gorillatrips · 3 years
How Lake Bunyonyi Trips/ Tour/Safaris Offer A Perfect Rest & Relaxation?
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Lake Bunyonyi – a Magical Lake in Uganda has been a place of consideration, rejuvenating, exploration, discovery and a multitude of various – Lake Bunyonyi is simply Uganda’s Magical Lake. This place provides some of the most exciting areas for boat trips while on Uganda Safari. The country boosts of many rivers, channels and lakes where one can do a boat trip. Lake Bunyonyi which is the deepest lake in Uganda in the world, surely you would not like to miss Lake Bunyonyi Boat Trip on one of the above mentioned water bodies once in Uganda.
At Saso Uganda Safaris, it is our passion and pleasure to show you the delights of our land and will help you experience Africa through the eyes of a local. From organizing gorilla tours in Uganda, Chimpanzee tracking, birding tours and cultural tours in Uganda to Lake Bunyonyi Trip, everything we have been providing.
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Lake Bunyonyi is found in the southwestern part of the country near the Rwanda border, it is one of the amazing spots in Uganda which give a breathtaking environment to tourists. In spite of the fact that not well marketed as compared to different destinations in the country, Bunyonyi is a hideout hilarious site which is certain everyone would wish to visit particularly if interested in a lifetime experience. Lake Bunyonyi Boat Trip have a chance to tour any of the 29 islands on this lake include Punishment Island and Bushara Island – visitors can have sun rising canoeing to view and study about the behaviors of early birds or have sunset cruises in late afternoon. There are also motorized boats for visitors on fixed schedule yet yarning to explore Lake Bunyonyi.
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Located in southwestern Uganda, Lake Bunyonyi is the 2nd deepest lake on the African continent. The lake has over 29 islands most of which are terraced offering great scenic views. The lake has a number of birds and that’s the main reason it’s called Bunyonyi meaning a place of birds. The major birds that can be viewed along the lake include herons, crowned cranes, weavers and many others. Lake Bunyonyi Boat Trip is usually made using dugout canoes and the water is hippo and crocodile free meaning its safe for swimming. A stay by Lake Bunyonyi is a great way to get some time to relax and digest all you have so far seen on your Uganda Safari.
If you are looking for Lake Bunyonyi Accommodation, we have a selection of Lodge, Bed and Breakfast, Camping and Caravanning holiday accommodation in Lake Bunyonyi and surrounds. With 10 listings in Lake Bunyonyi, our handy Lake Bunyonyi map search and great low prices, it's easy to book the perfect holiday accommodation for your Lake Bunyonyi visit.
There is quite a lot to do while in the calm west, the top on the list being relaxing and chilling the entire time you are there. The view is calming and the Lake Bunyonyi Activities adventurous, rest assured to leave this place rested and with a different view on the world.  
1.    Boat rides
2.    Community visits/Hikes
3.    Bird watching
4.    Swimming
5.    Canoe riding
6.    Visiting Batwa pygmies
7.    Mountain biking
8.    Ziplining
For the best Uganda Safari Experience, Saso Uganda Safaris is the best tour operator in Uganda organizing affordable Uganda Safari Tours in different destinations. Our Uganda Travel Tips that we provide is well articulated and you won’t miss any necessary things or equipment in your trip.
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If you are a nature lover, then Saso Uganda Safaris is the right place for you. We have lots of things to do and see at Lake Bunyonyi from which boat trip is the best one to pact. Our tour guide will take you through the history of the lake. We will also give you a brief of the culture of the local people and the relevance of the lake to their lives.
Lake Bunyonyi Boat Trip is a motor boat trip on a lake which is rich in history and natural beauty. So start this trip to find the most enriching time on Uganda National Parks!
