. You wonder what the heck has her so flustered when you smell it yourself. A strong, musky odor that even catches you by surprise. You look around to see where it's coming from when you notice the glances of disgust and unease seem to all be directed towards you. You look down and immediately notice something's off.
You're much more muscular than you were previously. Your pecs are thick and defined, your shoulders and arms have mass that finally hides your bony frame, and those legs! Defined quads with a hint of veinyness. You're not sure when or how, but you've now got the body of your dreams! Maybe a little smelly, but nothing a good shower couldn't fix. There's also pressure in your stomach for some reason, but that didn't bother you much. You were too distracted by the looks of the people around you, both good and bad. You already saw the faces of disgust, but you're also seeing people looking longingly, almost salaciously at you. You could definitely get used to this.
Unfortunately, before the doors could close, a few more people squeezed in, making it a little more uncomfortable than before. Things were already pretty tight when you were just average sized, but your new hunky body actually means you're pressed up even more against a lot of bystanders.
'Two more stops and you're home free', you think to yourself. You needed some private time to really appreciate your new body after all. And to shower. Your BO really is quite pungent. It's attracting quite the attention. The more time passes, the worse it's getting it seems. Not just the stares, but the smell as well. And is it getting hotter? What was happening?
It wasn't long until you realized that your growth wasn't over. Your body was getting thicker, bulkier, and all your efforts to compact yourself were useless. You could feel your muscular body press up against everyone around you. They tell you to quit shoving, or that you're taking up too much space. You apologize, but can't seem to stop whatever was happening to you, shame welling in your gut.
Turns out, it wasn't shame in your gut, as you accidentally let out a horrific belch, just in time for the doors to open and let out more horrified passengers, complaining about you all the while. More passengers come in to replace the ones who just left, and you apologize between burps as they stuff themselves against your musky body just to fit.
Unfortunately for you, things only escalated. Your body was now ballooning is mass, your pecs becoming large shelves of flesh, stretching out your tank top. Your arms are massive cords of muscle, with a back so wide you might have struggled against the door should you exit. Your legs also push each other out, forcing a wider stance than you mean to in this already cramped environment.
Your body rubbing up against so many people also making things difficult. For whatever reason, your body was becoming more sensitive in proportion to your size. It felt...good...being squeezed and surrounded like this. Like everyone was forced to appreciate your body. That they had to experience how strong and masculine you were, whether they liked it or not.
And then the unthinkable happened. Someone in front of you really seemed to like what was happening. You looked down at the twink in front of you, eyes half lidded and mischievously grinning. His hands got a hold of your crotch, softly and expertly rubbing up and down. You almost raise your voice to get him to stop. But what comes out instead is a burp and a deep groaning.
His left hand strokes your torso, feeling up your hard abs and rubbing your still growing pecs. Your dick hardens quickly and peaks out over your shorts. Thankfully the twink seems to be blocking the view of your raging hard on to everyone else as he continues to tease you.
Long minutes pass as you moan quietly. The other passengers around you tell you to give them some room, or shove against you, with some others feeling up your tremendous backside and tree trunk legs. The attention is overwhelming, leading you to your peak much quicker than you were expecting. You wanted to hold back. You couldn't cum here in front of everyone, and yet you didn't have the willpower to stop the man in front of you from beating you off either.
The overhead voice was announcing they would be arriving at their next stop shortly. You hold your breath. You just needed to hold out just a little longer. But it couldn't be stopped. Your balls twitch and churn, as your dick pulses.
It all happens in a dreamlike instant. You see the train doors open. Just before your orgasm, you feel someone pull down your underwear and tight shorts in a flash. The hand beating you off pulls you violently, and a second hand shoves you out. You barely maintain your balance as you yelp. You then see it all in an instant; the shocked reactions, curious and engrossed glances. Everyone in the train and out now staring at you and your naked, muscular body.
The shame, lust, and excitement hit you at mach speed as an uncontrollable orgasm rips through your entire being. Your muscles contract beautifully as you roar through your orgasm. You hear shocked cries and swearing. Cheers and hollers of approval. You see people pulling out phones, leering in both lust and revulsion.
It was all so hot.
Your orgasm lasts for almost a whole minute as you dump your milky white cum on the concrete before you. You eventually calm down as you struggle to bring yourself back to lucidity. Suddenly however, you feel yourself tripping, as you feel your shorts and underwear torn from your legs. You look back in horror as you see two teenagers, laughing at you with middle fingers raised as the train door shuts. You get up and pound on the door, as the teens hysterically laugh at you from the safety of the train window as the train quickly accelerates away.
You can only look back, face beet red at the public whispering amongst each other, phones still recording the whole incident. Your apartment was a whole twenty minute walk away, ten if you ran.
It would be your most shameful run back home, with your dick hard as steel the whole way.
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goldenmeat · 4 months
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The breeze feels so refreshing against your lightly tanned skin. The sun is shining, the city is lively as usual, on any other day this would be a normal afternoon for the people of this city. Of course, today, was no normal day. No, today you flex smugly to everyone around you as your near naked body strides across the city.
You're not quite sure what came over you exactly. Maybe it was a hyper inflated ego to match your hyper inflated muscles. Perhaps you just got lazy with your outfit. Or maybe you were trying to impress somebody specific with this stunt.
Irregardless of the reason, you've committed to it, flaunting your body proudly. Large, quaking pecs that practically glow under the sunlight. Beautifully sculpted veiny arms. Thunderous legs that make the ground tremble lightly with each step. And as they walk past you, they can't help but look back, committing your triangular back and tightly wrapped glutes to memory.
You hear it all. Indignant gasps, disapproving looks, mocking comments about your whorish behavior. You also hear compliments, cat calls, salacious cheering, some were even so bold as to feel you up in broad day light.
