goodbyewaffles · 1 month
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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goodbyewaffles · 1 month
happy birthday to david duchovny who is barred from a canadian strip club, not because he did anything there, but simply bc he said it rained too much in vancouver
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goodbyewaffles · 2 months
Anyway ROTJ take:
- idk what EU material has to say about this but I fully believe that Jabba the Hutt can speak & understand Basic just fine and is simply choosing not to as a power move. And honestly, he's valid for that
- I also fully believe that Luke can understand huttese. Like he grew up on Tatooine in what seems to be a bilingual society. He's got to at least know some. On his visit to Jabba's palace I think he's pretending not to for his own reasons.
Conclusion: during the scenes where Luke & Jabba are communicating via interpreter they are both just pretending not to be able to understand each other and making poor Threepio act as go between
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goodbyewaffles · 2 months
for me the most relatable x files character has always been the dog that gets pulled away from that kid’s birthday cake in “the jersey devil”
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goodbyewaffles · 2 months
again I remind us all that guy of gisborne burned down marian's house, tried to murder his own baby, and actually murdered marian
in other words, "it would make them worse (affectionate)"
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"Because by the end of the show, Guy and Robin were best friends. Also Marian proved that Guy could be swayed to the side of Doing Good Things for the Wrong Reasons the lure of sex, he was just too poorly written I mean, evil" - Anonymous
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goodbyewaffles · 2 months
I have heard the whispers on reddit for a while about how Chris Carter kept the script from GA until the very last minute and how he let Duchovny read it before her. And I have always been skeptical because, like, who would be that much of a high school type bully?
Im sad to say after a solid trek through the wayback machine and a ton of broken links I found it. Please excuse the retelling of old news, I just got here...
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The same old will they won't they nonsense masquerading as pseudo intellectual pretension. It would've been less invasive to the plot to just have them be an old married couple.
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Imagine watching Gillian Anderson act out that final scene like she was hanging on to the last thread of her sanity and thinking, these two people are more emotionally connected than ever because Ive impregnanted a 53 year old and yeeted the son she's been traumatised about for 20 years?
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sooo? they got back together because in retirement and old age they needed a caretaker? Oh thats not...
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ah yes the pillow talk where Scully worries Mulder would leave her for a younger fertile woman. BROTHER EUUUGH
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This is insane. it's just absolutely insane. it's downright bullying. letting DD read it but keeping GA in the dark bc he knew she'd have issues with it. not trusting Gillian Freaking Anderson to know how to act. No you know what? Knowing your script is so corrupt a world class one in a million actor wouldn't be able to act this out without being able to hide her simmering rage if she had a chance to internalise it.
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Im not so unbiased that I can't give him props for this one. Its so sad he couldn't let go of the same plot hes regurgitated over and over and made that the overarching plot of the revival bc it could've been epic.
Link for the whole thing
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goodbyewaffles · 2 months
We should all quit our jobs to focus on summer
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goodbyewaffles · 4 months
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This is one of the hardest quotes ever and it comes from a 14 year old in the funny little book series about shape-shifting middle schoolers fighting space slugs. And it's about how he's probably going to have to kill his mom.
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goodbyewaffles · 4 months
"the average us president has been convicted of 0.73 felonies" actually statistical error, felonies donald who lives in florida and commits 10000 felonies a day is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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goodbyewaffles · 4 months
mountain goats litany for survival: I am gonna make it through this year it it kills me
mountain goats litany for divorce: hand in unlovable hand
mountain goats litany for justice: I’m gonna bribe the officials, I’m gonna kill all the judges
mountain goats litany for revenge: I am personally going to stab you in the eye with a foreign object
mountain goats litany for weird kid pride: wearing my lizard suit to the party
mountain goats litany for meeting word count: the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you and you are standing in the doorway
mountain goats litany against nonsense and also handball: I did not come to play handball
mountain goats litany against anti-intellectualism: I use the term advisedly according to Webster's 9th New Collegiate, definition 4b
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goodbyewaffles · 4 months
you're my touchstone, my constant, my one in five billion. anyway. see you in the office on monday
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
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Marian! Marian, I love you. I should have said! Why did I not say!? I love you, Marian, I love you. Marian.. - [1x12; The Return of the King]
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
just bringing this back too
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What Robin Hood did in 12 hours
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
my first, and maybe most correct, bbc Robin Hood post, from February 2015
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So obviously I love a lot of things about BBC Robin Hood, but maybe I love the crazy half-assed costumes the most? Like did they just tell the actors, “it’s cool, wear whatever you want/found in the garbage behind your apartment building”
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
That is is 2024
And I have still not watched Season Three
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
What do normal people who haven't had half their personality shaped by the lord of the rings think about when they are scraping butter across bread?
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goodbyewaffles · 5 months
i think all quiet on the western front and the lord of the rings are in direct conversation with each other, as in theyre the retelling of the same war with one saying here’s what happened, we all died, and it did not matter at all and another going hush little boy, of course we won, of course your friends came back
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