goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
✿ ???‌:
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         Did she actually take flowers from home just to give out to people? Yes. The festivies seemed much more fun for everyone if they matched the setting and decorations after all. “Excuse me! These would match your clip don’t you think? Here, have one! I think you’d look super cute with it.”
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❝ Eh? ❞  Completely off guard, Itsuki stared at the girl for at least ten seconds until she could reply with some kind of action. She was still trying to understand what all this fuss in Archimedes Ward was about. The yellow precure accepted the flower before giving it a good look to attempt at identifying it. Her eyes shone slightly as she realized what they were, those afternoons with the Hanasaki family paid off at the end. 
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Deep red carnations, meaning deep love and affection.  ❝ Thank you. ❞ A respectful bow was her way of showing gratitude aside from words and, immediately after, she placed the flower as carefully as she could on her hair, just beside her hairpin.  ❝ You look really cute too, you know? ❞  
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
✿ YURI‌:
Yuri had a feeling that Itsuki wasn’t entirely listening to her, but if that was true, there wasn’t much she could do for it. It was her fault, after all.
The younger Precure’s attempt to forgive does nothing to quell that worry.
She continued to clean up what she could, focusing on that instead of the dreary topic she brought up. Itsuki handled the first aid treatment well, with nary a flinch to be had as she touched wounds. She stepped back once she was done, giving her a nod and a smile.
And as she does, Itsuki mentioned the sky. She looked at her, confused, before tilting her head up towards the sky.
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『I hadn’t… I’ll admit, I’ve been preoccupied.』 She quiets, taking a moment to observe.
Perhaps she should really patch herself up too.
❝ It’s more noticeable at night.❞  Itsuki cleared out, given that everything else during the day seemed similar from home. Yet, when the veil of the night covered the sky...  ❝ I can’t find any of the few constellations my brother taught me. ❞ She wasn’t precisely an astronomer and not by any means a frequent skywatcher but, amidst the anxiety of his treatment, her brother seemed to find some sort of peace within the sky and got to know it and teach a bit about it while they were out at night, relaxing after a tiresome day in the dojo’s garden. 
❝ I wonder where we are. ❞ She wondered aloud, staring at the alleyways and building surrounding them at that very moment. Definitely not Japan, were they even on earth anymore? Her sight halted, sooner than later, on Yuri again. 
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❝ Can I help patching you up, Yuri-san? ❞   The yellow cure inquired, repositioning herself to help her out. While her countenance hadn’t changed that much, her features seemed way more unruffled. Glad she was to have managed to change the air between them at least a bit, whatever was the cause of this, this was their reality right now. 
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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I miss writing Cure Gelato and Macaron.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
✿ @coccinellc liked for a starter!
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Itsuki’s body felt the sudden absence of momentum, she wasn’t falling anymore. And, when she glanced over her savior, a girl with cat-themed costume took up her field of vision. Everything seemed to fall into place, quite strange that what could be described as a villain didn’t have a counterpart in a city like Paris.  ❝ Thank you. ❞  Her gratitude came out more as a habit rather than conviction. She was relieved to have avoided damage but she should’ve transformed before actually engaging a foe... Speaking of which... 
Her shiny perfume was rolling down the rooftop behind them, you know, where she was just a moment ago. That wasn’t good.  ❝ W-Wait! Back back! I need that! ❞
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
✿ @vilenie liked for a rescue!
Something similar to a clap resounded amidst the chaos as Sunshine’s right hand was fast enough to get a good grip of that unknown lady. It wasn’t a film-like critical situation like one second later and she would have fallen but her balance seemed already fragile as the floor around them started to collapse. She didn’t know all the details about the disaster but if people were in need of aid, it was her duty to help. 
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❝ You okay, miss? ❞ The yellow precure inquired as she pulled her to safety, offering a smile to ease her down. The worst seemed to have already passed but the shiny sunflower magical girl probably had her minutes counted before returning to normal. 
She better hurry up.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
Happy followed her partner as they both turned to the path on the left. Soon, the two of them were back to the frantic pace with which they were navigating the place so far. It was another several minutes of just navigating through tunnels until they reached another branching path.
The decision of which way to pick went just as fast as the previous one. They couldn’t decide on anything other but sheer intuition, so tus they proceeded. And so they did for the next intersection, and the one after, and the good dozens that followed.
Eventually, Happy had to ask Sunshine to stop for a bit, as she needed some time to catch her breath. If the intent of this maze was to tire out intruders, it did a good job managing to get to the end of even a Precure’s enhanced stamina!
As she glanced down sighing, hands on her knees, Happy noticed something on the floor.