How you reveled in the attention. Good and bad, you loved when people stared at you. No, not you. Your body. You weren't a person to anyone around you. You were an object. Something to be judged and mocked. To be admired and worshipped. To be thought about in their indignation and their dreams long after they saw you. Your arousal twitches in your tiny poser, threatening to expose you even further.
A cute little bro approaches you and gropes your crotch none too subtlety. Your breath hitches n your throat. It looks like you'll be taking home some entertainment today.
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goldenmeat · 7 months
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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Becoming A Muscle Slut
You're not quite sure how you got here. Everything feels heavy, dull. It's hard to think, the world feels cold, and you're surrounded by strange people, giving you strange looks. You hear one of them telling you something but it's difficult to understand when they use such long and complicated words. Something like...shake? Or dance?
You weren't sure but you decided to mimic one of them who was swaying their torso at you. Your enormous pecs shake heavily when you turn side to side. Your thick, pendulous crotch twitches with warmth as it swings inside your tight briefs.
You're rewarded with hoots and whistles, their gazes are nodding with approval. You're not quite sure why, but the world suddenly feels warmer. Like their praise was coloring this dingy world around you with a little more vibrancy.
You heard the words "flex" and "show off". That you definitely understood. With a dumb grin, you put your left arm behind you as you harden you abs, hunching slightly. The rippling dance of your abs incites cheers that once again create a warmth within you, radiating from your core outward. Next, you flex your mountainous biceps, with more cheers. A double biceps that invite louder whistling. You pumped your pecs and made them dance, much to their growing adoration. The louder they approved, the better you felt. Not only was your body feeling hotter, but it was as if the room and the people themselves were brighter and more vivid.
Then, a number of them approached you. You weren't sure what was happening, as you kept on doing your muscular dance, but as soon as one of them reached out to touch you, you pulled back. After all, you were reluctant to have someone you didn't know just go to feel up your body. But something happened when you pulled away. Something that just... felt awful. You felt much colder again, and the colors seemed to drain from the world. Everything just felt a lot dimmer, even sounds became dull, and scary. That pleasurable feeling inside you faded. And the looks...those looks. It was as if their faces were contorting, bright smiles turned to scowls and sadness. You didn't know why, but all you knew was that the feeling of shame seemed to dig something out of your big, beefy chest. You didn't like this feeling, this chill, this emptiness.
One man approached you though, bigger than the others, but somewhat smaller than you. His hair is a beautifully radiant gold, and his eyes are a piercingly bright shade of blue. His face was stern and a little scary, but his voice was low and inviting. "You're a sex toy, bro. Let 'em grope you." His words reverberate through your little mind, echoing through your head and your whole body. Your hulking muscles tense up at being called a sex toy, but you feel compelled to follow, as you allow one of the strangers to feel up your pecs. The effects were almost immediate. Their touch lit up your nerves, a rush of warmth and pleasure coursing through your beefy bosom. You couldn't help but let out a small grunt in surprise. As they continued to massage your enormous pecs, their words of approval seemed to echo more and more, but more than that, the world was returning to as it should. Bright, colorful, and vivid. The warmth inside you had returned as more and more approving voices surrounded you.
The golden haired man smiled at you warmly, and that made you so stupidly happy. He asks...no...commands you to raise your arms above and behind your head. You comply, of course, and when you do your whole body is rewarded with warmth, that seemed to radiate directly from your twitchy cock. Others were gathering around you, their attention focused solely on your body as their hands groped and poked and prodded your beautifully muscular body. Pleasure was pulsing throughout you, as their touch and their gaze are sending your mind to space.
Even now, though, you were still learning. Which poses brought the most color. What positions were the warmest. You were instructed on how to pleasure the strangers, obeying their commands as you squeezed them with your hulking, massive arms into your beefcake chest. And from there, things seemed to get even warmer as multiple of them began to undress. They used the deep cleavage in your chest to masturbate themselves. Grinding their cocks in your globular ass cheeks. Soon you were using your mouth to swallow their cocks, making you feel even warmer and your own penis even harder.
There was a right way and wrong way to do it though. How you used your tongue, how wide your jaw opened, how you sucked and inhaled. Every time you did it wrong, you felt that chill inside you again, but for every way you fellated right, you were warm and happy again. The best was when they shot their cum down your throat. Like a sweet honey, viscous yet smooth. Every time you swallowed their load, you felt your mouth light up in pleasure, warmth making even your tastebuds sing with joy.
The more you pleasured the people around you, the hotter you felt, sweat dripping off of you. But you loved this heat. You wanted more. You need to pleasure everyone around you as best as you can. You were still in your briefs, but the straining cloth had been soaked in your pre for a long while now. As the day turned to night, and the room began to slowly empty, you tirelessly obeyed every man who had the pleasure of debasing you and your bloated body, muscles trembling in pleasure and fatigue.
Eventually, you're by yourself, the world a little dim and cold. Even now, as tired as you were, you still needed more. You didn't like feeling this chill. But one man approached you. One man you recognized. The golden haired man, who seemed to bring in the most warmth in your world. You liked him. He seemed to make things feel the best whenever you obeyed him.
"Hehe, you're such a slut now, you know that? Do you even remember your name? ... no, I guess not. But hey, at least I know that wish worked. Now that boring, know it all geek of a roommate is just my muscle bitch."
You weren't sure what he meant by that or what a geek was. Sounded pretty lame. But it didn't matter to you. You shake your torso at the man, hoping he can make you feel warm again. Incredulous, the gold haired man puts a collar on you, telling you to stand. You excitedly hop to your feet, sweat and cum dripping off of you.
He tells you you were going to walk home. And in that moment, a sliver of rational thought stings in the back of your neck. Your apartment was a half-hour walk away, and that's if you were in a rush. You had nothing but a pair of briefs that did nothing to hide your enormous hard on, and your gargantuan muscle mass was on full display to the world.
