goope-jp-tenmei · 3 years
Cheap Custom Boxes Wholesale – Where to Buy Custom Boxes With Logo
There are many different places to get cheap custom boxes, but the most effective way is to buy them in bulk. In this way, you’ll be able to get good discounts on your boxes and will have a better chance of achieving your goals in the long run. While a large order will cost more, it’s worth it if you can save a little money while still maintaining a professional image. Here are some tips to help you find the right place to buy boxes.
First of all, you need to decide what kind of box you want to buy. You can print any kind of box with attractive designs and attractive colors, but if you need a more stylish one, you can use a cheaper one. And can also add a note to your cheap custom boxes to make them look more attractive to your customers. May can write a message that says something like, “Thank you for purchasing our products!”
Which Type Of Material do You Need To Choose For Your Cheap Custom Boxes?
Next, you need to choose the material you want your cheap custom boxes to be made of. You can choose from paper, cardboard, and other materials. Regardless of which type you choose, you can expect to save money and get the look and feel that you want. You can easily find boxes that fit your needs and budget. Once you have decided on your design, the next step is printing the labels. The process of getting your boxes printed is time-consuming, but the result is worth it in the long run. After all, a custom-printed box will help your company make an impact on consumers. And the best part is that it’s cheap. Then you can use it to advertise your business and brand. If you’re looking to save money and still maintain the quality you’ve always wanted, custom-printed boxes are the way to go.
Where To Find Custom Printed Boxes?
In addition to having cheap custom boxes, you can also get them printed with your company’s logo. For this, you should look for a company that offers a free design template and mockup samples. They can provide you with competitive prices, which means you can save a lot of money. Moreover, if you don’t want to spend much money on printing, then you should consider buying custom printed boxes from online wholesale suppliers. Another option for cheap custom boxes is to buy them on the internet. Various companies offer different materials and options for packaging. If you are looking for an elegant and classy box, look for a company that offers unlimited designs and color options. I prefer BoxPrinting4Less for this type of printing. These guys are second to none at quality even at cheaper prices. The reason why I like them, their designers will design your product at zero cost and they deliver it to your doorstep without any kind of additional charges. You may visit their site and may get a quote about your relevant box packaging needs. When you do your research, you’ll find the right place for your business. This is the easiest way to get cheap custom boxes.
Benefits of Cheap Custom Boxes With Logo
Custom boxes with logo can be a perfect way to get your brand and message across to potential customers. They can be used for presentations, trade shows, roadshows, and more. If they are custom-made with your company’s logo, your box will make a lasting impression on the minds of your visitors. These boxes are also great for sales. These are some tips to help you find the best boxes for your business. First of all, consider what kind of products you’ll be selling. You can choose to have cheap custom boxes with your logo printed on the exterior. You can choose from cardboard, leather, wood, plastic, or paper. These materials are used to create packaging for many different types of products, including electronics. Each one has its own set of benefits. For example, a box that’s custom-printed with your company’s logo is a great way to protect delicate items like jewelry and computer components.
How To Add Branding To Your Custom Printed Boxes No Minimum?
If you’re not ready to spend a lot of money on a full branding campaign, you can still get custom printed boxes. There are several ways to add branding to your box, including using a logo. Creating custom printed boxes is easier than you think. With advanced technology and innovative production processes, cheap custom boxes with a logo are an excellent, inexpensive way to give your company a unique and attractive look. Once you have a design in mind, you can then get cheap custom boxes printed to help you build a positive brand image. You can also make your cheap custom boxes have a decorative interior. Choosing a design that suits your needs is a great way to make sure that your customers love your products. If you have a low budget, you can also choose to have embellished inner packaging for your products. It’s important to keep in mind that a cheaper shipping box may not have the same level of attention-grabbing qualities as a more expensive one. While there are many advantages to custom boxes, you may want to avoid them for small orders. Large orders will not get you many discounts, but they will save your money in the long run.
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goope-jp-tenmei · 4 years
Vote 2020!
Image by Libby Vanderploeg (I love her new t-shirts!)
The 2020 General Election is fully underway. It’s happening for most of us right now, with just two weeks left to cast our votes! I know many of us are voting early this year, either through mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes, or in-person early voting. Have you made a voting plan yet? Have you already cast your ballot? I’m voting by mail this year, and I’m excited to cast my ballot for Biden/Harris 2020.
A digital yard sign from the Biden/Harris 2020 campaign! You can find a few more here.
As you all know, Joe Biden wasn’t my first or even second choice during the primaries, but I’m enthusiastically voting FOR Biden in the general election. I’ve been encouraged by his adoption of progressive policies from other primary candidates – particularly on childcare, student loan debt, and the environment – and I think he can be pushed further on issues like universal health care once elected.
I’ve also been heartened by his empathy and compassion, which our country so desperately needs right now. And I know Joe Biden will bring together a cabinet full of smart, competent people to help bring our country out of this crisis and navigate the path forward with an emphasis on equity and helping those who need it most. I want to have confidence in my government’s ability to manage complicated issues, and I know I can trust Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to do just that.
