goldie-fairbank · 1 year
She eyed the man with faint disgust and whiff of disapproval. “You’re not a complete savage, are you Dallon? Or were you never taught enough manner to know to keep your mouth closed when you chew?”
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status: open location: diner
"Finally", the man sighed, one of relief and gratefulness. It had been a long two weeks, especially with the extra patrols for the missing. Shoveling food into his mouth didn't stop him from speaking. "I was starting to think that truck would never come."
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
“They’ll grow back won’t they?” Goldie asked from where she was knelt by the flower bed, her hand cupping a sagging shoot that had only just made its way through the soil when the snow had hit. She wasn’t good at this whole gardening thing, but it looked dead to her. 
She’d at least managed to save some of the flowers from the previous spring, dried and left wrapped in paper for future use, but nothing ever smelt as good as the new fresh harvest. 
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
He might not have been the one to find the missing people, but he found a lot of cool stuff while he went out searching. It was weird that the FEDRA didn’t want to bring it all into the qz. Already he’d started a collection of random things, giving some of the loot away. He had plenty, and one person even knew how to do all the tricks with the yo-yo he found. But there were other things that he didn’t know the use of. He decided that he should take it to the smartest person he ever met.
“Oh uh, sorry Miss Fairbank.” Mickey quickly scooped up the keys, handing them back to the teacher. “But I’m glad that I found you.” He rocked back and forth on his feet, much like the eager child he’d once been, hoping to impress Goldie. “I’ve got their weird box that makes noise when I shake it. Do you think it was some kind of musical instrument?” He held out the lacquered box towards Goldie, showing off his treasure, completely oblivious to the key hole that would open the jewelry box.
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Mickey hadn’t exactly been the brightest star in her class, but Goldie was a big believer that intelligence didn’t get you anywhere in life, likeability did. And Mickey had boat loads full of that. What was the point of knowing the answers to the universe when no one could stand to listen to you long enough to hear them? That was especially true in a place like qz where everyone seemed to know everybody. You had to learn how to work other people, otherwise you’d never get by.
She took her keys back, humouring him until she saw the box in his hand. “Don’t shake it like that!” Her voice came out high and panicked. The treasures that could be inside! Goldie couldn’t let them be damaged. “Come on, come inside.” She opened the door to her classroom again hurriedly taking the box from him to examine the opening.
“It’s much better than a musical instrument.” She mused, placing it down on her desk and attempting to pry it open with a pencil. “If only we could open it. There would have been a key once. Where did you find it, anyway?”
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
“Oh no, no”, just like Goldie didn’t partake in her bible study, Elise didn’t partake in drinking. She’d never even set foot in the bar, not even when her mom would frequent it. “Don’t look at it like that”, she said, placing her hand on the other’s arm. “There’s so many wonderful people here. Good people. I think we’re lucky to have such a group of people and get to really know them.” The younger thought back to what she’d been told, about how over populated the world was before. Surely she wouldn’t have met those she was thankful for, like Ms. Goldie and Kane. “Though I did see some pictures of waterfalls and the one French building at night, all light up. It would be nice to be able to see those things in person.”
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Goldie had expected the refusal for a drink but couldn’t help being disappointed. She wanted to see that side of Elise, to make sure she was having fun and enjoying her youth - and the only way Goldie knew of that was through partying. The two were so different in many ways, and Goldie couldn’t help try to imagine the girl Elise might’ve been if she’d grown up before any of this madness had happened. At least the poor girl could see the brightside.
“But don’t you want more... I don’t know, excitement? To meet a stranger and have a wonderful night but know you’ll never see them again. There’s something so freeing.” She was waffling on about things Elise couldn’t possibly understand. “Yes, you would have loved Paris. The museums, the art, the culture.”
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
Rising from the floor, the younger woman couldn’t help but smile. She’d been told before that she worked too hard, that kids only needed to be taught about certain jobs now adays. But Elise took pride in the lessons she put together, especially for the little ones that she taught. “No”, she confessed. “I was just on my way home.” Elise giggled at her mentor’s statement. “It sure must have been fun back then. So many possibilities. ”
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“Good, we can head back that way together - although I’m making a stop at the bar on my way. Care to join?” Goldie led the way back towards the main living centre, a sad smile at the fact that Elise would never get the chance to experience the world in her youth the way Goldie did. “There were so many possibilities.” She said wistfully. “I used to travel the world and meet new people. It’s just the same boring faces again and again now, isn’t it?”
