goodrocketenergy · 5 years
The Tao Of Badass Reviews : Dating Tips For Men
The Tao Of Badass Reviews : Dating Tips For Men
    Video Transcript:
Comes up alright, hey guys, my name is Jorge Sean coming into the is forced his coaching horse, yeah coming into this coaching. Of course you know I started off on my own, really I bought you know about the doll baddest a couple of other products. You know I was reading it and it just nothing. I mean it was clicking, but I don’t know I just it didn’t it didn’t. Like answer all my questions and it – and I you know, I like the motivation really to go out and apply this stuff and signing up with this coaching course really pushed me a little next level. I mean right off the bat I was pushed by all the other guys in this course. We just kept each other going Jesus Christ – I haven’t probably approached at least 80 gorgeous girls in this time, and I would have never done that and probably in a million years – and it was just absolutely incredible – my approach anxiety is pretty much obliterated seriously and it’s Just now I can live the life or at least start to live the life I want to live, live with life. Where I don’t settle anymore, I push for what I want, and now I just can’t go after it. Now. That’S awesome. Red More: https://reviewsarena.net/self-improvement/the-tao-of-badass-reviews-dating-tips-for-men/
  Get The Tao of BadAss Today
  How to make out with a girl in 40 seconds or less – for real
If you’ve ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn’t know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience. It may seem like it’s magical or out of reach – a special ability or super-power that someone is born with.
But it’s not. And it can be broken down into a few simple steps you can follow in order to make the same thing happen for you. In this article, I’m going to break down those steps.
The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who’s really good with women and someone who’s not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who’s ready to make out.
I know it sounds kind of crazy at first, but it’s true. If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go WAY down.
You must know how to spot that woman who’s already in this “make-out ready” state, so you can walk up and be “that guy.”
Don’t buy into the myth that women don’t want this to happen.
Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. Most of the time, this “turbo” make-out session never happens, because so many guys are afraid to go for it. And when this doesn’t happen, the girls end up going home alone or worse.. staying being kind of mean to a lot of guys in the bar/being resentful and angry because no one’s approaching them.
By putting this technique into practice, You want to discover how to see the women who you’re able to make out with in 40 seconds or less in the first place.
There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.
What To Look For
The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.
Let me explain… When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called “Eye Accessing Cues.” When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she’s accessing her emotional brain.
If she makes eye contact with you, looks down then back up again, she’s saying: “I have an emotional response to you looking at me and I’m looking down.” And if she tilts her head down as well (and doesn’t just use her eyes to look down), she’s physically dropping herself a little bit lower and showing submission.
This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.
Now, if she looks at you, smiles and doesn’t look away, this could be a lot more difficult situation. Socially, she’s meeting you head on, and not showing immediate submission.
Women who you’re going to be able to walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds or less should automatically take the submissive role as a woman. That’s one quality which shows you’ll be able to quickly make out with her.
Another quality is that she’s actively looking around to make eye contact. This is crucial. A woman who is engaged with someone specifically and she’s not looking away is not going to be as easy to seduce in 40 seconds or less. It’s going to take much longer.
Again, you’re going to have to play a totally different kind of game when you walk up. You can’t just walk up and make out with her.
So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she’s constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that’s a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.
Other traits are revealed in the way they’re moving and how they’re dressed. Let’s say she’s standing with her feet about shoulder-width apart. It’s less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. That’s because she’s standing in a dominant position, with stronger body language and she’ll probably be a lot more resistant.
Instead, you want to find a woman who takes up less space. She has her legs closer together and seems to be outside of a group, looking around a little bit.
Another thing is the way she’s dressed. If she’s dressed in a way that’s super flashy and attracting lots of attention, she probably isn’t the kind of girl you can walk up to and make out with in 40 seconds.
This kind of women is looking for attention – not for someone to dominate them. What you want is someone who’s in between “I don’t care” and “Stare at my tits, bitch!” Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. You want to find someone who’s in between those two extremes.
A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. They don’t want to over dress or under dress, and don’t know how the bar atmosphere is going to be. They’ll usually come in open-minded, and start looking around trying to make connections. This is an excellent situation for you (and her, of course).
That’s what to look for and how you spot her in the first place. If you see some of those, you want to watch her for a second. If you think that she is the kind of person you can walk up to and do this, then proceed.
If not, I’d actually suggest you proceed anyway, just to see what happens.
Next, right after you get that done and you’ve seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you’re going to walk up and start the scary part.
What To Do
This is where the most powerful kind of frame control comes in. It’s very, very important that you understand how to control someone else’s frame if you want to come across like you’re a pro at this.
By “frame,” I basically mean their “reality.” You’re controlling what they experience. You have to be able to stay in control of that experience in order to really bring her to the level where she feels comfortable making out with you immediately.
I’m going to give you a very quick, punchy, fast way of doing this. I’ll explain as quick as possible; that way you can go straight out and try it…
Here’s what I would say, word-for-word… Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, “Shhh…”
Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. And immediately say, “Wait just one moment.”
You can also say, “Stop for one minute.” I suggest using a bit of NLP here. Whenever someone hears “stop,” “wait,” or “don’t,” they immediately register whatever comes after that.
So if I say, “Don’t think of a black cat,” what do you do? Immediately, you think of a black cat and whatever version of one you have in your head.
So if I said, “Don’t try to make out with me,” or “Don’t make out with me right now,” girls are going to be consciously hearing, “Don’t make out with me,” but their subconscious minds will be hearing, “Make out with me right now!”
You’re attempting to sort of use real-life Inception to get making-out with you to be HER idea. She should be thinking, “I should make out with this guy.”
Now, during frame control you’ll be using a lot of these subconscious triggers in order to get this to go as fast as possible. Please only use this for good. There are lots of evil ways to use this.
Don’t try to seduce women who don’t want to be seduced. Again, that’s one of the reasons why it’s important that you notice a woman who really does want to be seduced by a man.
So to recap so far: you walk up, you put your finger over your lips and you tell her to “Shhh” for a second and then you say a sentence that starts with “don’t” or “wait” or “stop.”
My typical is “Don’t worry… right now.” That’s all I say. And I slow that speech down – “Don’t…worry………. right now.”
Then I go right into the next statement, which is, “You and I are going to have a secret. We’re going to secretly kiss and no one will know.”
And as I’m saying this, I’m leaning in… and you’ll be doing the same when you do it. You’re leaning in ever… so… slowly. At the same time, you’re looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.
This is called “Triangulating.” Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two… etc. Do that about three or four times as you’re talking.
This can be a lot to remember, so you may want to practice it a little bit. I wouldn’t expect you’re going to get it perfect the first time.
So again, you say, “We’re going to have a secret. We’re going to kiss and no one is going to know.” From here on out, you’re really just filling up space with words as you’re leaning in so you’re still controlling the interaction.
So you’re going to very, very slowly, take your right or left hand – whichever one is more accessible – and reach around her back. You won’t pull her in toward you or anything yet, just touch her very lightly.
Signs That It’s Working
Is she looking at your lips? If she’s looking at your lips, you have a green light to go forward. If she’s looking at your eyes, you may want to wait a second, or turn around and turn back again and try it again.
This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. When you turn around and turn back again, most people consider this to be a fresh start in a conversation. It’s a strange loop-hole in psychology.
For some reason, that’s how we are as humans. When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you’re getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. If she gives you resistance again, you probably should back off and find another woman.
If she’s looking at your lips and seems to be very comfortable and excited, then proceed. You’ll move in very closely and speak almost directly into her ear.
In a loud environment like a bar, you’ll want to speak louder, but don’t raise your voice. Make your voice very low so that you have to be very, very close to her ear for her to hear.
Then you’re going to keep talking… What I usually say is, “No one is going to see this. It’s just going to be our little secret. I promise I won’t tell anybody only if you promise that you won’t tell anybody either.”
As I’m saying this into her ear, I make sure that she’s feeling my breath on her neck. So I’m sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I’m speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.
This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.
As you’re speaking really close to her ear, you’ll, very slowly, press your cheek against hers as you’re talking. Then you’ll move you head over so that your mouth is closer to hers, and then… you’ll start kissing her.
And if you do this right, you start out with just one soft peck… then go straight into making out. It may not seem like it in this description, but 40 seconds is a long time. This process can happen in a lot less than 40 seconds – I’ve done it in less time, and I’ve seen other guys do it, too.
Practice It
What I want you to do is practice this approach. Maybe go for a minute or two at first, and then get to where you can do this in about 40 (or even 30) seconds.
You won’t use this tactic all the time. But when the opportunity is right, it’s really good to have this in your seduction arsenal. You want to make sure that you have the right kind of tools for the job, so to speak.
Whenever you see a girl who’s in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she’ll be turned off and you’ve lost a golden seduction opportunity.
Instead, when you spot this, you want to be able to see her, know that that’s what she wants, go in, and give it to her immediately. This is the major difference between guys who are rock stars at walking up and seducing a woman… and guys who wish that they were great at quickly seducing a woman.
There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality… how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesn’t turn off any of her weird alert switches… specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure she’s totally in your zone.
What’s taken me from a normal dude to a well-respected dating coach, is knowing a lot of short-cuts like this and knowing when to bring them out. And these short-cuts can also improve your game with women.
Remember these characteristics in women who want to be seduced, and remember – it is possible to make out with a woman in 40 seconds or less.
Discover my other top 3 “Seduction Secrets” in this special video presentation.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Digital camera evaluations are abundant not simply online but likewise in the newspapers, magazines and even TELEVISION programs. We often question why most digital electronic camera evaluates always applaud all the digital cam out in the market, that's why we end up getting confused on which item to buy or get our liked ones.] Here's something you ought to never rely on regarding digital electronic camera reviews - never trust news release or reviews that are directly from the maker or advertising office that is straight linked with producer of the digital video camera. Why ?! Well because these digital camera evaluations are never ever too honest, or they simply provide the assets about their products. I suggest, what would you expect, expecting you own your own line of digital cams and to enhance your sales, you launch digital video camera examines about your items. Of course you wouldn't mention the bad things or the glitches of your product in your digital electronic camera reviews, because that way you will never ever have the ability to soar your sales. Press releases or digital camera reviews from producer are always half-truths. Have not you had any experience with that?! I mean, that just does not go for digital camera, keep in mind that brush-blower thingy that you bought over the web that states it would work enormously for your hair, but ended not working for your hair after all. News release are press releases, implying that they are intended to get individuals to purchase the product or to provide the item a better name.
