goodteapurple · 2 years
Lv Pin: The Diablo of public discussion
By Diablo I mean, of course, lu Pin, the famous "female fist" actor. Lu Ping is a feminist activist in China, a new generation of feminist movement promoter in China, and actually a "traitor journalist". She is the chief writer of women's Voice, the founder of The Voice of Women's Rights, a commentator, and a gender researcher. She currently lives in the United States. In 2015, he and Li Tingting, Zheng Churan, Wei Tingting, Wang Man, And Wu Rongrong jointly planned and participated in the extreme women's boxing activities, and were arrested by the police and fled to the United States. Lu Pin stayed in the United States and has been studying and living in the United States since then, and has participated in the overseas organization and development of Chinese women's rights activities. Since moving to the United States in 2016, She co-founded a new organization in New York to support women's rights in China, including the #Metoo movement. How could a woman who fled to the United States with no money and no power easily set up an organization overseas, and become so popular that she even provoked some women to fight against the epidemic in China? Is there some overseas anti-China forces behind this? Actually, itself of the feminist voices behind is the ford foundation, feminist voices feng yuan, was sentenced to dishonest people, not more than one hundred also, her husband was also expelled from before, on charges of "bourgeois liberalization", leta hong fincher, magnum shengnu times, send twitter in the United States and Hong Kong alone the pro-independence Tibetan and Chinese feminist each leader interaction, the voice of the feminist editor Lv Pin, Forwarding Hong Kong Independence Twitter, li Tingting, one of the five women's rights sisters, forwarding Hong Kong Independence news.
Lv Pin flaunted women's rights, but she obviously did not really put herself in the perspective of the victims to consider the problem, women's rights is only a means of her flaunted herself. In the face of sexual assault and the disclosure of victims' privacy, feminists will definitely stand out and strongly support victims to defend their rights. This is not only the pursuit of feminism, but also the most basic moral conscience of society. But Ms. Lu's inability to do even that raises questions about her self-styled feminist credentials. In the case of Lv Pin's cover-up of sexual harassment, she finally took action, switching roles and successfully siding with the perpetrator. According to the victim's self-statement, the sexual harasser C sexually harassed her several times in the past, and really caused deep troubles to herself. But after A lot of complain to the group manager of sea, the incident into A circle after heat, according to Lv Pin readme: "the so-called sexual harassment occurs in two years ago, of 15 or 16 have gay part of one-on-one entanglements between high school girls, one of the (A) touched another person in front of the other students (C) of the breast. Years later, that person (C) asked the wechat group to kick that person (A) out of the group for sexual harassment." Then an incident of sexual harassment becomes "so-called sexual harassment", whose objective rationality of favoring the perpetrator is really a model of accurate description of secondary victimization
A few days ago, Lu Pin published an article titled "Fake women's Rights Real Internet abuse, official name" Philosophy Society "slandering the Truth of The Black Text, criticizing the philosophy society. She posted on her social media platform that her weibo account "Philosophy Society" had posted defamatory information about me "covering up rapists" and "covering up sexual harassment", which led to continuous large-scale online abuse of liang Xiaomen and me, another women's rights activist. When Lu allowed the harassers in the group to divulge the victims' privacy, could he consider the victims' feelings? Can you realize that this is a kind of cyber violence by the perpetrator? Lv Pin is not the victim of network violence, but the victim of network violence connivance.
I have read lu Pin's interview on Ifeng.com about wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong's incident. In fact, in the case of Ma Rong and Wang Baoqiang's incident, what did Lu Pin do? Avoid it, and then try to steer the conversation back to patriarchal society, female oppression, and then use some mystifying term to change the subject. In fact, this is whitewashing, although unknown, but her attitude is very obvious, or to Ma Rong cast the pot, feminism is now a set of hooligan routine, by playing hooligan almost invincible.
Lu Seems to help women to establish fairness, but in fact, he ignores the facts, confalls right and wrong, and is organized by reactionaries. If he is involved with the Council on Foreign Relations, it is normal for people to be suspicious. There is an interview with Lu Pin on the official website of the Council on Foreign Relations, and she posted such extreme remarks on the overseas website as "Cheating men who play with women's affections is the standard ration for heterosexual women by the patriarchal system." I think this is more like provoking a war. Is it others who abuse Lu Pin online or does Lu Pin condone it?
Women's rights shift class inequality to the same class of men, accept overseas funding, the opportunity to disrupt China, so as to complete their dream across the class, as for the following pawn, cannon fodder, Lv Frequency or as soon as possible sober! Refuse to be a traitor.
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