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
Daydreaming as usual Elise wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings. She was thinking about the usual, happily ever afters and so forth, until she collided with another. It was her butt hitting the ground that fully shook her from the idea of laying in a field of wildflowers. Realizing not just what she’d done, but who she’d ran into the young blonde couldn’t help but feel awful. “Oh”, she chimed, her voice high and squeaky in shock. “I’m so sorry Ms. Goldie!” Pushing herself onto her knees, trying to keep her modesty in her dress, Elise fumbled for the key ring producing it to her mentor quickly. “I wasn’t paying attention, I’m sorry.”
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“Oh, Elise.” The words left her mouth in recognition of the girl woman. Always in her own little world that one, ever since she’d been little. Pursing her lip to hide her affection for the other blonde, she took the key ring back and pocketed it rather hurriedly. “It’s fine, it’s fine.” She brushed off the apology not wanting to acknowledge that if she’d known it was Elise she wouldn’t have been half as harsh. “I hope you weren’t working late too, sweetheart-” a pet name she often used for the younger of those in her class, it had somehow stuck around for Elise. “You’ll have plenty of time for that when you’re older. Trust me, I regret every hour of work in my twenties. I could have doubled my fun. And my twenties were fun.”
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
I’ve pulled together a few ideas for connections under the cut - will be periodically adding to it as I think of things!
Smugglers: Goldie has made it her mission to be on the good side of any smuggler she knows so that she can get the goods from the outside world that she craves. Her attempts at gaining favour aren’t always the most subtle so I think could go a number of ways I’d love to explore
Ex-students: Goldie has been teaching at qz for almost the full 23 years she’s been here now and so I imagine there’s a lot of people now in their 20s and even early 30s she might’ve taught! I think this could be fun to take all kinds of ways - maybe your character was a terror in class and to this day Goldie feels like she has to keep them in line, maybe Goldie helped your character with something when they were younger, or maybe it’s just weird that now they’re older they have to interact with their teacher in some other way
Parents of students: If your character has a kid GIMME PLOT! Parents evenings, disagreements over teaching (Goldie is VERY loose and just does whatever the kids want to do), anything!
Romantic interest: I’m up for all kinds of things so long as there’s a health mix of angst and fluff! On and off, unrequited yearning, friends to lovers, or even just hook-ups
Once Fan: Before the outbreak, Goldie had been a teenage star with famous parents and an attempted acting/pop career of her own. If your character is old enough they might remember her, which could be really fun to play with
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
Status: Open Location: Outside Goldie’s classroom, after hours
When Goldie had first started teaching at qz, the kids had known a life before. There were things from the old world that they missed - places, toys, people. The kids now, they had only known this life. They didn’t know the joy of opening a brand new gift that hadn’t been smuggled in, and beaten up along the way. She found it harder and harder to connect with them, having lived lives so completely different from her own. Well, not completely different. Goldie was here now, even if after all these years she’d never quite got used to the place.
She was slowly tiding her classroom, putting away books and pencils, all the while lamenting her job, her life and the lives of the children she taught. As soon as she left for the night though, a perky smile appeared on her face - just in case she ran into anyone. And she did, or rather, they ran into her as she was locking up. 
“Excuse you!” While her words were polite, her tone wasn’t. “Do you mind?” She gestured to the keys and large gaudy fluffy key-ring she had dropped to the floor indicating that they should be the one to pick them up. 
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
theme : winter famine event
location : west border wall, inside the qz
triggers : blood, violence mention
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time was running out. while frankie’s calculations had been aligned for his benefit before & during his trip to the outside, as soon as he had scurried his way back into the quarantine zone, the odds stopped playing on his favor. he had encountered a group of four— no, six— raiders he hadn’t notice until it was too late; he knew the fatigue caused by the famine had taken a toll on him & yet, he kept doing what he was best at : his goddamn job. getting jumped on by a bunch of young idiots wasn’t stopping him.