Normally, you'd heed such warnings. But the thought of your new master pulling you along the streets at night, showing off your beautiful body and useless dick...it made you feel a small bit of warmth. Warmth you knew you could only get by following your master outside without question.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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You slowly open your eyes, groggy and exhausted. The lights sting slightly as your vision adjusts slowly. You try to shield your eyes only to find that you can't move your hands. Tied behind your back, you flex and strain against what feels like rope, only to find you're helplessly bound inside...wherever you are.
It's so fun to see the look on your face, slowly realizing what's happening. Realizing you're not in the gym you were exercising in when I found you. No, you find yourself trapped in a glass prison, on display like a valuable toy.
I take you out, your body wiggling to get free in my palm, to no avail. Your muscles were dense, defined, even powerful considering your size. But even with all your gained strength, you are simply helpless in the palm of my hand. I wasn't mean, of course. I'd use my thumb to rub between your legs. You liked when I did that. The friction of something so large against your groin caused you to writhe and gasp, helplessly struggling against me until you thrash uselessly in my hand, orgasming and dumping your pathetic load into my finger.
Next it was my turn. I would rub your tiny body across my dick as I used your miniature muscles to masturbate myself. Even my pre was enough to coat your body, but as soon as I cum, you were left drenched in my jizz. You were left exhausted, degraded, and best of all, hot and horny. Just how I liked you.
This had all started in the locker room, where I sucked you off and swallowed your cum. Little did you know that once I tasted your semen, it was all over for you. I had control over your body, your mind, your reality.
Still soaked in my cum, I put you back in your bottle, a disgusting display of debauchery. Don't worry. I'll take good care of you, and you'll enjoy every second of the rest of your life.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
Everything about you is massive and round. Your heavy, massive pecs. That wide, intimidating back and view blocking shoulders. Even your enormous arms that nicely frame your bulky body.
But you loved it when I fed you. Plates of steaks, platters of hot dogs, boxes of donuts and whole jugs of shakes. The more you ate, the heavier your insatiable gut became. Practically like a balloon, you gained more and more mass, that both you and I knew would metabolize into beefier, heavier muscles.
And then the cycle continued.
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What a roidgut !!!
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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You wipe the sweat off your brow as you continue trimming the hedges. It's a nice sunny day out, and you figured if you were gonna be working out here, you may as well get a nice tan out of it. Your jock strap stretches as you move, hugging your muscular hips tightly, and just barely covering your heavy, swinging junk.
You see him out of the corner of your eye, and smirk. You turn up the music in your wireless earphones, jamming out and swaying your tremendous glutes as you work. It's no secret why he hired you. He wanted a show as well as a well kept backyard. It was a little weird at first, when he presented your uniform as just a pair of tiny little shorts. But he also promised to help sponsor your bodybuilding endeavors as part of payment.
Your ass in particular, has made leaps and bounds in progress, and you liked to show off, pulling down your shorts every once in a while just to be cheeky.
You were distracted by the music however, and didn't hear him approach you, suddenly feeling his hand squeezing an ass cheek. The sudden touch sends a shiver of pleasure up your spine. He offers you some over time when you were done with the hedges, a special job that needs to be taken care of in the bedroom. With a smirk, you ask if he'd double your paycheck for it. In response, he sneaks his middle finger into your tight anus, causing you to gasp in surprise.
He'd triple your paycheck that day.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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The open air feels chilly, but that's nothing compared to this public walk of shame.
Someone broke into your locker to steal your clothes after your workout, and now you're forced to endure the walk back home as curious pedestrians and leering onlookers gaze at your sculpted, godlike body.
What's worse, is that the shame and attention is beginning to make you erect.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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The open air feels chilly, but that's nothing compared to this public walk of shame.
Someone broke into your locker to steal your clothes after your workout, and now you're forced to endure the walk back home as curious pedestrians and leering onlookers gaze at your sculpted, godlike body.
What's worse, is that the shame and attention is beginning to make you erect.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
It's 6 A.M. and he's already in the kitchen, rummaging through the titanic fridge. Parker is a seven foot tall, four hundred pound behemoth, who, on average, spends over a thousand dollars on groceries each week.
Parker fills up the dining table with a wide assortment of meats, vegetables, potatoes, and grains. All told, these added up to about a hundred pounds of food, more than fourty thousand calories.
He carefully sets up his phone camera and links it up to muscle-twitch, a live streaming site for fans of muscle. "What's up, bros, and ladies, and err-one in between, this is Pig-Meat69, ready with another binge eating challenge, this time a breakfast of like, fifty something pounds of caloric goodness!"
There's little preamble before he begins diving into his buffet, scarfing down handfuls of food at a time. It's almost mesmerizing in it's grossness, seeing food smeared across his face as oil and crumbs drop onto his immense chest. After about three minutes of feeding, Parker's belly rounds out into a large bulge, leaving his abs a rounded, fat gut.
Parker inhales deeply, as if concentrating. As he breathes, his gut contracts slightly, but his muscles plump up just ever so slightly. With each breath, his gut deflates back into a cut, defined set of abdominals while his body overall expands ever so slightly. After that, Parker resumes his feeding, devouring more and more.
Throughout the half hour session, his shoulders widen, while his pecs plump out further across the bottom his vision. Parkers thighs expand they squeeze his crotch between walls of muscle. His ass cheeks practically inflate, causing Parker to get stuck in the seat. By the time he finishes, Parker has gained a solid one hundred pounds of muscle, his rippling mass covered in a layer of grease and food bits.
"URP, thanks fam, for sticking around." Parker belched as he shifts in his seat. "Catch up with me next time, when I DOUBLE this table spread and bloat up with muscle even more! Who knows, maybe I'll invite one or two of my top supporters in the comments to feed me. For now, this's been Pig-Meat69. PEACE!"
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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Joe The Sea Man
As the sun was rising, painting the ocean a soft, pinkish hue, a cabin door opens to reveal a huge, muscular beefcake, ready to start the day. His body gleamed as he stretched his muscles, smiling as he got ready for his busy day.