If you were hoping for a more progressive candidate like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie, I totally empathize with you. The fact is that our current “centrist” policies in the United States would be considered right wing in any other developed country. I’m beyond frustrated with Republican policies that force people to live under poverty wages and struggle under mountains of debt, all while billionaires continue to accumulate wealth at our expense. And I’m terrified of what another four years of Trump would do to this country. It’s so incredibly important that we all show up to vote for Joe Biden while also continuing to do the work of pushing for the big, structural change we so desperately need. 
And for my DC friends, here’s who I’m voting for in our local elections this year: We have two at-large Council seats up for grabs, plus an at-large seat on our State Board of Education (SBOE). I know it can be tough to research all the candidates, so I thought I’d share that I’m voting for Ed Lazere and Markus Batchelor for the Council seats and Mysiki Valentine for SBOE. Both Markus and Ed have strong platforms focused on racial and economic justice, while Mysiki is a strong advocate for equity in our public education system. They’ll all bring a much needed perspective to the DC Council and SBOE.  I’m also voting yes on Initiative 81. Happy to answer any questions from fellow DC voters!
Also, my friend Erin Geiger Smith wrote this amazing book, Thank You For Voting, all about the history and importance of voting – from the electoral college and women’s suffrage to voter suppression. It’s a fantastic read during election season! You can grab a copy here. There’s also a kids version!
Happy voting everyone!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 4 years
Online Art Classes We Can All Do At Home
Image via Wildfield Paper Co.
Hi friends. How are you all holding up? Hopefully everyone is safe and quarantining at home, and during these uncertain times I know some of us are looking to the arts to help us de-stress and pass the time at home. So for those of you looking for online art classes we can all do at home – primarily calligraphy, painting, illustration, and printmaking classes – I thought I’d share a few of my faves for you!
  Image via Written Word Calligraphy
Calligraphy is so meditative and therapeutic – and there’s so much you can do with it once you master the skill! After teaching more than a thousand students through sold-out in person workshops, Karla Lim from Written Word Calligraphy just launched her first online workshop! Karla worked really hard to make her in-person workshops completely virtual, with printable worksheets, notes for troubleshooting, group live sessions, private Facebook groups, and feedback from Karla to help students get where they want to be. Enrollment is only open until April 14 – sign up right here!
  Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls is another one of my favorite calligraphers and has a couple of calligraphy classes over on Creativebug! Her calligraphy on unconventional surfaces class covers techniques for writing with calligraphy on unconventional surfaces, like wood and chalkboard, using acrylic paint, gouache and chalk.
  For those of you looking for a full introduction into all things calligraphy, I highly recommend the Modern Calligraphy Summit! There are two installments so far – Modern Calligraphy Summit 1.0 and Modern Calligraphy Summit 2.0 –and the classes including brush lettering, invitation design, envelope layouts, basic copperplate, writing on non-traditional surfaces, digitizing watercolor illustrations, and so much more! And as much as an in-person workshop would be totally amazing, it’s just as incredible to be able to learn from so many talented calligraphers from the comfort of your own home. The Modern Calligraphy Summit also includes handy templates and handouts, a private Facebook community to support you as you learn, and lifetime access to all the amazing content so you can go back and watch the videos as many times as you need to practice and get the hang of things. Enroll right here!
  Image via Carolyn Gavin
For those of you who enjoy watercolor painting, the Watercolor Summit is right up your alley. Learn how to mix custom colors, paint landscapes and skies, florals of every variety, and even animals with layers and depth with over sixteen hours of instruction from teachers like Jenna Rainey and Annie Mertlich of Wildfield Paper Co. The Watercolor Summit includes a list of recommended supplies, a private Facebook community, and lifetime access to all the course materials. There’s also a bonus pack just focused on Annie’s botanical paintings and a full second installment of the Watercolor Summit focused on gouache painting coming on May 11! Enroll right here!
  If you already have all your supplies and want to learn how to paint specific kinds of flowers, a few of my favorite watercolor artists offer more detailed classes on their own channels. Watercolor artist Yao Cheng has several classes on Creativebug, while Jenna Rainey also has a ton of video tutorials on her YouTube channel, covering everything from anemones to peonies to leaves!
  If acrylics are more your speed, I’m intrigued by this Loose Floral Acrylic Painting class with Australian-based artist Claire Bremner. The colors are so fun, and the loose painting style is super accessible for beginners. She also has this Expressive Floral Artwork class!
  Speaking of bold, bright colors, I was absolutely delighted to discover this gouache and watercolor painting class from one of my favorite artists, Carolyn Gavin. It’s geared more towards intermediate level artists, with a focus on flowers, fruit, and natural objects. The class includes 31 days of video instruction and painting prompts – enough to keep you busy for a while! And for beginners, this gouache painting class from Heather Ross looks like fun!
  And since many of us are staying indoors these days, landscape painting could be a great way to remember our favorite places – or the places we plan to visit when it’s safe to travel! I’ve always been drawn to loose Impressionist-style landscapes. This landscape painting class uses oil paints, but you can totally follow along in acrylics or watercolor depending on your preference.
  If you’re looking to develop your line drawing skills, Lisa Congdon has a whole range of classes over on Creativebug, including a month-long daily drawing challenge and a4-part basic line drawing class.
  Image via Katharine Watson
I took a printmaking class back in college and absolutely loved it – I’ve been wanting to get back into it ever since, and I would love to teach my girls when they’re a bit older! I’m definitely signing up for this linoleum block printing class from one of my favorite printmaking artists, Katharine Watson and this monoprinting class from Courtney Cerutti.
