gothlett · 6 years
Quartz is the powerhouse of the spell.
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gothlett · 6 years
Witch Tip: Removing Wax
Perhaps this is common knowledge, but just in case there are any witches out there who struggle with removing wax that has dripped onto their candlesticks, I thought I would share how I have learned to remove it - with a hair dryer!
- When you turn on the hair dryer you will want to turn it on the hottest heat setting but use the lowest blow setting.
- Hold it about 1-2 inches from the wax you are trying to clean off.
- You are not trying to melt the wax!!! That is unnecessary, all you need to do is soften it and warm up the metal under the wax.
- After you’ve given it a little bit, simply wipe the wax with a paper towel or other soft cloth. (for more pristine metals you may not want to use a paper towel because it could scratch the metallic surface). The wax will slip right off with no mess at all.
- I have used this method on shiny brass, antique brass and a silvery colored metal (not real silver), but always test in an inconspicuous spot if you are worried.
- It’s quick! The below example took me less than 10 mins to finish.
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gothlett · 6 years
“We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn.”
— unknown
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gothlett · 6 years
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🔥 Room Healing Spell 🔥
A spell that can be cast at any moon phase or any time of the day to turn your room into a magick-inducive environment. The perfect spell for baby witches who want to start with spellwork. I created this when I was 12 (2006) and it has been 11 years since then and it’s still effective.
Recommended to Cast During: Any moon phase at any time of the day.
Colors: Black and White
🌿 2 Candles (either white or black)
🌙 An Athame (or any pointed object for engraving a candle)
🌿 A Wand (or any stick that is made from any natural material such as twigs, pencils, wooden chopsticks, selenite crystal, clear quartz wand)
To Cast:
🌿 Light one of the candles.
🌙 Start engraving a protection sigil or any symbolism that you dedicate with strength and protection on the unlit candle.
🌿 Twirl your wand around your engraved candle and say,
“Go away negativity and sway away. Positivity, if you wish to enter, you may.”
🌿 Light the engraved candle and carry it.
🌙 Bring the engraved candle with you and light the four corners of your room moving clockwise (start with north)
🌿 Meditate for 5 minutes after (chakra meditation is recommended or plain floor grounding is alright; that is to lie down completely on the floor)
What To Expect:
🌿 Your room will turn into a much more relaxing environment.
🌙 Negative energy that was collected through time will be diminished.
🌿 Better sleep, better naps, better magick.
🌙 Stronger magick especially for healing and love.
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gothlett · 6 years
⚠️toxic witch crystals
these crystals should never be used for elixirs or any substances meant to be ingested. they are safe to use externally as jewelry or other items. this list is not exhaustive.
💀alexandrite (aluminum) 💀amazonite (copper) 💀aquamarine (aluminum) 💀aventurine (aluminum) 💀azurite (copper) 💀black tourmaline (aluminum) 💀celestite (strontium) 💀chrysocolla (copper) 💀cinnabar (mercury) 💀dumortierite (aluminum) 💀emerald (aluminum) 💀fluorite (fluorine) 💀garnet (aluminum) 💀hematite (rusts, non-toxic otherwise) 💀iolite (aluminum) 💀kunzite (aluminum) 💀kyanite (aluminum) 💀labradorite (aluminum) 💀lapis lazuli (sulfur) 💀lepidolite (aluminum) 💀malachite (copper) 💀moldavite (aluminum oxide) 💀moonstone (aluminum) 💀morganite (aluminum) 💀prehnite (aluminum) 💀pyrite (sulfur) 💀ruby (aluminum) 💀sapphire (aluminum) 💀selenite (shards break easily, non-toxic) 💀serpentine (asbestos) 💀sodalite(aluminum) 💀spinel (aluminum) 💀sugilite (aluminum) 💀sunstone (aluminum) 💀tiger’s eye (asbestos) 💀topaz (aluminum) 💀torbernite (radioactive) 💀tourmaline (aluminum) 💀turquoise (aluminum & copper) 💀variscite (aluminum) 💀vesuvianite (aluminum) 💀wavellite (aluminum) 💀wulfenite (lead & molybdenum) 💀zircon (radioactive) 💀zoisite (aluminum)
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gothlett · 6 years
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gothlett · 6 years
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made a lil spell jar for a friend who’s going to uni to help with luck, protection and success made with cinnamon, basil, garlic, rosemary and sea salt 🌸🍄🍂🌿
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gothlett · 6 years
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My boyfriend is doing something awesome.
