gorgeousemotion · 2 months
Dari hasil pembahasan Bersama teteh, mengenai “ternyata setelah ke swiss baru sadar, kalo disana semua kebutuhan ada, lengkap terpajang rapih di etalase toko.” Kegiatan import besar-besaran mungkin terjadi di setiap petang, distributed well… satu dua tram dilompati, bahan gulai sudah didapat. dulu sempat khawatir kalo dengan ke swiss akan susah menemukan rempah-rempah untuk masakan autentik Indonesia, ternyata salah besar. Mereka punya semua, semua bahan yang kamu butuhkan dari penjuru bumi….. tak sangka ternyata data rempah ku lah yang terbatas, bumi pertiwiku lah yang kalah di poin itu!
Terbesit kontemplasi bahwa Jaman sekarang engga ada bedanya sama jaman dulu saat penjajahan..
Bahkan mereka (negara yang kita sebut maju) ga perlu capek-capek menjajah, berlayar jauh berharap ada daratan untuk berlabuh, occupying suatu negara untuk mendaptkan hasil panen lokalnya.
Cukup buat system mutakhir bernama capitalisme. System ini efektif bikin negara-negara bertanah kaya namun tipis dalam mengantongi alat transaksional dunia, berakhir miskin mengenaskan.
Negara-negara miskin ini dengan senang hati mensuply, berbondong-bondong bahkan rela menukar hasil bumi terbaiknya dengan lembaran kertas yang orang banyak dibuatnya terpesona, Bahagia, juga gila.
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gorgeousemotion · 11 months
Filsuf Alain de Button bilang tentu menyenangkan ketika jadi seseorang yang luar biasa, bermandikan kemawahan dan ketenaran. Namun pada akhirnya pencapaian seseorang terbesar mungkin adalah menjadi orang yang waras dan bajik demi hidup yang lebih panjang dan damai.
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gorgeousemotion · 1 year
Tonight I got a little reminder from the universe, that at the end, nobody knows me more than I know myself.. and that fact brings an absolute serenity..
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
You are perfect just as you are… but you can always be better.
I first heard this statement muttered by a zen master at a meditation retreat when I was in university and it’s stubbornly stuck with me ever since. In fact, the older I get, the more wisdom I see in it. You are already good enough as you are… but you can also always be better. There is an inherent tension between self-acceptance and self-improvement. This tension is within each of us. On the one hand, we want to feel at peace with ourselves, to understand that we are good, valuable, worthy human beings and we deserve love and respect and occasional backrubs. On the other hand, unless you’re comatose, it’s abundantly clear that we have no fucking clue what we’re doing most of the time. We mess up all the damn time. There are so many ways we could be better—that we could learn more, achieve more, grow more, etc. I love this principle because it bluntly acknowledges that this internal tension will never go away. It doesn’t matter how productive, competent, and awesome you become, there will always be something that you kinda suck at. That gnawing sense of inadequacy will never be conquered. There is no perfection, only progress. But, at the same time, you are still a worthy and valuable human being, regardless of how screwed up you are, regardless of how many mistakes you’ve made, regardless of how much room for growth you may have. The beauty of this principle is that it shows that self-acceptance and self-improvement need each other—that having one without the other inevitably leads to dysfunction. If you’re all self-acceptance without self-improvement, then you become a lazy, indulgent, selfish twat. If you are all self-improvement with no self-acceptance, then you become a neurotic, hyper-critical, over-anxious mess. Self-acceptance doesn’t work without self-improvement. Self-improvement doesn’t work without self-acceptance. You are perfect just as you are… but you can always be better.
but please note this: be better for yourself whether it's your need or desire. Don't do it to seek validity or acceptance from others, because it will never change you for the better.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
Yang paling penting adalah menyadari dan siap akan semua kosekuesi dari setiap pilihan yang dijalani. Lagian memangnya 'kegagalan' itu suatu yang salah? Diayat Qur'an mana yang menyatakan bahwa menjadi gagal sama dengan berbuat dosa? justru yang salah adalah ketika kita berhenti berjuang hanya karna gagal.
Kecewa memang pasti ada.. tapi bukannya dalam hidup kita tidak akan pernah luput dari kekecewaan..Ditambah definisi sukses dan bahagia setiap orang kan beda beda. bagaimana kalau seseorang merasa berarti ketika memiliki hidup yang penuh perjuangan? bagaimana jika kebahagian seseorang tersebut didapat ketika sedang bersusah payah dan berproses?
Kenapa harus mendikte tujuan dan bahagia manusia lain… Memberi masukan itu baik, tapi ingat, banyak hal yang tidak kita ketahui dari manusia diluar diri kita sendiri.
doakan saja yang tebaik untuk setiap keputusan yang mereka pilih.. selagi keputusan itu baik juga bermanfaat.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
in my opinion, people tend to stay in toxic relationships because they don't know anything better or they fear being judged. Fear of being alone and will never find love again can also make you feel helpless.
The worst is if you feel that you did this to yourself and start believing that you deserve it. Trauma bonding, Financial problems, family, society, children and disability also forces people to stay in abusive relationships.
so I do understand.. it's not as easy as we think “Well, it’s up to her, she can just walk away any time she wants.” but one thing I also understand that life without a partner is much better than living with the wrong one. and I believe everybody deserves a safe home.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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“Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive–it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we know all about everything would it?”
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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#Marrillacuthbert #annewithane #greengables #maudmontgomery #geraldinejames #sketch #illustration
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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A few of my drawings :D
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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Anne with an E
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
Sekarang rasanya kata 'masuk akal' udah ga relevan lagi, karna kita tau bahwa isi kepala setiap orang berbeda beda, belum ditambah kepentinggan yang mendesak si 'akal' bertendensi hanya ke satu perspektif. Jika suatu hal dikata masuk akal, maka berangkat dari akal siapa dulu? Apakah akalnya sejalan dengan akal milik yang lain? Atau cuman akal-akalan saja?
Jadi bangun fondasi pemikiran dan hiduplah dengan itu, ntah berlandasaan ilmu pengetahuan, agama, atau hal lain yang akan kita tabur keyakinan didalamnya.
Aku percaya langkah kaki tak akan gamang lagi.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
It's a shame that progressive parenting doesn't seems to include compassion..
It's just makes me mad. So mad.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
I know now that this is how it works. You don't get to keep everyone in your life forever, and there's some people that are just meant to be a sunrise for you. A light to pull you out of the darkness.
There are friends, lovers, relationship that are seasonal, no matter how deep of a conversation you had with that person at 2 a.m. No matter how much you shared your heart. Even you can still draw the line of their smile like the map of a too familiar road in the back of your mind, there almost always comes to time to move on, a time to let go. And regardless of the letting go, I just want you to know that you're always going to feel like home to me.
No matter temporarily, it is still beautiful.
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
Food waste is the world's dumbest problem
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
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gorgeousemotion · 2 years
For me trust is the currency that societies run on. If people don't feel safe and view most other people as a potential threat to their well being rather than someone to work together with, then you can't build mutual cooperation. It leads to a downward spiral where everyone thinks more and more about fear, and fear warps people's social development. Kids that can grow up without that mentality are free to expand their minds and pursue their interests, rather than trying to one up the other kids at school. Why would it matter if someone else is better at something than you? Richer than you? etc. What matters is if you are good enough that you feel you can take pride in your work or social contribution.
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