  I took a Suminagashi paper marbling class a couple years ago and it was SO fun – and incredibly meditative. My 6 year old took the class with me and also loved it, so it’s kid friendly for those of you with artistically-inclined kids! I was thrilled to find this online version that anyone can take at home. 
  Happy learning everyone!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 4 years
Let’s Dream Big, Fight Hard, and Win.
Alright friends, now that primary season is officially upon us, let’s talk about presidential candidates (positive and constructive comments only, please). My friends and I talk a lot about this in person, but politics shouldn’t be something talked about in hushed circles since the policies of our elected officials affect ALL of us.
As you may know, I spent nearly ten years working for the federal government here in DC. My degrees are in economics and international diplomacy, and politics is part of my soul. I’ve been following each candidate closely and evaluating them based on their policies and vision for the future, and I’m all in for Elizabeth Warren! 
Here’s why: She’s empathetic and compassionate, and she truly understands how much people are struggling right now. She has big plans for fixing our broken economy and our democracy – including investing in public education, creating universal child care, expanding access to healthcare, pursuing anti-corruption reforms, and transitioning our economy to clean and renewable energy. She knows her stuff, knows HOW to get it done, and has a plan to pay for everything, including making the top 1% of the 1% put some of their resources back into the system. She’s the only candidate currently running that actually makes me feel HOPEFUL about the future when I listen to her talk. Gabby from Design Mom wrote a post with a whole list of reasons why she’s supporting Elizabeth Warren, and I agree with all of them!
Did you watch the democratic primary debate last night? I thought Elizabeth Warren’s performance was masterful. I’ve seen critiques that Warren was too angry, but to me she was prepared, effective, and assertive. I honestly would LOVE to have a president who is angry on our behalf at the way middle class families are getting squeezed by billionaires and huge corporations. And she’s been saying the same things for years – here’s a video from 10 years ago with Warren talking to voters about some of these exact same issues.
So what about you? Are you liking any candidates in particular? And yes, don’t worry, I’m planning to vote for whichever candidate gets the Democratic nomination. I like plenty of things about the other candidates, minus Bloomberg. Most state primaries will take place between now and April (text VOTER to 26797 to check your registration and get local election info!). It’s definitely time to start doing research and choosing your preferred candidates – from presidential candidates all the way down to state and local government candidates. You can find your local ballot over at Ballotpedia!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 4 years
Romantic Black, White, and Gold Calligraphed Stationery Inspiration
A bit of dark and moody stationery inspiration is kind of perfect for winter, don’t you think? Embrace the coziness of shorter winter days and the sparkle of the holiday season with some romantic black, white, and gold calligraphed stationery inspiration from Kristin at Lustre Theory – featuring the gorgeous calligraphy of Seniman Calligraphy and dreamy handmade paper from Fringe & Rose. You’ll find a few of my favorite things in this inspirational suite, from beautiful gold wax to a moody floral envelope liner and shimmery gold ink on black envelopes. So pretty!
From Kristin: I wanted to create stationery inspiration that was dark and whimsical but still had romantic tones to it. Almost gothic in style. The styling of this suite was very important to give it those mysterious moody vibes. I used black linen fabric for the background but chose an off white cheese cloth to add texture and help the black paper pieces stand out more.
The cotton rag paper is handmade by Fringe and Rose. I chose this particular paper because of its loose uneven edges and textured surface. The wax seals are messier than you might normally see, with drops and dribbles. I just let the wax burn right off the stick and drip directly onto the paper and ribbon, creating those black flecks you see in the gold.
If you look close enough you’ll see the script text on the cotton paper pieces is a quote from “The Tell-Tale Heart” By Edgar Allan Poe – because, details!
“It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. Object there was none. Passion there was none. I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture –a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees –very gradually –I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.” The Tell-Tale Heart – By Edgar Allan Poe
Thanks Kristin!
  Stationery Design: Lustre Theory
Handmade Paper: Fringe & Rose
Envelopes: Cards & Pockets
Calligraphy: Seniman Calligraphy
Ribbon: Silk & Willow
    Photo Credits: Lustre Theory
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
2019 Gift Guide: Organizations to Support on Giving Tuesday and Beyond
In honor of Giving Tuesday, I wanted to share a few organizations that could use your support this holiday season and beyond. I decided to focus on seven organizations that I personally support; but there are a million amazing organizations working in a variety of sectors, so if you have a favorite cause or organization – feel free to mention them in the comments below! These days, I’m personally very much focused on organizations working to protect and reform our democratic systems (and they’re mostly non-partisan!), as well as organizations seeking to help asylum seekers impacted by the Trump administration’s disastrous immigration policies. Maybe you’re already familiar with these organizations, but if not I’m thrilled to help introduce you to a few organizations doing amazing work around the country. Every little bit helps!
Run for Something has the fantastic mission of supporting young, progressive candidates running for state and local office. Run for Something aims to lower the barriers to entry for these candidates by helping them with seed money, organization building, and the training they need to be successful. They want to permanently improve and expand the definition of “politician” – making it something honorable again, and not just something for rich old white dudes or slimeballs – and bring it back to public service. They just launched in January 2017 and have already recruited more than 45,000 candidates across all 50 states. Yes to more young people in public office!
