goldentwinners-blog · 7 years
Get to know us/me
Hello twinners or if your new here and don't know what this is… 1. Go to youtube 2. Search up Merrell twins 3. Watch ALL of their videos 4. You are now a twinner!!! GET TO KNOW US/ME the owners of this account are twins! Yes, twins. Our names are Veronica and Vanessa ( NO NOT VERONICA AND VANESSA MERRELL) it's wired ok!!!! VERONICA Hi, my name is Veronica. Yea I'm the older twin. Wired right!! Im mostly happy thro my days! But when I feel sad Vanessa comes and help. Nicknames you can call me. • Roni= I like that one te best cuz I grew up with that nickname. • nica= NOPE! Why you might ask? Say it out loud and you'll understand. •Ron= not really. It's more like a boy name then Roni •V= sure why not! But it's gonna get confusing who your gonna talk to if you call me V.. That's my nicknames you can call me. But I highly recommend to call me RONI or my own name.~Veronica VANESSA Hi, my name is Vanessa. Younger twin by 3mins. I love to do dance and I travel all around the world to act,dance,and more. (That's also what my sister does) Nicknames you can call me are… ~ Nessa= that's the name I love the most. Cuz I grew up with that nickname. ~ Van= not really cuz it's more like a boy name for me I guess. ~ V= um you might get mixed up with me and Roni! So better watch out. That's all my nicknames you can call me!!
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