gothamsgenius · 2 years
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Edward immediately land forward, the sudden addition of a piece of paper waking him from his immense concentration on his crossword on the table. It wasn’t so much the minuscule weight of the paper more of the sudden movement that accompanied it. He tended to get engrossed in tasks easily, especially when it was surrounded by the dull roar of ambient sound. “Well, it probably came from the sky. Historically, that’s where it comes from.”
          &.  OPEN  /  @reshieldedstart​​  !
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          “  OH  MY  ––  UGH  ,  ”  the  brunette  mutters  under  their  breath  as  a  gust  of  wind  sends  her  papers  flying  .  not  even  a  moment  to  enjoy  her  morning  coffee  !  jane  scrambles  from  their  seat  to  retrieve  her  papers  .  grimaces  slightly  when  they  spot  the  last  piece  of  paper  caught  between  another  figure  and  the  backing  of  their  chair  .  “  hi  sorry  ,  ”  approaches  [  YOUR  MUSE  ]  .  “  would  you  mind  if  i  just  ––  ?  ”  plucks  the  piece  of  paper  .  “  that  wind  came  out  of  nowhere  .  ”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
Edward whirled around quickly, almost to the point of giving himself a mild case of whiplash. Apparently this wasn’t as fresh as a start as he would have liked to believe. “I suppose you must have a name that is leagues better than my own? I would love to field any suggestions.”
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╰┈➤ @reshieldedstart​ !
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courtney wrinkles her nose in a failed attempt not to visibly cringe. “has anyone ever told you that your name sounds like the world’s worst off-brand cereal?“
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
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          “  both  -  ”    she  states  with  a  shrug  ,   shoulders  moving  in  union  .   “  so  ,   riddler  ,   what  plans  of  yours  am  i  ruining  for  you  tonight ?  ”  
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“You do understand that I have a life outside of petty crime? And who’s to say that i’m not taking this new opportunity in a new location as a totally fresh start? Turning over the proverbial leaf?” Edward responded with a smile.
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
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“Yes. All the time. Almost constantly.” Edward said excitedly, sliding into the closest chair he could find. “It is quite amazing the depths of stupidity people can reach.”
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          @reshieldedstart​​    //    “  DO  YOU  EVER  JUST  wonder  how  people  can  confidently  say  things  with  their  whole  chest  and  be  wrong  ?  it  could  not  be  me  .  ”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
“So you truly see into people’s dreams? And once you’re there, you can manipulate them?” Edward said, leaning in close to stare at Carl, as if he could see his dream powers work through his eyes. “Remarkable.” Edward leaned back in his chair, a big smile on his face. He didn’t et a lot of chances to work alongside metahumans while in Gotham, and now that he was here, he had every intention of finding out everything.
Edward never intended to ever provide medical assistance to people, but word seemed to spread that Edward was once involved in the medical field, and usually didn’t ask too many questions, which meant the occasional person ended up on his doorstep, asking every question under the sun. And, if Edward wasn’t too busy on one thing or another, he was happy to share his knowledge. “I forgot your question entirely. What was it again?”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
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the riddler was not a villain cassandra frequently came in contact with. in fact, she’d never fought him before. bruce didn’t want her dealing with his more prolific villains unless absolutely necessary. cass’s lack of proficiency with spoken language often meant she wasn’t at the top of the team roster when edward was enacting his schemes. they’d rather brute force their way through his plans than decode his riddles. but sometimes, you can’t pick your battles. “someone might find them charming if you didn’t put others’ lives in danger. why not put your mind to good use?”
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Edwards face instantly melted from his jovial smile, to a more serious and stern expression. “Honestly, do you think it’s that easy? To simply wake up one day and be completely different?” Edward shook his head back and forth, tutting softly as he did so. “If it were as easy as you claimed it to be, wouldn’t everyone be a hero? Riddle me this- Indulge me for a moment,” Edward said, putting his hands up, as if stopping Cass from coming towards him “Why would someone choose to be a villain? Do you think we all chose this route? You think I longed to be evil from birth? You don’t think I ever had loftier ambitions at some point? What good is a hero without a villain? What is good without bad to compare it to?”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
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❝ you should have stopped at gotham. ❞ she muses. ❝ explains enough. i’ve visited a few times on business and i get why the city needs batman. ❞ lois lived in metropolis and while it had its own issues and supervillains, it still wasn’t gotham. ❝ i mean, i’m from metropolis and even that has its own fair share of transport issues. ❞ she takes her phone out and checks the time. ❝ around 25 minutes. i should just get a taxi at this point. ❞
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Edward felt his face crack slightly as the topic of Batman was brought up. How much did she know exactly? Was it possible that she knew who Edward was, and had been just feigning ignorance up until this point? “I don’t think a man running around in leather is a good method for keeping crime low.” The only time Batman managed to persuade Edward to change his mind is when Edward got electrocuted, and was too scared to go near technology for months.”I worked for the GCPD for many years. Those criminals, they need- rehab programs. A better mental health facility. Not to be in and out of the hospital every week.” Edward said. “I’m about to start walking, although I don’t wish to show up exhausted.” Edward mulled over the two choices in his head.