Fair Fight (founded by Stacey Abrams) promotes fair elections in key states around the country, encourages voter participation in elections, and educates voters about elections and their voting rights. Fair Fight brings awareness to the public on election reform, advocates for election reform at all levels, and engages in targeted voter registration and other voter outreach programs and communications. Fair Fight is particularly focused on countering voter suppression – particularly young voters and voters of color – and they’re doing some really important work in many 2020 swing states.
She Should Run is a nonpartisan nonprofit promoting leadership and encouraging women from all walks of life to run for office by providing training and other assistance for female candidates. Women are underrepresented at all levels in the 500,000+ elected offices across the United States. She Should Run is committed to getting at least 250,000 women to run for local, state, and federal offices by 2030! 
  Resistbot is a free service that helps you contact your elected officials or local newspaper via email, text message, fax, or postal letter – it makes engaging with our elected officials SO EASY! Because the goal of Resistbot is to deliver your correspondence to elected officials, their activities technically fall under the IRS definition of lobbying – and they need our donations to keep the service running! 
  Represent Us is a grassroots organization bringing together conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between to pass powerful anti-corruption laws that stop political bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections by passing anti-corruption measures at the state and local level. So important!
Al Otro Lado provides legal and medical assistance to asylum seekers, migrants, and deportees, including cross-border support for families separated under the family separation policy and families currently impacted by the Remain in Mexico policy program. Your donations to Al Otro Lado go directly to serving indigent deportees, migrants, and refugees in Tijuana and Los Angeles!
  Aldea – The People’s Justice Center provides pro-bono or discounted legal services for members of the immigrant community, including unaccompanied minors and minor immigrant children. They’re active throughout the United States, but focus largely on families and children detained at the Berks Detention Center. You can also donate via Facebook.
In addition to Al Otro Lado and Aldea PJC, you can also donate to Las Americas, an immigrant advocacy organization based in El Paso, or donate to support families impacted by the ICE raids in Mississippi earlier this year right here.
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
2019 Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Kids
Our next gift guide is all about the kiddos! I have two girls, age 5 and 7, so this guide is mostly geared towards kids in the 5-9 year old range – but if you have kids in that age range I’ve got a lot of great ideas for you! If you’re looking for gift ideas for younger kids, check out my gift guides from previous years to see our favorite toys for those ages! (Hint: Magnatiles is pretty much always the answer.)
1. I’m kind of obsessed with this wood castle set. It’s completely modular, so your kids can build any castle that comes to mind. I can totally see my kids creating a castle filled with their favorite figurines!
2. This might be pretty specific to my kids, but they play with these Lightfury and Toothless figurines for hours – so I thought I’d include them! I try not to have a million dolls and figurines in the house, but these seem to inspire a lot of imaginative play so they get my stamp of approval.
3. If dragons aren’t your kids’ thing, my kids are also super into all things horses and Spirit. This walking Spirit is at the top of their Christmas list, but they love any horse figurine like this or this with long hair that they can comb and braid.
4. This star projector would be so beautiful as a bedroom nightlight.
5. We discovered these Peaceable Kingdom board games at our local game shop, Labyrinth, over the summer – and we already have three of them! The games are cooperative, meaning everyone wins together and there are no losers (especially tiny younger siblings) with hurt feelings. Feed the Woozle is probably our favorite so far, but we also love Gnomes at Night and this Fairy Game! We also really love this bug building game from Lakeshore Learning.
6. My kids scooter all over the neighborhood – this one folds flat and has light up wheels! 
7. Thank goodness for beautiful wood toys. I love the colors in this Montessori counting toy for younger kids, and this minimalist wood counting toy for kids above first grade.
8. This shapes puzzle set is perfect for visually-oriented kids! Let them build something entirely from their imagination or work on their problem-solving skills by trying to build the designs shown on the cards. Would make a fantastic travel toy, too!
9. I’m thrilled that Polly Pocket is making a comeback! We have a couple sets already and my girls love them – and they’re small enough to be fun stocking stuffers, too! This unicorn set is on my list.
10. My kids are absolutely obsessed with temporary tattoos – especially metallic tattoos! This Melissa & Doug temporary tattoo book would also be a wonderful stocking stuffer.
11. Bracelets with secret messages! So fun!
12. We took the kids to the International Spy Museum a few weeks ago, and they’ve been obsessed with all things secret and sleuthy ever since! I feel like we’d get a lot of mileage out of this Super Sleuth kit – but an invisible ink pen also makes a wonderful stocking stuffer!
13. Give me all the STEM kits! This Snap Circuits kit looks like so much fun, and there’s also a Magic Rocks kit and a build-your-own Robot Spider kit! 
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
2019 Gift Guide: Cocktails + Entertaining
If you’re searching for the perfect gift for someone who loves to entertain and make cocktails at home, today’s gift guide is just for you. We rounded up a few of the things that we love using for making cocktails or entertaining at home, from books to bar tools to my all-time favorite candle. You can also find some fantastic ideas on our gift guides from previous years, which you can check out right here!
1. Absolutely obsessed with this gorgeous platter from Honeycomb Studio, with carvings and gold decorations inspired by tidal movement. So beautiful!