He’s making an online spell maker/ witch encyclopedia
Basically you can type in an intent or keywords and get ideas for spells
Or you can type out everything you want and it is also color coded (key words like love are red, courage is orange, etc.) and do cyber spells
It’s not done yet but once it is I’ll for sure be sharing on here!
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gothlett · 6 years
Common Kitchen Herbs 🌱
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Not every witch has access to metaphysical shops that sell specialty herbs, or herbs you can’t find in your local grocery store, so here is a list of common herbs and spices that you can easily access, or that you may already have! 
Aside from obtaining these herbs and spices individually, look for bottles of poultry or beef seasoning, and other seasoning blends (Cajun, Italian, etc.) - they usually contain a variety of these herbs in one convenient container. 
Allspice - prosperity, luck, healing, energy
Anise Seed - protection, happiness, enhanced psychic ability, cleansing, warding off nightmares and disturbing dreams
Basil -  love, banishing, wealth, success, sympathy, protection; dispelling confusion, fears, and weakness
Bay Leaf - wishes, protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing, inducing prophetic dreams, enhanced psychic ability
Black Pepper - protection, banishing, cursing
Chamomile - peace, relaxation, restful sleep, love, healing, luck, prosperity, removing curses or negating spells
Chili Powder - love, fidelity, cursing, removing curses or negating spells
Cinnamon - success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, prosperity
Cloves - protection, love, prosperity, banishing, friendship, stopping gossip
Cumin - love, fidelity, protection, banishing, preventing theft
Dill - prosperity, protection, luck, lust
Fennel - strength, vitality, sexual virility; prevents curses and wards off negative energy
Garlic Powder & Garlic Salt - healing, protection, banishing, cleansing, purification
Ginger - sensuality, sexuality, personal confidence, prosperity, success, health, protection, new experiences and adventures
Mace - concentration, focus, self-discipline, studying
Marjoram - cleansing, purification, dispelling negative energy, protection, love, wealth, revealing the truth through dreams, overcoming sadness and grief
Mustard Seed - courage, endurance, preventing physical injury, luck, success
Nutmeg - prosperity, luck, protection, intellect, removing curses
Onion Powder & Onion Salt - prosperity, stability, endurance, protection, breaking bad habits, cleansing
Oregano - happiness, strength, energy, vitality 
Paprika - energy
Red Pepper - energy, banishing, cursing
Rosemary - healing, love, lust, improved memory, dispelling negative energy, cleansing, warding off nightmares
Sage - cleansing, purification, wisdom, healing, dispelling negative energy, wishes, overcoming grief and loss
Sea Salt - cleansing, purification, banishing, protection
Sesame Seed - prosperity, lust, passion
Tarragon - healing, compassion
Thyme - loyalty, affection, strength, courage, banishing, cleansing, healing, luck, prosperity, restful sleep, warding off nightmares
Turmeric - cleansing, purification
Common spice brands include: 
Mrs. Dash
Old Bay
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gothlett · 6 years
Witches with sleeping problems: *has so many frickin sleep spells/potions/charms/sigils/crystals in effect that they put themselves in a coma*
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gothlett · 6 years
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Happy witching 💜🌙
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gothlett · 6 years
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🌟I made some instructions for a wish spell I’ve been working on! Try it out and let me know about all your wishes and whether they came true!🌟
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gothlett · 6 years
Peace and Healing vial💕
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I made this for my mum a while ago! She still keeps it beside her bed. :^)
Vial contains:
Rose petals - Admiration, love.
Cinnamon - Prosperity, peace.
Sea salt - Purification, spiritual protection.
Lavender - Spiritual healing, promotes calmness.
Oregano - Health, happiness.
Sage - Protection, good luck.
