goresaga-blog · 5 years
👔 // grab my muse by the collar & pull them closer . (Knox & Lovanna)
  ♡   –––   it was all a bit much. in a matter of weeks her life had changed completely in the presence of the other. he was mysterious - magical, in a sense that she still didn’t believe in the supernatural. he was intimidating to say the least. feeling as if she was prey in the centre of a prowl she had made an attempt to leave during a disagreement.
a heavy breath escapes her lips as soon her nose nearly touches his, her eyes widen in the second, while a slight gulp echoes in her throat. “ ––– “ she hesitates while each hand grabs for his wrist to help support herself. her feet barely touch the ground while the wall holds her in place.
“ don’t you think ––– you should maybe put me down?” she says softly, but entirely she enjoys the fact her torso is close to his. she manages a small breath while her feet dangle in a humorous manner. “is it because I didn’t compliment your bizarre collection of sappy old novels?” 
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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I realized I would miss this-the green, the timelessness, the mystery of the woods. All of it.
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
        ♡   –––   (   location: estate  ) ﹕ ‹   elektra x costas /  @edendoomed   ›
they  had  spent  hour  upon  hour  with  each  other  which  never  seemed  to  be  for  eternity,  although,  it  was.  his  hands  never  failed  to  grow  tired  at  grasping  at  her  frame.  he  offers  a  soft  smile  -  something  that  even  monsters  could  feel  at  the  noted  times.  he  enjoyed  his  job,  his  cover  or  a  new  hobby.  the  money  he  made  was  often  used  to  cover  the  masses  of  fortune  he  had  carried  over  the  years.
“  the  harvest  is  coming  sooner  than  later,  i’m  not  prepared  to  see  any  more  of  our  friends  suffer  without  a  mate.”  he  noted.  they  had  been  one  of  the  lucky  couples  ;  chosen  early  and  a  good  match  for  one  another.  he  knew  it  was  something  he  should  of  been  grateful  for,  although,  it  often  made him  wonder  why  others  were undeserving.
placing  his  hand  on  her  side,  moving  it  to  her  back  before  pulling  her  in  for  an  embrace.  his  arms  tighten  around  her  while  affection  flooded  towards  her.  his  chin  resting  on  her  shoulder. “how  about  a  morning  hunt?  hmm?  it’s  the  season  we  enjoy  most.”
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
      ♡   –––   (   location: outside mooneys  ) ﹕ ‹   knox x lovanna  /  @edendoomed   ›
these  shifts  were  starting to  take  a  toll  on  her.  she  was  exhausted  at  times  and  sick  of  this  place  she  would  call  home.  it  seemed  as  if  no  one  could  get  ahead.  surely,  everything  grew  stale -  small  population  made  it  harder  to  find  a  potential  life  partner  (  especially  knowing  your  neighbour  could  of  had  a  piece  of  them  too.  )
lovanna  enjoyed  the  night  shift  as  it  calmed  down,  she  would  get  away  with  turning  the  volume  up  before  cleaning  for  the  next  day.  the  cafe  was  empty  although,  she  could  hear  what  seemed  to  be  a  struggle  happening  outside.  slowly  moving  towards  the  door  -  she’s  surprised  to  see nothing. turning  back  to  the  front  view  of  the  restaurant  she  nearly  jumps  at  the  customer  in  one  of  the  booths.
“shit”  she  to  herself.  mutters  before  signalling  towards  the  kitchen  cook  to  keep  the  oven  on.  moving  slowly  &  offering  a  sympathetic  smile,  she  greets  the  man.  he  seemed  out  of  place  and  far  too  clean  and  dressed  to  find  himself  in  such  a  place.
“sorry  about  that,”  she  clears  her  throat, “I  didn’t  hear  you  come  in.” She notes  while  pulling  out  her  roughed  up  notepad.  “We’re  closing up  soon,  but  I  can  try  and  get  you  whatever  you’d  like.”  tired  eyes  direct  themselves  to  the  man  while  one  hand  rests  on  her  side.
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
acts  that  could  be  aggressive   //   or  a  little  bit  sexy   //   or  both.                     send  a  symbol  from  your  muse  to  mine.  feel  free  to  combine  actions  or  add  specifics  even  when  it  doesn’t  ask  for  it   !     can  send  non - sexually  as  well.
🔪   //   put  a  knife  to  my  muse’s  throat .
🖐️   //   put  a  hand  around  my  muse’s  throat .
👕   //   slide  a  weapon  up  under  my  muse’s  shirt     (   can  specify   ) .
👔   //   grab  my  muse  by  the  collar   &   pull  them  closer .
🔒   //   lock  my  muse  in  a  room  alone  with  your  muse .
🗩   //   verbally  threaten  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
🔙   //   push  my  muse  against  a  wall .
📌   //   pin  my  muse’s  wrists  above  their  head .
🔵   //   grab  my  muse  hard  enough  to  leave  a  bruise .
🔑   //   handcuff  my  muse .
➰   //   tie  my  muse  to  a  chair .
⭕   //   restrain  my  muse  with  an  item  of  clothing     (   please  specify   ) .
🚨   //   push  my  muse  to  the  ground   &   straddle  them .
📢   //   tell  my  muse   ‘  stop  squirming   !  ’ .
🔗   //   otherwise  restrain  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
👀   //   grab  my  muse’s  jaw   &   direct  their  gaze  towards  yours .