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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Uganda – the pearl of Africa, Winston Churchill was the one to give credit to Uganda as Pearl of Africa because of its magnificence, variety of form and colour, profusion of brilliant life, bird, insect, reptile, and beast in large scale. Almost over 80% of Ugandan people live in rural areas and directly serve off the environment and natural resources. The Bantu speaking people migrated to the area from central and western Africa long ago. They brought political and social ideas with their iron works and Now Uganda safari is a dream of all peoples of world
The cultural diversity of Uganda has produced a wide variety of lifestyle and interest among Ugandans. The south of Uganda has the Ganda culture and north has Acholi and Lango culture. Uganda possesses a rich tradition of theatre, ranging from the active National Theatre in Kampala to hundreds of small, local theatrical group.
The Ethnic groups are; Baganda, Bahima, Bakiga, Banyarwanda, Bunyoro, Batoro, Langi, Acholi, Lugbara, Bagisu and others. The Baganda are the largest ethnic group in Uganda and comprise approximately 17% of population.
The languages spoken in Uganda are; English and Swahili as official language and numerous other local languages.
 History of Uganda:
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Beginning in 100AD, Nilotic people, including the Ateker and Luo came into Uganda from the North. Some of the Luo invaded the Bunyoro areas and assimilated with the Bantu. This gave live to the Babiito dynasty. This Luo migration ended in the 16th century. The Ateker settled in other areas of Uganda and some combined with Luo north of Lake Kyoga.
The arab traders moved from the East African coast and were followed by British explorers looking for the Nile’s source. Protestant and Catholic missionaries followed later in the century and made it British East India Company. For more information click here
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Uganda has an average height of 1,100 metres above the sea level and it is on the East African plateau. Lake Kyoga dominates the country’s centre. Uganda is almost all within the Nile Basin. The Victoria Nile drains from Lake Victoria to Lake Kyoga and then runs to Sudan. The turkwel River drains in Ugandas eastern edge.
The climate in Uganda is equatorial and not uniform. The southern areas are wetter and northern part of Uganda is dry sometimes.
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The poor economic policies and instability caused the economy to suffer for decades. This left Uganda as one of the poorest countries in the world.
Bank of Uganda is the central Bank of Republic of Uganda and the primary purpose of the bank is to foster price stability and a sound financial system.
The ministry of Finance planning and Economic development derives its mandate and functions from constitution of Republic of Uganda and other related subordinate laws, including; the Budget Act, the public Finance and Accountability act.
The official currency of Uganda is Ugandan Shilling [Ush]. The Ugandan shilling is now a stable currency and predominates in most financial transactions in Uganda.
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Uganda has total of 65 cities with its own culture and heritage. Uganda has 1 city with more than a million people, 2 cities with between 1,000,000 and 1 million people, the other 62 cities has the population ranging between 10,000 and 1,00,000 people. The largest city is Kampala and it is the capital of Uganda.
The capital city Kampala is situated in countries most prosperous agricultural section, Kampala exports coffee, cotton, tea, tobacco and Sugar. The city has numerous food, metal-products and furniture enterprises and tractor assembly plant.
The other major cities include; Nansana, Kira, Makindye, Mbarara, Gulu and others.
People: Ethnic group:
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Belonging to many ethnic groups, Ugandans speak over 30 different African languages, English and Swahili are the countries official languages. The largest group is the Baganda and they speak Luganda.
Most people produce their own food and eat two meals a day, lunch and supper. Breakfast is often a cup of tea and porridge. Meals are prepared by women and girls. Men and boys above age 12 do not sit in the kitchen.
The main ethnic groups are; Baganda, Bahima, Bakiga, Banyarwanda, Bunyoro, Batoro, Langi, Acholi, Lugbara, Bagisu and others. The Baganda are the largest ethnic group in Uganda and comprise approximately 17% of population.
The Religions are Muslim, Christian and others.
Languages spoken are English and Swahili as official language. Luganda and other local languages are also major within the groups.