Amethyst - Power, protection, healing
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gothlett · 6 years
Herbal Correspondences for Vegan Witches (Or any Witches really)
Activated Charcoal- cleansing, purification, grief, health (banishing serious illness)
Allspice- determination, money, luck, healing
Almond- fertility, Goddess energy, beauty, self-love, prosperity, addiction, abundance
Anise- protection, warding against evil, preventing nightmares, psychic ability, happiness
Basil- money, beauty, protection, love, warding
Bay Leaf- money, motivation, protection, psychic powers, wish fulfillment, success, purification
Black Pepper- banishing, protection, exorcism, healing (from a serious illness/banishing said illness)
Brewer’s Yeast- motherhood, femininity, warding against illness
Cashew- money, creativity
Cardamom- lust/libido, love, fidelity
Cayenne Pepper- catalyst, lust/ libido, confidence
Celery- fertility, psychic powers, healing (especially of the bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract), weight loss
Chamomile- sleep, stress relief, love, beauty, friendship, meditation, luck, libido (mostly women)
Chia Seed- protection, health
Chili Powder- protection, hex breaking, love, fidelity
Chives- protection, weight loss
Chlorella- purification, cleansing, health
Cilantro- money, protection, peace
Cinnamon- catalyst, spirituality, beauty, love, lust, romance, healing, strength, protection, psychic ability
Clove- catalyst, beauty, love, protection (especially for children)
Cocoa Powder- beauty, health, love, self-love, grounding, romance, sex, powder, enhances hot herbs
Coconut- strength, love, beauty, protection
Coffee- grounding, protection, spirituality, energy (if caffeinated), dispelling negativity
Coriander- love, health, protection, easing pain of a broken heart,
Cumin- energy, protection, exorcism, protection from theft, love, fidelity, masculine energy
Dandelion- communicating with the dead, health, weight loss, wish fulfillment, divination, luck
Dill- money, prosperity, luck, lust, protection (especially the home)
Dulse- lust, harmony, sea magick
Fennel- health (especially digestion), protection, money, banishing, strength, vitality, libido
Fenugreek- health (women’s issues), friendship, happiness, calming, feminine energy, libido, money
Flax Seed- fertility, health, protection (especially from sickness), divination, money
Garlic- health, banishing, protection, purification, warding, willpower,
Ginger- catalyst, energy, adventure, health, confidence, lust/libido, prosperity, success, protection
Hemp- fertility, intuition, motivation, peace, harmony, stress relief
Hibiscus- health, love, beauty, heart
Holy Basil- opens heart to love, stress relief, healing, balance, grounding
Jalapeno- energy, catalyst, money, abundance
Kelp- health, money, weight loss, sea magick
Lavender- stress relief, sleep, anti-anxiety, meditation, love, depression, peace, harmony
Lemon- health, beauty, love, lust, cleansing, purification, sun magick, removing negativity,
Lemon grass- psychic cleansing, opening the Third Eye, focus, mental clarity
Licorice- love, lust, fidelity, communicating with the dead, health (digestive system)
Lime- purification, protection, harmony, calmness, tranquility, strengthening love
Maca- fertility, vitality, energy, balance, love
Maple- love, friendship, luck, happiness, wealth
Marjoram- beauty, luck, wealth, grief, cleansing, purification, warding, strengthening love, protection
Mint, Pepper- health, protection, ward off migraines, wealth, bringing about change, love, abundance
Mint, Spear- health, protection, happiness, wealth, communicating with spirits
Miso- health, prosperity, communicating with the dead, friendship
Mustard- courage, faith, endurance, success, luck, happiness
Nettle- grouding, health (especially allergies), banishing negativity, cleansing
Nori- health, harmony
Nutmeg- beauty, prosperity, money, luck, hex breaking, mental acuity
Nutritional Yeast- health, happiness, love, addiction
Oat- fertility, health, earth magick, sacred to Brighid
Onion- protection, health, banishing, warding, bad habits, prosperity
Orange- energy, emotional healing, beauty, health, love, friendship
Oregano- health, beauty, joy, energy, strength
Paprika- catalyst, energy, hexing (I don’t hex, but you do you)
Paprika, smoked- power, see Paprika
Parsley- money, luck, success, health, weight loss
Pecan- employment and career, success, security,
Red Pepper- catalyst, love, lust, confidence
Rice- rain, fertility, money, protection
Rose- beauty, love, honoring the dead, friendship, happiness, healing
Rosemary- mental clarity, focus, memory, health, love, lust, purification