Joe was your average jock football player, mostly getting by on his good looks and his clean, neighborly charm. Unfortunately, he couldn't get a scholarship to college, heck he couldn't graduate highschool and didn't get his GED until he was twenty. Poor, simple Joe had to rely on the good will and connections of his high school friend to get his current job, which wasn't easy.
Not because Joe was lazy, he could, of course, willingly do whatever menial labor he was told to do. Not because of his lack of smarts, which certainly didn't help. No it was difficult finding a job for Joe because of his insatiable sexual appetite.
Joe now works on a cruise ship, a special vessel known only by eccentric rich people who had a...very specific taste in the help.
With big, enthusiastic energy, Joe helps bring out food to clientele by the pool. His uniform, as usual, is a navy hat and a pair of skin-tight square cut swimming briefs. "Here's yer seafood, dude sir!" Joe, with surprising finesse given his size and attitude, carefully sets a wide spread of vibrant, aromatic, beautifully plated medly of fish and crustaceans on the table. "Bone-appetize!"
The three men seated at the table smiled as one of them peaked over his designer sunglasses. Joe didn't know any of them, but he could swear he's seen one of them in a movie. "Thank you, handsome. Everything looks quite beautiful."
Another of the fancy men spoke up. "Put on a little show for us while you're here, eh?"
That suggestion lights up Joe's face in a wide grin. Without skipping a beat, he raises his arms in a double bicep. The light practically glistens off of the moisture on his muscular body, highlighting his beautifully massive torso. He turns slightly to show off his triceps, then spins around to spread his impossibly wide back. Joe garners applause and debased commentary, which be absolutely basks in. Unfortunately, he can't humor these men all day, and so with a broad smile, he begins to take his leave.
"Well hold on, boy. You don't want to forget your tip now, do ya?"
Of course! Joe dopily nods as he approaches the generous man, then turns his enormous ass towards him, pulling his swim briefs down to reveal both cheeks to the whole ship. The rich gentleman pulls out a pearl roughly the size of a golf ball. All it takes is a gentle push and a wet pop, the pearl is practically swallowed into Joe's anus. His half lidded eyes cross as he breathes out in that dumb smile that doesn't go away. Joe pulls up his swim briefs and thanks all three men, going about back to work.
As the Joe waddled his way back, flexing his anus to hold the pearl inside him, he's called over by another gentleman. He was still in the pool and requested Joe to go fetch him a towel. With a nod and a "Yes, sir, dude!", Joe hops on over to a kiosk to bring a towel to the pool goer, having just climbed out. Joe couldn't help but stare at this guest. He was obviously an athlete, probably a wrestler or a rugby player with how jacked and tall he was.
"Thanks bro." Winked the athlete as he reached out to feel up Joe's enormous, supple pecs, squeezing down before pulling on his thick, sensitive nipple. Joe gives back a high pitched moan that anyone around could hear. The big guy then throws the towel over his hair, letting his big body soak in the sun. "A diligent guy like you deserves a tip." He says with a smirk, pulling Joe by his briefs. Joe giddily nods and once again presents his waiting ass, as the athlete grabs another golf sized pearl from amongst his things and roughly shoves it into Joe's puckered hole. The sensation of fullness causes Joe to shiver, thanking the athlete. With a slap to his touch posterior, Joe continues his job, now stuffed with TWO tips in just a many minutes. Today was already shaping up to be a good day.
On this cruise ship, the S.S. Sea Cow, all servers who deal with the customers are like Joe. Big, dumb, but physically skilled and capable. But one thing that's an absolute must for these beefy butlers is that they must be okay with the idea that they are nothing more than sexy hunks of meat. The customers of this ship expect to have a menagerie of sexy studs to grope, tease, and debase as they wished all through trip.
Each morning, all guests are given ten pearls to carry with them through the day. These "tips" are awarded to any sexy studs who provide exemplary service, outstanding courtesy, or were just plain hot enough.
And so goes Joe's day as he serves one guest after another. One menial task to the next, with a sexy little show thrown in every so often, much to the delight of his super rich guests. One pearl after another is stuffed into his overburdened rectum, leaving Joe with a more and more awkward gait each time. Joe loved this feeling. The more his guts were stuffed, the harder he was. It took a herculean amount of mental effort on his part not to just tear off his swim briefs and just masturbate right then and there on the deck.
As the sun sets, his shift comes to a close. Joe strains as he returns to the captains cabin, along with a dozen other men with equally sexy musculatures lined up at attention. In walks Captain Kingsley. Joe smiled, waving at the captain. "HEY RANDALL!"
Randall Kingsley sighed as he hand waved at Joe to knock it off. They were friends in high school, football teammates to be exact. He hired Joe as a favor on the condition that they maintain professional relations, though Joe never remembered that part of the deal.
Regardless, it was the fun part of the day. Each hunky sailor was given a pan at the end of their shifts, and would squat to release every pearl shoved inside them. Metal clanging mixed with wet popping sounds as pearl after pearl was popped out of each of the dozen hunky men. Some of them look relieved as they finally let go of the extreme discomfort. Some cross their eyes, as the release of their pearls gets them hard and leaking. Joe, was exceptional amongst them. After about a minute, Joe released eighteen pearls into his pan, beating and squeezing his prostate so much that he orgasms in front of everyone, soaking his swimming briefs completely.
Each of the big brawny sailors offered up their pans of pearls, with Joe having collected the most. As part of their contract, each of the big servers would be given a bonus to their paycheck according to how many pearls they collected.
As they all shuffled out one by one, Captain Kingsley asks Joe to stay a moment. Joe happily hugs Randall as soon as they're alone, but Randall reins Joe in. The captain simply wanted Joe to come to his quarters later tonight. The fact that he held so many pearls in his ass surprised and impressed Randall. He wanted to take Joe and see how much else he could shove up in that spacious backside.