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The traditional food in Uganda includes Ugali which is served with a stew of groundnuts, beans, chicken or meat such as beef, goat or mutton. Game can be found in Menus of some restaurants and at Safari lodges. Fish including the tiger fish, Mukini, mputa, and tilapia are also popular.
The most of tribes in Uganda have their own speciality dish. The Uganda cuisine consists of traditional and modern cooking styles, practices, foods and dishes in Uganda. They also have English, Arbian and Asian influences. Many of the dishes include various vegetables, potatoes, yams, bananas and other tropical fruits.
Uganda’s official language is English, which is spoken by most of the educated Ugandans. The three major indigenous language families are Bantu, Central Sudanic, and Nilotic. The main language widely spoken is Swahili and Luganda.
Luganda is widely spoken local language and this is predominantly spoken by the Baganda people in the Urban areas of Kampala. Swahili was approved as Ugandas 2nd official language.
Christianity is widespread in Uganda. Nearly one third of the population follows traditional religions. There are also some Muslim sects, small community of Ugandan Jews and 0.7% of Uganda’s population is classified as ‘Other-Non Christians’, including Hindus. Uganda has the largest minority religion.
Tourism in Uganda:
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Wondering why it is called “The Pearl of Africa”? You can see Lions prowling across the savannah as day breaks before white water rafting down the Nile; then the next day set off into the misty mountains in search of majestic mountain gorillas before settling in to watch a local cultural evening around the camp fire.
The main attraction is Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park and respective genocide memorial monuments. The Uganda gorilla safari experience is worth going and affordable too. The Uganda Safari offers some great safari experiences, such as; Primate Safari experience, wildlife viewing encounters and long or short excursions according to your preferences.  
Here is a list of few National parks you can visit while in a Uganda safari:
ü Murchison falls national park:
You can visit Uganda’s biggest National park, the Murchison falls cover approximately 3,800km. The Murchison falls is formed when Victoria Nile forces its way through a narrow cliff.
 Bwindi impenetrable national park:
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This is the main habitant area for Mountain gorillas in the wild. The largest population of primates is found in Bwindi impenetrable national park. The Uganda Safari offers one of these tours to experience the social primates.
Kibale Forest:
The Kibale Forest National Park is in the western park of Uganda. This lush green park covers around 750kms and the forest has both Montana and Low land with Queen Elizabeth National Park.
 Mount Elgon National Park:
The park is located at the border between Uganda and Kenya. Mount Elgon National Park is one of the largest volcano caldera in the world and second highest mountain in Uganda.
 Semuliki Valley National Park:
The Semuliki National Park is in between the steaming jungle of Africa region and East Africa. The park offers a lot including the visit to Hot springs, Birding, Sceneries, Primates, Wildlife and many more.
Lake Mburo National Park:
The Lake Mburo is located in western region of Uganda. The park has variety of animals such as zebra, Impala and others. This area is considered as Lion conservation area since 2005.
Queen Elizabeth National Park:
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Queen Elizabeth national park is Uganda’s most famous National Park ,offers best of  Uganda safari and most of  travellers destination. The presence of          varied with beautiful lakes, extensive savannah, the natural forests and fertile swamps attracts travellers around the world. It is the best place for big games, primate spices including chimpanzees and more than 500 species of birds.
 Kidepo Valley National Park:
The Kidepo valley National Park is situated in the wilderness region of Uganda and it is the most isolated National Park in Uganda but still one of the best places every wildlife viewer can visit. It is a true gem with huge abundance of wildlife.
Rwenzori Mountain National Park:
The Rwenzori Mountain National Park is the ultimate trekking spot for adventure lovers. It has unique and outstanding biggest glaciers in Africa. The mountain is located in Kasese, Uganda and one of the free standing, snow covered, clock mountain. Read more
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park:
The Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is the icon of Uganda’s National Park seated high in the clouds. It has a majestic Natural beauty and attracts tourists every year. The park is home to three Vrunga volcanoes, abundant wildlife and awe-inspiring caves. The Uganda Safari offers Mountain gorilla trekking here and it is a great experience.
