goodmun-blog · 11 years
when a good man and a good woman can’t find the good in each other then a good man and a good woman will bring out the worst in the other the bad in each other
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goodmun-blog · 11 years
Thank you Jones, this is wonderful work. I'd be happy to use this for RP. It'll be good to finally get away from the small pixel work I had been using.-
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YEAAA i made a bunch of icons for MCRP. the top 4 are for me, and then i did Good Man and Snake Eyes for funsies too. here are GM and SE in 100x100 size 4 the forum if goodmun or coz decide to use em :>
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
The other options for BS were a Frog and a Rooster.
SE also had a shot at the Rooster as well as a Snake.
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
I've wondered. The shark was meant for BA, right? But SE was the one the gifts ended up being offered to. So would that mean the shark is BA's or SE's? :o!
SE was the intended target actually. GM's plan was to get in contact with BA so he could discuss business and meet with SE. I was planning to have him exit along with BA and offer SE the gift but SE decided to bust in rather than wait so I went with it.
BA will receive her gift in due time...It will have to be under different circumstances though.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
At one point I thought Goodmun was Andrew Hussie himself and I'm still not completely convinced you're not
If only there was evidence to support this claim.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Fun fact, each gift choice GM makes for a fanapace isn't planned. I come up with three symbolic choices and assign their placement. So BS could have picked something other than the goat. Same thing for SE.
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Would you say the plot you had/have in mind for GM and BA is going more or less as you wanted, or is it going down a different path than you anticipated? Do you have an endgame for them in mind, or are you going with the flow?
It's a mixture of things. I do have a plot as to why GM is playing both sides, but really I'm having him ride the current as it goes. So far things are going as planned, but SE's hiring of PS is something I didn't expect to happen and will make things interesting.
There is an endgame in mind but with GM and BA it will be more a...reaction to other things I have planned rather than something between them. Though that could all change and I would be fine with that. Worry not, GM thinks BA is a good person and wouldn't kill them, so that's not the intended result...but I cannot say the same thing for her friends.
We'll just have to see what cards we're given. I'll make sure to let any of you know if I desire to have an interaction go down a certain path.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
I'm curious what you would have wanted to do with PS had SE not gotten to him first. 8)
Since he had been a detective I'm sure he would have wanted to meet with someone with similar abilities as his. Maybe he would have hired him to do certain things GM could not, such as investigating the Crew or SE's gang. I'm sure he would have liked to have such a distinguished detective on his side rather than what it is now, but we all must adapt, isn't that right?-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
I forgot to mention DS! I feel a bad about pinning her as someone who looked like his wife without asking for permission, but the Mun seemed to take it in stride and I was pleased with their conversations as well as the brief period she took care of him when he was injured. I wish they were still around so that GM could bug them at times like a lost puppy, but alas it cannot be.
FD may have to serve as her replacement sometime soon. Not in the looks department, but any Good Man should have a Good Suit, don't you think?-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Are there characters you wish you were able to have Good Man interact with that plot and circumstance have prevented? And are there any interactions with his character that happened on formspring that you would have liked to carry over/redo some day?
Several in fact. Many are due to Mun's being busy with other things or not having the time to RP, which is understandable. I had plans with IR and GM, but when it seemed like they wouldn't be replying for a while I had to become more direct and interact with BA herself.
I've followed PP's threads and I suppose I've wanted them to encounter each other. GM would be very protective of her innocence and very dangerous to a certain member of the Felt. However it seems to late in the game to throw GM into the mix, and I try to have him interact with the Felt as little as possible.
I was also interested in getting GM to work with PS, but as it turns out SE already pitted him against GM. I'm excited to see where that will take them.
I had hoped more would have come for GM, BH and CW but it seems they fallen by the wayside for now. Hopefully whenever both Muns choose to play them again we can see where that will go further.
GM and IC is something that's interested me as well. GM would have a lot to say to a corrupted cop, though with recent events they may not have the opportunity I had hoped for to meet.