“Wait! This is…“
She bent down and picked up what looked like a white feather, a familiar one at that… It only took Happy a few seconds to realize it surely was a piece of her dress’s shoulderpiece that came loose during the battle and must have fallen off while they were running…
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"No way! We’ve already been through there? Don’t tell me we’ve been going in circles all this time?!”
With an exhausted whine, Happy rested her back against the white wall and let herself slide to a sitting position. But before she knew it…
What seemed like a secret door suddenly flipped open right behind her, making her fall flat into some secret doorway, and hit the back of her head on the floor.
“Apupu…“ She let out another whine as she rose back up, rubbing her head and looking around. Only then did she realize she might have uncovered their way out by pure chance. “U-Uh? Sunshine, look!”
Now, just what was awaiting them?
For the first time in a while, Sunshine’s feet begun to ache after walking. How long had they being going at this? She seemed to lost count after the thirteenth intersection. Her breath slowly becoming heavier, frustration starting to blend with fatigue to the point they were undistinguishable. 
The sigh of relief she let out when they stopped for a break was one of the longest of her whole life. Every fiber of her magical precure-y being thanking her companion for suggesting the break although she would have probably done the same sooner or later. Her body almost clashed against the wall as she sit down on the floor. 
Her head was cleared almost instantly, the world was becoming clear and sharp again. Focus was something relatively hard for Sunshine to lose but fatigue worked wonders to get her brain worked up, it was expectable, she was more or less human after all. 
A faint smile decorated her lips as she rose her head to catch a glimpse of Happy, mainly to speak calmly and decide their next mo—  
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❝ Eh? EEEEEEHHH? ❞  Her yell almost harmonized with Smile’s leader’s one, equally surprised and, at the end, equally clumsy as she tried to grab her dress to pull back but ended up smashing her face against the cold ground just meters away from Happy. 
Sunshine barely had any time to react as she got up and heard the warning. Purely working under instincts, her right hand summoned Sunflower Aigis to protect them, yet the only distinguishable object in front of them seemed to maintain their distance towards them. 
A blinding light akin to searchlights suddenly vanished the darkness, letting the pair to acknowledge their surroundings. A merry-go-round already functioning, filled with identical metallic horses to mount and painted in a variety of bright colors. 
A gaudy and, honestly, punchable voice resounded around them, challenging the magical girls.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
Looking over her shoulder, he quietly watched the photos pass by. While photos taken with no particular planning had their appeal, thoughtful but candid were how he would describe what she’d taken. Itsuki came off as serious in whatever she did, even if she didn’t plan to pursue it as a dream path. He wondered if it ever made her tired.
“The investment would suit you,” he commented at the end. “You already have good results.” An upside to her seriousness was that he could say with confidence she wouldn’t waste her money. Although from her targets, he realized her goals were mostly a mystery.
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“Do you have any plans for your effort? Photos like that seem useful for remembering there can be pleasant sights around us.” He doubted that was all, but he himself had simply started on a “what is this. I’ll do it” whim. He might have wanted to capture something like that family photo to understand it better, even if he couldn’t recognize it.
Hajime also had photos of the same places in Cotes and Archimedes. Rather than out of appreciating the appeal they could bring to the viewfinder, he took and kept them to analyze the island. As a result, Itsuki made them appear entirely different. He tasted the bitterness of his cynicism on his tongue suddenly…
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❝ Thank you very much. ❞  A faint blush accompanied her smile as she replied while her right hand sunk her phone into the depths of that pouch Itsuki always carried. Pride was something she rarely felt but how quickly she was progressing on this little hobby was something that felt good. Her speed in getting results actually made her consider if she had some sort of natural talent to it, not that it mattered, in the end, martial arts were her true and final goal in life. 
Hajime’s last phrase came off as unexpectedly sad for her. Being quite young herself, the precure wasn’t that stained by cynicism yet although, probably, she wouldn’t change that much, just like her grandfather or her parents. Still, something in Hajime’s eyes always told her that he seemed to miss something or have some kind of deep regret, in a way, his eyes reminded her of Yuri. 
❝ I don’t. I’ll probably end up just having them for myself. ❞  A short pause arised between her last and next words as she took a moment to look around the remaining shelves in the store.  ❝ I enjoy it but my sights are still set in martial arts, you know? ❞
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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I’m a bit stuck with my drafts so I probably need some new ideas flowing. STARTER CALL FOR ITSUKI/SUNSHINE, CAPPED AT THREE, NOT ISOLA-EXCLUSIVE. If you have any preference just leave me an IM or reply to this post.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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A long lane with food from anywhere? That means she could try all kinds of different desserts and sweets!? This place honestly had her full support and attention now. Smiling happily, she was glad to be able to run into someone heading to quite a wonderful place. Keeping pace with the other, she wondered what kinds of snacks and desserts they had. If they had any of course. 
