gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
It's so freaking funny that Muslims think Islam is part of the Abrahamic faiths even though their founder doesn't even share the same culture as the central figures in Judaism and Christianity.
Well Muslims don’t see Jesus as the son of God, he was just a prophet (still considered the Messiah by Muslims). We believe that he tried to bring his people back to the original religion God gave the Israelites before (some) corrupt rabbis changed the Torah and certain practices. In turn, those rabbis and their followers persecuted him, though Muslims believe he was raised to heaven by God and will come back to fight the anti-Christ.
I am aware of the Muslim view of Jesus and I imagine it is readily apparent that I don’t share it. And I, obviously, disagree mightily with the view that “corrupt rabbis” changed the Torah.
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Russia should have atleast lubricated
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Best nation on earth
I rather want Murica to rule the world than Isläm
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(cartoon by J D Crowe)
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
I will join the Gay Parade in Gaza! 💪👭
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Big mood.
Happy pride everybody!!!! ❤️💛💚💙💜
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Uhh haram, you need to make her a pre-teen child so that the Saudi Muftis wouldn't cancel that show or make her male
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The super hero of Saudi Arabia Zomoroda !!!
Emara inspired me to draw this :D 
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
I think this Rabbi doesn't know much about Islam and was just trying to sound nice hoping that if Muslims would just follow the real "wise Islam" they would be less hostile towards Jews.
Andalusia, Cordoba and Granada only prospered because of Greek Rationality and not because of Islam, a religion that offers nothing else but fear, subjugation and contradiction of facts, oh, and claiming the civilization of others.
Islam is facism by faith, the Quran is a divine and clear lawbook from god and the Hadith and the Sira is further clarification.
There is not much room for interpretations as "moderate" muslims, liberal Christians and Jews want to make it.
Willing to accommodate changing Times?
Imagine a Muslim Iman thinks that man and women are equal and wants to reform Islam into that direction.
What should he do with this verses?
Quran (4:11) - (Inheritance) "The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females"
Quran (2:282) - (Court testimony) "And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women."
Ignoring them would surely insult god
Or look at these verses
Qur'an 5:51 - (Jews and Christians) ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.
You don't have to be incredibly strict to think like that, my Muslim mom used to think like that too.
Qur'an 9:29 - (Jizya) Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute [Jizya] readily, being brought low.
Good Muslims shouldn't have Christians and Jews as friends according to the Quran
And they should fight against them (but only if they can) till they are submitted and pay for your glory, till they are forced to become Muslim too and after being stripped about everything that made them unique nations
“Judaism, under the rule of Islam, did not experience the same level of hatred, anti-Semitism and persecution common to Christendom. Jews were not accused of deicide and did not have to defend their religion in public disputations. If the term Judeo-Christian sounds legitimate, the term Judeo-Muslim could well describe the moderate and enlightened Islam which nurtured the glory of Andalusia, Cordoba and Granada. I would like Jews to know that there are many moderate imams and Quran scholars who are willing to accommodate to changing times and that just as there are multiple voices and opinions in Judaism, so there are in Islam.”
— Rabbi Haim Ovadia
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Why don’t we make Drugs legal?
Criminals will sell them anyways
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
A racist regime would never bring Ethiopians to their land in Operation Solomon
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Caption on original picture reads:
“Three nuns kneel in prayer near the Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel6- April - 2012. Thousands of Christian pilgrims retrace the steps of Jesusthrough the Via Dolorosa  to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on good Friday,singing and chanting in a mix of languages, costumes and traditions.”
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Just look at how tall Palestine is compared to Israel
Gives you the impression that Palestine was an ancient country before the Zionists arrived
I mean everybody knows that Palestine has an ancient history, interesting culture and inspiring people just think about their
Heroes like Ahlam Tamimi who protected her nation from these settler Zionist kids and even has a street named after her
Just research a bit about Palestinian history, their musuem is still empty but wait till Israel is dead
Myths about how they are the descendants of the ancient Canaanites and Philistines at the same time, so therefore they are indigenous to this land. Even the list of indigenous people mentions them (not)
Leaders like Hitler's friend Mohammed Amin al-Husseini who also hated Jews with passion and inspired Arabs to kill more of them than usual
Culture which totally resembles the culture of other Levantine Arab nations (Just a bit more suicidal because of Israel)
Their script ARABIC is the holy script of the Quran :)
Palestinian music is a little different from other Levantine music but Hamas created a revolutionary genre called "Judenhass". Just google "hamas song" and be manifested with the rythme.
Food is the same as in the rest of the middle east (Palestinian couscous is still unique!)
The only Palestinian dance I know is Dabkeh which is also a dance in Syria or Lebanon
Well does Abbas' PhD book about how Nazis collaborated with the Zionist count as Palestinian Literature?
Wait what?
You ask me for Palestinian history before the 1900s?
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//slowly puts here
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
I don’t see anything wrong with their skin tones, they are accurate
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The Maghreb (North Africans)
Hey there, I’m back!!! Well, not completely but yeah. So here are sims of North African descents, pretty cool yeah? If you are asking for Egyptians, I’ve made them already, see the list below. So let me introduce my sims:
ROW 1: Yousef Zouaoui (Tunisia), Boubaker Ait Abdelkader (Algerian), Nasser El Mizdawi (Libya) and Mahmoud Al Amayra (Moroccan),
ROW 2: Yamina Benhmidi (Tunisian), Aicha Benahmed (Algerian), Saddeka Shaladi (Libyan) and Najoua El Malah (Moroccan)
The Ethnic Women (Egyptian included): LINK1 & LINK2
Male versions (Egyptian included): LINK3 & LINK4
Skin Details: LINK5
Kashmiris: LINK6
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Damn! 37 even though many thousands came to ""peacefully protest"" ? And according to Hamas the majority of them are soldiers that martyred themselves?
