gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Reblog if...
Your blog is anon-friendly
Your blog is open to starters aimed at them
Your blog willing to respond to open starters
Your blog is open to questions about headcanons
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Simon stumbled through the forest like he had been doing for hours. After seeing the same rock formation he had passed several times, he determined that he was indeed lost. Simon was trying to find Yngol barrow after purchasing a coral dragon claw in Winterhold. “Damn these trees they all look alike” he yelled. Simon began to walk again when he heard someone say ” Halt where you stand, wanderer.” Simon looked up to see the eyes of a vampire staring at him. ” You are trespassing on castle Volkihar territory. State your name and business here, so that I might decide whether to loose this arrow or spare your life.” Simon stared at the creature for a moment and decided to play it safe. ” My name is Simon and I am merely lost. I have been for hours and am just trying to find the main road towards Windhelm. If you could point me in that direction I would gladly leave this place.”
Hidden within the looming branches of an old tree, Rowan watched the traveler below him with an unwavering hunter’s gaze, holding his weapon steady and silently lifting it into position to deliver a fatal shot. Drawing the string of his dragonbone bow all the way to the edge of his cheek, the...
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
reblog if it’s 100% okay for mutuals to tag you in a starter
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Simon watched the blood mage carefully as he laid down on the ground. Tears welled in Jowan’s eyes and for a moment Simon felt pity. He walked over behind the blood mage, bound his arms and yanked him up. “Tell me, are those things that happened at Redcliffe really your fault.?” Simon didn’t know if it was his curiosity, or if he genuinely cared about this man. His grandfather had been an apostate. Simon remembered him very vaguely. Simon also remembered when the templars came for his grandfather. They busted down the door, grabbed him and dragged him off never to be seen again. Simon never knew his mother, his father always told him she died giving birth to him. His father… that was a memory that caused much pain. His father had given him up to the templars at the age of five saying he was a nuisance and needed discipline. Simon always thought that was a lie, he knew the truth it was because he reminded him of his mother. Being a templar wasn’t what he wanted. It was hard for him to do it, to kill people who were just trying to survive. He looked at this young man and weighed his options.
Knight-Vigilant Simon had been tasked with hunting down a specific maleficar named Jowan. This particular blood mage was especially strong. He had heard from knight-commander Greagoir that he was responsible for many atrocities, The worst being an attempt on arl Eamons life....
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
"Yup just like everything else in this god forsaken wasteland" Simon grabbed the matches, lit his cigarette and handed them back to the lovely lady along with a cig. "Where can I get some supplies.? " I need food, water and ammo."
Sure thing toots, but its a menthol. I hope you don’t mind. You wouldn’t happen to have a light would ya.?
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Sure thing toots, but its a menthol. I hope you don't mind. You wouldn't happen to have a light would ya.?
❝     Got any smokes on you? My stash ran out a few days ago and Craterside isn’t getting a new shipment in until tomorrow.”
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
War, war never changes
They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. Ernest Hemingway
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
I want to do a fallout verse but I can't think of anything specific 0.0 and I have nobody to do it with :/
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
OPEN fallout verse
Simon sat amongst the remnants of a burnt out building looking through the scope of his rifle. He was looking for a place to find food but there was barely anything left in this part of the Mojave. He was wanted by the chairman in New Vegas so he couldn't return home. The only place he found that was unoccupied was Nipton. The legion had been through and burned it to the ground. He could tell it was them by the fact that their were people crucified along the road. Simon scavenged around the town and found a few cans of food but nothing filling. So he decided to try his luck with hunting, maybe a Gecko or anything. He was looking down his scope when he noticed somebody in the distance.
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Simon sat in a seedy Hookah bar in the worst part of Mosul. The capital of northern Iraq. Trying to find information about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group ISIS.
He had been tracking his field commander Abu Omar al-Shishani for a few days now and it lead him to this crappy little bar in downtown Mosul. He sat down in the corner booth towards the back. far enough away from Abu to where he wasn’t really noticeable in the dark smoke filled room, but close enough to listen in on what he was talking about.
"The takeover went great my brothers, we've had the Iraqi soldiers on the run the past few days. Baghdadi has much bigger plans in store but we must have patience." One of Abu's lackeys asked him where Baghdadi was holding up. He shushed him and mumbled something about a compound in Dena near the Zagros mountains.
Simon slunk out of the bar. Once he got outside he stuck to the shadows, but he heard footsteps behind him. thinking fast he cut down an alleyway, still Simon heard the footsteps. He took a sharp right then turned around ready to pounce. The footsteps got louder, the man came around the corner. Ghost grabbed him by the throat and pushed him to the ground.