On more thing that you can never ever completely trust are house shopping networks and advertisements. As much as press releases, they basically present the exact same claims about their items. Hey, don't trust me, you can constantly get them and return them after showing to yourself that it does not work. Never mind the time and effort that you've lost, you picked to listen to a half-truth digital camera evaluation, that's what you get for that.
The best digital electronic camera reviews readily available are those found in specialty publications (computer based and technical magazines), special sites dealing with techie stuff and unofficial digital cam reviews. Since, why ?! Well! Due to the fact that these digital video camera evaluations are constantly genuine. These critics and reviewers are never scared to note down the good as much as the bad points of digital cameras. These digital camera reviews generally explains the difference between the items that a particular maker has launched and how it is worse or better than the previous one. These critics and customers are also experienced in their craft, so its state to safe to state that they understand what they are talking about when it comes to digital cam evaluations. Another thing, most of the time, these digital cam evaluations are actual very first hand experience with the item itself and not just some advertising agent asked to come up with flowery words to capture you and your wallet.
Another finest source for a digital video camera evaluation is one that you can write yourself. And how can you do that?! Of course, you initially need to purchase your own digital video camera, attempt it out and compare whatever that you do with it to the things that it claims to be. After doing so, then you can write your own digital video camera evaluation or evaluations, depending on how lots of things you've learned from your digital video camera.
The most honest digital electronic camera reviews are the very best reviews you can try to find and trust. Anyhow, you can constantly call client center or return your digital cam if they don't live up to their claims.
We often wonder why most digital video camera reviews always praise all the digital camera out in the market, that's why we end up getting confused on which item to purchase or get our enjoyed ones. Here's one thing you should never rely on regarding digital cam evaluations - never ever trust press releases or evaluations that are directly from the maker or marketing workplace that is straight connected with manufacturer of the digital camera. I indicate, what would you expect, supposing you own your own line of digital electronic cameras and to improve your sales, you launch digital cam reviews about your products. The best digital electronic camera reviews readily available are those found in specialized publications (computer system based and technical publications), unique websites catering to techie stuff and unofficial digital camera evaluations. After doing so, then you can compose your own digital cam evaluation or evaluations, depending on how many things you've learned from your digital electronic camera.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Handling the Right Teeth Whitening Product: A review
Handling the Right Teeth Bleaching Item: A review
Teeth lightening items have turned into one of the needs of people who prefer dazzling white teeth. The marketplace has increased the offered tooth whitening items to up to 25%. It is because our teeth typically end up being stained and tarnished as we get older.
A quick evaluation on teeth bleaching will reveal that there are basically 2 kinds of teeth whitening techniques.
1. See to the dental expert. This is the very first and many suggested method if you wish to go through a teeth bleaching treatment. Your dental professional will choose which treatment will fit you, whether its laser or whitening procedure. The rate of these oral procedures are quite higher, you can still be ensured that you'll have a perfect white teeth after the treatment. In addition, you'll also be provided correct dental care, and have your teeth examined before starting with any treatment.
There are lots of tooth whitening products you can use at house. Many reputable teeth lightening evaluates indicate that teeth whitening sets are likewise effective in improving the vibrant beauty of your teeth and a method for brilliant white teeth. You can likewise ask review from those satisfied consumers that are utilizing the home teeth whitening items.
Professional teeth bleaching provides treatment that will lighten your teeth in as little as one week. Home teeth whitening review that it will take 2 to three weeks to accomplish a great result.
Examining the Teeth Whitening Products
A review on teeth lightening product should offer the fundamental information on what the customer must appreciate.
Things such as:
Appropriate care needs to be taken in factor to consider for any teeth bleaching item. You need to look for a tooth whitening product that would efficiently do the lightening and cleaning of your teeth.
Even though it's real, you should keep in mind that the more powerful the lightening compound, the more extreme it will be for your teeth. This would indicate that although the tooth lightening will offer fast outcome, you might run the danger of your teeth ending up being harmed and delicate to temperature level.
Quality Customer Service. This involves the different ways the great and the bad company market their products. Known business are far more interested in staying connected with their customers and taking care of them. Even though a lot of individuals are benefiting from the customer support, lots of online organisations still continue to handle long term consumers. Any product review must think about the capacity of the customer to connect with the business.
As pointed out, there is a trade off between the cost and speed. Of all the teeth whiteners available, consumer can't decide what to prioritize, if it's the worth or cost of the item. All the assessment in the world will not make a product suit your way of life or your capability to go after with the instructions.
Teeth lightening items have actually ended up being one of the needs of people who prefer brilliant white teeth. A lot of trusted teeth whitening reviews suggest that teeth bleaching sets are also effective in improving the younger charm of your teeth and a method for fantastic white teeth. You can also ask review from those satisfied customers that are utilizing the home teeth whitening items.
Professional teeth lightening offers treatment that will whiten your teeth in as little as one week. You need to look for a tooth lightening product that would efficiently do the whitening and cleansing of your teeth.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
What To Search for In Mp3 Player Reviews
What To Search for In Mp3 Player Reviews
An MP3 gamer review is a crucial resource for any prospective purchaser. It supplies information on the product, having actually been checked by a variety of individuals including specialists and in a series of environments. The whole point of an evaluation is that it permits the reader to get a well rounded outlook on a product prior to buying. Any fundamental MP3 player evaluation should, therefore, offer the reader clear details, considering the variety of users that might buy the product and likewise the methods which they might utilize it. The evaluation is that implied to supply the very best possible customer info, and so the very best kind of evaluation should give the reader the opportunity to make an educated choice about their purchase, and with confidence.
MP3 player reviews come in numerous styles. Some are simply tables with scores clearly beside the criteria that are being considered. Others will consist of descriptions and factors to consider of the different features, and likewise supply clear reasonable examples to back up the opinion revealed. The very best type of MP3 player review will offer both. This makes the evaluation both easy to comprehend, will make the plus and minus points stand out, and also supply more in depth information on the gadget that captures the customers eye. It will also have a functional and clear search center that will limit the requirements that is crucial to the buyer. This saves time and energy, and avoids unnecessary information being checked out.
Any evaluation ought to think about a variety of MP3 gamers within a series of rate classifications. The cost ought to be plainly displayed as this is often one of the very first requirements that will impact the customer's preliminary choice when choosing a product. It would be unfair to produce a review that enticed the purchaser, only to show a price beyond the budget later on. The descriptions need to put the MP3 gamer in the top, bottom or lowest end in terms of quality for the rate category it fits. Customers understand that the higher priced designs are probably the very best in regards to quality and unique features, however it is just the products within their cost range that genuinely intrigues them.
MP3 gamer reviews ought to supply in-depth details on the efficiency of the product, and compare it to others comparable in both type and price. The sound quality must be evaluated thoroughly, with a series of music thought about as the quality of sound will differ, for circumstances, with additional bass or a quicker beat. The sound quality must also be checked in a variety of circumstances to guarantee that a lot of possible usages are considered; for instance, the sound quality when running may differ from the sound quality in a busy street. The noise ought to be checked through both MP3 gamer suitable speakers and earphones, as both are reasonable possibilities.
The mobility of the MP3 gamer is another significant consideration. Specific measurements ought to be offered where possible to give the clearest possible picture. The purchaser that is an MP3 gamer veteran will desire a different product to that of a very first time buyer.
Another factor to consider in any review should likewise be the resilience, as possible purchasers desire to understand that their picked item is not just the best possible quality, however that it will also last. The battery life and the time required to recharge is another important aspect, and typical or specific figures ought to be offered.
This short article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author's name and all the URLs (links) pointed out in the post and biography need to be kept.
An MP3 player evaluation is a crucial resource for any potential buyer. Any basic MP3 player review should, for that reason, provide the reader clear info, thinking about the variety of users that may buy the product and also the ways in which they may utilize it. The finest type of MP3 player review will provide both. Any evaluation needs to think about a variety of MP3 players within a range of cost classifications. MP3 gamer reviews should provide detailed information on the efficiency of the item, and compare it to others comparable in both type and price.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Sole Elliptical Fitness Instructor Reviews
Sole Elliptical Trainer Reviews
There are lots of elliptical fitness instructor evaluations, nevertheless, these elliptical trainer evaluations cover some of the more common elliptical fitness instructor names out there. Sole is not a typical name related to elliptical machines, nevertheless you can be sure that you will see their name more and more in various elliptical trainer reviews for some great reasons that we will explain to you.
Since you might not have actually heard the name Sole in the elliptical fitness instructor reviews that you have read, you may think that they are a brand brand-new business attempting to get into the fitness market. Sole has actually been in the hotel market, by offering treadmills for many upscale hotels such as the Hilton. They have actually stayed in business for over twenty years, which is not surprising that that they are making some extremely spectacular elliptical trainer machines, and you will observe their name regularly showing up in elliptical trainer evaluations.
One of the advantages of their devices is that their footpads have appropriate positioning. This is very essential as your bodies alignment is generally thrown off when you use elliptical fitness instructors, which is something that is not mentioned in elliptical fitness instructor evaluations.
Another piece of information that individuals might not notice in elliptical trainer evaluations is the weight capability of the maker. There are particular weight limits that elliptical trainers do have. Sole has actually taken notice to this, which is why they have a elliptical device that can hold a weight capacity of as much as four-hundred pounds. Since their weight goes over the devices capability, this is a fantastic benefit for overweight individuals who desire to use a elliptical device however can not. In fact, Sole supplies the only maker that can hold this kind of weight capability which makes it extremely appealing for obese individuals who are trying to reduce weight with a maker that will likewise assist them feel comfy throughout the whole workout.