Although, her thoughts were cut short as the others question. “Oh, yeah. I am.” It was a sudden question. Did she not seem japanese? Not that it minded her or not. Pearking up, she shook her head. “Katsu Udon doesn’t sound so bad. I am honestly going to set my sights on any and all desserts.” If it was possible, her eyes were probably shining with glee. 
❝ You too? I was just thinking about getting some desserts as well. ❞   Itsuki wasn’t someone who would prioritize sweets to usual lunch, she was well taught about the importance of having a good nutritious meal, so desserts sat comfortably at second place in her list of things to eat. Still, the thought of having some non-japanese delicacies was enough to make that line between first and second become blurry.
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❝ From which city of Japan are you from, Ichigo-san? ❞  The young precure inquired, out of curiosity and in order to start a proper conversation with her. Her face wasn’t in any of her registries so 100% sure she wasn’t from Kibougahana.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
2 / 12?
✿ Questions for the mun! ( still accepting )
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
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Tbh, I originally wanted to write Tsubomi but she’d probably spend the first two months or so crying if she was caged in a setting like this. And I wanted a heartcatch muse so I could accompany rei’s Yuri. I can’t write Erika because I lack the energy so I went for Itsuki. She’s one of my favourite yellow cures (my fav being Kirara). 
12. What about your muse amuses you?
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HOW SHE LOSES HER SHIT WHEN SEEIN CUTE STUFF. It’s always so fun to write her excitement, it’s like she repressed it so hard that once she released it it exploded. 
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
"Do you know anywhere selling decently fashionable warm clothes? I kind of... Forgot to get some before summer's end."
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❝ I usually buy clothes from a pair of stores in Cotes Ward. A friend recommended them to me. Although there are a lot of clothing stores in Little Tokyo. I usually go to the ones not so far from the Lake, Paprika-san.❞  
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
What made you decide to write this muse?
If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
If you could tell your muse one thing, what would you tell them?
If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
If you could “borrow” one aspect of your muse and apply it to yourself or your own life, what would you borrow?
Do you genuinely want your muse to be happy? What do you think would make them most happy in life?
Do you enjoy putting your muse through angst? What do you think would break their heart the most?
What do you love about your muse?
What do you hate about your muse?
What about your muse amuses you?
What about your muse makes you sad?
How would you describe your muse to someone about to meet them, in person, for the first time?
Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
In what ways are you better than your muse? In what ways are they better than you?
Why do you think you connect to your muse?
What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not?
If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
[come up with your own question for the mun, regarding the muse]
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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Cover art for the DVD releases of Heartcatch Precure
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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『I couldn’t find them either.』 She responded, but kept quiet afterwards. Is it better, that the rest of her friends weren’t here? Definitely. But it felt bittersweet, leaving nothing but an empty and crushing pain in her stomach.
They eventually arrived where Yuri left her pack, a secluded alley. She crouched down and pulled her bag out from under a dumpster on the far side. She took out a small first aid kit. It didn’t have much in it, but the bandages she did have would do for now.
She soaked a clean rag with a water bottle and began to clean up any small cuts she could see on Itsuki. As she did, she finally spoke.
『…I didn’t see you in the registry either. I thought you were back home, safe and happy with everyone. I was… I am overjoyed to see a familiar face… but I worry. We left with no warning. How is everyone dealing with our absence? I already hurt from doing this to my mother, but for your family to go through the same pain…』
Yuri placed a band-aid on a small wound.  『I’m sorry, Itsuki. This should be a joyous reunion, but my pessimism is getting the better of me.』
Itsuki’s body seemed to move on its own at that point, she seemed to lack any kind of life as they traversed those alleys, her mind completely elsewhere. 
Even when being treated, she still felt like she wasn’t there, like everything unfolding around her, every external stimuli, was just part of a movie she was watching somewhere, comfortable and completely alien to what the screen was showing. She had felt this way before, she was sure. When she came to realize how sick her brother was, how many things were on stake. 
This probably was the same feeling he had during the days previous to his surgery, that feeling, of disappearing. Almost the entirety of Yuri’s monologue entered through one hear just to exit through the other. It was the apology that snapped her out of trance. 
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❝ Huh? No, no. Don’t worry. ❞ Forced to face reality again, Itsuki mentally slapped herself, remembered some good words and tried to stay positive and there.  ❝ Yuri-san. Did you noticed how different the sky is here? ❞  Changing the subject as she thanked the treatment with a nod was the first short-term solution she could come up with.
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goldensonatina-blog · 6 years
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Two months in and this is how more or less I headcanon her appearance right now to be. 
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