gopaca · 4 years
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Happy birthday Shion ! :3
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gopaca · 5 years
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gopaca · 5 years
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gopaca · 5 years
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gopaca · 5 years
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I’m in love with medieval and heroic fantasy things so i coudn’t resist to create an AU with saint seiya ^^ ( The second one and the second to last one are a little bit older than the others….) I will maybe post other things about this AU because i have a lot of fun to work on it… :)
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gopaca · 5 years
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Atualização de fic …………… O Pianista …………… Cap 22 - “O Amor não vê com os olhos…” Eu nem preciso falar nada sobre esse cap.  A imagem já diz tudo. Vão e aproveitem.. que foi escrito com carinho e ta ó: 9400 palavras de amor e limonada. VERSÃO FANFIC Nyah: https://fanfiction.com.br/historia/768791/O_Pianista_-_Saint_Seiya_Fanfic/capitulo/22/ Fanfiction. net https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13088870/22/O-Pianista Social: https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/o-pianista–saint-seiya-fanfic-14530444/capitulo22 💞🎼 VERSÃO ORIGINAL https://www.wattpad.com/story/164308797-o-pianista-romance-drama-gay
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gopaca · 5 years
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Templo das Bacantes  VOLUME 3 Capítulo 16 - “Cilício” Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras… e essa capa maravilhosamente linda e triste já diz tudo. Nyah: https://fanfiction.com.br/historia/776294/Templo_das_Bacantes_Vol_3/capitulo/16/ Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13249130/16/Templo-das-Bacantes-Vol-3 Social: https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/templo-das-bacantes-vol-3-16163856/capitulo16
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gopaca · 5 years
Kanon: Brother, I need relationship advice.
Saga: Just because I’m dating Aiolos doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
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gopaca · 5 years
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Pretty sea gods crying in the light of a sunset might as well be my trademark 😔✌️✨🌊🔱
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gopaca · 5 years
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And that’s Poseidon Arc for y’all
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gopaca · 5 years
Twitter @payoliina
Re active esa cosa del demonio, ¿Alguien que quiera pasarme su twitter para seguirlo? uvu espero no morir sola aquí ;u;
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gopaca · 5 years
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This is why they have such a problem with plastic bags. It’s because the unique structure of their esophagus makes it so that they can’t get rid of them.
Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER
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gopaca · 5 years
Shaka! ¿Alguna vez le has prestado tu Cloth de Virgo a Shun? [pd: ¡Los dibujos de este Ask son hermosos!]
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gopaca · 5 years
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Gold Saint Milo? More like Clown Saint Milo according to his bf 🤡
Inspired by @incorrect-saintseiya-quotes ‘s post !
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gopaca · 5 years
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“ Saga...this isn’t a burden that you have to take on alone.”
Part of my ‘Sanctuary’s Longest Slow Burn Soap Opera ‘ au ✨✌️
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gopaca · 5 years
Mu’s caustic tone isn’t so in japanese.
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So I translated Mu and Roshi’s scene from KOTZ in the Japanese audio and the feeling is very different from the English/Spanish script.
Here’s the thing, Mu is a very peculiar character, since he chooses words carefully. It seems the ones in charge of the script in the English version put whatever they wanted without taking this into account BUT the japanese version  DID. And although the meaning is more or less the same - Mu is restless and worried- how it comes off is WAY different. 
In English he sounds very  caustic and insolent, while Dohko sounds condescending and distrusting of him. There seems to be some veiled animosity between them.  
Here’s what they say in japanese:
Dohko:友遠方より来たるか My friend, you’ve come from afar. Mu: ご無沙汰しおります老師  折り入ってお語が It’s been a while, Roshi I earnestly would like to talk with you  Dohko: ブロンズ聖闘士たちのことが 心配なのであろう? You worry about the bronze saints, isn’t it? このまま彼らに任せておくべきか You wonder if we should leave it all to them Mu:僭越ながら老師 この戦い彼だけに 託すには荷が重いかと   I’m being too forward but Roshi, this war is too heavy a burden for them alone. Dohko: そう急くなムウよ Don’t be hasty, Mu 時がすべてを 教えてくれるであろう Time will tell us everything. Mu: 時? 老師 そんな猶予などありません  Time? Roshi, we have no such grace. Dohko: おぬしがそのように焦る気持ちはわしにも判るだがムウよ 我々にできるおとはただひとつだ I understand and also feel your impatience, but Mu, there is only one thing we can do. Mu: 何でしょうか? What is it? Dohko:希望を持て Hold onto hope. Mu: 希望だけでこの戦い勝てるでしょうか。。。? Can this war be won only by hope…? Dohko: 女神と人類の運命は若きブロンズ聖闘士の成長にかかっているのだ The fate of  Athena and humanity depends on the growth of the young Bronze Saints. –
They sound like actual friends that have actual respect for each other, only with some disagreements on the actions to take. There is no: “you’re too young and impatient, you will mess this up if you interfere” from Dohko. There’s no “you know what I’m here?” that sounds like a threat from Mu.
Also there’s something very telling for me:  In english Mu says:  “What they’re fighting for is too important to let them do it alone.”   Which comes off as distrustful of the boys because the stakes are too high and they might mess it up. Like they’re never going to be good at this and need mom to guide them by hand.   
In japanese:  “This war is too heavy a burden for them alone.“ It sounds more like him because first he’s worried about them BESIDES the mission. Obviously they’re kids thrown into all of this and that’s too much to ask of them. That’s more Mu there just by paying attention to the way you write him.  He is empathetic first. 
Also, Dohko uses the pronoun onushi to refer to Mu. This is an archaic  you that implies a comrade in arms or an equal, and one that Dohko has always used for Mu since the manga.  
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gopaca · 5 years
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HBD MU|| 27-03
A probably-teenish semirealistic Mu I’ve been wanting to paint since last year. I don’t know why, but on sheep season I usually have this inclination to try new things… and taking advantage of tumblr’s new gif limit… weeeeell….
I guess my artsy spurs begin with the Zodiac and Mu is always the best subject *_*
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