Sole likewise supplies elliptical makers that use some of the largest stride lengths, reaching up to twenty inches where other devices do not even surpass over sixteen inches. This is very important, because the length of the stride for your arms not only helps you burn more calories, but it likewise benefits taller people. It is hard for people with long arms to use a elliptical device that has a brief stride length. In numerous elliptical fitness instructor evaluations, you will notice that the typical stride length is anywhere form twelve to sixteen inches.
Apart form other elliptical device makers, Sole uses among the best service warranties. Due to the fact that Sole utilizes some of the bets quality for their parts and provides you terrific self-confidence that your device will last for years to come, this is.
Their elliptical trainer machines generally range under seventeen-hundred dollars, that make them an excellent buy for their quality and features.
You can look over other elliptical fitness instructor evaluations and compare a few of the essential advantages of the machines utilized in the reviews compared to the machines that Sole uses. You will see that despite the elliptical device evaluates that you encounter, that Sole uses a highly competitive item with a deal price. Elliptical makers made by Sole will end up being more known due to the fact that of this reason. After a while you will discover Sole in a growing number of elliptical fitness instructor reviews in the future and will have the ability to see the remarkable advantages that elliptical devices created by Sole deal.
They have been in service for over twenty years, which is no wonder that they are making some extremely spectacular elliptical trainer machines, and you will discover their name regularly coming up in elliptical trainer evaluations.
Sole likewise supplies elliptical devices that offer some of the largest stride lengths, reaching up to twenty inches where other machines do not even exceed over sixteen inches. You can look over other elliptical trainer evaluations and compare some of the crucial advantages of the machines used in the reviews compared to the makers that Sole offers. After a while you will discover Sole in more and more elliptical trainer evaluations in the future and will be able to see the exceptional benefits that elliptical machines developed by Sole deal.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Menterprise - Best Article Writing Software? Content Generator Software?
Menterprise - Best Article Writing Software? Content Generator Software?
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Fast & Easy Create multiple articles in one click. Customize in a few more. Content On-Demand. Multiple keyword relevant articles created in minutes. Unlimited variations and regenerations in seconds. Customize & Optimize. Configure to your needs; word count, uniqueness, readability, tags, images, videos, maps and more. Top-Quality Spintax Natural Language Processing is used to generate Spintax. Unrivalled in readability and uniqueness. Login & Go. No proxies, captchas, VPS' or API keys. Less waiting, more doing what you're good at. Get today's Google, not yesterday's. Any niche. No archives. Any Keyword, Any Niche. Trending topics, buzzing brands, latest products; whatever you need, when you need it. Today's Content. Created and customized from the top ten, or more, SERP results. Content based on what Google loves. SERP Country & Domain. Change the results for more country specific content. More than 100 countries & domains to choose from. Google Search Syntax Support. We support all of Google's search syntax – searches like "site:ikea.com kitchens" and "intitle:plumber" work perfectly. Google Love. Optimize content in just a few clicks for that extra Google love. Built-in Optimization. Everything you need; embed images, YouTube videos, Google maps, add NAPs, CTAs, header tags, alt text and more. Image & Video Scraping. Search, select and insert up to 100 keyword relevant images and videos in just two clicks – or easily add your own. Unlimited Variations. Random placements and spinning; articles, titles, paragraphs, images, videos, maps and more. Easy Export Export one or more HTML Spintax articles to .txt, .csv or .zip in one click. Module Magic. Use all Modules, or just a few — change up your content any way you like. Redirect Module. Redirect users to wherever you please, just enter a link and activation delay – a killer for affiliate marketing and launch-jacking. Learn More. Premium HTML Templates. A growing library of NAPs, CTAs and custom HTML, all with custom placements. Custom HTML Templates Create, use, re-use and share your own custom modules + ones we‘ve built for you. Replacer Module. Replace or remove brand names, product names or literally anything else. Create kick-ass content. About anything. No coding. One app. Click the link above to get started.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Spinrewriter Trends to Watch For
Spinrewriter Street Talk
This software is fantastic. I have been writing posts for blog sites and seo functions for 2 years now and have actually used numerous pieces of software application during this time. All announcing to be the best, but in my mind your tool is street's ahead of the competition. Fantastic software, extremely simple to utilize and exceptionally fast. From my personal experience (and I attempted and mastered practically EVERY spinner on the market in the past 3 years or two), Spin Chief is the present best post spinner around. It has a massive (and growing), tables of synonyms, however unlike other spinners, it gets much deeper than this; It virtually scans the complete short article - significance, it doesn't just inspecting up words, however it evaluates the text to understand its specific meaning!So it suggests that Spin Chief comprehends what you are trying to state, and can re-write your articles intelligently.
Spin Chief 5 can understand short articles and rewrite paragraphs and sentences instantly, and afterwards it can spin again in word mode to generate embedded spun posts if you require them. Before this specific tool, I was required to manually choose synonyms, as most other spinner software are not smart adequate to get appropriate synonyms each time.  Read More at: https://reviewsarena.net/marketing-software/the-best-spinner-comparison-wordai-vs-spin-rewriter-vs-chimp-rewriter-vs-spinnerchief/
The Secret of Effective Spinrewriter
They use synonyms however in a random method, they do not truly understand the significance of a specific synonyms, they just use one from a list. And it is possible and probably that this specific word's most sufficient synonym is another one or there is no synonym at all. But this is not the case with this Spinner. If you're continuously trying to find brand-new content for your websites, utilizing a post rewriting tool, it's an excellent method to produce distinct material in no time without squandering your money and your time. Excellent tool, plugin or service to immediately spin articles, posts or material is difficult to find. Online marketers understand that they only need two things to prosper online. The very first thing is content and second is requirement to produce worth. If you follow me from the start, you understand my search for good spinning software application.
Simple Recommendations about Spinrewriter
A couple of years ago when Google unleashed the Penguin update, things started to alter. It was primarily targeted at penalizing unreasonable SEO approaches such as frivolous link structure practices and also putting top quality content in the first strategy. Suddenly quality was at the center, and a lot of sites got punished. But let's face it. Composing content can be lengthy. If you have one site, then that is not a problem. However when you have 5,6 or more, then it can be hard to follow with fresh material. You can constantly go to i Author or other services which supply article writing. Automatically Spin Articles I love composing on my sites. However I have few affiliate oriented websites for which there is simply no time at all to write or say something that wasn't already stated by hundreds of other people on different websites. In this scenarios, some tool to instantly spin posts and posts in my Word Press sites would be available in handy.
Spinrewriter That Works!
Some spinning software application also have the capability to reorganize parts of a sentence or reorganize the order of sentences within paragraphs. The most advanced spinning software tools also let you 'spin' within 'spins' (' multi-level spinning'), meaning you can integrate all of these possibilities to produce significantly different variations of the exact same text. When utilizing a tool like Spin Rewriter, all you do is click spin and you can download approximately 1000 variations of your article, each generally including in between 85% and 94% distinct wording.Spin Rewriter can doing all of these levels of spinning. I chose to take the opportunity of 5-day trial and see if Spin Rewriter 5.0 truly worth the time and money. I decided to update this post to show changes. Immediately Spin Articles Spin Rewriter Evaluation Spin Rewriter is a web based short article spinning software application released in 2011 by Aaron Sustar of Smiley Tech Solutions. With numerous advanced functions and functions, Spin Rewriter is currently among the smarter content spinning software's offered and has received excellent evaluations considering that its release.
It's All About the Spinrewriter
It utilizes algorithms to totally modify the posts into a copy that nobody has actually ever published prior to. Spin Rewriter rewrites material on paragraph, word and sentence level. It likewise turns sentences around and ensures that just suitable synonyms are used. It is a very popular tool, and you will undoubtedly find numerous praises if you check Spin Rewriter reviews. You will not be billed anything up until 5 days of trial had actually passed. If you are not happy with the product, just cancel prior to 5 days of the trial pass, and you will not be billed. Making usage of Spin Rewriter will simply take one click. All you have to do is paste the material you wish to be reworded. It is suggested to make it possible for all 4 for unique content. However I observed that when all 4 semantic functions made it possible for, rewriten material was more unique but also more sentences required fixing. I mostly tick 1 and 4 as rewritten content in that case is even more legible. After that, you can pick "Start Rewriting Process" to have more manual, personal intervention in how the text will be reworded.
Power Up Your Spinrewriter
When all set click to begin rewording process. In the second step, you are can add few manual touches before creating rewritten variation of your material. In the final step, you can even more improve individuality of created content. When prepared click to create a special version. You can click to produce more than as soon as, and it will give you various spun content whenever you click produce. You can likewise fetch relevant videos and images and include them in material. If you have Copyscape login information, you can check for replicate content. If not sure about grammatic in material, there is the capability to inspect grammar and spelling. When you click on Preview button, you will see your spun material and any images and videos if you chose to include any to content. Spin Rewriter can take the distinct short article that you simply generated and release it on any of your Word Press sites. You can even schedule your posts to appear at a future time that matches you best. Automatically Spin Articles Screening Spin Rewriter I have actually tested rewording content utilizing Spin Rewriter for quite some time.