 The other main attractions offered by Uganda Safari include;
 Source of the Nile – The longest river in the world River Nile starts its source from Jinja Uganda, the name Nile means valley in Greek. The main activities done here are Water rafting, bungee jumping, Kayaking, boat rides and fishing.
Ssese Island – The Ssese Islands are an archipelago of 84 Island in the North Eastern part of Lake Victoria in Uganda.  The Ssese Islands are inhabited by Bantu speaking Bassesse tribe.
Kasubi Tomb – The Kasubi Tomb is situated on a hill within Kampala. It is an active religious place in the Buganda kingdom. It was the place for burial ground of previous four kabakas.
Lake Bunyonyi – Lake Bunyonyi is located in the south western Uganda between Kisoro and Kabale, it is close to the border with Rwanda. It is the place to watch many little birds.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary – Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is a private, non-profit animal sanctuary in Uganda. It is located north of Kampala. The Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is collaboratively run by Uganda wildlife authority, the Rhino Fund Uganda, a Ugandan NGO and Ziwa Ranchers limited.
Ngamba Island Chimpanzee sanctuary – Ngamba Island is home for 49 orphaned and confiscated chimpanzees rescued from illegal pet and bush meat trade. Ngamba Island is a part of the Koome group of Islands located in Lake Victoria.
Mengo Palace: The Mengo Palace is the former home of King Buganda. Mengo is bordered by Old Kampala to the north. Mengo Hill has played an important role in Ugandan political and religious history.
Equator Line: The Equator line in Uganda is found along the Masaka – Mbarara highway at what has become a small town called Kayabwe. The people go here to witness equator experiment and take photos.
Uganda martyrs shrine Namugongo:
The Uganda Martyrs Shrine Namugongo is one of the largest Christian pilgrimage destinations in Africa dedicated to the 22 Martyrs and saints of Uganda who were Martyred.
Budongo Forest:
The Budongo Forest in Uganda is northwest of the capital city of Kampala. It is located on the escarpment northeast of Lake Albert. An exceptionally large Mahaogany tree is still found here. It is the home to population of chimpanzees.
Mabira forest:
The Mabira is a rainforest area covering about 300 square kilometres in Uganda. It has been protected as Mabira forest reserve since 1932. It is Uganda’s one of the largest surviving Natural forest.
Sezibwa falls:
The Sezibwa falls are located along the Kampala – Jinja highway. It is Uganda’s hidden cultural treasures with one part owned by Buganda kingdom and other by Anglican Church of Uganda. You can include this tour in your Uganda Safari, like Gorilla Safari, wildlife Safari, Birding Safari etc...
Kisiizi falls:
The Kisiizi Falls is situated in the Rukungiri District in SW Uganda in the Kigezi highlands. It is on the Kyabamba River. You can do bird watching, Forest walks and community experiences which are the main attractions of Uganda Safari.  
Sipi Falls:
Sipi Fall is located in the East of Uganda. This falls is found on the foothills of Mountain Elgon just at the edge of Mount Elgon National Park. The name Sipi was derived from the word ‘sep’ which is name of a wild banana like indigenous plant that grows along the banks of Sipi River. The Sipi falls has 3 waterfalls each from a different altitude.
 Wamala tombs:
Walama Tomb is situated on a hill with an exceptional panoramic view, Wamala tomb is the place where one of the greatest ancient king of Buganda, Kabaka sunna 2 was laid to rest. This is situated at Wamunyenye in Kyadondo County of the Buganda region along the Kamapala – Hoima highway.
 The Bahai temple:
The Bahai temple is situated in one of the suburbs of Kampala city. It is famously known for being a spiritual home for the Bahai Faith in Uganda. The construction of Bahai temple in Kampala was an effort of more than one country; Belgium brought the roof tiles, Germany brought the colored glass, the windows were imported from Britain and Uganda was responsible for the timber and hard rock’s to put up this phenomenal temple.