2. A mixing glass is an essential tool for classic cocktails like martinis, manhattans, the old fashioned, etc. I love this gold foil version, and don’t forget a beautiful bar spoon!
3. Cocktail books! Our current reading list includes Spirits Sugar Water Bitters, a history of the cocktail’s birth, rise, fall, and eventual resurrection by our own DC-based cocktail guru Derek Brown. By the Smoke and the Smell by Thad Vogler takes readers around the world, celebrating the vivid characters who produce hand-made spirits like rum, scotch, cognac, and mezcal. If you love Tiki drinks, check out this modern Tiki cocktail recipe book by Shannon Mustipher.
4. Candles make wonderful hosting gifts. This Santal candle by Brooklyn Candle Co. is my all-time favorite scent, and burns for 70 hours!
5. This little herb stripper is perfect for both cooking and cocktail purposes.
6. Love the colors in this speckled vessel from O–M Ceramics. I think it would be really beautiful as a kitchen utensil holder!
7. A ceramic pie plate for someone who really loves holiday entertaining! These beauties from Jars of Dust are almost sold out, but I found a couple similar versions on Etsy here and here!
8. This bartender’s backpack is a wonderful gift idea for serious cocktail enthusiasts. My husband is constantly bringing drinks to dinner parties and gatherings, and this backpack would make things so much easier!
9. The prettiest minimalist tapered candle holders to decorate a table or mantel any time of year.
10. How cute is this ceramic pour over coffee set? You can use it to make a single cup or a small pot for guests, and the colors are absolutely GORGEOUS.
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
2019 Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Creatives
It’s time for our annual gift guides – starting with gift ideas for creatives! I try not to duplicate items from year to year, so please do go back and check out the gift guides from previous years if you’re searching for the perfect gift for a creative person in your life. There are tons of great ideas in there, from creative tools to classes. This year’s gift guide features two things I desperately want for myself (the pink camera strap and insulated coffee mug), the cutest magnetic letterboard, and a bunch of books!
1. Votes for Women pin from And Here We Are. Wear it proudly in 2020!
2. I love the colors of these magnetic boards from The Type Set Co., and the magnetic letters are SO much easier than traditional letterboards. 
3. + 4. Know someone who wants to learn calligraphy or watercolor painting, but doesn’t have easy access to classes or workshops? Books are the perfect solution! Molly Suber Thorpe’s new book, Mastering Modern Calligraphy, is perfect for intermediate calligraphers, while Jenna Rainey’s Everyday Watercolor Flowers teaches the basics for creating a variety of beautiful watercolor blooms. 
5. The prettiest camera strap EVER. Comes in a variety of colors and styles, and can even be customized with initials or logos!
6. Every creative person I know listens to podcasts and music all. day. long. Keep those airpods close with these beautiful cases from Rifle Paper Co.
7. I have a Zojirushi travel coffee mug that keeps my coffee warm when I’m out and about, but I really want one of these insulated Yeti mugs for when I’m working at home! They come in so many beautiful colors. 
8. I’ve been obsessed with these magic flags from Secret Holiday Co. for a couple years now. This cyan blue is so pretty and there’s also an ochre version!
9. More books! I love gifting books for any type of design enthusiast. We’ve got Paris by Design and Travel Home for global design enthusiasts, along with Grit by Angela Duckworth and Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller for entrepreneurs looking to take their creative businesses to the next level.
10. Creatives can never have too many notebooks and notepads! I love these new metallic Field Notes notebooks and the sentiment behind this notepad from People I’ve Loved.
11. Vintage stamps are essential for stationery styling. Angela Liguori sells the most perfect little bags of gorgeous international vintage stamps! 
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Holiday Cocktail Recipes
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We’re up at my in-law’s house getting ready for dinner, and I’m thinking about cocktails as we put the finishing touches on our holiday menu. I thought I would quickly share a few favorite holiday cocktail recipes in case you’re in the same situation! We’ve got a few punch recipes, some wine-based cocktail recipes, a couple coffee cocktails, and more. Enjoy!
Punch Recipes
Okay, let’s start with the punches – the large batch cocktails that will keep everyone happy throughout the night. Our Spiced Winter Punch is one of our favorite recipes and can be made with vodka, rum, gin, or whiskey, you can go traditional with a Hot Rum Punch, or mix things up with a tequila-based (!!) Yuletide Punch. If you’re feeling extra theatrical, you can light the Charles Dickens Punch on fire before drinking (please be extra careful). Fish House punch is just a rather strange name for a Caribbean rum punch, while Allspice Punch is warm and spicy.
Spiced Winter Punch
Allspice Punch // Charles Dickens Punch
Traditional Hot Rum Punch
Fish House Punch // Yuletide Punch
Wine Cocktails
If you’re not super into spirits, try a mulled wine for the holidays! We love a good Swedish Glögg, which is basically a bottle of wine thrown together with whatever spirits and spices you might already have on hand. We made ours with brandy and white port, but you could easily go with rum, whiskey, or just about anything else. Same goes for the Mulled Winter Sangria, which can be served warm or over ice!