after having crawled in through one of the underground passages, he leans against the fence, a wave of sudden pain making every nerve sting. so he was not only out of luck but out of adrenaline too. the stab wounds & every other scratch he didn’t know he had were making themselves known, just as the flashlights from the lookout posts start coming his way. fucking great. his senses are almost completely numbed that he barely notices the figure that approaches him out of the corner of his eye. once he does, he backs up, shaky hands raised in surrender. ❛ hey, hey, easy. listen— i can.. split the cargo with you if you don’t.. tell on me. ❜ holding a hand to his side, his fingers are coated in crimson & his vision turns blurry but he has to keep it together. ❛ please— what do you want? ❜
Blood, and cuts and the sound of pain. Goldie would never get used to it, and she did her best to avoid confronting it at all costs, but that was impossible in qz. It made her uncomfortable, watching other people suffer. She’d never been good at reassuring others, or at least not adults anyway. It was so much easier with children, a soft touch, a song and a smile was all it took. She certainly wasn’t about to do that now. “Good Lord, you’re so dramatic. What do you think I’m going to do - report you, and never get anything from the outside world? You know I need my supply of silk scarfs.”
On second look he was more badly damaged than she’d immediately though. It wasn’t just scratches, but deep gashes - knife wounds. “Are you... like... ok?” She said pointing vaguely at where ever the blood was coming from.
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theme : winter famine event
location : west border wall, inside the qz
triggers : blood, violence mention
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time was running out. while frankie’s calculations had been aligned for his benefit before & during his trip to the outside, as soon as he had scurried his way back into the quarantine zone, the odds stopped playing on his favor. he had encountered a group of four— no, six— raiders he hadn’t notice until it was too late; he knew the fatigue caused by the famine had taken a toll on him & yet, he kept doing what he was best at : his goddamn job. getting jumped on by a bunch of young idiots wasn’t stopping him.
after having crawled in through one of the underground passages, he leans against the fence, a wave of sudden pain making every nerve sting. so he was not only out of luck but out of adrenaline too. the stab wounds & every other scratch he didn’t know he had were making themselves known, just as the flashlights from the lookout posts start coming his way. fucking great. his senses are almost completely numbed that he barely notices the figure that approaches him out of the corner of his eye. once he does, he backs up, shaky hands raised in surrender. ❛ hey, hey, easy. listen— i can.. split the cargo with you if you don’t.. tell on me. ❜ holding a hand to his side, his fingers are coated in crimson & his vision turns blurry but he has to keep it together. ❛ please— what do you want? ❜
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
Goldie hated the winters. She’d been at qz long enough to know that when the frost set in nothing good could come of it. Resources were scarce, and Goldie wasn’t the kind of person who went without easily. She hated having to go without, the cold that seemed to seep into her very bones and the gnawing hunger in her stomach. She always seemed to find things to trade though, holding onto the trinkets of her past life had served her well over the years. Besides, she wasn’t the kind of person to say no for an answer. Goldie usually got what she wanted. 
Being offered a cigarette for free though. Now that was unusual. She took it without hesitation, placing the end in her mouth and lighting it. “You’re new, right?” Goldie hadn’t seen her face before which was exceptionally unusual in a place like qz. “You shouldn’t be giving these things away for free. Not at a time like this.” She waved the now lit cigarette between her fingers as she spoke, blowing out smoke. “Just a bit of free advice.”
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status: open starter | winter event location: somewhere in the qz
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fuck this cold. the woman thought to herself lighting up one of the few cigarettes she had left. though she was surprised fedra didn't confiscate the pack for themselves when she in the qz. placing the cancer stick in between her lips and holding the flame up to the tip she inhaled. the warmth felt relieving on so many levels. on the exhale, she was made aware of a figure standing next to her, green hues flickered to the person before she grabbed her pack again. "oh uhh... you want one?" maybe today quinn was feeling generous, or she thought that using a cigarette as leverage could get her some information down the track.
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goldie-fairbank · 1 year
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have you heard about [ GOLDIE FAIRBANK ]? [SHE/HER] lives at the qz. I think they’ve lived there for [ TWENTY THREE YEARS ]. they’re [ FOURTY TWO ] yrs old and seem very [ CREATIVE ]. i’ve also heard they can be very [ SPOILED ] as well. they’ve been assigned as a [ TEACHER ]. they often daydream about [ GUCCI SHOPPING BAGS PILED ON A MARBLE FLOOR ].