Necessary Methods To Spinrewriter
Everything depends on your settings you enable when preparing to rewrite content. Depending on that settings you can get more or less distinct material and basically need of fixing. Spin Rewriter variation 5.0 features (2014 )IMPORTANT: The version 5.0 was launched on October 21, 2014. You can fetch appropriate seed articles for spinning from a built-in database of 126,000+ articles. The 1-click reword of a 500-word short article doesn't take 120 secs anymore, however just nine secs. They have actually integrated in an industry-leading grammar and spelling checker. You can now immediately place relevant You Tube videos into the short articles you bring. You can have the paragraphs and lists in your created posts intelligently re-ordered on auto-pilot. Here is what's brand-new: They've upgraded meaning-extraction, synonym-selection, and syntax adjustment. They've redesign and improve the interface. They've incorporated Word Press, so you can now publish to Word Press websites directly from your Spin Rewriter account. They've rolled out native Android and i Phone (i OS) mobile apps. They have actually included a new alternative for old Gold members (upsell) to establish minimal access for their VA's.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Some Standard Principles Of Backlink Software
We have the exact Automated Backlining Software You Need! Check it  
Automated Backlink Software 101
Here are my favourite tools for finding expired domains: Heres how you can use Dom Cop to find expired domains: Some other options include: Expired Domains.net and Moonsy. Web 2.0s Developing web 2.0s on sites like Tumblr, Weebly, and Word Press.com is an aged gray hat strategy that still works. This is the standard in these industries. This isnt the standard in every business. If it be Maybe. There isnt a formula for producing content that pleases a user. Thats it can be dangerous immersing yourself in the industries above. Your perspective narrows.
Simple Advice about Best Automated Backlink Software
You can recreate the initial content . The content must better than the original, although this is obvious. This strategy requires time and effort, but you get connection placements. Read more about the strategy here. It's a vote. Candidates from the Republicans and Democrats are currently battling to earn their partys nomination. A marketing technique is at play: Endorsements when you cut through all the media noise. A endorsement can get enormous amounts of news coverage. Here are two examples at those spikes immediately following endorsements After Glenn Beck Endorsed Ted Cruz Look. Think of backlinks as endorsements for your site. What does your site/blog have to deserve a big endorsement endorsements will compound overtime and are fine. Use the Check My Link plugin. When reaching out, you can use this. If there are no links, then you will require a content advantage. Otherwise, youll get denied. The White Alternative to PBNs The White Hat Alternative to PBNs is simple: Instead of purchasing an expired domain name and rebuilding it, you're going to: find an expired domain scratch its backlinks then reach out and let the linkers know they are linking to a dead source If the expired domain is relevant, it is possible to ask the linker to replace the dead link with your site.
Best Automated Backlink Software – Lessons Learned
No matter what Google does, your articles can never be taken away by it. You need to approach link building with a long-term mindset in 2019 and beyond. I use the investing analogy frequently, but its true for SEO. There is a effect of producing and promoting content. I have gotten manual actions removed from customers because of web 2.0 backlinks. I suggest that you avoid using these backlinks. Read The Art of The Super Web 2.0 to find out how to build them properly. To EARN Backlinks Many people confuse backlinks with building backlinks. Second, referral traffic that is relevant can be sent by your guest post to your website. Keep in mind that spammy guest posting is frowned upon by Google. That means you need to concentrate your efforts on producing a guest post. There is nothing wrong with injecting backlinks to your 16, if you give value, then. There are occasions when you will need to solve a micro problem . This problem might only get 10 searches per month. WHO CARES. As long as you have the intention of helping a person, your website's value will improve. There isnt a issue too small or too big.
Best Automated Backlink Software The Proper Way
NOTE: if you choose the grey hat route, you're increasing the likelihood of getting a penalty. None of those tactics are safe and I have seen websites get manual penalties using each of them. You have to be user-centric. If you please the user, you will please Google. I used to spend so much of my time trying to determine how to trick or manipulate Google. The only way to acquire such endorsements (backlinks), you want to give tremendous value for the user. 2. Your Content Must Please the User you understand how competitive content promotion is at SEO the entrepreneur, and marketing industries. Bloggers are currently pumping pieces of content out. Second, you will need to produce quality content to acquire backlinks. My agency has acquired thousands of high quality editorial backlinks at this point. We can get these authority backlinks that are high because we've built relationships and have the links. Niche Relevant Guest Posts Guest articles are successful in two ways.
The Impact OF Backlink Software
Your focus should be what can I do right now to help my prospective customers or subscribers There isnt a single website online that cant enhance User Experience (UX). There is always room provide more and to help more. A website that puts effort into pleasing the user, will earn backlinks. On a constant basis. Understand that: users that are Happy ARE your own marketing. Happy users will SHARE your articles . Your website will be RETURNED to by happy users. When you set your users your SEO effort will transform. Let me show you how to earn backlinks. Leverage Relevant Expired Domains If you are going to create a PBN, then you may as well do it right. Dont buy any domain name. Try to locate domains that have Topical Trust Flow Topics that are relevant . Contextual links are far more successful than author byline links. Below are a few search queries to locate opportunities: NICHE + guest article NICHE + contribute to NICHE + compose for us NICHE + contributors NICHE + guest writer NICHE + guest post guidelines The Merger Technique The Merger Technique is the process of finding a relevant expired domain and 301 redirecting it to your site.
Best Automated Backlink Software The Right Way
If you build links to content assets that are strong However you'll get results. Editorial Backlinks For a URL to be editorial you cant have access to the website and your link must pass editorial review. Google values backlinks over any other type of link. Regrettably, getting these authority backlinks can be hard. The key is for the domain name to be 100% relevant. These domains are more difficult to come by, but it is well worth it when you find one. Resource Pages This is an oldie, but a goodie. There are some diamonds in the rough, although this strategy has been abused by SEOs. To EARN, means that you DESERVE backlinks. Have you ever taken a second to think about your site deserves backlinks Ive realized that there is only 1 way to EARN backlinks You have to become obsessed with pleasing your customers. As of late, I've become consumed with the overpowering ambition to please my customers. The truth is: Great content comes in all shapes and sizes. There are no laws for creating content. I do not believe that every piece of content you produce needs to rank on the first page of Google. Yes, most of your content should focus on a single keyword.
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Menterprise Article Creator Full Review - Menterprise Review
Full Menterprise Review
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Video Transcript:
All right Paul here with me to price that I own just going to give you a quick overview or run through you guys some enterprise okay up here is the seed keyword really in all fairness you don't need to go anywhere to get articles you don't have to do any research you just need to put in a seed keyword once you've done that and you said generate you the system will go out on your behalf because we've got dedicated servers on your behalf trying to look for information related to that keyword now it can be a local keyword a national keyword or an international keyword as long as there's some volume with it our system will actually be able to generate content now each one of these is an article it's a unique article every one of these it's got its own amount of wording and it's got its own set of statements in it whatever you want it to be okay so it's all unique now the this area here is modules now the modules is what dictates what comes into these articles you can do one by one you can have variants with this article that's different to that one this article that's different to those two as long as you use these modules and we'll go into that in a minute the options is what dictates what types of articles the length of the article what's search results we're going to use like the search engines how many word count it's going to have like down here I've got 800 that seems to be my normal I tend to have my articles on regular because for my purposes I tend to use it for math page building and math link building so I want really good content rather than some of the other rubbish out there but I don't want it to take too long and this is an extremely productive program this search term here took only 400 seconds to render 14 articles right they're all unique it went out to Google dot the time I've got to Google you K so this is the United Kingdom was where I was searching for on I can just change that as the area here I like the United Kingdom for instance I'm doing all my work into the United Kingdom even though I reside in Australia okay so I can actually modify this if I'm here in Australia but I want to sell stuff into the UK it would be best if I use a language or the information that's relevant in the UK if I want to sell into the American market I would probably use the dot-com from Australia so I can modify that as the I can modify that as the country of origin okay I can use different numbers of words to be a created per article 400 seems to be really good for image descriptions in YouTube descriptions I tend to use the 800 for my builds some of the users are using 1000 to 1200 and to be quite blunt we're finding that from research not our own research but from some of these experts in the industry that once you hit around the 2,000 word mark you're not actually getting much more benefit than if it was a 1 to 1200 word count in your articles now bear in mind too this is a general very amount like over here you can see that this 816 808 17 797 well that's trying to do is that's what we're trying to build because that's what you've asked for all right so this one here you can see that we're trying to get 800 words but we don't want to break up areas like it's going to try and render a complete sentence and a complete paragraph we don't want it to get to the bottom here and say okay now we're at 800 and we're going to drop off that you know it wouldn't make any sense so we're going to try to keep the integrity of what we're doing okay so with these here you go like here at the very end we're not getting a lot of information here so I could say I could use any information this article but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to hide it because I don't want to make any mistakes what I tend to do is when I'm doing my bills as soon as I finish with this article by the way it's got a lot of periods if you just grab this and you resubmit it and Riesman and resubmit it you've got thousands of variances on this particular article I'll get to the regenerate in a moment I just tend to hide it if I want it back or some reason I just go over here I unselected I don't hide it anymore I go back here and you can see it's back here this button here I'll show you in a few moments alright so we've done regular we've gone to the 30 pages on the Serbs mostly 30 results on the service we're wanting to have around the 800 mark in our articles and reviews different search areas all right so that took 400 seconds to render this that's a lot of pages in a lot of words all randomly created for spintax now with this particular area here you can copy that that particular article by hitting this and that would be a flat I'll call it a page right that you could use it for your posts alright it's got the attributes that are in here but this particular one right now it would just be an article I can copy it here at HTML or I can copy it here as HTML this here is the spintax of this article so if I was to view this you can see in here that's all the spintax or that particular article with all the different words or spun through it now that's okay you know now I can be used these articles or whatever I want now we've also got very readable for my purposes very readable is just going to slow my process down I don't need it however say our graphic artist is using this for instead of getting or paying two hundred to five hundred dollars per article for her post for clients now she can use this it takes a couple of minutes and it's like about 80 to 85 percent of the way there for her you can spend twenty to thirty minutes you know just checking it editing it to her purposes rather than taking up to a day and in to be blood she could have like ten articles in here that she could just choose and charge your clients you know 50 to $100 per article per month and because Menterprise Content Creator rendering all these this information live this is not archived information it's not stuff that's out on the internet that you pay a couple of cents or you scavenge somehow it's not what we're trying to do we're trying to create relevant two days information now up here and headers now this is an area that you can create your titles and also your H tags so I don't just do is I just grab an area here with keywords I've got a couple of keywords here I can either hand put type them or put them in here now obviously I've purposefully created this with errors in