goosegoos3 · 4 days
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goosegoos3 · 4 days
Whole-heartedly BEGGING writers to unlearn everything schools taught you about how long a paragraph is. If theres a new subject, INCLUDING ACTIONS, theres a new paragraph. A paragraph can be a single word too btw stop making things unreadable
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goosegoos3 · 5 days
reblog to diminish the horrors from the person you reblogged from
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goosegoos3 · 5 days
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goosegoos3 · 6 days
‘You should only send hearts to ppl you’re romantically involved with’
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goosegoos3 · 6 days
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@vbecker10 @oswildin
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goosegoos3 · 6 days
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goosegoos3 · 6 days
“not all men”
you’re right, my favorite fictional character would never.
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goosegoos3 · 7 days
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Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Remember sometimes bad luck is just the start of an Unplanned Adventure!
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goosegoos3 · 11 days
The year is 2364, social media platforms of all kinds rose and fell like empires. Only tumblr is still running, a reminder of times long gone. The number one trending topic: Destiel.
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goosegoos3 · 11 days
trying to seductively get on my knees for you but my knees crack so loud it echoes and i’m stuck there for five minutes
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goosegoos3 · 11 days
Men who talk about wanting a “Morticia Addams” fail to realize what even made Morticia love Gomez in the first place. Gomez is catastrophically in love with Morticia and is extremely devoted to her. He genuinely worships Morticia like a goddess. She is his entire religion. Morticia did not choose Gomez for his cool indifference.
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goosegoos3 · 11 days
I know I don't shut up about this but frankly not enough people are angry about the 5-day/40 hour workweek (and I am AWARE a lot of people work even more than that). I feel like a lot more people should be absolutely furious that we only really have two days a week and some occasional hours in the evening to socialise, run errands, do chores, or relax.
It's no wonder so many people are profoundly lonely and disconnected from their communities when maintaining a social life in what little free time we have is incredibly difficult. If you have kids, a second job, a very long commute, or other responsibilities, it's nearly impossible.
We literally aren't meant to live like this and I'll never stop being shocked how many people just take it as the natural state of things and don't want to throw a brick through a billionaire's window every time they think of it.
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goosegoos3 · 12 days
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And yet she's still the one that got screwed over by Marvel 😮‍💨
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goosegoos3 · 16 days
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Pictures like this were everywhere back in my day but now theyre all gone
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goosegoos3 · 16 days
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goosegoos3 · 19 days
Loki x Autistic!Partner Headcannons
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Please be aware these are based off my own experiences with autism as a late diagnosed, cis woman. No autistic person is the same. Don’t take this as advice.
You finally got the diagnosis, after years of feeling like there was something missing, something not clicking… And then finally, it made sense.
When you told Loki, well, he looked at you strangely. Confused. Sure, you were a little ‘quirky’ (what a classic descriptor used), had your… habits. Why did mortals have a word for everything?
“It doesn’t change anything.” Loki had told you. You knew he meant well, you knew how he meant it.
“But it does. In a way.” You’d told him. It meant you now had the chance to make changes, to adjust, set boundaries in your life.
You were getting ready for bed when you saw a book on the bedside table that you didn’t recognise. Loki had a habit of leaving his books lying around. But typically they were all old looking, massive ancient texts with the occasional modern novel. Moving towards the table, you picked it up, eyeing the title.
“I wanted to read up on it.” Loki spoke from the doorway, seeing you turn to look at it. “Understand. Help.” He said softly, slowly approaching. “Make sure that I can do everything that I can to make life easier.” He paused. “Which I know sounds ridiculous coming from the God of Mischief who is renown for doing the exact opposite.” He smirked, tone teasing.
You felt a warmth in your chest, seeing the genuine care in his actions, his words. Putting the book down, you closed the distance between you both, giving him a hug. Loki instantly wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, a small soft smile on his lips.
“I know it’s not the same…” He began quietly. “But… I know how it feels to be… on the outside.” He paused. “To feel like… you are always trying to find a place to fit in. Wishing you could be understood.” His hand soothingly rubbed your back. “But…” His lips tugged upwards faintly. “Then I found you and you made me feel like I belonged.”
