gothictragedies · 2 years
sorry ive been ggone
my menttal healtths been down tthe drain. and school's been hell. butt ill ggett back tto postting my headcanons more!!!
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gothictragedies · 2 years
alpha ttroll headcanons for my au!!!! X3
damara (she/clock/they/he)- hypersexual butt never forces clockself ontto otthers. runs a Bubblr blog tto documentt ttheir experiences witth tthis.
rufioh (he/it/wing/soar)- aromanttic! definittely prettends tto flirtt around friends ttho. soar also has like, 20 bird squishmalows.
mituna (bi/bee/zzt/he/she)- definittely sttill moirails witth Kurloz, and tthe ttwo play Pokemon on the weekends. def sttill with Lattula 2!
kankri (he/rant/they)- closetted queer, and def has a crush on Kurloz and Meulin. really likes human food!!!
meulin (paw/nya/purr/she/they)- sttill witth Kurloz!! poly as hell and crushes on Kankri ttoo. is def pretttty chubby ttoo
porrim (she/bat/bite/glow)- runs a body auggmentt shop! bite's usual custtomers are Cronus, Kurloz, Rufioh, and Horuss.
latula (she/sk8/xy)- loves mittuna witth all her heartt! tteaches tthe otther ttrolls surprisinggly valuable life skills!
aranea (she/web)- runs a sttimboard and menttal healtth blog!! plays shitttty mobile ggames tto claim she's a ggamer.
horuss (hoof/he/gallop/neigh)- horsekin!!! kins either Fluttttershy or Ttwigghlightt from MLP. def intto stteampunk ttoo.
kurloz (he/she/stitch/doll/it/they/xe)- tthe oldestt of tthe alpha ttrolls!!! aslo poly as well! def a wittch, and introduced neopronouns to the ggroup!
cronus (he/she)- usually sttays away from everyone exceptt Kankri and Damara. tthe tthree ggett along pretttty well!! humankin!!
meenah (she/ocean/sea/shell)- has a huge and very obvious crush on Aranea, butt will never admitt it. ttakes tthings ttoo litterally and ggetts disttracted by shiny objectts.
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gothictragedies · 2 years
sorry for nott posttingg much guys. ive been feelingg pretttty awful aftter tthe figghtt.
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gothictragedies · 2 years
ok so basically i heard someone's makingg a christtiansttuck au?
nggl tthatt sounds pretttty neat, butt like
is everyone ggonna be just christtian or religgious? itt betttter nott be homophobic >+[
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gothictragedies · 2 years
have a Sanford for your troubles!
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gothictragedies · 2 years
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A killer stimboard for a killer robot!
Stimboard for V1 from Ultrakill!
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gothictragedies · 2 years
headcanons for the betta ttrolls in my au--
aradia (he/she/they/skull): likes ggirl in red and ttroll Ozzie Ozborne
ttavros (he/it/paw): plays animal crossing with nepetta and equius on a daily. has tthe bestt tturnip sttocks
sollux (she/he/bi): has played ttroll Mettal Ggear Risingg before. has nearly ragge-quitt during the firstt figghtt
karkatt (crab/he/it/they): has ttrouble focusingg on certtain tthinggs like brushingg his tteetth, hyperfixattes on romcoms and watches tthem with ggamzee every weekend
nepetta (paw/nya/purr/she/they): loves ggames like People Playgground and GGmod. paw's also a natture wittch
kanaya (gem/they/she/sparkle): has unironically read ttwilightt witth rose. she's made clotthes for all tthe ttrolls
tterezi (she/they/dragon/claw): draggonkin!!! loves tthe scene aestthetic
vriska (she/they/8): uses fidggett spinners and fidggett cubes tto keep herself calm.
equius (he/hoof/they/neigh): def kins apple jack from MLP. listtens tto rock, metal, and counttry music
ggamzee (he/she/honk/it/carnie): bigg ttroll madness combatt fan!!! has played tthe ttroll version of M:PN. sttill an attheistt ofc :)
eridan (he/wand/gil/she/glub): wattches Ttroll Dr. Who on a regular basis. secrettly follows Tthe Signless's tteachings
feferi (she/shell/sea/gil/glub): fightts for lowblood rightts!! runs a sttimboard blog on Bubblr (ttroll ttumblr)
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gothictragedies · 2 years
so like. im makingg a new au. i dontt know if anyone would wanna read aboutt itt butt like
itts called AttheisttSttuck
tthe name's justt tto ggrab people
itts acttually all aboutt free-will, acceptting yourself, and all tthat good sttuff
an example of tthis would be ggamzee beingg an attheistt, kurloz beingg a wittch, ettc. ettc
nobodys ggonna read tthis tthough, probably lmao
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gothictragedies · 2 years
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he just sits down so silly !!!!!
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gothictragedies · 2 years
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Stimboard for our Hank J. Wimbleton fictive with guitars, weaponry, and other misc stims!
[gifs from gallery, unknown credit]
[center image by me, free to use w/ credit]
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gothictragedies · 2 years
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Stimboard for our Tricky fictive with primarily red stims!
[gifs from google/in gallery, unknown credit]
[center image by me]
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