Joe loved his job.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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Becoming A Muscle Slut
You're not quite sure how you got here. Everything feels heavy, dull. It's hard to think, the world feels cold, and you're surrounded by strange people, giving you strange looks. You hear one of them telling you something but it's difficult to understand when they use such long and complicated words. Something like...shake? Or dance?
You weren't sure but you decided to mimic one of them who was swaying their torso at you. Your enormous pecs shake heavily when you turn side to side. Your thick, pendulous crotch twitches with warmth as it swings inside your tight briefs.
You're rewarded with hoots and whistles, their gazes are nodding with approval. You're not quite sure why, but the world suddenly feels warmer. Like their praise was coloring this dingy world around you with a little more vibrancy.
You heard the words "flex" and "show off". That you definitely understood. With a dumb grin, you put your left arm behind you as you harden you abs, hunching slightly. The rippling dance of your abs incites cheers that once again create a warmth within you, radiating from your core outward. Next, you flex your mountainous biceps, with more cheers. A double biceps that invite louder whistling. You pumped your pecs and made them dance, much to their growing adoration. The louder they approved, the better you felt. Not only was your body feeling hotter, but it was as if the room and the people themselves were brighter and more vivid.
Then, a number of them approached you. You weren't sure what was happening, as you kept on doing your muscular dance, but as soon as one of them reached out to touch you, you pulled back. After all, you were reluctant to have someone you didn't know just go to feel up your body. But something happened when you pulled away. Something that just... felt awful. You felt much colder again, and the colors seemed to drain from the world. Everything just felt a lot dimmer, even sounds became dull, and scary. That pleasurable feeling inside you faded. And the looks...those looks. It was as if their faces were contorting, bright smiles turned to scowls and sadness. You didn't know why, but all you knew was that the feeling of shame seemed to dig something out of your big, beefy chest. You didn't like this feeling, this chill, this emptiness.
One man approached you though, bigger than the others, but somewhat smaller than you. His hair is a beautifully radiant gold, and his eyes are a piercingly bright shade of blue. His face was stern and a little scary, but his voice was low and inviting. "You're a sex toy, bro. Let 'em grope you." His words reverberate through your little mind, echoing through your head and your whole body. Your hulking muscles tense up at being called a sex toy, but you feel compelled to follow, as you allow one of the strangers to feel up your pecs. The effects were almost immediate. Their touch lit up your nerves, a rush of warmth and pleasure coursing through your beefy bosom. You couldn't help but let out a small grunt in surprise. As they continued to massage your enormous pecs, their words of approval seemed to echo more and more, but more than that, the world was returning to as it should. Bright, colorful, and vivid. The warmth inside you had returned as more and more approving voices surrounded you.
The golden haired man smiled at you warmly, and that made you so stupidly happy. He asks...no...commands you to raise your arms above and behind your head. You comply, of course, and when you do your whole body is rewarded with warmth, that seemed to radiate directly from your twitchy cock. Others were gathering around you, their attention focused solely on your body as their hands groped and poked and prodded your beautifully muscular body. Pleasure was pulsing throughout you, as their touch and their gaze are sending your mind to space.
Even now, though, you were still learning. Which poses brought the most color. What positions were the warmest. You were instructed on how to pleasure the strangers, obeying their commands as you squeezed them with your hulking, massive arms into your beefcake chest. And from there, things seemed to get even warmer as multiple of them began to undress. They used the deep cleavage in your chest to masturbate themselves. Grinding their cocks in your globular ass cheeks. Soon you were using your mouth to swallow their cocks, making you feel even warmer and your own penis even harder.
There was a right way and wrong way to do it though. How you used your tongue, how wide your jaw opened, how you sucked and inhaled. Every time you did it wrong, you felt that chill inside you again, but for every way you fellated right, you were warm and happy again. The best was when they shot their cum down your throat. Like a sweet honey, viscous yet smooth. Every time you swallowed their load, you felt your mouth light up in pleasure, warmth making even your tastebuds sing with joy.
The more you pleasured the people around you, the hotter you felt, sweat dripping off of you. But you loved this heat. You wanted more. You need to pleasure everyone around you as best as you can. You were still in your briefs, but the straining cloth had been soaked in your pre for a long while now. As the day turned to night, and the room began to slowly empty, you tirelessly obeyed every man who had the pleasure of debasing you and your bloated body, muscles trembling in pleasure and fatigue.
Eventually, you're by yourself, the world a little dim and cold. Even now, as tired as you were, you still needed more. You didn't like feeling this chill. But one man approached you. One man you recognized. The golden haired man, who seemed to bring in the most warmth in your world. You liked him. He seemed to make things feel the best whenever you obeyed him.
"Hehe, you're such a slut now, you know that? Do you even remember your name? ... no, I guess not. But hey, at least I know that wish worked. Now that boring, know it all geek of a roommate is just my muscle bitch."
You weren't sure what he meant by that or what a geek was. Sounded pretty lame. But it didn't matter to you. You shake your torso at the man, hoping he can make you feel warm again. Incredulous, the gold haired man puts a collar on you, telling you to stand. You excitedly hop to your feet, sweat and cum dripping off of you.
He tells you you were going to walk home. And in that moment, a sliver of rational thought stings in the back of your neck. Your apartment was a half-hour walk away, and that's if you were in a rush. You had nothing but a pair of briefs that did nothing to hide your enormous hard on, and your gargantuan muscle mass was on full display to the world.
Normally, you'd heed such warnings. But the thought of your new master pulling you along the streets at night, showing off your beautiful body and useless dick...it made you feel a small bit of warmth. Warmth you knew you could only get by following your master outside without question.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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You're dragged along as you two walk, trapped by his gravitational pull. The way his mass shifts slightly and his muscles flex as he walks keeps your attention as you follow him to the massage table.
It takes some effort to pull yourself out of the clouds to guide him on top, face down. He sees how you avert eye contact. You think you see a grin out of the corner of your eye. Once your hands are properly lathered in oil, you get to work, running your hands across the vast musculature across his back.