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
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“Morally? Or in terms of villainous attributes?” Edward asked, as if he weren’t currently planning a massive plot as they spoke.
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          (  @gothamsgenius​  !  )    “  not  gonna  lie  ,   after  seeing  the  villains  from  this  world ?   can’t  say  i  think  you  guys  are  all  that  bad  .  ”  
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
“I can assure you, that my memory and my intelligence are as sharp as they’ve ever been.” Edward retorted quickly. And here he thought that Echo and Query being mother hens to him were too much; now he has the Batbrats to worry about? Edward cautiously put his cane down, knowing that the physical aspect of this fight was probably over. “I have a lot on my mind. I thought you all found my riddles annoying?”
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╰┈➤ @gothamsgenius​
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“a bit slow on the uptake lately? you don’t seem like yourself.”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
so it seemed this little back and forth was never going to be officially finished. oswald preferred to have the last word parley just because he could, but he damn well knew that ed was dramatic enough to keep fighting him for it. at the end of the way, he knew full well there had been some hand in creating the riddler as much as ed may want to deny it. but, for now, the penguin would allow it to slide. besides, they had far more important matters to attend to. there were business meetings he would be missing now that he was stuck in this hell hole with the last person he had wanted to see in this world. 
“i could do without the sarcasm,” he grumbled. what was it about ed that always made him like this?? oswald tended to be the smartest person in the room at all times, yet whenever it came to the other, he always foundered and felt unsure of himself. it was beyond frustrating. debating the plan, he was rather reluctant to admit that it was one that would most likely work. given how these cops were already acting, they seemed to be more of the dim witted sort just as they were both used to back home in gotham. aside from gordon, of course. “fine. we can go along with your little plan, and keep the truce for that amount of time. afterwards, there will be no place in this world that you’ll be able to hide from me.” and oswald would make certain of that. 
glowering at the other, he turned, limping his way towards the bars once more. from there it was simple, really. he was rather good at getting people’s attention with his loudness, excelled at keeping it on him. when that poor guard came over to deal with it, he was far too busy trying to get oswald to quiet down and behave once more that it was a simple matter to relinquish the key from the man. after all, he’d started on the lower levels with pick pocketing when he’d been younger – it was a rather useful skill to posses in gotham. once the guard had left, eyes rolled before he was turned back towards ed, holding out the key. “see, it comes in handy when you need a good distraction. you’re welcome.”
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“Well I managed to avoid your sights for an entire calendar year, so I’m confident in my ability to continue doing that.” Edward said smugly, plucking the key from Oswald’s hand. Teasing Oswald like this came naturally, after so many months of being in awe of his mere presence, the fact that they had fallen so far that any respect that Edward once had for him was gone, was frankly remarkable. Almost sad in a sense, profoundly sad, but Edward has never had a relationship, in any sense of the word, last through so many different phases. Edward used too collect newspaper clippings of the Penguin, and now? He could barely stand the sight of him.
But there was no denying that made a good team. If it weren’t for Oswald’s sudden (yet inevitable) betrayal, they could have done some real good work for Gotham. Edward had plans for re-elections upon re-elections already drawn up when they all had to be scrapped. Edward was never good at talking to people, but Oswald had this natural ease and charm about him when he spoke to you. As if you were the only person in the room. Or perhaps that was only how he used to speak to Edward, to help him fall into a ruse. Edward was thinking in circles.
Edward, from his still crouched position on the ground (feigning tying his shoelace, or something equally as inconspicuous), watched as the guard walked away, the tangle of wires hidden out of his sight. “Unlock the door and hold it shut. Open it once the alarm starts blaring. If you close it before I can leave, I guarantee it will b on of the last things you do.” It was a calculated move, putting the idea of betraying Edward (again) into Oswald’s mind. Oswald needed Edward to escape. Edward gave Oswald a few moments to get the key inserted through the other side, as Edward crossed some wires, his eyes involuntarily shutting at the sudden rush of electricity. The alarm for a cell at the other end started to blare, and Edward stood up quickly. “Shall we make our grand escape?” Edward said with his usual maniac grin.