 Lake Victoria:
The source of the famous River Nile, Lake Victoria is located East in Africa. The lake rests between three countries namely Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Lake Victoria covers approximately 68,800 kms squared. Scattered along the shore of Lake Victoria there are approximately 84 scheduled clusters of island known as Ssese Island.
 Uganda is also known for its Uganda Safari to watch Mountain Gorillas which are a few left primates in the world right now. You can also witness the chimpanzees and other primates. The best part is that you will be allowed inside the National Park to witness the remaining half of Mountain gorillas who is now at the road of extinction.
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gorillatrips · 5 years
Best Places To Visit on a Rwanda Safari
Rwanda is known as “Le Pays des Mille Collines” (Land of a Thousand Hills) thanks to the endless mountains in this scenically stunning little country. In this post, we bring you the best places to visit on a Rwanda safari, Rwanda tour destinations you should not miss.
Nowhere are the mountains more majestic than the Virunga volcanoes in the northwest, and hidden among the bamboo forests are some of the world’s last remaining mountain gorillas. For a change of scene, the shores of Lake Kivu conceal some of the best inland beaches on the continent, while Nyungwe Forest National Park protects extensive tracts of montane rainforest, and is home to many primates. But it’s not all monkey business – Kigali, the capital, is safe and sophisticated. Hence, Rwanda Safari Tours isn’t all about primates, rather it’s a combination of a bustling city, unbeatable views, and unmatched safari activities.
Mention Rwanda to anyone with a small measure of geopolitical conscience, and that person will no doubt recall images of the horrific genocide that brutalized this tiny country in 1994. But since those dark days a miraculous transformation has been wrought and today the country is one of tribal unity, political stability, and a promising future. Tourism is once again a key contributor to the economy and the industry’s brightest star is the chance to track rare mountain gorillas through bamboo forests in the shadow of the Virunga volcanoes.
These conical mountains are shrouded in equatorial jungles and helped earn Rwanda the well-deserved moniker of ‘Le Pays des Mille Collines’ (Land of a Thousand Hills). When you visit Rwanda, you will be amazed by its clean Capital of Kigali, with Roads that are in good shape, with an infrastructure that most Africans find amazing.
The country has positioned itself as an up-market destination by upgrading its lodges, adding exclusive World Class Lodges and Hotels, upgrading its Road Network and making Rwanda one of Africa’s most welcoming nations. One unique thing you will observe on your Rwanda Safari Tours which is not in other East Africa Countries is that there are strict law and order, there isn’t any garbage on the streets.
Rwanda is a small country in the heart of Africa but it comes with an abundance of activities that well compliment the Top places to visit on a Rwanda Safari. Rwanda Tour introduces with the hundreds of hiking and biking trails, the countless of historic and cultural sites including performances of its fabulous Dance and Music Rituals, and on the must-do and sees the list is a visit to one of the Sacred Places in Rwanda, the Memorials honoring the victims of the 1994 Genocide.
The Best places to visit on a Rwanda Safari give you the best of nature’s experience (Volcanoes National Park, Nyungwe Forest National Park, Akagera National Park) and the best of Cultural exposure  (National Museum of Rwanda, Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village, Gorilla Naming Ceremony, Rukari Ancient History Museum).
Places To Visit On A Rwanda Safari — Top Rwanda Destinations
1.Volcanoes National Park (The Gorilla Park).
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Munyinya and the twins of the Hirwa gorilla family on Mt. Visoke at Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
Volcanoes National Park, which runs along the border with the DRC and Uganda, taking number one spot of the Places to visit on a Rwanda Safari, is home to the Rwandan section of the Virungas. Comprising five volcanoes, the Virungas are utterly spellbinding and few would argue that this is not one of the most exciting national parks in Uganda. We probably needn’t remind you, but of all the extraordinary sights and attractions around the Virungas, the one that really draws people here are the famous mountain gorillas.
