goodwithinbad · 7 years
Why didn’t I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.
Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (via books-n-quotes)
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
Now make sure when you tell people why we ended you tell them that it’s because you chose temporary lust over unconditional love. Leave the emotional bullshit for the birds.
LaniBear✨ (via running2neverl4nd)
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
I am beautiful and whole without you. My happiness does not depend upon you, I find happiness within myself. I do not define my worth by the mistakes you made. I know I am worthy of unconditional love, respect and kindness. How unwanted you made me feel is not my burden to carry. How many other people you left me for is not my burden to carry. The lies, selfishness, and narcissism are not my burden to carry. The only burden that I am responsible for carrying is the mistake of begging someone who never loved me to stay. So today, I am placing a suite case in front of you. I am placing all of your burdens that I have been carrying around for you, and I am giving them back to you. I wish you the best of luck with them, because they are quite heavy.
(via tropicallyinfj)
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
I wonder what we are so often because I’m questioning our relationship.
(via bbreakddancennothhearts)
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
Don’t compare yesterday with tomorrow. The future hasn’t been written yet. This is YOUR story. Make it a good one.
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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•to most of us•
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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Sad world
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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If someone wants to be a part of your life they will make an effort. You will never have to question it.
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
I'm not going to beg you to see me. I'm not starting that shit. Hell no
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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strokin’ 😏
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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goodwithinbad · 7 years
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