Traditional Swedish Glögg
Mulled Winter Sangria
Warm Coffee Cocktails
Warm cocktails are perfect for cold winter nights, and couldn’t we all use the extra energy from a bit of black coffee?? Our Spiced Irish Coffee and Scotch Coffee recipes are basically just variations on a theme, but we added cardamom and rosewater to the Irish coffee while the vanilla bean Scotch coffee has a smokey warmth that I really love this time of year. 
Spiced Irish Coffee
Vanilla Bean Scotch Coffee
If you’re looking for crowd-pleasing small batch cocktail recipes to make over the holidays, these two vanilla-bean smashes – the Pear Vanilla Bean Bourbon Smash and Orange Vanilla Bean Scotch Smash – are my absolute favorites. Even if you don’t think you like Scotch or Bourbon, you’ll love these drinks. Promise!
Pear Vanilla Bean Bourbon Smash
Orange Vanilla Bean Scotch Smash
Happy holidays everyone!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Dusty Blue and Pink Wedding Invitations on Handmade Paper
It’s September, which means the days of cool weather and fall foliage are just around the corner. I’m loving these dusty blue and pink wedding invitations on handmade paper by Lauren Clements of LineAve Calligraphy for a fall wedding – or a wedding any time of year, really. Lauren’s beautiful calligraphy and illustrations are absolutely beautiful against that gorgeous handmade paper by Farmette Press. And those Louisiana themed vintage postage stamps are the perfect finishing touch!
From Lauren: I loved designing my own wedding stationery! The invitation suite is letterpress printed on handmade paper in blue, pink, and cream tones. The design also incorporated a minimal line drawing of the church with some greenery accents. I used vintage stamps in a Louisiana theme to tell a story.
Our wedding ceremony took place at St. John Berchman’s Cathedral in Shreveport, Louisiana with aisles lined with fresh pomegranates and olive branches. The detail-packed outdoor reception was set on the lot of our future home.
The idea was a small, rustic, European-styled seated and plated dinner under the oak tree with 90 guests. The forecast called for a 90% chance of rain, and it wasn’t wrong. The tent that was supposed to cover a small seating area was enlarged to cover the entire event, and not an ounce of detail was lost. It was truly an inspirational ending to the dreaded “what do I do if it rains on my outdoor wedding?” question that I googled for 2 weeks straight. Guests kicked off their shoes and had the best celebration in mud up to their ankles. The photos turned out absolutely beautiful despite the FLOOD. Quality vendors are so important from hair that frizzes gracefully, to makeup that stays put, hot food that is served in a downpour, and of course, THE TENT that single-handedly saved the day.
As a stationer and calligrapher, I obsesses over detail. I designed and created my own save-the-dates, invitation suite, seating chart, and endless “day of” details like programs, menus, favor tags, flower cones, corn hole boards and bean bags, custom ice cream signs that incorporated our dogs, and cocktail napkins. The gate to the property and the Catholic church we were married in were both incorporated into the wedding stationery, adding a personal and special touch to the invitation suite and day-of stationery.
Thanks Lauren!
  Calligraphy and Design: Lauren Roberts Clements of LineAveCalligraphy
Handmade Paper and Letterpress Printing: Farmette Press
  Photo Credits: Laura Caraway Photography
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Modern Calligraphy Summit and Watercolor Summit 2019 Enrollment!
Hiiiii!!!! I’m still here! Are you still here? We have so much to talk about! I’m hoping to get back into a more regular blogging schedule once my kids go back to school next week, but in the meantime I wanted to quickly pop in here and let you know that enrollment for BOTH the Modern Calligraphy Summit and Watercolor Summit are open from now until August 30! If you’re interested in learning either calligraphy or watercolor painting techniques, you’ll definitely want to read below for more info. Yay!
Image by Jenna Rainey – one of the talented instructors!
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, the Modern Calligraphy Summit offers the most amazing group of online calligraphy classes from every single calligrapher that I would want to learn from in person if I had the opportunity, including Anne Robin Calligraphy, Lauren Saylor of A Fabulous Fete, Karla Lim of Written Word Calligraphy, and so many more. There are two installments so far – Modern Calligraphy Summit 1.0 and Modern Calligraphy Summit 2.0 –and the classes including brush lettering, invitation design, envelope layouts, basic copperplate, writing on non-traditional surfaces, digitizing watercolor illustrations, and so much more! And as much as an in-person workshop would be totally amazing, it’s just as incredible to be able to learn from so many talented calligraphers from the comfort of your own home. The Modern Calligraphy Summit also includes handy templates and handouts, a private Facebook community to support you as you learn, and two bonus LIVE Q&A sessions with the instructors in January. And of course LIFETIME ACCESS to all the amazing content, so even if you can’t start the course material right now you can pick it up at your convenience – or go back and watch the videos as many times as you need to practice and get the hang of things!
I’ve heard from so many people who have benefited from these courses since the summit first launched in 2016, and now is your chance to learn calligraphy and watercolor at home! Enrollment is only open for a few days each year. You can even sign up for BOTH summits and get $100 off! You can enroll right here. Go, go, go!
This post contains affiliate links. By clicking on these links, you’ll help support Oh So Beautiful Paper while also learning the beautiful arts of calligraphy and watercolor painting! I only recommend products that I truly love and trust that you’ll love, too. My full disclosure policy can be found here.
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Spring Studio Sale!