It takes a lot of effort to dig into his solid mass as your fingers strain against his beefy body. Your thumbs glide down his spine as your palms ride the peaks and valleys of his traps and lats. Rippling muscles soften beneath you as your breathing intensifies. Just starting at his mass draws your eyes in helplessly. Like at any point you could fall onto him and be trapped by his pull.
"Your slowing down, bruh." You snap out of your reverie and apologize, massaging his back with renewed fervor. Your hands leave behind a glistening sheen across his landscape, the light highlighting the beautiful cuts and bulges his muscles show off.
It's hard to move on from his beautiful back, but his arms absolutely keep your attention well. Thick and steel like, you can't even wrap your arm completely around the girthy limb. His legs are even more captivating, being round and thick to the point of absurdity. Similar to his back, it takes you a long time and a lot of oil to properly attend to and cover the sweeping vistas of his hamstrings and calves.
You meekly ask him to turn over to his back, but he interrupts you. "Ain't you forgetting something, boy?" His tone is playful, but you can tell. That was a command, not a suggestion. You look towards his enormous glutes. He flexes them to emphasize the point, and even if he didn't to that, they were impossible to ignore. Colossal, globular, and irresistible. You were already hard and sweating, the temptation was impossible to ignore.
You place your hands on his muscular ass, softly at first, but gradually kneading into his mountainous flesh more and more as he softens beneath your touch. Just feeling him was enough. It should be enough. But it's getting harder and harder to pull back. You're trapped, have been trapped, in his orbit since the moment you laid eyes on him. You would do anything to worship him, to make him your world. Finally, your thumbs part his cheeks carefully, his anus in full view. The smell of his musk overpowering your rational thoughts.
He raises his hips slightly towards you, deviancy coloring his voice. "Go on, boy. I've seen how you look at me in the gym. Like a man who's seen god." His hips away in your face as your tongue drips drool atop your chin. "Worship me."
Something snaps in you. You dive in, tongue reaching out. You noisily clean him and massage his deepest parts with your tongue, as his flavor shuts down your synapses one after another. Your hands try to grab more and more ass but can never get enough, impossibly trying to embrace his glutes completely.
You are small. Insignificant to him. Even as you make out with his anus, you thank him profusely, taking in as much of this divine feast as you can possibly take as you do your best to pleasure him. He simply grunts in response, getting comfy on the massage table as you eat him out. "Good boy." The simple compliment almost sends you over the edge.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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Officer Gets Geared Up
I hear a rough knocking on my front door, and I look up from my work with a smile. I couldn't believe it was already 8 PM, but I suppose working from home, you lose all sense of time. It's good that he's so punctual, otherwise I'd be stuck at my desk crunching numbers all night. I get up to answer the door and see him standing there, a sheepish look on his face as he looks down at me.
Officer Rockwell "Rocky" Stone. A pillar of the community, as his reputation would have you believe. Stalwart and loyal, dedicated to service and community, simultaneously friendly and strict. But if he had one defining trait about him, it's that he is a beast. Almost seven feet tall and absurdly heavy, Officer Rocky is his own living monument. Just shifting and flexing in his clothes, you could hear the fabric straining to contain his powerful biceps, even his chest threatened to pop every button on his shirt.
One wouldn't peg him the type to come lurking around my place, especially still in uniform. "C-can we hurry this up today?" He huffs in that deep, gruff voice. "I needs to get back to the house today, it's my anniversary and--"
"And what? You gonna please her with that limp noodle in your pants?" I chuckle. Rocky flushes red, in both anger and embarrassment, his hands clenching. "I joke, I joke, you know how I love to tease you." I wave him in, stepping to the side as Rocky hunches and twists to fit inside my doorway.
I lead him to the living room, his foot steps lightly rumble behind me. Before I can ask him to take a seat, Rocky chooses the edge of the couch and sinks down into it, undoing his uniform and beginning to undress. I suppose after doing this routine for a year, he knows the drill by heart at this point. I smile as I go fetch what I'd need. After a minute, I return to see my bull of a police officer shirtless. His heaving pecs partly obscure the top of his bulging abs, and his bulky arms drape themselves atop the back of the couch.
"We're really not wasting time today I see." I chuckle as I set down a small bottle, prepping the injection needle in my hand.
Rocky sighs. "I wouldn't have to waste your time if you'd just send me home with the stuff."
"And we know why I don't do that." I calmly retort as I fill up the needle. "I know your type, you'll overdose yourself because you can't get enough, and all of a sudden you're a babbling buffoon, unable to count the number of fingers you have but you'll at least have fifty pounds more lean muscle, right?" I fill up the injection needle, tapping the tip to let the bubbles out. "I hear the last one is living out happy enough as a permanent semen donor at a military facility."
He thinks I'm not watching, but I see how much he rolls his eyes. It's fine though. I don't mind being the mean daddy if it keeps my favorite pet out of trouble. Rocky gives me his arm, as I inject the needle into his bicep. He winces but this bull is more than used to the pain by now. I slowly inject the full dose as I can feel his body heat rising from where I stand. His breathing picks up and deepens as the chemicals work their magic.
At first he didn't like how my steroids make him feel. My special concoction accelerates the muscle growth process faster than anything on the market, with fewer side effects to his skin and overall health. He does however, go into what I can best describe as, a rut. His skin as well as his face flushes, blood flow pumping through him faster. My hulking police officer leans back, allowing more access to his bulging torso, much to my delight. It used to be that I had to coax him into letting me touch him, but these days he more than welcomes it.
Simply running my hands across his ample chest causes him to shiver. A low, satisfied groan gives away his satisfaction as I knead into his dense musculature. He truly is a marvel. Shoulders wider than most of my doors, leading down thick, powerful arms that could lift boulders with no effort. I even massage his chiseled, rock hard abs as Rocky continues to bask under my attention. Of course, I couldn't just leave his beautiful nipples unattended. I know he loves it as well, try as he might to deny it. I flick and play with the thick nubs, causing him to moan louder, and slightly higher. His meaty hands squeeze on the back of the couch. I then pinch and pull at his vulnerable nipples, softly at first, but quickly escalating to squeezing and yanking them down, wringing out gasps of pure pleasure out of him.