And of course, he did the same for you. It was amazing how one person could make you feel that way.
Loki was a man who was both impatient and patient, but with you, he was always the latter. Sure, there were time when he got frustrated - but never at you. It was at himself, at the fact he couldn’t simply magic any problems you faced away (literally and metaphorically).
When you go quiet, he doesn’t force you to try to speak, or try to engage you in conversation, knowing that you just need time and space and quiet. But he will sit with you. And of course, give you plenty of hugs if that’s what you needed.
He feels a warmth spread through him whenever he sees you happy stim, it never fails to bring a smile to his face. If you’re happy, he’s happy.
Loki always laughs with you, not at you.
The first time he see’s you having a meltdown tears at his heart. He does his absolute best to help calm you down, but knows there’s boundaries and is always conscious of what he says or does in those situations. He doesn’t crowd you, even if his first instinct is to wrap you in his arms and hug you, make you feel safe - but he knows that isn’t always what you need.
After a while, he began to pick up on the small things, the tiny details that told him you were becoming overwhelmed or frustrated, instantly allowing you to take the reins and tell him what you need and want to ensure you didn’t get to the point of a meltdown.
Loki never treats you like a child. He’d read about how common it is for people to do that, and the notion seemed utterly absurd to him.
Oh, he loved hearing you info-dump and talk about your interests. He loved seeing the way your eyes lit up, the way you spoke so passionately and enthusiastically about them.
“Sorry, I was rambling-“ You’d say sheepishly, making Loki furrow his brows. “No, no, continue. Please.” He’d encourage, nodding with a small smile. “I want to know.”
And of course, you could listen to him speak about magic for hours. You loved seeing him be passionate about such things too, his facial expressions, the quips he’d make about how people didn’t know the difference between ‘duplicate casting’ and ‘illusion projection’.
“Honestly, it’s not that hard to understand.” “They’re clearly completely two different things.” “It’s insulting.”
He’d cast illusions of the night sky on the ceiling, fluttering butterflies, small fireworks… anything that made your eyes light up. He’ll bring you some form of calm.
When you got snappy or agitated, he’d bite his tongue. His instinct was to quip back - he was still Loki after all. But he understood that it wasn’t personal, it wasn’t him. And so over time, the defensiveness would wane, and he’d simply give you space or whatever you need.
You understood each other. As Loki had said, it was different circumstances, but he knew how it felt to be seen as the ‘outsider’, not feeling like he quite fit in but didn’t understand why - until he, of course, found out his true heritage.
But there was a kinship there. He knew how lonely and isolating it could feel to be seen as ‘different’. And he never wanted you to feel that with him. And you never wanted him to feel that with you.
He found you comforting. Calming even. Like a solace to the soul. Through the good and the bad.
You’d told him about your childhood, how you never felt like you fit in, couldn’t work out why other children weren’t as nice to you or wouldn’t let you play with them at break time. Even when they did, it never was what you wanted to do or suggested. Always playing by their rules.
Loki could relate to that. Growing up with Thor and the others… He always preferred reading and learning magic over the more… boisterous activities they would prefer. And he always felt like he was just there because of Thor.
You told him about how you went through your teen years being confused about everything and anything. The turmoil of emotions you had no understanding of yet, why you felt so tired, sad, angry and alone. It broke his heart to know you had gone through such things, to know you had ‘changed’ yourself to try and fit in with others expectations and ideals.
Yes, he also understood that feeling rather well too.
“You know you never have to do that with me, right?” Loki had asked, never wanting you to feel that way with him.
“Am I too much?” You’d once asked him, and the look on your face - the fact you’d even asked him - tugged at his heartstrings.
“Maybe.” Loki said softly, noticing your face drop for a moment before he quickly added: “But-“ Making you look up at him, brows furrowing. “You’re my too much.” He told you, eyes crinkling faintly. “And I know I’m quite a handful, so I do hope I’m also your too much.” He’d add playfully, making you smile. “Seems like we’re each others ‘too much’ then.” You mused lightly.
(Last quote is from/based on Heartbreak High)
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