How Dads Can Help With Baby’s Development? Tips for Dad to Bond with Newborn.
Dads play an imperative role in baby development. It is a common refrain amongst health practitioners across the globe.
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During the first six months, it is normal for a baby’s stool to be soft and loose. However, if your baby has loose motions or diarrhea, the chances are that you will know it immediately.
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Babies are probably the sweetest creation of the Supreme Power but can be the most significant cause of stress for new parents.
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The right and wrong of bed-sharing with baby is a topic of hot debate in the parenting circles today.
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You are out shopping for essential items along with your kid. When you cross the toys section, your child is not ready to budge from that aisle.
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We are in an unprecedented time. Parents are now being asked to take on parenting, teaching, and possibly working from home.
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Concerned on how you are going find a cool baby name for your little one? Are you a parent who wants the coolest name for them? We know you are looking for good recommendations.
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We often come across terms like pearly whites, 32 pearls while we flip through dental advertisements in magazines or newspapers.
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If you have ever shared your home with a pet, you know that they can bring love, happiness, and companionship into your family and life. With minimal effort, pets make our lives joyous.
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Small children are like soft clay. They learn by imitation. Structured play activities help you teach them life values and problem-solving attitude.
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Every parent wants to help children develop healthy habits. It is perhaps the most important task that you perform as a parent during the early years of parenthood.
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Ayurveda text has mentioned a lot of beneficial uses of Indian Long pepper or Pippali.
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Engaging is a tough deal during pandemic when the kid and parents are both locked down and under Isolation/Observation, but its the best time to communicate, understand, connect with them and make them best friends for life.
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‘’Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything ‘’ this quotation very well explains the importance of music in our lives.
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The kids come to this world with a new immune system and slowly build their immunity. The immune system in kids has been designed to do a beautiful job of guarding them against many bacteria and viruses. It defends your kids against infections, but sometimes it fails to fight against the infection, making your child fall sick.
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Are you looking for snacks which are tasty, healthy and low in calories. Here are some tasty and healthy low-calories snacks for adults and kids who are overweight or obese.
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PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is undoubtedly a devastating medical experience for females. A female undergoing the said medical condition faces mood swings, anger, high irritation quotient, and even throbbing pains such as headaches and cramps. Moreover, the worst aspect of the condition is that even the near and dear ones of the woman bear the brunt of the following condition.
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