And one of them even magically could walk
Wow didn't realise that many tumblers support arab terrorists that want to storm the borders of a souvereign country, and also bringing their children in a dangerous war zone too in the hope to achieve sympathy from the media and their emotionally deluded liberals.
I mean how do you expect Israel to react?
Just do nothing, giving a fuck that terrorist kill the soldiers first and then the civilians and thinking that Netanyahu should be like:
"Oh your child died while your house was attacked by these peaceful protestors? Lol but it's more fair so"
Lmfao, sorry but unlike Syria, Israel is actually able to protect their civilians from these ideologically fucked up Arabs.
I mean how many Israelis do you want to see killed to make amends?
Seriously how can Israel be accused of human rights abuses when all Arab countries have worse record human rights abuses?
What about liberal principles like gender equality, lgbt rights, freedom of speech, religious freedom, protection of minorities?
I mean Tel Aviv is one of the gayest cities in the world while in Gaza homosexuals are thrown from high buildings because Allah hates gay people.
P.S.: Islamophobia is the same as Naziphobia and judging a group of people by their culture and ideology is not racism
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Ohh shit a druze woman?
Jackpot ✔
Are you a Christian or a Muslim?
//I have no idea if this was meant for Sabah or the mun, but I’ll answer in both cuz idk
“I’m neither. Although I do have a bigger Muslim population, I have a fairly large Christian population as well as a small percentage of Druze or other religions. Plus, I’m a more secular country nowadays, so I’m not sure what to label myself as.”
//mun here is a Druze woman so- ye
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
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the strongest witch
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
How Uncle Sam judges some of the Middle Eastern countries <3
Please don’t read if you react sensitively to satire and black humor
a whiny pathetic wimp who used to have a megamind nazi complex trying to get rid of the non sunni-arab majority, convinced he could get anything he wants without any consequences.
One day he started to really piss me off, I then beat his ass so hard that I cracked his mentality in a way which made him an easy place for islamic terrorists to envolve and I regret shit even though we still haven't found the WMDs, huh, but as Texas always says: The absence of evidence is not the evidence for absence.
  His sister Syria
A shizophrenic snake-eating and puppy-killing fuck-tard, a failed state that doesn't even manage to restraint herself from bombing her own people to protect the feelings of her boss who views himself as a god. I mean seriously this dumb bitch doesn't even realise that she fucked herself beyond any repair yet she secretly keeps blaming me and the sidecurls-weares for the shit-salad her own people have created.
A fucking mollycoddle and one of Iran's toys to fuck with, he used to be a devote moronite christian till the civil war changed everything in favour for the muslims.
His capital used to be called the Paris of the Middle East, but now he is literally a stinky trash can whose original christian majority emigrated to the west, because they don't want to have anything to do with him and his sunni muslim boss anymore.
One of the 2 nations who was named after their rulers, sick as shit, thinks himself as a prophet 2.0 just because unlike his fucked up siblings he is somewhat mentally stable, but I don’t think he will grow any pubic hair in the next hundred years meaning his economy will stay shitty.
Among all these newly created nations he is the prodigy par excellence, the beacon of freedom and democracy in contrast of the surrounding arab-islamic shitholes, he has made remarkable intellectual accomplishments his military technology is top class for his age.
He takes no shit for granted from terrorists and loves to psychologically humiliate them in ways I have never seen before. It’s a miracle that after 70 years he is still alive despite the pathetic attempts of arab countries to kill him. As Genesis 12:3 tells us: winners will always side with Israel to stay winners while losers will always hate him. Yeah you can truly say that he is a divine light upon the nations.
But he is a Jew with a shitty accent, bad for him.
  Palestine (West Bank)
And of course you can't mention Israel without Palestine.
And oh boy after months of intensive research I concluded that he is one of the most fucked up nation in the world. I can't think of any nation else who is so twisted, so delusional, glorifying the deaths of both Jews and Palestinians that kill Jews. 
Most of his siblings hate him nuts for the trouble he has caused to them that's the reason why he rather wastes his time in exploited the guilt of useful western liberal dumbfucks by either killing himself or portraying himself as poor and starving little blonde girl in the media, even though he looks like a fat little kid who went to KFC to get the bucket of chicken on the roof.
Well at least he is pretty good in acting, but other than that: Fuck that little cunt.
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
Why did Hima make Poland like a gaylord when Poland isn’t exactly gay-friendly because it's a deeply catholic country?
Maybe because he didn't use any polish stereotypes to personify Poland? Lol no he just uses cringe-worthy anime trops to make boring countries like Hungary and Poland more enjoyable to draw
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i drew this like?? a month ago maybe! it was for the hetalia 60min on twitter and the theme was fantasia!  I just loved his outfit and his entire appearance in the drama cd poland’s outfit is sooooo cute!!
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gordafarid70-blog · 6 years
It's a hoax
Reblog to save a Muslim
As you probably know, Punish A Muslim day is coming up on the third of April. Any Muslim who lives in England is in danger so please stay home. Don’t send your children to school. DON’T GO OUT on the 3rd of April. My non Muslim friends, please reblog this, one of your followers could benefit from it.
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gordafarid70-blog · 7 years
Wow since you sugarcubes keep spamming my feed may I trash talk you both?
I would FEEL honored
once a lesbianon, always a lesbianon
“I will destroy the Blue Line and fucking destroy you, you little gay ass punk. Ptfeh 3alayke, hmara.”
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