While most tourists to the park are understandably driven by the desire to have a face-to-face encounter with real gorillas in the mist, there is good reason to stay in the area once you’ve finished tracking: the gorillas share the park with rare golden monkeys, a troop of which has also been habituated to human contact. The Virungas, which tower over Rwanda, Uganda and the DRC, also present a variety of rewarding climbing and trekking options. To get the most from the Virungas give yourself as much time as you possibly can as this is absolutely a park that rewards those who linger.
Find out more
2. Nyungwe Forest National Park
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The Places to visit on a Rwanda Safari list is not complete until you include Nyungwe Forest. Quite simply, Nyungwe Forest National Park is Rwanda’s most important area of biodiversity, with no fewer than 1000 plant species, 13 species of primates, 75 species of other mammals, at least 275 species of birds and an astounding 120 species of butterflies. It has been rated the highest priority for forest conservation in Africa and its protected area covers one of the oldest rainforests in Africa. Despite its huge biodiversity, Nyungwe is little known outside of East Africa.
Nyungwe’s strongest drawcard is the chance to track chimpanzees, which have been habituated over the years to human visits. While chimps tend to garner most of the spotlight here, sightings of troops of other monkeys, including Angolan colobi, Dent’s monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabeys, olive baboons, vervet monkeys and diademed monkeys, are virtually guaranteed.
3. Akagera National Park
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Call it a miracle. Created in 1934 to protect the lands surrounding the Kagera River, Akagera National Park is back with a vengeance. It once protected nearly 10% of Rwanda and was considered to be one of the finest wildlife reserves in the whole of Africa. Sadly, due to the massive numbers of refugees who returned to Rwanda in the late 1990s, over half of the park was de-gazetted and resettled with new villages. Human encroachment facilitated poaching and environmental degradation and Akagera’s wildlife was very nearly decimated.
However, strict conservation laws, better management, the reintroduction of lions in 2015 and black rhinos in 2017, the revamping of old camps and the building of new ones has meant that Akagera is getting increasingly popular. Sure, it can’t compete with its counterparts in Kenya or Uganda, but its scenic landscapes, diverse habitats, and rich wildlife are well worth making the list of best places to visit on a Rwanda safari.
4. Kigali (The Capital City of Rwanda)
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Kigali City Skyline
And of course, the one should not miss out on the Places to visit on a Rwanda Safari list is Kigali Capital City. Spanning several ridges and valleys, Kigali, with its lush hillsides, flowering trees, winding boulevards, and bustling streets, is arguably one of the most attractive and gorgeous capital cities in Africa, as well as one of the cleanest and safest.
Rwanda Tour also introduces with stunning local Arts, Crafts, delightful restaurants that serve excellent food, be sure to try some Goat Brochettes and try the superb Rwandan coffee at one of the coffee shops in Kigali. You can get a taste of history here by visiting the genocide memorials and learn about the turbulent past of the country.
The Genocide Memorial, the former Presidential Palace Museum, the Muslim Quarter with all of its sights and sounds, Hotel Rwanda, the Belgian Soldier Memorial, and many others.
During the genocide, victims fled to churches seeking refuge, only to find that some of the clergy was providing information to the Interahamwe. As a result of this lack of compassion, some of the most horrific massacres took place inside the sanctums of churches throughout Rwanda. All these memorials can be visited on a day trip from Kigali.
Best Time to Visit Rwanda
Gorillas will always be there, hopefully, so often the best time to take a Rwanda Safari Tour is ideally whenever you get the opportunity. In terms of temperature & rainfall we’ve got a handy month by month chart to help you find out more, as well as Rwanda, travel advice and tips from our friends in Rwanda to help you travel with care and respect.