⚡   //   tug  my  muse’s  hair .
⚠️   //   bite  my  muse     (   can  specify  where   ) .
😏   //   give  my  muse  a  hickey .
✂️   //   run  fingernails  over  my  muse’s  skin   &   scratch  them .
💦   //   cover  my  muse’s  mouth .
💋   //   give  my  muse  a  kiss  that  draws  blood .
🗡️   //   cut  my  muse  with  a  knife     (   can  specify  where   ) .
💀   //   kidnap  my  muse .
😶   //   put  a  hand  over  my  muse’s  nose   &   mouth .
💥   //   tighten  something  around  my  muse’s  throat  that  restricts  their  blood - flow  /  oxygen  supply     (   please  specify   ) .
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
a  life  for  edward  cullen  could  be  explained  ever  -  so  -  easily  &  yet  he  was  bound  by  lack  of  words. (  it was the same life.  the same amount of time spent in a high school each couple of decades  )  he  hated  the  life  that  was  assigned  to  him,  yes  it  was  never  his  choice  to  begin  with.  he  was  grateful  for  his  father,  but  the  resentment  lingered. 
the  parking  lot  was  always  filled  with  the  youth.  (  he needed to stop saying that for all anyone knew: he was one of them )  however,  a  shade  of  brunette  catches  his  attention  when  leaving  his  car.  bronze  hues  move  to  his  brother  emmett   who  took  in  the  scent  also.  it  was  hard  for  a  vampire  to  explain  ;  maybe  something  close  to  a  cold  beer?  no.  a  fine  tasting  one  of  a  kind  desert . . . or  the  over  dramatic  comparison  of  a  drug. 
his  relationship  with  his   brother  was  something  of  its  own.  although,  completely  different  he  knew  he  could  rely  on  the  other.  even  at  the  worse  of  times  ;  his  sister  would  forever  curse  him  with  never  ending  opinions  and  such.  edward,  casually placed  the  backpack  on  his  shoulder  while  playing  the  part.  moving  slowly  past  the crowd  and  casually  giving  a  glance  to  jessica.
the  poor  prom  queen  (  yeah,  alice  had  called  it  )  constantly  filled  with  time  to  worry  about  what  was  going  on  in  the  lives  of  others.  however,  she  seemed  equally  as  curious  about  the  newcomer.  forks  was  a  small  town   -   far  too ordinary,  even  for  the  man  who  begged  for  it  so  often. 
the  scent  of  blood   -  far  too  complex  for  his  liking.  he  couldn’t  stand  it,  his  jaw  tightened  as  teeth  near  fight  to  get  past  his  gums.  his  eyes  roll  for  the  moment,  but  not  at  the  situation,  but  more  at  the  attempt  to  focus.  edward  walked  by  the  brunette,  simple  and  seemingly  kind,  but  far  beyond  her  years.
“you can get that checked out by a nurse.”  emmett  pasued  with  him  in  a  curious  fashion.  edward  directed  to  bella  the  growing  river  of  blood  on  her  finger.  he  sighs  almost  with  a  judgement  towards  her.  the  cullens  were  never  good  at  fitting  in  with  the  others,  however,  this  seemed  pretty  effortless. .  . until   it  all  makes  sense:  he  can’t  seem  to  read  her  mind. 
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@goresaga / EDWARD CULLEN
Days had felt longer, less exciting, almost as if her life had made an abrupt halt ever since she’d decided to permanently move to Forks. With her mother’s happiness, Bella decided it was for the best to leave, go back to her father in hopes that Forks wouldn’t be as boring as she’d remembered it to be. With high school and the typical teenager shenanigans, however, she’d never truly be happy anywhere, considering her happiness had always seemed to be somewhat limited. 
Entering the parking lot of her new school, Bella parked her new car in one of the empty spaces which was located as far away from school as possible – perfect. After leaving the car, Bella immediately noticed how her socks got wet – right, Forks is rainy. – she figured, but didn’t ponder too long. Everyone seemed to be watching her. Why? No clue, possibly since she was a new face at a rather small school filled with the same children of parents who’d went to school together as well. She ignored most of it, however – a new girl in town seemed to be the highlight of the day, anyway. “New girl!” she heard someone shouting from afar, causing her to stop and turn around. “Hey, I’m Eric – I haven’t seen you here before. You might just be my new covergirl.” Clearly in no mood to support his enthusiasm, Bella suppressed a chuckle and just started to move again. “Bella, and, thanks, no thanks, not interested.” She could hear multiple cars entering the parking lot behind her, some of which sounded much more massive and expensive than all the others, definitely much more expensive than her old car, anyway. “Oh, nevermind then. Nice to meet you, Bella.” Eric scratched the back of his head and walked back into school, more awkward than she must’ve looked until now. 
Bella remained in her position for just a moment more before attempting to tug away her keys. She could feel the metal scratch over her skin, leaving the tiniest wound. “Of course,” Bella looked her right middle finger, but immediately pressed her thumb against it to stop the slight bleeding. “Not now.” she knew the tiniest cuts hurt the most – something she had to endure and experience, yet again.
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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*Cue the vampire elevator music*
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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“I will never criticize Romeo again.”
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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Edward Cullen ◾ Twilight
❝What if I’m not a superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?❞
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goresaga-blog · 5 years
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has this been done yet or
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