my great grandmother died from ALS and im getting really emotional about it lately so I will donate 10 cents for every note i get on this post!!!! I will also try and think of a clever way to dump ice on my head for a good laugh after i donate some!!
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iowa is the only state that consists entirely of vowels
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w is not a vowel
every message in my inbox for the next 16 years (via corporateaccount)
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Benadryl, when taken in high volume, causes hallucinations so vivid they are indistinguishable from reality. - weird, interesting & funny facts
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[sleep-over voice] are you awake
[sleep-over reply voice] yeah
[regrettable sleepover invitee voice] you guys SHH
[confused sleep-over voice] what is the meaning of life
[annoyed sleep-over voice] dude shut up
[sleep-over host voice] you guys be quiet my moms gonna hear us
[unknown voice] you kids wanna buy some drugs
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Hey remember that one time I didn’t give a fuck what assholes thought and I decided to wear whatever the fuck I want because I’m pretty damn cute? Cuz I sure do.
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please reblog this everyone needs to see this dont stop until its on the tumblr radar
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Ladies and Gentleman, the man that will be in history books. He was throwing the burning tear gas. Not to the cops but away from the children protesting. In his American Shirt and bag of chips. Check his twitter.
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i dont care if text posts are fake, let me believe the world is funny and creative and parents are weird and teachers are fun and coincidences always line up with the joke. it gives me hope.
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Today is the day Marty McFly goes to the future!
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I hardly see any heroic posts about Muslims on here, so here you go.
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Teen gay works at Christian daycare undercover as teen hetero
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It’s 2014 and racism is alive and well everyone…
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Rest in Peace, Robin Williams.
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