Hi friends! I just got home from this year’s Alt Summit in Palm Springs and my mind is full from all the panels, workshops, conversations, and gatherings at the conference. But I wanted to make sure I let you know about a big studio sale happening TOMORROW, Saturday March 30 from 10 am – 4 pm at Common Room Studio! I’m joining my friends Meg and Sarah for a huge studio sale with everything from stationery and art prints to vintage glassware and styling props! I’m also selling some of the plants, furniture, and décor at the studio! Everything will be priced to move, so if you’re in the DC area I hope you’ll come check it out!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
OSBP at Home: Urban Backyard Inspiration
It’s Spring – yay! The magnolia trees and daffodils are finally blooming, which is definitely the beginning of my favorite season of the year. The last time I shared a peek at our backyard, I showed you a few of the improvements we’ve made over the years, like adding a pergola and removing a scary weird staircase that goes up to the storage space above our garage. Well, now I’m ready to address some of the other parts of our little urban backyard – so I thought I’d share some of my inspiration before we get underway!
Image sources – all from my Pinterest garden board: Horizontal Fence | Deuce Cities Henhouse // Fire pit patio | 100 Layer Cake //  Rose Arbor //  Jasmine wire trellis | Andrew Renn Design via Houzz // Natural Wood Arch // Pink barn door | Castle & Cubby // Graphic Garden | The Guardian
Our backyard is more like a back patio – long and narrow and mostly covered with pavers. On the right side, we have a small planting area with a crepe myrtle, some lilacs, peonies, and a rotation of annuals that I refresh each year. On the left (southern) side, we have a fence that we share with our neighbor that needs to be replaced. The posts are still in good shape, it’s just the pre-fab sections in between that are rotting and falling apart. So we’re hoping to keep the existing posts and DIY a new fence by replace the rotting section with horizontal boards. We have some jasmine, climbing roses, and autumn clematis vines growing on that side, so we’re hoping to space some of the planks out a bit to allow for space for the vines to grow, similar to this fence from Deuce Cities Henhouse. 
Since we don’t have a lot of planting space along the southern fence, I’d also love to build narrow planters running along the bottom of the fence where we could grow herbs and veggies. Andrew likes to have lots of mint for cocktails, but mint is super aggressive and invasive if grown in a garden, so I like to keep that in a separate bed. I’d also love to have more room for strawberries, watermelons, cucumbers, Right now we grow a few of these things in containers, but it feels a bit cluttered. 
We also have a brick garage, so I’d love to do some sort of trellis system along the wall (wire? wood?) for the vines, with an arbor to connect the fence to the garage for the climbing roses to grow over. And maybe a barn door to be able to close the garage when we have company over? Right now it’s just kind of a gaping hole and feels kind of weird. Wouldn’t a pink barn door be SO cute?? The brick is white, and I love the idea of a pop of pink against the white brick.
So that’s pretty much what I’m thinking about these days! Are you planning any outdoor home improvement projects this year? Or have any fence tips to share with us? I’m all ears! You can also follow along on my Pinterest garden board right here!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Eclectic Vellum Baby Shower Invitations
Anyone planning a baby shower? You’re going to love these eclectic vellum baby shower invitations from Lauren of Blue Eye Brown Eye! Lauren made these invitations for her best friend’s baby shower, incorporating the mama-to-be’s creative style into the invitation design with a fun vellum overlay, modern calligraphy, and a gold tassel to tie everything together (literally!). So sweet! 
From Lauren: When given the opportunity to design my best friend’s baby shower invitations, I took the opportunity to fulfill my design fantasies for her and make them as special (and extra) as possible. Anna loves eclectic design and is a true creative herself, so I wanted the invitation to feel like it was an extension of her spirit. Anna’s personal and home style is layered, so I brought that idea into this suite. I’d been toying with the idea of layering printed vellum over an invitation, so this was the perfect opportunity to try it out. I love how the text peeps through the vellum and the brushstrokes, creating dimension and visual interest.
Without making them too “baby,” I snuck in a little pink in the abstract vellum overlay and kept everything else gender neutral with gray letterpress printing and a pop of gold. The gold tassel is a nod to all of Anna’s amazing travels – she often brings me back a decorative pom pom or tassel from places like Peru or Mexico, so the tassel was my homage to her.
A little die cut “oh baby” letterpress tag was a sweet little detail I wanted to incorporate into the invitation. Saint Signora makes this amazing, barely there thin twine that I am obsessed with. It was the perfect finishing touch to wrap around the layered invitation and tie together with the tassel and “oh baby” tag.
Once dropped in the mail, I couldn’t wait for Anna and her husband Amir to see them. They’re two of my most favorite people in the world and making these for them was such a joy. If only y’all could have been at the baby shower itself…it was one for the ages!
Thanks Lauren!
Invitation Design: Blue Eye Brown Eye
Letterpress Printing: Elefant Press
Vellum Printing: Simply Mox
Gold Tassels: Absolut Supplies
Black Twine: Saint Signora
  Photo Credit: Michele Equitz
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
DIY Modern Color-Blocked Easter Eggs
This post is sponsored by The Incredible Egg. All content and opinions are my own. Visit The Incredible Egg for Easter recipes and inspiration!