I also wish GM and SB would have the chance to contrast each other again. I feel GM is near Swag's age, so it would be an interesting dichotomy.
There are many interactions I wish had carried over. BS of course, since I love their interactions together. I liked how he kept him under his wing and tried to reform him in the most abrasive way. Though GM then was different, I still wish I had more opportunities for them to meet and chat.
ZC was also one I liked working alongside GM. I liked the idea of them being friends and ZC being one GM could confide in if that plot had moved further on. Right now they're only acquaintances, though I have the feeling GM would like to get a little more friendly with ZC's services in the future.
There were some other Fanapaces that didn't quite make it over to MCRP that I wish had, such as the servant boy one and their caretaker. But for now I think we have a good and diverse cast.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Do you have a master plan for GM or are you just spooking us as you go?
There is always a plan with GM. There is a certain point I'd like to reach, and I feel it coming closer and closer with each new thread. Hopefully it'll pay off.
Spooking you all is just the added bonus.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
god tell me what to draw i can't think for myself give me orders
I see you were interested in a picture featuring GM and BA in a relationship. Keep in mind Good Man was the one who lost his mind over the loss of his wife and of his friend. His role in any relationship beyond that point would be a possessive, intense and dangerous. Factors which I see BA is all too familiar with.
I can't say what you should draw, but the tone is important. GM's not a man of sexual prowess even if he was interested, it's more about pure strength and force being released, like water rushing from a breaking dam. Years of repressed feelings and desires rushing back and hitting head on. No matter who the partner in the relationship is GM will end up being the dominant one.
I do hope you can figure something out from that. Like I said dates would be confined to the safety of the home, and while GM may toy with his partner with some mind games or simple pleasures he'd want to experience them as soon as possible rather than dance around the fact with a dinner.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
If it wouldn't reveal anything you'd rather not, what did Good Man do on Prospit? Or what was his name on Prospit?
Some old Formspring canon still applies to MCRP so I'll be happy to explain certain facts some may not know.
Good Man was one of the rare Agents to go buy a full name, Karma Floyd. He was an Agent for Prospit and worked with the Regulators as a detective somewhat. He worked his way up the ladder to the Murder Division (Sorry the actual name escapes me right now) and worked alongside his partner Ascertaining Plainclothes. That is, before the incident with his wife.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
why the goat
I don't know. You chose it. So why the goat Shad?
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Pretend for a moment that Good Man enters a relationship with another fanapace (aka BA, BS during the formspring era or any other fanapaces of your choosing). What form would that relationship take and how long would it take for somebody to end up dead?
Hmm yes indeed. It's difficult to discuss but a relationship, I'm assuming romantic, would be a very tiring one for whomever GM partners with. He could never stop doing what he loves so that means long nights out and the threat of danger everyday.
He would also only meet with his partner under very strict rules and never in public. He'd be very controlling, at least for as long as he felt it was unsafe to be seen together in public. Though if anyone could rekindle a flame in his burnt out heart...to say it would be anything other than intense would be putting it lightly. Every action would be forceful and heavy for any relationship you put him in. The only people dead would be people that could threaten his partner's safety, which could mean a lot of people.
I like to think of his possible relationships as playing with a loaded gun with blanks. Eventually there's going to be a bang and it's going to be loud but in the end you'll always be safe. Of course the only time it is loaded with real bullets is when you shoot someone else.
I've hinted at it in canon RP, but GM is asexual. He has no desire any more for intercourse and keeps himself from being sexually attracted to anyone. Of course out of canon RP he could be anything, so don't be afraid to let the mind wander. It's just for intents and purposes in RP GM won't be getting into any romantic or sexual situations, it would be...detrimental to his mission.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
Ask about Good Man or Quarters and possibly anything that might cater to your whims. This includes canon information and possibilities you're interested in exploring. I am happy to be of service.-
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goodmun-blog · 12 years
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savin da best for lasssttttttt.
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