He gives me a look like he's about to shove me, but I know where he truly stands. I've made this man orgasm several times this way. The helpless officer writhes and contorts beneath my assault on his rock hard chest until he's shuddering beneath me in whining euphoria.
It's only until I can feel he's on the edge that I get up, letting him know that I need to give him the second part of todays dose. There's a shamed expression on his face, and surprisingly, he can't meet my gaze. "D-do I have to...?"
I look at him perplexed. "This is how we've always done it. One on the arm, one on the glutes. That's how the drug is most efficient. You know this." There's a long pause as if the wheels under that thick skull are actually moving for the first time in months. But, predictably because of how badly he wants these shots, he gets up to forcibly drop his trousers. He's wearing nothing underneath, which is how he typically likes to dress. No underwear means less to manage. His shrunken dick stands full mast at three measly inches. One of the unfortunate side effects of this particular steroid is massive shrinkage of his male genitals. I remember when he first started, he was quite the stallion. But that's not what surprised me.
As soon as the shamed police cop turns around to bare his ass, I notice his anus has been plugged, and with quite the girth stretching him wide. I hold back a chuckle as I ask what he shoved in himself. "Yeah yeah, get your laughs in doc." He groans. "My...my wife put this in me. It's one of the only ways I can cum now since...you know." His dick twitches, still rock hard despite the shame. Or maybe it was because of it.
"I'm not one to judge, officer." I sneer, second needle at the ready. "I enjoy a good plug myself every once in a while." The next shot goes right into Rocky's steel glutes, muscles rippling as I inject the clear fluid into him. I ask if his wife enjoys her husband being a big beefy bottom bitch, as his breath is once again labored and ragged. "Y-yeah...not at first but....she really knows...how to put me in my place..."
My hand mischievously grips the plug as he quivers, soft waves of orgasmic bliss pulse across his body. "Oh...I bet...she..." As I speak I slowly pull the plug out of him, noisily squelching as it grotesquely stretches him wide open. "...DOES." And then slam the plug right back into him. This sends cascades of pain and pleasure across his body as he actually cries out, his whole body shooting upright and rigid as he orgasms before me, muscles flexing and rippling as his powerful glutes squeeze down hard on the plug. His tiny dick pumps out shot after shot of cloudy white semen, staining the floor and his shuddering thighs. "Oops, did I accidentally ruin your precious night?"
Rocky eventually calms down, speaking between deep breaths. "Fuck you doc, I could keep going all week thanks to these shots." Oh I had very little doubt on that. With a swift spank of his gigantic ass, I bid him a good night as I still had lots of work to get done. He almost seemed a little disappointed, but who was I to keep the dear wife waiting on her muscle whore of a husband?
Officer Rockwell stepped out into the evening streets, his car waiting for him. Despite the proud, dignified demeanor he puts out to the world I can see the real him. The him that let his cum soak into his police uniform as he drives off towards home.
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goldenmeat · 1 year
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Bucky's Bro Shake
It was honestly fascinating, almost entrancing, watching him guzzle down that protein shake. As if nothing else mattered in the world. His body slightly shaking, not because he was getting weak after his workouts, but from the sheer excitement of growing even more.
We only finished the development of this new formula of protein shake a month ago, and sent straight into testing. My brother and I were only college students, so not a lot of people were willing to start a new gym regiment for this, and any jocks who already were, weren't going to try out our experimental formula.
We did manage to convince my friend, Benjamin from middle school to give it a go. He was a scrawny guy who wanted to try and look better for picking up dates. So we started out light with his workouts, and he, of course, was told to drink one serving a day.
The results were um...provocative. To say the least. One week in, and Benjamin had already gained ten pounds in lean muscle mass, flexing his arms to make biceps he never had in his life before. And his strength progression rose from topping thirty pounds on the bench press to an impressive seventy-five. And we were just getting started.
Week two, we told him to keep up his one serving per day, and he gladly obliged. Day after day, he broke personal bests regularly, gradually growing his strength and muscular mass in tandem. By the end of the week he was bench pressing a staggering two hundred pounds. As his workouts got more intense, he stared bringing in larger water bottles. Even his height seemed to be growing. He started the week at 5'4 and 140 lbs, and ended at 5'8, 185 lbs. While my brother was ecstatic at the progress, I was getting a little concerned.
Week three was positively absurd. Benjamin basically gained 1½ inches in height daily, finishing his workouts by lifting dozens of pounds above his personal bests from the previous day, and his water bottle was now an opaque gallon jug that he guzzled down desperately. He even insisted he stopped being called Benjamin, and wanted to go by "Bucky" now. Something was not right.
Just doing the workouts was getting more difficult. His dramatic growth aside, "Bucky" was almost a different person. Gone was the humble and somewhat timid demeanor, gradually replaced by a loud, almost aggressive ego that caught the attention, good and bad, of every gym goer around us. His focus was dropping, and he was difficult to get a hold of outside the gym since he was always busy with a new "date". It was obvious these were all sex friends. Even my brother couldn't ignore these signs.
By the time we were finishing up the month we were too late to notice. Bucky had missed several gym sessions and were worried, so we visited his apartment directly. The door was unlocked and when we went inside we were a little shocked at the state of things.
Protein bar wrappers littered the floor. Undersized clothes that were ripped or torn had been tossed here and there across the living room. And the pungent smell of sweat and sex was impossible to ignore. But what made our jaw drop was the sight of Bucky in the kitchen area.
Six and a half feet tall, and beefy all over, Bucky was mindlessly chugging down what seemed to be another of our protein shakes. Straight from the blender. But that's not what surprised us. It was the fact that he was surrounded by four more empty blenders, each having residue of protein shakes already consumed.