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
Over time, Jen became used to people staring at her. A strange thing, she realized. But hey, if the shoe fits... It still aggravated her when it came at the wrong time, but otherwise she could tune it out or ham it up. Whatever she felt like. It became something of a game.
This time, when she felt a gaze on her, she simply leaned back and locked eyes with the person, returning the stare with a coy smile. Caught you.
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
“Didn’t recognize you without the Gotham filth obscuring you.” Edward said quickly A year out of the villain game, plus the entire shake up of being in a new location meant that even his superior mind felt like it was lagging at times. “Or the annoying voice. Or the fact that you aren’t currently trying to attack me.” Edward kept on speaking. “Aren’t you also missing a brooding, leather-clad bruiser with you?”
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“i’m sorry, have we met?”
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he rose a brow, “and you call yourself a genius,” not that he would go and out who he was or anything. “we have, yes.”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
it’s  IRONIC  the  choices  this  universe  has  him  making;  back  home,  given  the  opportunity,  he  would’ve  dreamt  of  the  opportunity  to  choke  every  villainous  prick  out  within  a  five  mile  radius  and  would’ve  gone  home  in  time  for  tea  but  there  were  bigger  issues  at  hand  here  (  not  to  mention  he  hated  that  people  here  could  rat  him  out  as  red  hood  so  easily  ).  “  If  I  wanted  you  dead,  you’d  be  dead  —  it’s  as  simple  as  that,  asshole.  ”  cocky  ?  sure  but  he’d  certainly  be  doing  his  best  to  make  it  a  reality  if  it  was  even  slightly  the  case.  fists  balled  up  so  tightly,  it  feels  as  though  he  could  tear  his  own  palms  in  two.  “  just  because  I  can’t  I  haven’t  yet,  ain’t  mean  i’m  playing  nice.  so  riddle  me  that  !  ”
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“And I fully believe you. By your logic, I haven’t done anything to draw your ire yet, or perhaps you view this city as a fresh start?” Edward said, knowing fully that he was poking the bear. The Red Hood was a force to be reckoned with in Gotham, and was few of those Batfamily members that never pulled any punches, much to Edward’s chagrin. Even he didn’t fully know where the Red Hood came from, if Batman had just started a new trend of adopting adults into his coterie of miscreants. “I would ‘riddle you that’ as you so eloquently put it, if there was a riddle to be had.” Edward replied. “I will live each day as my last, living in constant fear you’ll come crashing through my window. Of course, this will do nothing in the long run.”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
“My first paycheck from working at the GCPD went towards buying clothes, since the ones I had from my college days were not adequate for police work. There was only one pair of shoes I could find in my size, and they were the only shoes I wore to work for many years. They’re lasted through every sort of weather, fluid found at crime scenes, and different living situations. They’re plain black dress shoes, so they go with everything, at least I think they do..”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
22, 33, 44
22.) Are you a morning person?
“Not in the slightest. Even though my previous employment at the GCPD required me to be there rather early, it was difficult getting up every morning. Now that I sleep later, and aren’t necessarily restricted by a schedule, I am more agreeable to whatever time I end up waking up.”
33.) Whats your fave pastry?
“I don’t enjoy sweets all that much. Even though that old wives’ tale about sugar affecting the brain is not as true as many believe, I still find it distracting to be filled up on sweets all the time. I do enjoy certain deserts, that tend to skew a little less sweet, such as pies, or cobblers.”
44.) When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
“While I still had my position as chief of staff for Gotham’s mayoral office. It felt as if we were the kings of the world, until it was all pulled out from under me. But just for a few short months, it was the happiest i’ve been in my entire life.”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
How many people have you killed?
“I try not to keep a strict record, since anything would get traced back to me. And some of those people were... occasions were their death was not the intended outcome. I’m most likely hovering around 80 that I am aware of, though there might be others that come along with the job. Cracking a few eggs to make an omelet.”
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gothamsgenius · 2 years
61: What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
“I once gave an old... friend of mine a piece of origami. I learned how to make simple things, animals, shapes, and the like while I was growing up, and needing something to keep both my hands and mind busy. In the moment, it seemed like a good idea, but it no where near matched the level of gifts I was gifted in the same interaction.”
“The stupidest thing I have ever received would be my public education. Not only did those idiots refuse to acknowledge that I was leagues above anything they had to say to me, but I got ridiculed for it, by classmates and administration alike. They were just too scared to recognize true genius when it stared them in the face.”
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