Easter is such a fun holiday, don’t you think?? I’m partial to any holiday that involves decorating – and eggs are the cutest little canvases that can be decorated in so many fun and colorful ways. And now that my kids are old enough to join in on the Easter egg decorating fun, it’s even better! I love coming up with new Easter egg decorating ideas each year, and this year I’m really feeling inspired to experiment with new color palettes and color combinations. So today I’m partnering with The Incredible Egg to share these fun DIY modern, color-blocked Easter eggs!
My family looks forward to decorating Easter eggs all year long. We typically spend the holiday with my husband’s family, so we gather everyone around the kitchen table on Easter morning to dye eggs together. I love seeing the colors (and color combinations!) everyone chooses for their eggs and all the ways they express themselves creatively. Plus my kids absolutely love both getting to decorate eggs and then hunt for them with their cousins several times in the afternoon!
I’ve been feeling really inspired by earthy tones and neutral pastels this year – from bold burgundy and yellow tones to soft pinks and sage green hues. I am especially loving terra cotta paired with navy blue and soft pink paired with mustard yellow. I knew these color pairings would be a beautiful and unexpected application on Easter eggs, especially with a modern, color-blocked dip-dye treatment.
Another exciting development? As you may have noticed, I’m using both white and brown eggs this year! I’ve always dyed white eggs in the past, but brown eggs work so beautifully with the deeper earth tones that I just couldn’t resist. Aren’t they just absolutely DREAMY with the color blocked dip dye?? I also loved the idea of creating different colors and tones using the same color dyes on both brown and white eggs. The lighter pastel tones produced a beautiful color wash effect on the brown eggs, while the deeper hues produced rich jewel tones by leaving the eggs in the dye bath for a longer period of time.
Here’s the color palette that I used as my starting point, along with the food coloring dye formulas that I used to dye the eggs:
A quick note: The color formulas above achieved *slightly* different results in person – but it’s pretty close to my original color palette objectives! When you make these color formulas at home, always test the colors with a napkin or paper towel before dyeing your eggs!
There are a million ways to decorate Easter eggs – from soft painterly pink and gold eggs to tissue paper eggs – and I love putting a modern twist on traditional decorating techniques. All you need is traditional food coloring dye to achieve the gorgeous colors in these DIY modern, color-blocked Easter eggs! Are you ready? Let’s get started!
White and Brown Hardboiled Eggs
Liquid Food Coloring
Muffin pan or small bowls for dyeing the eggs (note: the food coloring can leave permanent stains, so don’t use anything too precious!)
Tooth picks or wood chopsticks for stirring
Paper Towels
Disposable Gloves (optional)
To make the DIY modern color-blocked Easter eggs:
Step 1. Boil two cups of water, then add two tablespoons of vinegar to the hot water. Fill the cups of a muffin pan or a small bowl with about half an inch of the hot water. Add liquid food coloring based on the color formulas above or to achieve your own desired color palette. I used a variety of store-bought food coloring to create my dye colors, including standard red, yellow, green, and blue liquid food coloring, pastel gel food coloring, and bright magenta, teal, and orange gel food coloring. Use a toothpick or spoon to stir the food coloring together until completely blended, then give it another quick stir before dipping your egg into the dye bath.
Tip: Test the dye color with a paper towel before submerging your eggs, but keep in mind that a paper towel will absorb the dye much faster than an egg, so you’ll need to leave the egg in the dye bath for a minute or two if you’re hoping to achieve brighter/more saturated colors.
Step 2. Wearing disposable gloves, pick up your egg and gently dip one side of the egg into the dye bath. The dye should not cover the entire egg and you should continue to hold the egg in place while it’s in the dye bath so it doesn’t roll over. Hold the egg in place for several seconds for lighter colors or around a minute for deeper/more saturated colors.
Step 3. Remove from the dye bath and pat dry with a paper towel.
Step 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with a second and third dye color (if desired), covering a different portion of the egg with each new dye color.
I just can’t stop staring at these colors! I love all the subtle color variations between the white and brown eggs and the different overlapping tones. The non-traditional color combinations are so special and unique!
Neutral pastels! Earth tones! Jewel tones! Gah, I just love these eggs SO much! Do you love this color palette as much as I do? Will you be making color-blocked eggs this year?? Let us know if you do! And don’t forget to head over to The Incredible Egg for more Easter inspiration and recipe ideas!
This post was created in partnership with The Incredible Egg. All content and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make Oh So Beautiful Paper possible!
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goope-jp-tenmei · 5 years
Quick Pick: Emma Kate Co.
Has it already been a week since the 2019 National Stationery Show?? I’m getting ready to spend the next several days (weeks?) editing and blogging all my photos from the show, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a few favorites from one of my favorite booths: Emma Kate Co.! I first met Emma at last year’s Stationery Show, and quickly fell in love with her modern romantic aesthetic. Each greeting card, notebook, planner, and art print features Emma’s brush lettering, often with an inspirational and uplifting phrase. I’m sure you’ll love her work as much as I do!
Terra rose undated planner
This blush travel clutch is so gorgeous – I’m totally getting one of these before my next flight!
I like you the most
Leave a little sparkle notebook
It’s all messy notebook
I’m glad you exist
And here’s a little preview of some of the new Emma Kate Co. goodies coming this year!
Lots more from Emma Kate Co. right here!
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