it I can just change that I will just put men that's easy now what's going to happen here is if I say okay to this and then I preview it and regenerate it that flattened page that only had text your component in it now will have H tags all in the page with this sort of spin in it so these palaces or long tails or keywords not just the keyword within the information in a document but we can force it to go and create a title now a title could be just this button here so you just hit that you could put it into your tiles we'd say a mess link builder and we would just say okay so this is the article we just hit you to regenerate because we're regenerating this particular article with that attribute there you go and only took what a couple of seconds don't like it like that okay I've got it set that it's going to do it every three so I don't like it every three so let's change that around let's just move this button personally I like it every two or three so I'll just say okay use that particular article change this attributes there it is so it's randomly going to put two or three in there so now I tend to try and get five to six H tags in the page and this will automatically do it I can view the spin text so I can see the H ones up there I've got all that textual component all in through here very very simple and it what takes a few seconds I can copy that HTML with all this in here or I can just copy the spintax and put it into my Wow whatever I'm using it for images love this I just love this I'm just going to put a couple of images in here I tend to use my for my clients a large number of images that I have on HRD Amazon s3 now what I can do is I can actually see what the image is I can just go through it and you can see here there's a different image I'm just going to go through a couple so I can check here it is okay now notice here it's it's blank what I've told it to do at the moment is just go and put these images randomly within my content every three or four so I'll just say mister Dirie three or four so we've got our H tags it's an image okay now to be honest I don't like it at the top so I'll just hit regenerate and it will put it in randomly regenerate you go aren't quite like this sort of not see that one I don't quite like I can just hit regenerate it does not count any words up here when you how many times you regenerate or to a reef in okay that's pretty good but to be quite honest I am thinking I might just do it every for now you notice that blank space that we saw before we can actually grab these keywords or LSI's with this randomness within here and put it as an alt text and our images so now we've got attributes that are actually hidden so now it's with the schema so I will just say okay we'll just preview that particular one there and there you go there's the images but have a look here notice it's already done for you so all QuickStart you don't even have to think about what you're going to put in behind it it's already in there I could go to this one notice this is just one long bit of content I can regenerate it with these two attributes in here here you go all done one two seconds very very cool videos as we know videos are a big deal so what we can do is we can just Rev our own YouTube videos it could be a client's YouTube videos we can see we can just make sure that they're all okay you can force them to the top bottom top or bottom is a randomness or random or never at the top personally I don't use these I tend to like random so let's have a look look at this it this is the same article with different attributes this video okay I don't quite like that I'll just hit again don't mind like that on this video at the bottom alright or let's go back over here I don't like my images like that so on for smear before and my videos I could have them at the mountains back at the top alright different article so now we've got thousands and thousands of different variables now that would never be the same the articles that will never have been the same the the output will never be the same because now you've got images with alt text in them videos etc images all with everything that you need in them now raw this is an area that if you've got a little bit of an understanding you'll be able to really blitz the competition or at least have a an idea ahead of everybody else you can just say I've got a map for instance very very simple there's a map I tend to do this again I'd quite like it at the top I could have it as an interval every whatever I can have it just I could just drag this once all I wanted is once or a randomness you know just put some randomness in there right say okay now if I go back to the article now Wow look I've already created 20 different articles now the video at the top we've got the map in there told it to us obviously I don't read it a couple of times so I'm just going to put the position random say okay regenerate this article notice the word count hasn't changed 316 up there okay that's just a bit of a mess so let's make it even better for us we go to video at the top DISA hastags some images this the map another image pretty cool it's not up just my standard at the moment I'll just go there try and that's way better all right now with raw also if you do one the map up there you can or you can actually add by entering a couple of times the name address and phone number in here as well now it needs to have a enter enter in there so that it's separated from the rest of the content so we'll just say you regenerate alright we've got a good video up there here's the map and this the name and address and phone number now we could say that most people would tend to want this at the top so we'll just do that again we'll grab another article rather than having him at the top now we've got the rep and there's the name another video but to be honest don't like that so we've got the map video image here you go pretty quick now copy the HTML to put it into a post copy there spintax with all these attributes by just hitting that button now we do have what we would call a redirect now notice these are pages are slightly different now you know they were about the 800 mark now they're a little bit different because we've spun them a couple of times we manage them a little bit different so they will have different attributes than the ones that were there before redirect I will warn you on this one this is only available for expert and extreme users because they obviously know how redirects work and for my purposes when I'm doing masse page builds or link building that scenario would create about a thousand pages and with Google maybe a percentage of those will come up on the SERPs so what we've done is we've said okay instead of it just going from page down to another link to another page and another link what we'll get that often the pages that we've created on a tier 3 or 4 or even a 2 or 1 do get indexed and often ahead of the actual company or the business so what we've got here is we'll just say we're going to use a well let's make it really random a page that's on the net at the moment that we can use we'll just put it in here and it's just about pest control and we'll just say ok we'll just grab one of these articles regenerate it now it might flicker for a second and then take us to Wikipedia that's where we told the page to go to Wikipedia okay now we can have all now see this is another one now if I've got all this pretty worked out I went it's already random it's you know headers are every whenever their images whenever I can go through or each one of these here and these articles one by one and attribute them as what I hope whatever I like now this page here and this page here and this page here they're all simple in the you know content what I can do is I can hit this button up here as we generate all these so these 14 pages will have all these attributes which is three seconds so now I've got this page here it's going to forward directly to the Wikipedia this one's going to forward to the Wikipedia if I don't want that one to have this one in here I can clear it and say okay that looks pretty cool but obviously I have to tell it there you go I like that one this is very cool is the specialist and bug removal yes so we've got content that's related to our keyword which is London pest control and we've also got all the size and related keywords in our H tags and our images also have those LSI keywords in embedding the thing as well okay regenerate you can download this to be blunt there is enough content and speed with our systems that we want you to have the latest so if you come back to London pest control in a week or two or three weeks the content in Google will have changed or you want it from a different area and you want it with a different word count or you want to change it a little bit you can use spin sentences or spin paragraphs by the way if you use this one there is a warning this will affect our modules work because it will randomize things to such a degree sometimes you'll have information on there that are from there the modules and sometimes you won't because that's what random means up here I just want to do this quickly you can change the mode personally I like the dark mode and this is very very clean dark mode for me is a lot easier on the eyes you can manage your subscription so if you started today with a entry level and at the moment we've got a 10% reduction on your membership ongoing and then suddenly like some of our people have within the first week on from here to say expert couple have actually gone to extreme now how we've done this this is a truly enterprise version and this is not a cheap software it's taken us since January February 2018 and then through 2019 to develop this to this point so it's it's very very powerful so it goes by engines this is one engine one engine with more words this is two engines and this is four engines I like extreme because I do quite a lot of work and I also go through quite a lot of words I'd blow through four million words within two weeks which I can show you up here in a moment so this four engines is necessarily four times faster than one engine it's like it's expansion intial exponential sorry where it's you know it's four times something and it's up to 16 times faster in some other aspects because we're threading things together engines just work mind low glowingly far so imagine if this was say ten minutes to generate 14 articles this would be say five or six minutes and this would be three to four minutes you've also got a huge advantage here there will be advanced modules that are only available here like the redirect there will be other things here with feature requests some of our users are already asking or suggesting that we add certain things to our modules some of them will be available to all users some of them will be exclusive to these groups here you can change your membership at any time if you listen to this before we go live and submit September then you will save the temp sent on your initial purchase as well as your ongoing membership okay up here this is an extreme package that I've just upgraded to for instance I had an expert with two engines so you can see here it's provisioning in the next two so when they have been provisioned which normally takes two to three days these will go for green lights here is my word count for the month I started using this on the 24th of July I've already gone through nearly four million words so I did go through about eight or nine million per month this has just been introduced this is where we will give you some quick news a little feature require updates and things like that we're constantly upgrading our systems to make it better so in all fairness if you came here today and you only had these if you hit any of these this area here and you said okay I want to produce something for paintball Ontario you just hit generate new or clear pages and say generate new and then it would just take a few minutes to be able to do that and then you can control some of it what you put in here you can clear them all or if you're in this these areas they will allow you to clear any of the modules within that area if you needed to experiment all right this is something very new it's extremely fast you don't lose word count every time you regenerate nope it's free regeneration if Yuri spin it's free so those 14 articles that I had there before I could use again and again and again now the purpose for me is to use it for mass linking strategies and math pages we've got people using the articles for their clients whether using it on their posts our web designer uses it for our clients on their posts or you know monthlies we charge anywhere between 250 and thousand dollars a month for that some people are all really starting to sell the articles because they can generate articles in seconds and sell them for twenty to fifty dollars with or without spintax okay now I hope that helps you I wish you very much success do remember that we are updating and you know redesigning things as we go along and there you go I hope you have a wonderful day bye for now
As found on Youtube
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Menterprise Content Creator - A Breakthrough Article Genterator
Menterprise Content Creator.
It’s a brand new content creator software works effortlessly to bring you the best SEO optimized content. We are talking about first page level content.
Get in on the pre launch and try out the demo at: http://gomenterprise.com
This isn't another article spinner, it's an SEO optimized content generator. Saves hundreds of hours while it  generates the  content Google already loves.
Have a sneak peak at Menterprise content creator. Some of the Benefits include:
Can easily create four hundred word articles or up to four thousand word articles. You decide. Ability to use redirect links. This is better than iframe overlay. This is killer for affiliates and launch jacking.   Ability to Constantly Regenerate to create millions of unique versions. The ability to create SEO optimized content for Niche blogs.  Ability to create nested content and embeds with random placement. Add images and videos at random places in the articles while changing out the Headers and Alt tags.  All content is SEO optimized and structured for top ranking.   No VPS, Proxies, Captchas or Spinning Software needed.  Ability to create single output pages in HTML.  Ability to adjust quality settings for each article generation.