Saffron- happiness, mental health, love, lust, psychic ability, addiction, weight loss
Sage- cleansing, purification, grief, wisdom, spirituality, mental clarity, protection, grounding
Salt- cleansing, purification, grounding, protection, banishing, earth magick
Sesame Seed- money, lust, passion
Soy- spirituality, psychic ability, fertility, intuition, grounding
Spirulina- health, wealth, energy
Sugar- beauty, sweeten attitudes, love, sex, drawing spells
Tamarind- love, health, happiness, family, protection (from illness)
Tea, black- energy, strength, courage, confidence
Tea, green- energy, health, weight loss, beauty, confidence
Tea, white- beauty, harmony, peace, health, tranquility
Thyme- money, protection, luck, grief, honoring the dead, grounding, glamours, confidence, loyalty
Turmeric- health (especially dealing with serious illness), happiness,
Vanilla- beauty, love, friendship, passion
Vinegar- protection, warding, weight loss, hexing, banishing illness
Walnut- connection with the divine, spirituality, mental strength, divination
Watercress- health, sex, lunar magick
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gothlett · 6 years
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PURPOSE: To cast onto yourself (or to someone else) to help feel a stronger sense of self-love
Pink candle
Pink salt
If you are casting the spell for yourself, use rose quartz. If you are casting the spell for someone else, use a small item that belongs to them or reminds you of that person
“I love myself” sigil (shown above) 
(DISCLAIMER: I found this sigil on the blog that belongs to @mulberry-moons. This sigil belongs to this person and not me! I did not create this sigil. I enjoy the way it looks, and thought it woulf be perfect for this spell)
Pen & paper
Light the pink candle
Mix basil, cinnamon and pink salt together, then form a small circle around the candle
With the pen and paper, write the sigil shown above, and then burn the paper using the flame from the candle.
Blow out the candle, and take the rose quartz (or item you have chosen) and gently pass it through the smoke as many times as you see fit. While you are doing this, you will say the words “The moon is loved, in her marked & scarred beauty, & I (or you) deserve the same” until you’ve finished passing the item/crystal through the smoke
Carry the rose quartz with you. If you cast this spell for someone else, give them the item you passed through the smoke.
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gothlett · 6 years
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Whew, finally back from school! Now that I’m free, it’s time to reassemble one of my best school essentials for next quarter—tiny, reusable packets of herbs that are perfect for spells on the go (or spicing up a dull meal…what’s the difference, really?). 
While I love the look of tiny bottles for portable ingredients, they’re not as space-saving as these repurposed straws. So though my best staples get bottled for easiest refills, I like to keep the odd ingredient (or extra backups of the classics) rattling around in my pockets like this! Some things to keep in mind:
Only melt the ends as they’re separated from the herbs by the pliers/tweezers—food safe plastic or not, you still don’t want that melting on your ingredients!
Most straws work for this, but thin plastic straws may warp and bubble further up the tube before the ends seal shut; try a few tests, and heat with care.
While I always carry around a pen knife, if you don’t, consider keeping these in a little pocket tin with a razor blade for easy opening. Cutting the small notch in the end is pretty effective for fingers-only opening, but may cause leaks in fluid-filled packets and should be avoided in those cases. Small, neat incisions with a knife also make for easier sealing for reuse! 
EDIT: while I didn’t touch on it too much here, I also use these to prepare ready-made spells. If you’re doing this, consider matching the color of the candle and straw to the spell intent!
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gothlett · 6 years
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Recreational Witchcraft’s Luck & Money Powder
This powder is ideal for drawing luck, money, and job opportunities. Sprinkle some of it into a burning candle, dust some over your body before going out or add some of it to a hot bath. 
Grind & Combine:
Green or white Eggshells for prosperity and fortune
Basil for wealth and success
Green mint for money and abundance
Fennel for luck
I’ve used this powder spell for almost a year now and it never fails me. Hope it can help you all too!
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