goostovio · 10 years
generalnazgrim said: Where’s his hook?
please don’t let me do this again
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goostovio · 10 years
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You are the Elven Queen, young and sweet, only fifty-four hundred. Elven Queen, feel the beat from the Dwarves against their cell walls. You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your endless life. See that dragon, watch that escape, digging the Elven Queen.
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goostovio · 10 years
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goostovio · 10 years
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goostovio · 11 years
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This will be how I raise my kids.
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goostovio · 11 years
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goostovio · 11 years
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goostovio · 11 years
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Every year in June, a brave group of daredevils in the city of Alesund, Norway stack up hundreds of wood pallets to a height of over 130 feet, which they then light on fire in celebration of Midsummer and John the Baptist’s birthday.
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goostovio · 11 years
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goostovio · 11 years
when someone you follow but doesnt follow you back reblogs something someone reblogged from you
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goostovio · 11 years
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goostovio · 11 years
Reblog this. One click a day, that's it. Every click donates .6 bowls of food to animals in shelters. How cool is that?
one click could make a dog or cat’s day a little brighter. just do it, then reblog it. that simple. c:
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goostovio · 11 years
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on a scale of 1 to 10 how grounded am i going to be tomorrow
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goostovio · 11 years
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Trans* people in Quebec need your help! 1.In Quebec, Canada, trans*(1) people must publish their name change AND address in a newspaper. 2.The government of Quebec publishes all sex and name changes in its official gazette. 3.In order to have a gender marker (M or F on official pieces of identification) change in Quebec, a person must undergo forced sterilization, which means either a vaginoplasty or a full hysterectomy. There is no other way to be recognized in Quebec! 4.Trans* youth are forced to live through high school with the wrong gender marker and face higher risks of suicide, bullying and discrimination.  5. Trans* immigrants who intend to make Quebec their home are refused a gender marker change until they obtain Canadian citizenship. We want to change all of this, and need your support to do so! Your donation will fund the court case and human rights complaints that we are undertaking.  It’s important to note that this structural discrimination takes place in a province whose government still funds and promotes a gender clinic that provides therapy very similar to the “conversion therapy" offered by radical groups. We do have a lawyer who has volunteered to take our case pro bono but we will still have to pay for administrative fees.  As for the human right cases, three trans* people have offered to challenge these injustices by sharing their personal stories and will incur travel and lodging costs during this process. They’re putting their lives on the line for this by outing themselves very publicly, so we want to ensure that they don’t also have to bear the financial burden of taking this brave stand.  We sincerely appreciate any and all donations you can make! By helping fund this case we can work toward a world where everyone’s gender identity will be respected and trans* people won’t have to live in fear and humiliation.  You’ll be helping to change people’s lives in a very direct way! Even if you cannot donate, PLEASE share this. People NEED to know about this. 
  To all the trans* (and cis) people reading this who do not live in Quebec or even in Canada - Please Share this as much as you can - the more people know about this, the more pressure we put on the governments, the more they need to listen to us and FINALLY give us the rights we are suppose to have.
  Click here for donation page~ 
(and french translation)
  Thank you again!
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goostovio · 11 years
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So I liked this page last year for the shits and gigs, as you do. I found it funny, and let slide the few sexist posts.
Only recently- and after I got a tumblr- did I really start to notice the abundance of rape, sexist and racist jokes appearing on my news feed. And it pissed me off.
I said nothing, however, because what could I do? Send in a message to the page and get labelled a whore and a slut by the Admins as I’ve seen so many people do? 
Then this motherfucking gem popped up.
I usually don’t get involved in these sorts of things; if I do my comment gets lost more often than not and goes unnoticed. But I had to comment, I really had to.
I thought my argument was valid and whole, and I was actually rather happy when he admin directly replied to my comment. 
I narrowed down my five favourite games ever and posted them.
Of course, I got beaten and labeled down once again. 
When I asked for a rational clarification of his definitions of “casual” and “core” he did not reply. It was only when I directly insinuated the bias of his claim did I get a response. 
“A feminist I see.  No arguments need to be made. Good luck with getting them eggs fertilized”
Note the use of “feminist” as an insult.
I have had my fair share of gender specific hate regarding gaming. I get told I am a fake and a bitch if I get a high score; I get told to “suck a dick because you are better at that, bitch” if I get a low score; I get told to “get back in the kitchen, slut” without any prompt at all, simply because I have a vagina. 
I am beyond sick of this. I hate the fact that if a male who hypothetically plays a few hours of CoD can be easily called a gamer by the wider community but I if were to say that I was a level 34 on Skyrim I would immediately be called a fake geek girl, a casual gamer and a liar.
I hate the fact that, even though 45% of gaming consumers are female, developers and publishers still believe that there is not a large enough demographic for female protagonists.
I hate the fact that most women in video games are no more than sexulised objects in skimpy clothing.
I hate the fact that I cannot enjoy a game without being labeled and branded because of the fact that I posses a vagina and not a penis.
~sorry about the long post clogging up your dash. I needed to vent~
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goostovio · 11 years
googogogogogog og og gotta gio fatus gotta go fatsf gottas go fatser faster fastre fatsre fgaster fatre fatsre muvin at da sped of sond (mik trakz) kookest hegehog alround gut uorsef asituashon stock ina noew lacashon widout any xplaneshon no taem fro releXashion donrt dont dont dont dontg b;linc dun tink jutgs goh goigogogogogogogoogogog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! njnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn  na nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn na sanic he on da ran sanic he da numba 1 sanic he cumin netx zo watch iot 4 sanix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 gotta hjgo fats (sanicn] gotta go afts (sanic0 gitta goi fatser fastert faster fatser ftasre gogogiogiugogooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo11!!!!! ssssaaaaaaaaaaaniiiiiiiiicccccccccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!!!!! gotgaas goi fatser fotta go fats gotta go fatste ftasre faster fatser fatserrr sanic xxxxxxxxxxxxx1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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goostovio · 11 years
Bohemian Rhapsody. Double Speed.
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