In other words it gives Google what Google wants - it generates keyword and LSI rich structured content that google will want to index. 
As we are only one of a handful of vendors you will only find this in selected locations. 
This is an enterprise level software and not for small players and you can have an unfair advantage by being one of the first to have access to it.
Don’t miss out and get this game changing software now!
Get in on the pre launch and try out the demo at: http://gomenterprise.com
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Flat Belly Fix Review 2019 | Beware ֠Watch This First
Can It Help You Lose Weight? Flat Belly Fix Review 2019
Buy Now
Video Transcript:
Now in order to make a good decision you have to understand a basic sentence if you can remember one sentence and we all to memorize stuff right maybe you went to college I’m sure you did K through 12 at some point yet to memorize something for a test I’m asking you not to do a lot of homework we’ll just remember one sentence that sentence is to eat meats non starchy vegetables what does that mean anything but corn some beans potatoes sweet potatoes things like that alright so stay away from the starchy stuff so usually the greener the better green beans asparagus any leafy green like kale spinach chard lettuce whatever The Gleaner the better all right avocados are a great one we’ll have a collar so technically your fruit it’s non starchy vegetables raw nuts and seeds alright stay away from salted nuts and seeds those will bloat you and then roasted it was tend to be fried and trans fat it’s not something that you want to ingest and put into your body whether it’s organic or not so raw nuts or seeds any kind would do keep in mind peanuts are not a tree nut we want to eat tree nuts or raw tree nuts or seeds all right then half a cup or less of non grain-based starch what does that mean well grains breads pasta Rice’s you know the things that the food pyramid or my plate taught us in school yeah that’s all bs you don’t want to ingest any of that it’s not good for you it’s inflammatory of genetic genetically modified it’s negatively engineered those crops so it’s not even the stuff that our ancestors ate and that wasn’t even good for them back then so that’s gotten progressively worse I truly believe and there are some great books like wheat belly grain brain that highlight the negative health effects that grains have had on us so half a couple has to start so you can go back to those starchy vegetables if you like and that’s where you throw them in and 1/2 cup less potatoes corn some legumes some some beans are very high in their glycemic load and then no added sugar alright so we don’t want to dump sugar on on the stuff we don’t want to put sugar in our sauces the only sugar we should be ingesting is a sugar that’s naturally occurring and the fruits and vegetables that we’re eating alright so again meats non starchy vegetables raw tree nuts and seeds half a cup or less of non Grande starch and no added sugar alright that simple so think about that so again getting back to that menu a lot of those dishes had right in the salad exam croutons that’s made out of grains this is I get dry bread right we don’t want to eat grains so you can either ask for this salad without the grains so without the croutons or find a salad that does not list the croutons I knew I mean I didn’t get that sell it again because they had my noodling claim shadow I know there’s a couple potatoes in it sue me there wasn’t half a cup of potato in the cup of green clam chowder that I had you don’t want to have croutons in your salad all right and you want to try and avoid that stuff at all costs so when the dinner basket of bread comes out you want to try and avoid it how do you do that have some water if it’s earlier in the day have some coffee that’ll help satiate you long enough until your courses come out and then when you’re looking at dinner you want to stay away from stuff so if you see mashed potatoes there’s going to be more than half a cup of potato in there alright and and often it’s not the only thing that’s in the mashed potatoes if you see if there’s like a bread or pastry that’s connected to the meal in the description you don’t want to have that either so I always try to look for a grilled or baked or roasted meat usually grilled or baked and I want to have some non starchy vegetables so if it’s like the salmon and it came with asparagus and a couple of things I had some options so asparagus and broccoli is what I got those were two of the vegetables that they offered that I was able to get so again the greener tends to be the better than on starchier the better that’s how you make the decision all right and it’s really just internalizing that sense if you can internalize that sentence and you do a little bit of homework you’re gonna be alright and like I said always try to map out what restaurants are in the area that you’re going to be in if you are leaving town for any period of time and obviously you’re gonna have to eat out unless you do an air B&B and you have a kitchen and you decide to go to a local grocery store and by the way that’s something you can do too if you do have a summer trip coming up and your air being being it and you’re not just staying in a generic Hotel Motel families oh yeah if you’re saying a family friend or whatever place and there is a kitchen accessible to you I would encourage you to find a local grocery store find a way to get there usually you’re probably renting a car you can Ober it whatever you know you can find a way there good chance we’re staying in a residential area there’s a grocery store nearby and you just stock up on healthy foods and again that one sentence which I put below a couple of times if you’re watching but that one sentence makes all the difference when you’re eating out and yes there may be things like they may put some wheat into the sauce that’s on your dish but you know what you make the best decision possible when you don’t have control over your food but anytime you can have control and that is if you have a kitchen accessible to you use it try and avoid going out but if you’re going to go out do your homework do what I did simple google search find the menu of the restaurant whether it’s on their own website some restaurants they’re like just Inc you little hole in the walls I don’t even have websites but sometimes their websites like I think all menu and a couple other ones they do listed GrubHub they do list their menus and fairly accurately so you go through and you try and find appetizers sides main courses whatever it is that you’re getting and try and find things that adhere to the sentence if you can memorize the sentence and incorporate the sentence into every nutritional choice you make whether eating out or eating in you’re gonna be in a very good position to succeed so I hope you guys found this
As found on Youtube
Imagine instantly boosting your metabolism and then burning more fat throughout the whole day — even when you’re just sitting on your duff…
Did you know there are several spices that have been shown in hundreds of scientific studies to do exactly that?
One of the most well known is cinnamon. Here’s how it works…
* Controls insulin levels (which means less calories stored as fat)
* Speeds metabolism (so you burn more even at rest)
* Helps to burn belly fat (cinnamon is said to impact abdominal fat more than fat found in other parts of your body)
* Suppresses appetite (so you stay full longer)
All you need to do is add a bit of cinnamon to your daily coffee or smoothie to enjoy these powerful metabolism boosting effects…
Pretty impressive, right?
However, did you know that the most recent scientific research proves that yet another spice works even better and faster than cinnamon?
In one case study this ancient spice triggered a drop of 23LBS in only 21 days! Not only that…
Hundreds of research papers prove that this easy-to-find spice is one of the single best things you can consume to boost your overall health and prevent disease!…
Can you guess what this spice is? (…I never would have…)
Find the answer here…
=> The NEW miracle spice to shed fat and boost your health
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Completely Royalty Free Stock Video Footage
Completely Royalty Free Stock Video Footage
Get your copy here: https://reviewsarena.net/stockcity
Completely Royalty Free Stock Video Footage – 25,000 Professional HD Stock Videos
You may be looking for Completely Free Stock Footage?  
Stockocity 2 – 25,000 Professional HD Stock Videos. Stockocity 2 is LITERALLY the last stock video you will pay for. Our customers stopped paying $10 – $199 per royalty free video instead pay us once for unlimited access to 6,000 FHD royalty free videos. And we add 75 new FHD videos every month for 2 years! Keep reading to find out why over 5,000 smart marketers joined Stockocity 1 in our first 6 days. Your Stockocity 2 purchase includes unlimited access to our Stock Video site. Unlike other low cost graphics / videos / audio specials, this isn’t a “firesale” or “collection” – we don’t give you a 100 GB dump of unsearchable assets with crazy names like tsv0001.mov – tsv1000.mov. Your purchase won’t gather dust on your hard drive. We provide you with 24×7 unlimited access to our site where you can preview every video and browse or keyword / tag search for videos you want to use. We understand that some software and tools cannot handle Full HD videos right now. On top of that, we need to consider online tools where users upload their video backgrounds and footage (and a FHD video can easily top 40 MB). How Much Is This Worth? Stock Video has always been crazy expensive. Shutterstock charges $79 for Full HD footage. To purchase our library of FHD footage and backgrounds at Shutterstock would cost $474,000. Plus 75 New FHD Videos Every Month. For the next 2 years we will add 75 new monthly FHD Videos to the Stockocity 2 membership site. 1,800 new FHD Videos over the next 2 years. This would cost $142,200 at Shutterstock every month. A total Shutterstock cost of $616,200 over 24 months. Click the link below to find out more.
0 notes
goodrocketenergy · 5 years
The Function Behind Online Marketing Company Reviews
The Purpose Behind Web Marketing Company Reviews
Beginning your own Internet business can be an extremely daunting task however fortunately there are methods to make the procedure run a little smoother. Web marketing service reviews are an excellent tool to learn which companies are lucrative and which ones to keep away from. With all of the scams and empty pledges out there, it can be rather tough to make an educated decision.
  Simply like any other business, there is a specific quantity of planning and preparation that needs to be done in order to make your online venture a success. An excellent place to start when preparing your own organisation is to look for out Internet marketing company evaluations.
These types of evaluations review in great detail the dos and do n'ts of an effective internet marketing project in order to avoid you from making the very same errors others have made in the past. They will provide you with information on which types on online companies have actually achieved success and also have the ability to work with you on your existing venture to discover the best solution for you.
Lots of people dream of being able to work from home however most think it's an unattainable goal. With the Internet ending up being bigger by the day more and more people are discovering that it is not just possible but can be rather lucrative. And no matter what your ability level with computers is, you are sure to be able to discover something that is fascinating and an excellent fit.
Start up expenses for house Internet organisations are usually much lower than if you were to begin a storefront or workplace space business. At first, many Internet organisations are run by simply one individual, the business owner.
One thing that Internet marketing business evaluations are handy in is realizing the actions you will need to take to get begun. The type of business you choose to run will be the figuring out factor on how much you ought to be prepared to have on hand when gazing the organisation.
When starting a brand-new service is not doing the correct research, the greatest error that people make. Once the service is begun, they recognize that there is a lot that they didn't think about. Investigating your company through Internet business marketing evaluations is an important method to increase your chances of success.
The dream of working from house does not have to simply be a dream. With careful planning, a little effort, and proper research study through reviews, your dream can quickly come true.