Simon had told the man to talk, but he would not. so he snapped his neck and left him in that alley. he got on his satellite phone and called his intel guy. after a few rings wade picked up "hey Simon how is the information gathering going?" " I have a general idea of where Baghdadi is but i'm going to need backup." Wade gave a smirk. " I have just the person, her name is Kim and if she can't help you nobody can." Simon said " Wade if you get a hold of her tell her to meet me in Dena, its in the Zagros mountains."
Mission Possible
I opened my eyes to the sound of beeping coming from the garage, and reached out, searching for the last remnants of red bull I had left on the nightstand. Sitting up, I hear the beeping stop suddenly, then start up again. I thought perhaps it was an old smoke detector obnoxiously reminding me to change it’s tiny batteries. I got up and sauntered through the kitchen, leaving behind a residue of agitation in the still air. There was the beeping again. It was louder now, and sparking a forgotten instinct in me. I opened the door to the garage, immediately grabbing at the storage bins I had stacked in the corner. In the third box down, marked ‘High School ‘07’, I narrowed the beeping down to the old ‘Kim-municator’ my dad had made me my freshman year of high school. Surprised that it still work, I pressed the large centered accept button, and a mans face popped up on the screen. “Kim!” It was Wade, the computer super genius who had always helped me in my “acts of heroism.” “It’s been a while,” I let out with a deep sigh. “What’s the sitch?” Wade suddenly grinned, a wide and toothy grin, and apologized for interrupting my sleep. “This is important Kim. We didn’t know who else to call.” He seemed almost as exhausted as I was. I could see the darkened skin under his eyes suggesting his lack of sleep. “It’s okay Wade. What’s going on? I thought they had people to handle these situations now. I was told to stay out of it, remember?” I was still bitter about how it all went down 6 years ago. All I had ever tried to do was make the world safer, better, and they ripped my life apart because of it. I knew Wade could tell I was fighting to hold back tears, and the sharp sting in my eyes was making it hard. Wade wiped his face, in the way that men do when they are overwhelmed. “We do,” he started, “his name is Simon Riley. They call him, ‘Ghost’. He’s the best of the best, but he’s in some trouble, and he needs your help.”
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Knight-Vigilant Simon had been tasked with hunting down a specific maleficar named Jowan. This particular blood mage was especially strong. He had heard from knight-commander Greagoir that he was responsible for many atrocities, The worst being an attempt on arl Eamons life. Honestly Simon did not care what he had done, if the commander told him to kill he would. Simon had been stalking this man for a few days now, waiting for the right moment to strike.
He was skulking through the bushes trying to keep up when he stumbled and fell, it made a loud thud as he hit the forest floor. Simon saw the man turn around, he saw the fear in his eyes. He looked like a lost scared young man who wanted to just go home. Simon heard him stutter out “I know your their.” He had to do it now or never he reached for his longsword and jumped from the bushes. Landing only feet from the blood mage, Simon casted cleansing aura to prevent any magic use. He exclaimed "get down on the ground I was instructed to bring you back alive, but if I must I will put you down."
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
PLEASE, PLEASE Reblog if You're a Roleplayer That Believes Mun and Muse are Two Separate People.
my girlfriend thinks that everything my muse does is really ME doing it.
i’m trying to prove to her that there’s a whole community of us who recognize the huge, huge difference between mun and muse. please help me prove her wrong!
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice or just have a nice chat.
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
You are proud of your character
You are proud of the work you put into them
You love the relationships your character has made
You love how your character has turned out
You look forward to watching your character (continue to) grow
You look forward to the stories and plots you and your partners will come up with
You look forward to making more RP friends
I know I am.
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
Simon is a Marine, or at least he was before everything froze. He managed to be lucky enough to get in the tail end of the train before it was to late. If you could call being trapped in a cart with hundreds of people lucky. When he got there he was in good shape, but after so many days without food he was withering away somewhat. He had a hard time adjusting to the protein bars so he didn't eat much. And now he finds himself sleeping away the days towards the back. Simon was deep in sleep snoring. A sharp pain in his side made him jump to his feet ready for a fight. His vision was still fuzzy, he looked at the younger man in front of him and asked "what'd you do that for mate?"
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
just remember; i wasn’t always like this. just remember; my thoughts weren’t always to kill. just remember; i was human before i was a monster.
just remember; i’m not human any more.  (via mutegrey)
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gonnagetbloody · 10 years
We are the angry and the desperate, The hungry, and the cold, We are the ones who kept quiet, And always did what we were told. But we’ve been sweating while you slept so calm, In the safety of your home. We’ve been pulling out the nails that hold up Everything you’ve known.
Rise Against (Prayer Of The Refugee)
It all falls down
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