Full bio under the cut
Goldie grew up surrounded by luxury. Her parents were both movie stars who earned more than enough money to give Goldie everything she could possibly wish for. They paid for her designer clothes, a private education, and when she was old enough they opened doors for her to make it into the industry. By the time Goldie was nineteen she even had some fame in her own right although that was largely because she had started dating a well known actor, and not the overproduced pop album she had made under guidance from her agent. Her pop career never truly took off, something Goldie didn’t mind. She was perfectly content living under her parents’ shadows so long as she could always afford the latest Dior collection. Goldie adored fashion and glamour and anything creative. When her parents and agent finally accepted that Goldie wasn’t destined to be the next big pop diva they allowed her to shrink back into the shadows and pursue a degree in art history. If she wasn’t going to be a success in the entertainment industry at least she could get a world class education, her parents had told her. They didn’t care what degree she chose so long as she was studying, and out of their way. 
Fresh off a well publicised break-up with her famous boyfriend, Goldie felt free to pursue her true passions away from the watchful eye of the press. She flourished at university, finding her true creative streak. She’d never been much of an artist herself, but she appreciated the beauty of all forms of art. She attended museums most weekends (before going off to party in the evening) and her interest in fashion and particularly fashion history was piqued. She was good at pairing colours and knowing what looked good, and it felt like she was finally discovering who she was supposed to be. And then it happened. A zombie outbreak. It was like something out of a nightmare. 
Being the rich, eccentric types, her parents already had a bunker prepared for emergencies such as this and they sent a private jet to pick up Goldie and bring her back to them. Only the jet never arrived. To this day Goldie doesn’t know what happened, but after days of waiting in the airport for her parents to save her she finally had to accept that she was alone now. They weren’t coming for her. Maybe they were dead. Maybe they just didn’t think she was worthwhile keeping around. Afterall, she was just another mouth to feed with no discernible skills that would be useful in a situation like this. Fending for herself wasn’t something Goldie did well, but she at least had some sense and while the world was disintegrating her money and valuables were still worth something. If the world truly was ending she knew Gucci handbags wouldn’t be worth much for much longer and so she traded away those she could bear to part with for protection, food and water, and even a ride to Pittsburgh where there was word of a camp having been set up for survivors. 
Goldie struggled to fit in at the camp. She still clung to remnants of her old life. Despite everything that had happened she insisted on curling her hair every morning, and when she was accused of wasting electricity for such trivial matters she found new ways. She used rags to twist her hair in curls and set them overnight. She mixed drops of oil in with her lipstick just to make it last that much longer. She still took great pride in the way she looked, dressing up as if she were going to the red carpet whenever she was given an excuse to do so. She contributed very little to the survival of the camp, but Goldie truly did not see the point in her survival if she wasn’t able to experience the joy of admiring her freshly painted nails.
Finding a job for Goldie there was difficult. She had almost no practical skills. Goldie had never even had to cook for herself - even throughout university she’d had a home chef hired by her parents to ensure Goldie wouldn’t be living on a diet of take-out and cocktails. She found a good fit finally, as a teacher. Goldie was well educated in history and the arts, she even spoke some latin, and so it was decided she could provide the children of the camp with an education of the world before everything broke down.
Goldie loved her job. She preferred the company of the children of the camp more so than the adults - the children seemed to understand her. They too missed the silly little things of their lives. While Goldie longed for a new pair of black heels, the children in her classes cried about missing their favourite video games, or toys and so she did her best to provide substitutes. For a child who had complained about missing his Pokemon game she had spent her entire weekend creating her own version of Pokemon cards, drawing what creatures she could remember (but mostly making up ones of her own) and assigning them statistics to battle with. And when she couldn’t create a substitute herself she’d trade with the supply runners to get it. 
She’d always seen the value of the smugglers, and most of them knew just how much she would give for something so seemingly trivial. While they were out searching pharmacies for medicine, if they happened to pocket a tube of lipstick, they’d be well rewarded by Goldie. At first she traded some of the few valuable things she still had - an expensive watch or scented candles - but when they ran out she would trade food or water or even sex if the item were valuable enough to her. She’d get things for the children too, and fill her classroom with toys and interesting things from the outside world. She liked to think her classroom was an escape from the horror outside, and a place to discover the luxuries of the old world.
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