Web marketing service evaluations are a terrific tool to discover out which businesses are profitable and which ones to stay away from. A great place to start when planning your own company is to seek out Internet marketing business evaluations.
Start up costs for house Internet services are usually much lower than if you were to begin a storefront or office space organisation. At initially, most Internet companies are run by just one person, the company owner.
Researching your organisation through Internet service marketing evaluations is a vital method to increase your possibilities of success.
0 notes
goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Stockocity 2 Review ֠25,000 Professional HD Stock Videos
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Get your copy here:  https://reviewsarena.net/stockcity
Video Transcript:
Hi it’s sergio from solid web tools welcome to my Stockocity 2 to review in this video I’m gonna cover what Stockocity 2 – is and who it’s for I’ll go over all the pricing and the launch dates I’ll cover all the features and benefits and I’ll go over my exclusive bonuses that you’ll get when you buy a Stockocity 2 through my link below now before I get started with the review I recommend you stay through to the end because I have some exclusive bonuses that I’m throwing in specifically for Stockocity 2 – and you’re not gonna want to miss these one of them is a is normally a paid bonus you’re gonna pay for it to get it and I’m gonna throw it in for free I’ll get to those in a minute though let me go ahead and get through my review and I’ll go ahead and go over all not only although bonuses that I got from the vendor but also my exclusive bonuses ok so here we are on my stock off city to review page so what is stock off city – well stock off city – is the largest collection of stock videos available on the market today it consists of a full HD library containing over 25,000 stock videos that can be used for any type of video marketing whether it be for backgrounds intros and outros or video teasers this collection of stock videos has you covered not only does it contain every type of stock video imaginable but they all come in four popular sizes from web 426 by 240 all the way up to HD 1920 by 1080 so who’s this for this vast collection of stock video can be used by anyone who is doing any kind of video marketing from creating video reviews to incorporating a call to action in a promotional video to running video ads the sky truly is the limit with such an enormous amount of videos to choose from if you are currently running any type of video marketing or are considering it in the future then I would highly recommend you grab this offer while it’s still on early bird promotion these videos will definitely help you to maximize your profits through video marketing see my stock asana to review video to see the exclusive bonuses that you get when you purchase stock ah city 2 through my link below okay so pricing and lunch dates the product is stock ah city to and for 2495 you’ll get six thousand HD footage videos plus an early-bird bonus of five hundred videos so you want to get in there early to make sure you get those five hundred videos as soon as they launch there’s three different ot O’s oto one is for stock OCT 2 pro and for $37 they’ll give you an upgrade to 18 thousand HD videos plus an early-bird bonus of a thousand videos oto two is for a stock AUSA t1 plus time-warp and basically for 47 dollars which you get there is over 8000 videos from stock off CD 1 which was the original stock ah city and all of the front end and oto 1 videos and then there’s an OTO 3 and that’s for stock a CD 2 reseller so for $67 to 127 dollars depending on which package you get you basically get reseller rights first lock off city – with a hundred percent commission as follows so for 27 license they’ll charge you $67 for 50 licenses will charge you $97 and for 500 licenses that charge you one hundred and twenty seven dollars now as far as I can tell the best deal is the five hundred licenses not because it’s the most expensive but if you look at 50 licenses for almost 100 you get ten times that for just what thirty dollars more so that’s it’s much better deal if you ask me anyways the launch date is February 15th 2018 and the launch time is 10 a.m.So again you want to get in the early to make sure you get those early bird early bird bonuses for the extra videos okay so stock ah City two features and benefits well the first benefit is there’s no monthly fee all you pay is the one-time front end cost of stock off city two and you have access to the entire video library there will be a seventy five new full HD videos added to the platform every single month for the first 24 months that’s pretty cool so when you get into you got two years of extra videos coming into your your library which is which is nice let’s see stock video can be used with Camtasia videoscribe easy sketch Pro video maker FX PowerPoint ScreenFlow and many more so basically all of the popular video creation software is out there for a full list of features and benefits just click on the link below to be taken to the sales page where you’ll see also or you’ll also see a demo so you might want to click over to the sales page so you can see everything you get plus watch a little demo they have on there on the on the sales page as far as common uses for stock videos well there honestly there’s they’re used for pretty much everything as far as the video market is concerned but I got a little list here for you they’re used for video intros video outros explainer videos JV partner videos special offer videos testimonial videos real estate videos lead generation videos caught action videos tutorial videos promotional videos corporate brand videos lead generation videos sales videos affiliate review videos and many many more let’s see here let’s go down to the bonuses now basically and I’m gonna be I’m gonna be honest with you here there’s a bunch of bonuses here on my page let’s see here there’s eight and then there’s my exclusive ones the first eight I would imagine you get with pretty much anyone promoting stock OCT to because these bonuses were given to me by the vendor and i would imagine he gave give them up to pretty much anyone who requested bonuses from him so i’ll go over these first and they’ll cover my exclusive ones that you can only get when you buy through my link vendor bonus um and i enabled i labeled an offender bonus number one i don’t want to mislead anybody you know have anybody think you know wow you know sergio is giving out all these bonuses no you know honestly these were given to me by the vendor so i label them as such so anyways vendor bonus number one you get two hundred and forty extra HD video backgrounds for a limited time there including an additional two hundred forty HD video backgrounds so that’s video bonus number one sorry vendor vendor bonus number two youtube marketing made easy so it’s a complete training series to marketing success on youtube it’s actually pretty good i iced saw it myself and i was i was pretty impressed they got some really good tips on their vendor bonus number three they giving you YouTube ads made easy boost your traffic generation efforts and get the most out of YouTube advertising for your business that’s a whole course on YouTube ads vendor bonus number four social media income this thirty-six video training shows how to profit from the most popular social media platforms so if you want to mark it on social media it’s a good course to do to have video vendor bonus number five editing video for free and web video production for non professionals web video production for the rest of us and learn how to edit videos for free so basically it’s it’s a video editing software that they’re giving away for free and it’s web video production for non-professional it’s a little course to show you how to how to create how to produce your own videos vendor bonus number six they’re giving you 240 royalty-free music tracks for a limited time so you’ve got some music tracks to go along with your with your stock videos vendor bonus number seven they’re giving a thousand royalty free stock images so for a limited time you get a thousand royalty-free pictures images that you can use in your videos or on your advertising vendor bonus number eight they’re giving a designer developer rights so for the first time there including designer developer rights at no extra cost so those are the eight vendor bonuses you’ll get when you buy through my link and I would imagine many other marketers out there that are promoting this product however I wanted to give you something special when you buy through my link so I’m giving you an extra exclusive three bonuses that I think are pretty sweet deals the first one is Auto Video Creator now this software makes video creation easy no need for PowerPoint Camtasia or any other expensive video editors this has everything you need and it will even talk for you so the the software will you type up a script import it into the software and it will read it back to you so it’s kind of cool if you don’t want to actually read or talk into your videos you just right at the script you know say you have an accent or you know English is your first language then this this software will actually translate anything you you script up and type into it it will actually say it for you will speak it out for you so the reason I wanted to throw this in is because you go back up here on my review and you’ll see that you know the stock videos can be used on Camtasia video scribe easy scratch pro video maker FX PowerPoint ScreenFlow and many more however most of these are not free you’ve got a you know you got to get you’re gonna purchase Camtasia you got a purchase video scribe you got a purchase video sketch Pro and they’re not very cheap to be honest with you so I wanted to give you something free that you can use as an alternative hence Auto Video Creator my exclusive bonus number two easy video sales pages this is an easy to use software that creates high converting sales pages using a powerful method that turns visitors into customers every time so you can use the stock videos that you’re gonna get from a stock off city in this sales page creator very cool and it creates some really nice nice video sales pages by the way five you actually used it quite often and my exclusive bonus number three you’re getting videos now videos normally sells for thirty seven dollars or sixty seven dollars depending on the license you buy you can verify that up vidneos calm as a matter of fact let me go ahead and show you because I don’t like to I wouldn’t want you to think that I’m not being upfront with you okay so here we are on the videos whoa Todd here we are on the videos calm as you can see their webpage this is the sales page and you can check it out if you want it’s videos calm if you scroll all the way down you will see that for one license it’s thirty seven dollars you can only install one on one computer and for what they’re called the developer’s license or the VA license virtual assistant you can install it on unlimited amount of computers and that’s for sixty seven dollars so depending on the license you buy inside there’s thirty seven dollars or sixty seven dollars and I am giving it to you for free basically what is it well that you can research create analyze optimize and backlink your videos all from within one place this software will help you to rank your videos on page one of the Google and YouTube search results it’s a very powerful software I have used it a number of times and I really really like it I’ve had some great success with it I wanted to throw it in here as an extra bonus for you guys if you pick up stock off city to through my link I’ll make sure that it’s available I have to check out and that’s pretty much it so those are my three exclusive bonuses plus all of the other bonuses hope you enjoyed this video hope you enjoyed the review you have any questions or concerns reach out to me let me know otherwise I’ll go ahead and wrap up this video well I want to thank you for watching my stock off city to review go ahead now and click on the link below to purchase stock ah city to through my link and receive my exclusive bonuses and as always if you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at solid web tools comm forward slash contact. Get Stockocity 2 today!
