gotcha2105 · 3 years
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Kaeng’s fashion influence reaches Australian morning television.
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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This is the cast that could launch a thousand non-canon ships. I await the fan fiction; bring it on.
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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Destined to love secondary (& problematic) & tertiary ships, being exceedingly grateful for them while bemoaning their lack of screen time.
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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Guh, stop giving me ghost ships.
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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Actual engineering student 😍
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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Hello handsome men of the 2nd family
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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He’s just beautiful.
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gotcha2105 · 3 years
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How How did this happen? My 1st BL actor obsession (Mean) in the same room as my latest (Bible).
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
1. The character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
Nasir (don’t hate him but he doesn’t spark my interest). Though I have had a bit of a turnaroung on Nagron since that undeniably beautiful yet understated reunion scene.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer
Lugo (but only because I think that Donar deserved to stay until the end & that kind of makes me resent Lugo. I didn’t say it was logical).
6. The character I would totally smooch
7. The character I’d want to be like
Nasir, because he is clearly what floats Agron’s boat.
8. The character I’d slap
9. A pairing that I love
Agron/Ceasar – hot hate sex potential. Agron/Donar – unrequited love on Donar’s part and no one will convince me otherwise & Gannicus/Sybil (because he is revolting and she is a non-entity so they cancel each other out and I can skip their scenes entirely)
10. A pairing that I despise
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
Watching the Crixus's head funeral pyre scene
And all I could think is 'Nagron, don't drink the Kool Aid.'
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
As someone who spent 8yrs in the BTVS/ATS fandom, overanalyzing or 'bullshit' is hot gravy goodness.
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Dear Spartacus/Nagron/Nastus or whatever fandom, some of you are overanalyzing things and then post shit. Stop doing that.
the rest of fandom who just wants to see the last two eps of Spartacus without this bullshit.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
My utter exasperation and other things no one should care about
I have no relationship insecurity to project. I watch TV for entertainment or, in the case of Spartacus, to have my heart ripped from my chest.
I did not bash Nasir or imply he was weak, submissive, feminine, a damsel or anything Ingénue related.
I did call him a Disney Princess in the sense I’m surprised they don’t have him being followed by woodland creatures because he is written as that freaking perfect.
I did call him a Mary Sue.
A Mary Sue is an overly perfect character.
Mary Sues are bad arse fighters (among other awesome and virtuous things), so anyone using that argument to negate his marysueness, I will assume is trying for irony or sarcasm.
Other arguments related to meaning applied by viewers that is not the intent of writing, also not solid.
Nasir is too much of a Mary Sue for my tastes...me..only...which is of no consequence.
I think Pana is an awesome actor and adorable to boot.
Nasir was an interesting character early on when he was pissed at his liberation. That character I could have got invested in but one failed assassination attempt and suddenly he is part of the cult of Spartacus marching off to the mines and almost certain death. In this season he was even singing Spartacus’s praises in post-coital bliss with his boyfriend ( I can't be the only one that found that kind of inappropriate and creepy).
Granted this rapid character development is due to the fact he is the love interest of the fourth most important character on the show and there is only so much time  (yeah I suck it up and recognise what I want is not a priority for the writers).
I adore Agron’s love for Nasir. I just wish he was involved with someone where the conflict comes from the lovers themselves and who they are and not some contrived tacked on love triangle.
I do not find Agron’s jealousy ‘hot’. I found it painful to watch because he is in a state of intense pain and fear.
Nasir just doesn’t interest me the way Agron, Crixus, Naevia or even Laeta do. In an even less popular statement that will garner me even more vitriol (and no I am no baiting troll who enjoys that kind of crap) Gannicus also bores me (but that could have something to do with an even more awful love triangle).
I do pray that something happens in the next episode to make me completely turn around on the Nasir/Nagron issue.I am ready and willing to get on this ship.
I will admit to total and complete bias on all matters related to Agron.
