gomamonday · 2 years
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i’d trust this digital seal with my life
(for @gomamonday!)
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gomamonday · 2 years
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Happy Gomamon Day by buzzthebatgirl [a.k.a. @maireadralph here on tumblr]
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gomamonday · 2 years
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Happy Gomamon Day!!!
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gomamonday · 2 years
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Here it is, the annual Gomamon Pod photo for 2022! And a few cute close-ups :3 Happy Gomamon Day!
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gomamonday · 2 years
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Today’s the day! Happy Gomamon Day!!! The Goma pod pic is coming later today, time for bed now, goodnight 🦭💤
 今日がその日だ! ゴマモンの日 おめでとう!!! 大きな集合写真は今日の後半に来ます。もう寝る時間です。おやすみなさい。🦭💤
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gomamonday · 2 years
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Today's the day! Happy Gomamon Day!!! The Goma pod pic is coming later today, time for bed now, goodnight 🦭💤
 今日がその日だ! ゴマモンの日 おめでとう!!! 大きな集合写真は今日の後半に来ます。もう寝る時間です。おやすみなさい。🦭💤
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gomamonday · 2 years
Gomamon Day is THIS FRIDAY! GET HYPED!!1!
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I originally established Gomamon Day back in 2017, I wrote a small FAQ about it back then: https://tumblr.com/gomamonday/168174866156/gomamon-day-2017, here's an updated version:
Why a digimon?
I’ve seen a few days for celebrating other digimon (Flamedramon, Renamon), as well as days to celebrate pokemon (such as 7/28 as Popplio Day), and figured it would be nice to celebrate a specific digimon species; not necessarily “Jo’s Gomamon”, although that is the one that most digimon fans are familiar with.
Why Gomamon?
Many years ago, along with Patamon and countless virus types, he was established as one of my favourite digimon. I quickly got tired of the Adventure anime and am mostly familiar with them through the old PS1 games. Over a decade ago I decided to begin collecting digimon merchandise, with a main focus on Gomamon and Patamon. Over the years more recently, they appear to me as a sort of embodiment of positivity and happiness, and have helped me get through a lot of negative or otherwise not-so-great times in my life. So for me personally I think having one day to celebrate them would be great to show others how awesome this underappreciated digimon is!
Why December 9th?
December 9th is the day I got a special Gomamon custom-made plushie of my own; in fact, he’ll be 9 years old this year! His name is Natticus, and you can follow his cohost once he decides which username to use (Natticus or NatticusTheGomamon on cohost) or check out his old tumblr archive @natticusthegomamon​. He was made by magnastorm on DeviantArt and is one of the most popular “Gomamon” art submissions there! The date also correlates to the same month Gomamon was first revealed in the Digimon Pendulum Version 2 (Deep Savers) in December 1998.
How do I celebrate?
You can draw or write about them, take some photos if you have a collection (no matter whether it’s gigantic or just one plushie), make a photo story of your own Gomamon’s adventures, livestream a digimon game (Gomamon is obtainable in Digimon Survive, Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory and Next Order!) or just reblog some relevant posts~ Make a Gomamon OC (or ask an OC owner to draw theirs!) You’re free to @ or submit posts to this account anytime from now until then, or you can make your own post(s) and tag them with at least one of these hashtags below so I can find them to reblog here!
#gomamonday #gomamon day
Any rules?
No negative/hateful posts about anyone or mon; we can all love Gomamon without being mean to other monsters right? While I'd like the day's celebrations to stay SFW, if you do make other content (NSFW or "SFW fetish" content) please do not directly tag it under #GomamonDay, use something different like #GomamonDayNSFW instead. Late posts are okay, I’ll likely be celebrating at least all weekend long!
Feel free to ask/message me if you have any other questions, ideas or suggestions! Thanks!
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gomamonday · 6 years
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[[ I cooked up a gomamon-themed pizza for gomamon day! :D I guess I’ll break down what ingredients went into this; dough & meat sauce aside, I used some cheddar cheese (mane), green olives (eyes), shrimp (sorry I didn’t have any fish handy XD), mozzarella (fur) and blue potato chips (spots). It’s actually pretty good tbh ]]
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gomamonday · 6 years
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Here’s the annual Gomamon Pod update - I’ve bought some and sold some so it hasn’t really grown much. 
Not shown: one bootleg gomamon keychain plush (he was hanging on back of the collection shelf and I sorta missed him ^^; )
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gomamonday · 6 years
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Goma Gaming - Digimon Linkz
Known as “Digimon Links” in the localized version, this game uses models and animations from Cyber Sleuth and Next Order; the ones featured here you can see by tapping on your digimon in full screen mode when editing your profile; the digimon featured is the leader of your “favourite” party.
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gomamonday · 6 years
Gomacasso in a gradient world~~~
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gomamonday · 6 years
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Birb friend
Dog mermaid friend
Turnip friend (frond)
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gomamonday · 6 years
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Sketch a Day 1276- Gomamon - 11/3/18
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gomamonday · 6 years
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Spooky Gomamon.
Day 1937.
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gomamonday · 6 years
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[[ Today is Black Cat Day! Looks like the Goma Pod found one to celebrate with~ ]]
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gomamonday · 6 years
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gomamonday · 6 years
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We’re having a lazy Sunday today~ :3
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