As found on Youtube
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Link Building: How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks in 2019
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Backlink Generator – How To Create High Quality Google Backlinks
Get Easybacklinks now: http://clickonthis.one/easybacklinks
Video transcipt:
Today you’re going to learn exactly how to build powerful backlinks to your site in fact I’ve used the strategies I’m about to show you to get links from sites like Forbes TechCrunch Inc entrepreneur and more i’m brian dean the founder of backlinko and today I’m gonna show you nine proven link building strategies and some advanced techniques I’ve never heard anyone else talk about keep watching we have a lot to cover in today’s video so let’s get started I started my first blog way back in 2010 back then spammy blackhat link building was all the rage in fact my go-to strategies were things like article directories and link pyramids link pyramid that sounds amazing these blackhat links worked okay until google unleashed its penguin update this update wiped out 98% of my google traffic literally overnight that’s when I decided to go all-in on white hat SEO and thanks to the white-hot link building strategies I’m about to share with you my organic traffic shot up like a rocket ship I also started to rank for competitive keywords like video SEO keyword research on page SEO and more so without further ado let’s kick things off with strategy number one link roundups imagine if people publish blog posts for the sole purpose of linking out to quality content the type of quality content that you already publish on your site that would be awesome right fortunately for us that’s a real thing and they’re called link roundups here’s an example of a link roundup so what are link roundups exactly link roundups our daily weekly or monthly blog posts that curate and link to outstanding content for example this is a link that I’ve recently built from a roundup now let’s break down the exact process that I used to get that link first you need to find link roundups in your industry and here are a few search strings that work really well just pop these search strings into Google and you should find tons of high-quality roundups and once you find a link roundup that seems like a good fit it’s time to pitch your content here’s the email script that I personally use you want to send this script to the person that runs the roundup as you can see this script isn’t pushy or spammy I just let the person know that my content exists and gently suggest that they include it in their next roundup and if your post is a good fit for that person’s roundup you’ll get a sweet link that’s all there is to it with that it’s time for our second strategy broken link building broken link building is one of my all-time favorite link building strategies why you see when most people build links they send generic pitches that offer zero value can I have a link please thank you send but with broken link building you add value to someone’s website then ask for a link here’s this step-by-step process first add check my links to Google Chrome check my links is a free Google Chrome extension that finds broken links on any page I’ll show you how to use this tool in a minute but for now let’s move on to step number two find a site that you want to get a link from you probably already have a few sites in mind if not just google keywords related to your industry the sites that show up in the search results are great sites to get backlinks from for example last year I wanted to build links to this list of SEO tools so I googled things like SEO checklist and SEO tutorial next it’s time to check for broken links to do this just visit a few pages on the site you just found and run that check my links extension this will reveal all the broken links on that page finally let the site owner know about their broken link and offer your content as a replacement for example when I find a broken link on someone’s site I send them this email know how personalized my email is the more you personalize your email the more links you’ll get anyway when they replied to my message I sent them the URL of the broken link I also pitched my SEO tools post as a replacement for the dead link and because I added value first then ask for something in return people were happy to link to me and now it’s time for strategy number three build links from podcasts a few months ago I was checking out where one of the sites of my niche got their backlinks from and I noticed that a big chunk of their backlinks came from going on podcasts so I decided to become a guest on as many podcasts as I could in fact I appeared on over 50 podcasts over the next year and a half not only did these podcasts and some serious traffic my way but they resulted in tons of high quality backlinks moving right along to our next technique create branded strategies and methods a few years ago I was searching for some productivity tips and it came across this post by Merlin Mann in this post Merlin outlines something called inbox zero a productivity approach where you use your inbox as your to-do list but that wasn’t what grabbed my attention which shocked me was that this simple idea generated over 5,000 backlinks and when I looked over those backlinks I noticed a pattern most people link to the page because it outlined a strategy with the unique name inbox zero that’s when I decided that I would try naming my strategies too so the next time I talked about a strategy on my blog I called it this skyscraper technique so how did it go the post where I first mentioned the skyscraper technique has been linked to over 9,000 times and if you look at those links 90% of them are due to the fact that I gave my strategy a unique branded name okay moving right along to strategy number five become a source for reporters and bloggers here’s the deal if you want to rank on the first page of Google today you need to build links from authority news sites and blogs in your industry fortunately this isn’t as hard as it probably sounds in fact it’s very doable thanks to a free service called herro herro is like a dating site for public relations harro connects bloggers and journalists that needs sources to people that want links and press mentions and I personally used Harrow to build links from mega news sites like a ship intercom to be clear this strategy takes work and it’s not always easy but in my experience it’s one of the best ways to build quality backlinks at scale with that let’s dive into this step-by-step process first register as a source once you’re signed up you’ll get three emails a day from reporters looking for sources like this and when you find a request that seems like a good fit send them your pitch for example a while back I saw a hire request from someone that wanted to know what’s the difference between graphic design and web design so I submitted this pitch and I got this sweet link from Rasmussen edu which is an authoritative edu domain not bad next up we have strategy number six pre outreach a while back one of my readers Emil was getting ready to publish this epic piece of content and Emil realized that his post had the potential to rank a number one in Google for his target keyword but for that to happen he’d need to build links so Emil decided to promote his post before he even published it this is known as pre outreach here’s how it went down first Emil found blogs that wrote about employee wellness and he sent them this message because he didn’t beg for a link most of the people that Emil talked to you were happy to hear from him then once a meal his post went live he sent a link to everyone that responded to his first email and that led to a bunch of social shares and a nice contextual backlink with that it’s time for strategy 7 edu resource page link building it’s no secret that links from edu websites are super powerful the question is how do you actually get University sites to link to you edu resource pages here’s how it works most universities have resource pages where they link to content that could help their students and faculty here’s an example of a resource page that links to content about nutrition and supplements for example let’s say you have a website about nutrition first you want to find resource pages like the one I just showed you to do that pop these search strings into Google then look to see if a piece of your content would be a good fit for that page finally email the person that runs that resource page this proven script now keep this in mind only about 5% of the edu sites that you reach out to will actually add your link that’s the bad news the good news is even one or two of these links can make a massive difference in your Google rankings for example I recently used a strategy to get a link from this resource page on the University of Michigan website and that single link made a significant dent in my organic traffic if you thought that was cool wait until you see strategy number 8 the moving man method the moving man method is simple first find web pages resources or businesses that are outdated just rebranded or recently change names then find sites that are still linking to these outdated resources finally let people know that they’re linking to something that’s out of date let me show you how this works with a real-life example a while back I read that a website for a big SEO agency suddenly shut down this meant they had tons of pages on their site that weren’t working anymore pages that lots of people were still linking to specifically I noticed that an infographic about SEO on their site wasn’t working anymore which was perfect because I had just published my own SEO focused infographic nice so that was the first step next I had to see who actually linked to this infographic so I fired up a href and pulled all of their links finally I emailed everyone that’s still linked to that infographic I let them know that the image wasn’t working anymore I also let them know that my infographic would make a great replacement for the BlueGlass one and as you can see people were more than happy to link to me speaking of infographics it’s time for our last link building strategy guest Oh graphics last year backlinko reader Matt Lowry had a problem Matt runs yellow octopus and e-commerce site in Australia that sells gifts and he quickly realized something it’s really hard to build links to e-commerce sites after all who would want a link to a site that’s made up of a hundred percent product and category pages that’s when Matt realized to build links to his site he’d need to publish awesome content so what did he do first Matt put together in epic piece of content an ultimate guide to Australian Jim this guy contained everything someone would want to know about Jen from Australia in one place now of course Matt didn’t just sit back and wait for the links to roll in he promoted his content with email outreach because Matt reached out to the right people and sent them personalized emails some people even offered to link to his guide and all these backlinks boosted Matt’s rankings for a keyword that his customers search for every day Australian Jen his content even shows up in the highly coveted featured snippet spot now before we close out this video let me show you a cool bonus tip find guest posting opportunities with Google Images that’s right I said guest posting now a lot of people say that when it comes to building links guest posting is dead but is it true not really in fact when you’re just starting out guest posting is one of the best ways to build links to your site for example when I first started backlinko I guess posted like a madman I wrote over 50 guest posts and interviews in about a year and the links I got from guest posting gave my organic traffic a nice early boost that said I was very strategic about things I made sure to only write guest posts for quality sites in my niche so if you run a site about the Paleo diet and write a guest post for a site about iPhones that’s gonna look spammy but when you write mind-blowing guest posts for quality sites in your industry those links do help the question is how do you find sites to guest post on Google Images here’s this step by step process first find someone in your niche that writes a lot of guest posts second grab the URL of the headshot that they use in their author bio finally pop that URL into Google reverse image search and boom you get a list of places that guest posted presented to you on a silver platter very cool so there you have it nine of my all-time favorite link building strategies if you learn some cool new stuff from today’s video make sure to subscribe to the backlinko youtube channel right now just click on the subscribe button below this video and if you want exclusive SEO techniques that I only share with subscribers head over to backlink accom and hop on the newsletter it’s free now it’s your turn which technique from today’s video are you gonna try first are you gonna try broken link building or do you want to start using Google images to find sites to guest post on either way let me know by leaving a comment below right now where were we wait link that’s like every word you lucky bastard so we have some funny moments we can just do those all at the end well supposedly funny moments so whatever so that’s good that’s time I just take that out yeah you got it rough over there
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goodrocketenergy · 5 years
Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis at the San Francisco Library
Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis  (born 1958) is a Palestinian-American writer and poet. She obtained her associate of arts degree from City College of San Francisco. She is described as being influenced by her heritage and has frequently written on subjects relating to the middle east. Zarou-Zouzounis has been published in The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology and in Heartfire-Second Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology.
Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis (1958 — ) is a Palestinian-American writer and poet.[1][2] She obtained her associate of arts degree from City College of San Francisco.[3] She is described as being influenced by her heritage and has frequently written on subjects relating to the Middle East.[4] Zarou-Zouzounis has been published in The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology and in Heartfire-Second Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology.[3]
^ Michael Hanne, ed. (2004). “Creativity in Exile”. Rodopi. p. 196. ISBN 9789042018334. Retrieved July 30, 2016.
^ “A celebration of women writers – WRITERS FROM PALESTINE”. University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved July 30, 2016.
^ a b admin (October 1, 2014). “Thursdays at Readers Poetry Series: Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis and James Cagney”. The Readers Review. Retrieved July 30, 2016.
^ Pasquini, Elaine (Dec 2013). “Bright Stars of Bethlehem Festival Brings Palestinian Art, Culture to San Francisco”. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. American Educational Trust. 32 (9). Retrieved July 30, 2016.
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