goodparley-blog · 10 years
Eusa come up then slow and scanful like all ways terning his woodin head this way and that and his paintit eyes taking us all in. Many and manys the time Id lookit back at them staring blue eyes. Since back befor I cud member it even. Only this time it seamt like it wer the 1st time I wer seeing him and I wer afeart of him. The way he kep terning his head it made me think of that thing with no name looking out thru our eye hoals.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Eusas voyce said, 'Orfing you aint very qwick are you I cud get better patter peeing agenst a wall.'
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
I said, 'Weare going aint we.' The crowd said, 'Yes weare going.' I said, 'Down that road with Eusa.' They said, 'Time and reqwyrt.' I said, 'Where them Chaynjis take us.' They said, 'He done his time wewl do our time.' I said, 'Hes doing it for us.' They said, 'Weare doing it for him.'
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Tho I cudnt see them 3 stroaks I cud feal them tho. Tharbing a littl and I thot of them like 3 moufs on me and waiting to say some thing.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
"I steppt back with his E pirntit in his blood on the right side of me.
3 stroaks for Eusa:
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Which ever way you pirnt it on its never backards."
--Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
I said to Goodparley, 'Wheres Eusa?' He said, 'In my belly. Fear belly and brave belly. Hot and col. Emty and ful.' I said, 'Wheres his mark?' He said, 'On me from a nother on him from a nother. You asking for that mark?' I said, 'Im asking for that mark.' He said, 'How wil they know it when its on you?' I said, 'Its on me to make it knowt.'
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
I said, 'The Littl Shyning Man aint nothing Iwd look for. Not with my eyes any how."
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Orfing said to me, 'You bes not work your jaw too hard your head myt come luce all on a suddn.'
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
I said 'Yes theres a lot to look a head to. Like croaking iron at Widders Dump. We do the croaking and they get the iron.' He said, 'Riddley theres other things to do as wel.' I said, 'Yes and they all smel of cow shit dont they.'
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Dads things all roun the shelter. His weapons and his anrack hanging on ther pegs. His paper and ink and pens on the locker. His doss bag. Even his smel stil there. His smoak and his sweat but no Dad. The black and red spottit dog skin peggit on the wall with the 4 legs out stretcht and the candl flame shimmying in the wind.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
No rumpa no dum No zantigen Eusa cum
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
I never knowit Goodparley & Orfing say ther oan Trubba not they all ways sent a hevvy in front of them.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
1 of them lookit up at me and said, ‘Trubba not. Eusa show.’
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Lissening to the rain dumming down on my hard clof hood and thinking how itwd soun on dog skin.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Eusa sed, won yu pleas tel me how menne Chaynjis thayr ar? The Littl Man sed, As menne as reqwyrd. Eusa sed, Reqwyrd by wut? The Littl Man sed, Rqwyrd by the idear uv yu. Eusa sed, Wut is the idear of me? The Littl Man sed, That we doan no til yuv gon thru aul yur Chaynjis.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Yul fyn me in the wud yul fyn me on the water lyk yu foun me in the stoan. Yu luk enne wayr & Iwl be thayr.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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goodparley-blog · 10 years
Eusa sed, This is a dream.
Riddley Walker, Russell Hoban
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