Don’t be put off by the November shorter rains and March-May longer rains though, as you will have the forests, lakes and mountains to yourself, and often cheaper gorilla permits too. The majority of visitors wish for Rwanda Safari to see gorillas, and so the best time is often whenever you can get a highly in-demand permit.
Keen photographers may even prefer the rainy season, as there is less light contrast coming through the trees, allowing you to focus solely on your subject matter.
If there are any particular activities that you would like to do on out Places to visit on a Rwanda Safari list, please let us know. Being one of the established Rwanda Safari Tour operators we have been crafting great itineraries for our visitors, you can go through few of our best-crafted packages here, https://www.gorillatrips.net/rwanda-tours/
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gorillatrips · 5 years
Birding And Bird Watching Sites In Uganda
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Uganda is a prime destination for anyone with an interest in birding. Uganda’s birdlife is Remarkable, and few visitors or residents can fail to be impressed by the large variety of colourful birds they see and by their relative tameness. A Bird Watching In Uganda can get you to grip on to the pre-historical Shoebill stork, Great blue turaco, African green broadbill, and the Nkulengu rail in Semuliki National Park and savannah birds that will fascinate and intrigue beginners to hardcore bird-watchers. Adventure Birding In Uganda is an encounter for all seasoned world birders.
Some 1057 species have been recorded in East Africa, which represents approximately 11% of the world’s bird species and 50% of Africa’s bird Count. The main reason for the big numbers of Birds In Uganda is because of the varied landscape with swamps, forests, lakes, mountains, and savannas.
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Read: Bird Checklists of Eastern Africa
Even though the number of recorded species is slowly increasing, we cannot afford to be complacent: the destruction of habitats, due largely to an ever-increasing human population, has placed several species in danger. Some birds are threatened, including the Crowned Crane, Uganda’s national bird, which is at risk because of the draining of its swamp habitat and the wild exotic bird trade. The latest threat to vultures and scavenging birds of prey is the use of a cheap and readily available poison, Furadan. It is being used widely to kill mammals such as Lion, Leopard and Hyaena, mainly on private land but also in protected areas. When these animals die they are fed upon by vultures, birds of prey and other scavengers, which are then also poisoned.
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Read More: Bird Checklists Of Eastern Africa
In this article, we give you a summarized table of Birding Sites In Uganda, the number of expected bird’s species and the bird’s species you might possibly not miss.
Other Birding Sites In Uganda includes Mabira forest (312 species recorded), Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary (250 bird species recorded), Bigodi wetland Sanctuary (138 bird species recorded), Entebbe Botanical Gardens and Lutembe bay.
Although many birds can be seen at close range in the region’s parks and reserves, binoculars are essential for Bird Watching In Uganda. If you wish, then Uganda Birding can be mixed with trekking of Gorillas or Chimps as well as classic game-drive safari.
Book Our Recommended Birding Safari Packages:
4 Days Murchison Falls Bird Watching Safari
9 Day Uganda Birding Safari Tour
1 Day Mabamba Birding Expedition
18 Day Uganda Birding Safari and Cultural Tour
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
Top 20 Birds Of Uganda Safari That You Should Add In Your Bird Watching List
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“In order to see birds it is necessary to become part of the silence”.
If you are a bird lover and looking for a tranquil corner in the earth that only vibrates with the son of birds, then you must visit Uganda. Known as the pearl of Africa, Uganda is one of the prime destinations of the continent for bird watching. 
Read more: https://www.gorillatrips.net/top-20-birds-of-uganda-safari-that-you-should-add-in-your-bird-watching-list/
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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Uganda is one of the finest destinations in East Africa that you should visit For Real Wildlife Experience. There are many reasons that You Should Visit in 2019 and Make Your Safari Tours Experience Outstanding. Here is the Top 5 Fantastic Reasons To Know and Book Uganda Today For Great Holiday Experience. For More Information Call Us - +256 775 564 060 and Visit Our Official Website Today.
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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gorillatrips · 5 years
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