We rushed over to Bucky, trying to get his attention. He was only supposed to drink one serving a day, had he really already consumed five protein shakes?
There was a long, nauseating pause as we waited for him to finish glugging down the thick drink. And then another dull pause as he stops to think, eyes slowly blinking like over taxed light bulbs. "Naw bruh, I think that was like...my two-teenth."
It takes us a second to respond, half because we needed to translate what he said, and half because that number couldn't possibly be right. I suspected that Benjamin had been drinking more than the one serving we told him to per day. But to think he was drinking TWELVE in one day?
"Huhhaha, naw bruh!" Bucky guffawed. "Ever since I saw what your guyses shakes could do, I been downing a good uh...um...like...two tens a day!" Even as we talked to him, mouths agape, he was stroking himself through his skin tight shorts. His enormous dick was bulging clear as day. "Think you bros could help me with this? I been jizzing like, non stop, and it's gettin harder to get a work out sesh in."
~Two years later~
Me and my brother had founded our company, selling our wildly popular new protein formula. Tweaks were made to it of course, making it far less potent. We also figured out what it did to Bucky. The original formula was breaking down connections in his brain to rewire his neurons, basically hyper optimizing him to be the biggest, horniest fuck boy...kinda by accident.
Now the formula only optimizes the muscle growth. At a reasonable pace, and with no loss of IQ points. As for Bucky? Well...
Me and my brother take care of him now. We put him to work of course, as the company poster boy for how good our products are. He wins bodybuilder competitions pretty regularly, which helps fund his enormous diet. Seven feet tall and five hundred pounds, Bucky needs a lot of funding just to maintain himself. And it's not like his current brain capacity allows him to find work on his own anyway, so the extra income from his winnings gives us a good boost to our funding as well.
Speaking of, we need to tend to our figurative golden goose. The big brute has his giant cock fixed to a milking machine in the mornings now, draining him of his semen and satisfying his sex drive at the same time. We're finding some fascinating things in his cum as well. It may help in our next product.
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goldenmeat · 2 years
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Skylar's Trade
He smiled broadly as he puffed out his chest to his client. Huge and muscular, while being lean and toned; he had a body that must would worship as god like beauty...but tonight he'd be shamed and debauched like the lecherous whore he presented himself as.
Skylar used to be smaller. Much smaller. He had liked it that way though, as it left him to blend into the crowd more. He didn't have many friends, and his awkwardness left him alienating others more often than not. He did have one thing going for him size wise, and that was his enormous cock.
Hung like a beast of burden with virility to match. Skylar's thick, pendulous meat swung eleven inches between his legs when hard, and his semen output would put bulls to shame.
But it wouldn't stay this way forever. A strange text message had been sent to him. "Would you like to exchange?" With a reply feature saying YES, or NO. What happens next couldn't be explained. Perhaps his finger slipped, maybe he was groggy from lack of sleep. Maybe he was curious, or was being ironic. But whatever the cause, his heart or his shoes, he sent the reply, saying YES to god knows who.
It was then that Skylar's changes began. Changes his friends couldn't explain. Skylar began hitting up the gym, more and more. Half an hour a day, one hour a day, three hours...weeks would pass and Skylar would be making progress and hitting goals at an exponential pace.
His once frail body was beginning to expand rapidly into a strong, beefy musculature. But that wasn't all that was changing. Inversely to his miraculous growth, his thoughts seemed to be dwindling in sharpness.
As an English lit major, he regularly made use of his advanced parlance; but his dialect gradually simplified, his vernacular being reduced to simpler words until his speech patterns became injected with gym slang like "bro" and "beasting". Soon, you'd have wondered if he even finished high school when his vocabulary seemed to be limited to monosyllabic responses and grunts.
All the while, his chest expanded into thick slabs of beefy muscle. Arms, once barely able to hold the bar, were now thick cords of raw power. His waist was trimmed and tough, as his wide frame tapered inward into a beautifully cut figure. Legs that were awkward in their frail clumsiness, now exploded with mass and power. Even the way Skylar walked exuded confidence as his strides became wider and heavier.
There was one other change that no one could explain. One that Skylar didn't mind as much. The more muscular he became, the smaller his crotch shrunk. Inch by precious inch, his once proud symbol of virility was gradually becoming quite average. Eventually, his manhood was barely considered as such, stopping at a mere three inches hard. His balls had dried up considerably, spewing out a pitiful amount of semen even on a good day.
And how Skylar reveled in it.
At the gym he'd get showered with affection and complements on his juicy physique. Yet when he'd post nudes on his social media, he'd be teased and shamed for his tiny dick. Emasculated and objectified, Skylar descended into a life of debauched pleasure. He loved letting other men get off on him. To use his body and to be made the play thing.
It wasn't long before Skylar left his college life. He made more than enough money for sexual favors, and only fans would sustain his everyday needs. He craved the shame that came with being a "dickless piece of meat." Bulking up bigger, stronger muscles because that's all he can do. Lift, eat, get fucked, repeat.
It would soon be all the knew. And it would be all he needed.
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goldenmeat · 2 years
Some guys say that you buy good cars to compensate for what's in your pants. You of course scoff. You know that you're packing a monster cock in proportion to your massive muscles. If anything your car of choice needed to match your own quality!
And this wasn't a car you handled like a literal baby. Oh, you took care of it of course, cleaned it regularly, took it to the shop to make sure it ran perfectly...but this car? It's seen a LOT of action.
On the hood, in the back seat, in the driver's seat, sometimes on the roof in the middle of a cloudless night. You've taken and given dick everywhere on this car. There was one time You've blown a load down boi slut's throat while you sped down a long empty highway once.
And today? Today, you're meeting up with a big, burly muscle brute. Arms bigger than your head and a cock that would put horses to shame. He's ready to plow you into your precious ride. And you're ready to be ridden until you break.
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