"I assure you I had nothing to do with that massacre, that was my father's idea." Cersei doubted Lady Stark would believe her, but she didn't care. "I'll tell your jailers to free you and I'll send some ladies to take you to some rooms and see to it that you are properly washed and dressed so that you can see Sansa."
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"She's looking forward to seeing you."
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                “You don’t enjoy it, you say -                 yet Robb had to die by your hands.                                          It seems you play me for a fool,                                          your grace.”                She rose, slowly, with difficulty, but she rose indeed.                She was tired of being there, yes. The chains were                heavy, her arms were sore.              ”But if that is what you want, your grace, I’ll abide by it.                  Do not take it as loyalty. I merely want to embrace my                  daughter once again.”
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"I'm not the first person to stumble into another's chambers by accident."
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  "I can see that. But in someone else’s chambers."
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"Because while your son and his men may be dead, I am no fool. I know that the North would rise if I gave it a reason to, and I have no intention of giving it a reason. And despite what you may think, I am no monster. I am a mother, like you, and I don't enjoy keeping mothers from their children. Unless of course, you want to be executed like your husband."
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                       No, it must be a trap - she thought to herself.                      She must want something else. An hostage                       like her daughter?! It seemed unreasonable,                      even if it came from an unreasonable mouth.                      Hostage of what? The North fell. Her son was                      dead, so was his army. There was no use.                      Winterfell was no more. As far as she knew,                      her home in the rivers was under siege -                       there was no one to come for her and Sansa,                      they were worthless as the kingdom was.                    ”…Why not grace me with death? Why kill my                     son and not me? I have no value. I tried to                     break here, kill you all, and run North…                     Why grace me with that small taste of freedom?                                             Why force me to breathe between                                             the walls that saw my husband die?”
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"Not too much. I am still able to walk at least."
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  "Cersei, how much wine have you had this evening?"
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"There's no need for bitterness." Cersei said, not even bothering to hide the smugness in her voice. "I assure you, I have no intention of having you killed, or forcing you to be a 'slave' as you put it." Cersei knew the North wouldn't stand for it. Robb Stark's men may have been massacred, but she knew that there were still some Northernmen left who would be willing to rebel if anything happened to Catelyn Stark.
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"Instead, you are going to join Sansa as a hostage. So long as you do not give me reason to have you harmed, I will see to it that you are treated as well as any hostage would be. I'll even reunite you with your daughter."
c e r s e i
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               The lioness bothered herself to stand before                the widow, as if mockery fed her hunger. Her                presence was frightning, yet, she felt like the                queen was so close she could harm her in some                way. But what could she do, but to think about                 revenge? Chains binded her to the ground.                Her body was sore, so was her throat. She wished                for a quick death, for they’d never release her.                       “If you came here to laugh, then laugh. I can’t stop you.                        I couldn’t stop you. I’m under your thumb now, am I not?                                       What am I to be? Death, in an hour? A slave                                       to your worthless crown? Tell me.                                                                                You must have something to tell me. Otherwise                                       the fair lady wouldn’t waste her time with a traitor.”
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Go on Anon and tell us something about your life, your crush, school  or  job, anything-  and  my muse  will give you advice.
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"It appears I have. My apologies Lady Stark."
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"I believe you have found yourself in the wrong bed chambers, your grace.”
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Sentence Meme [Game of Thrones style]
"Winter is coming."
"I am not your little princess."
"I don’t want to be a queen, I want to be the queen.”
"We’ve have idiot kings and we’ve had vicious kings, but I don’t know if we’ve ever had a vicious idiot for a king!"
"More wine."
"Everyone who isn’t us in an enemy."
"I am the god of tits and wine."
"The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands."
"Tears aren’t a woman’s only weapon. The best one is between her legs."
"The gods have no mercy, that’s why they’re gods."
"Nobody cares what your father once told you."
"There are no men like me. Only me."
"Why have the gods condemned me to love a hateful woman?"
"Everything’s better with some wine in the belly."
"You were kind to me, I remember."
"All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here."
"I wish I was the monster that you think I am!"
"My brother has his sword, I have my mind."
"Woman? Is that meant to insult me?"
"Honor made you leave, and honor brought you back."
"Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it (the world). I don’t want to be most of us."
"A man without friends is a man without power."
"Everyone is mine to torment!"
"A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep."
"A mother does not flee without her children."
"Any man who must say ‘I am the king’ is no true king."
"I will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me."
"I want to look him in the eye and ask, ‘Why?’"
"They’re a family. I’ve never had a family."
"I can be your family."
"Those who have the most power have the least grace."
"I will answer injustice with justice."
"I am not questioning your honor. I’m denying its existence."
"All I know is that she was the one thing I ever wanted."
"What we don’t know is usually what gets us killed."
"I did what I did not to slight you, but because I loved another."
"Given the opportunity, what do we do to those who have hurt the ones we love?"
"I will not become a page in someone else’s history book."
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I want you to kill my muse in the most twisted, explicit manner you can conceive of. If I'm too horrified to post it, you win.
do the thing.
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If you want to roleplay something send me a:
% - Angst @ - Smut $ - Fluff ! - Drama € - Horror © - Comedy ¤ - War ¿ - Spies Þ - Mystery Ð - Adventure ç - Crack Œ - Romance Ŧ - Thriller ƍ - Historical ƒ - Supernatural Ɯ - Fantasy ƕ - Science Fiction ȸ - Western Ǯ - College & - A combination of any two or more (please specify which ones) {} - Other (please specify)
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It was Cersei's first show. She had never, in her entire life, done anything like this before. But looking into the mirror of the dressing room and seeing the change, (the fake facial hair, the way her chest had been flattened, the masculine clothing) she felt different...good.
The place was filling up, Cersei could hear footsteps and voices, and before long it would be show time. Cersei took one last long look at herself (himself? should she be using he/him while dressed like this?) in the mirror, took a deep breath, and went backstage to wait.
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Ned Stark: There’s nothing more intolerable than being judged by your own children.
Petyr Baelish: That’s precisely why I never had any.
Ned Stark: Sure, or maybe no woman ever wanted to bear YOUR children.
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Btw feel free to ask me questions about Cersei I love her and love to talk about her
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Euron Greyjoy: Shh. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of forgiveness.
Victarion Greyjoy: That’s the sound of people drowning, Euron.
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Starter call
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Send me '☎' for my characters reaction to yours calling them at two in the morning.
-If symbol is unusable, send ‘Telephone’ instead.
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"I'll try to contain myself."
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                   ❝ Please , ❞                             ❝ Do not sound so excited, dear sister. ❞
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