I post to get things off my chest, not to upset people....so apologies.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
Just one further clarification
Oh for F#Ck sake, I did not at anytime even suggest Nasir is weak. I said he was too perfect how does a perfect character in any way shape or form have the attribute of weakness.
When I post 'Nasir is a Big Girl's Blouse', then by all means carry on.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
Apologies of a sort
A Mary Sue is a universal term for an annoyingly perfect character, not a slight on a character's masculinity/femininity or comment on their preferred sexual position. .
I accept other criticism but I will call shenanigans on this.
Sorry about the Disney Princess but I merely meant to provoke imagery of perfection not necessarily feminine perfection.
Oh and Nasir has sass, just not enough to make him interesting. Assigning meaning to events that are not the intent of the writing does not count.
I am completely wrong in one sense, since a Marty Stue is a darling of the writers. At the end of the day, I think Nasir & Nagron are plot devices that facilitated Agron’s character development. The majority of the fandom seems to think Agron is going to die and Nasir carry on. The opposite is much more likely given the sadistic trend of the writing. Also Agron’s storyline has been focused on sacrifice for others. Lord knows I’ve been wrong time and time again, but I think Agron will survive because he is the only one of the four that can and not f#ck with history. SDK likes to mess with it a little but there are certain things set in stone. And I think that leading and protecting others despite his own pain and grief is where his story is going.
Unlike with Duro's death, Agron will not channel his grief into killing but into aiding those in need in honor of Nasir.
In future I will focus on my love for Agron and his love for Nasir (which is a beautiful thing). I know what it feels like when people diss on my baby, its like a little f#ckangel is denied its wings.
So I accept any vitriol.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
It is only my opinion but Nasir is a Mary Sue or more accurately a Marty Sue.
He is not a woobie or a damsel in distress because that would make him less then perfect and we can't have that. In fact he is a kick arse warrior...of course he is, just like he is also a healer, kind, patient, beautiful, an awesome boyfriend and besties with everyone as well as wise and insightful.....and the list goes on.
People should not be offended by my opinion because I onviously thinkthe character is perfect, granted annoyingly so.
Nagron fans should take comfort because Nasir will obviously not sleep with Castus because that could make his actions be interpreted as less then perfect....though I am sure he will have an army of apologists defending his right to do so if he does.
If someone wants to point out a character flaw, physical imperfection or lack  of personal and professional skill then I am all ears....or eyes as the case may be. Until then I stand by my Mary Sue statement.
Pana is awesome though, talented and very pretty but Nasir is Disney Princess, granted in the modern kick arse sense.
This is not a criticism of his fans btw, some poeple like these characters. I prefer my Crixuses and Agrons.
This is also not a criticism of the writing as Nasir is what he is; a charcter to facilitate Agron's character growth and that is why he got all of his in a couple of episodes of Vengence (where he already made it clear he was his own man and became a kick arse warrior).
I am a Nagron in a way as I do think Agron's heart will never beat for another
Apologies, this got long but it is my opinion and that's all it is. It doesn't mean much but I am entitled to it.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
1. Spartacus in one word
2. Describe the first time you watched Spartacus
Shame faced – I actually got kind of bored the first time (first episode).
3. What’s your favorite Season?
War of the Damned if Agron survives.
4. What’s your favorite episode?
5. What’s your favorite memory?
Agron’s arse.
6. How has Spartacus changed your life?
Um...... TV show ..... but I guess I am now a fan of some actors I would not have known about otherwise....and I've seen Dan's arse.
7. Who’s your favorite character?
Agron.....no wait.....yeah Agron.
8. Which character would you want to be?
Agron’s loin cloth.
9. If you could meet Spartacus in real life what would you say?
Crucifixion, out the door, one cross each, line on the left.
10. How do you want the show to end?
I gave it away with my previous answer.... a chorus of ‘Always look on the Brightside of life’..........No, I want Agron; the only guy who has no interest having a wife and children, to be landed with the three women and the offspring of his fallen Gladiator brothers. It will be like the Roman version of Threes Company.
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gotcha2105 · 11 years
Beware unpopular opinions, inconistent text and bad grammar follow.
Disclaimer – criticism of character or story are down to personal preference and reflect in no way upon the perfection of SDK and his fabulous creation.
Top 5 charactes
1) Agron –  reasons include Dan plays him, he has had more genuine character growth than anyone else (Agron calls for calm heads.....Agron!) but he isn’t perfect and he has chemistry with every other cast member to the point I find myself craving interaction between Agron and everyone else.....or maybe just anyone but Nasir.
2) Donar – Beyond awesome with his loyalty to Spartacus, Agron and the cause. I think like me he had unrequited love for Agron.
3) Duro –. Sob. Saving Agron gets him a special place in heaven. 4) Saxa – I want to be her or Vasquez from Aliens when I grow up. 5) Laeta – interesting.
What made you want to watch Spartacus?
Promo poster featuring the truly beautiful Andy.
What was the defining moment that got you hooked?  I watched from the beginning but those German brothers gave me Winchester levels of bad thoughts.
Who is your absolute favorite couple?  Agron/Happiness so that makes me a Nagron sadly. I do not respect the character of Nasir but I sure as hell respect Agron’s love for him. Which couple do you dislike the most? Nagron (yeah totally sort of contradicting myself here). I like firey/challenging relationships and Nasir is like a freaking Disney Princess. Pick one:  Gaul, Germania, or Thrace? Germania Spartacus, Agron, Crixus, or Gannicus? Agron  Nasir, Varro, or Duro? Duro Saxa, Sibyl, or Chandra? Saxa Mira, Sura, or Laeta?  Mira.......Laeta....undecided.
Favorite female character(s): Saxa Least favorite female character: Sybil – pointless absolutely f#cking pointless. Favorite male character: Agron Least favorite male character: Gannicus/Nasir - .
Unpopular opinion alert:  Nasir is a total Mary Sue and he bores me to tears. Canon gay ships always tend to become boring and any love triangle always involves the half of the couple I find least desirable. Though I respect the actor and Agron’s love for Nasir, the character is one big perfect yawn.  His puppy dog eyes are exactly the same as my Jack Russell’s though, which is too cute.
Gannicus is the opposite kind of yawn worthy character with any growth being directly related to his dick. Frat Boy syndrome and pure Male fantasy of what they think women want and what they want to be............snore.
Favorite villain: Battiatus ....hello John Hannah Least favorite villain: The creepy rapist killed when they brought down the Arena, whose name I’ve blanked as I found too much of Gods of the Arena to be disturbing porn for perverts. All other villains I have some understanding of where they are coming from but that dude is just a cartoon villain.
Favorite episode: Libertus – bringing down a freaking arena. Least favorite episode: Empty Hands – Agron was right, everyone else was stupid and yet we had to endure the stupid picking off the stupid one by one and a mere five seconds of the awesomeness that is Agron/Donar.  Mistakes were made on both sides...my arse.
A character I never expected to like as much as I do now: Laeta – smart, kind but ballsy & Naevia – what she has suffered and what she has become and you never doubt her love and loyalty to Crixus.
A character I no longer favor: Nasir – Mary Sue, Disney Princess. I'm surprised they don’t have him being followed by a fawn and a flock of blue birds. I'm in the minority but I think he's toast and it is Agron that will learn to carry on....but that could be wishful thinking. The death(s) that affected me the most: Crixus - OK, so we all knew it was coming but no.....just no. Rank the seasons from least to most favorite: War of the Damned/ Vengeance Blood and Sand Gods of the Arena (as previously stated – porn for serial/date rapists)   Favorite quote: Anything Agron says.
 Rebels and/or Romans: Rebels- to have all choice removed is just beyond disgusting.
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