gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
“So you play on pool noodles instead of flying brooms, because those, unfortunately, don’t exist. Yet! I’m still convinced that they will be invented in the future, and can you imagine what that would do for traffic? Like we could just zip around everywhere and not have to worry anyone because we could just fly around them and get where we needed to go quicker.  I mean obviously, there’d have to be some safety feature to keep people from falling off but we can worry about that later,” Anna rambled on, before pausing a moment and looking at the person who had the misfortune of being at the receiving end of her word vomit, “Okay, I’m not sure how you got me talking about Quidditch, but what were you talking about again?” she asked with a smile.
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OVERWHELMED WAS JUST THE TINIEST UNDERSTATEMENT. she wasn’t quite sure how the conversation spiralled into something about quidditch -- which, in all honesty, she didn’t know too much about. wasabi could probably fill her in if she needed to know any more. but the conversation seemed to whizz passed her head quicker than the brooms the red head had been going on about. nonetheless, go go nodded politely, arms across her chest as her attention went to the slow chewing of her gum between her teeth -- she liked speed but she couldn’t quite keep up! her mind snapped back to the present with the sudden pop of the gum between her lips ( in which she hadn’t even realised she’d blown a bubble ). blinding the mild daze out of her eyes, she jabbed a thumb behind her, indicating to the impressive yellow and red bike perched on its stand. “ -- you asked ‘bout my bike. and i said it went pretty fast -- then you started... talking about the game, i guess.” 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
The rain falling from the sky in buckets drenched Violet as she walked. She had forgotten her umbrella, and was steadily getting more annoyed. The day had already been bad, and the sudden downpour had not helped. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and whirled around, ready to chew the person out. “What do you want?” She practically growled, her hair obscuring her view of the person.
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THE TONE OF THE GIRL’S VOICE HAD BEEN ENOUGH to make go go reconsider her decision to suddenly step in, umbrella in a tight grip ( as she wasn’t about to replay the events of last week ). her lips stretched into a tight line as she looked over, eyes narrowed almost irritably as she, without question, held the umbrella over the both of them. despite her unwavering irritation at being snapped at, she replied calmly. “thought you might not want to be wet.”
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
“do you think megan and harry are fans of riverdale?” silver asked, as she read news of the newest royal baby’s name. “i like it– kind of. archie. it’s different!!” silver thought for a second, “but is anyone really a fan of riverdale..?”
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GOGO NARROWED HER EYES SLIGHTLY AT THE QUESTION, just a tad bit confused with the implication but, nonetheless, she would reply, uncertainty laced into her words. “uh -- guessing archie from riverdale isn’t the first archie that came to mind when they were thinking up names.” 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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Panic hadn’t exactly planned his day around the weather very well; he’d actually walked to work before the rain began, which he now regretted as he was walking home with only a light jacket (which was already completely soaked) and nothing else protecting him from the harsh rain and winds. His arms crossed over his chest and his head ducked down to protect his eyes, he was trying to get home as soon as possible to change into warm clothes and hop into bed. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was to see an umbrella hurtling through the air, the wind carrying it straight past where Panic was walking. A part of him wanted to turn around and try to grab it, use it to protect himself the rest of the walk home, but before he could even attempt to turn around toward it, a baseball cap was flying toward him next, somehow hitting him in the face while he was distracted by the umbrella.
The cap landed on the ground after hitting Panic, and he bent down to pick it up, not noticing another person drenched in the rain until he stood back up. “Hey uh — I-Is this yours?” He asked as he got closer to the girl, holding the cap out toward her. Knowing no one else would be as stupid as him to walk out in the rain without an umbrella, he could only assume the umbrella was probably hers, as well. “Crazy wind today, huh?”
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SHE COULDN’T HELP BUT FLINCH WATCHING THE UMBRELLA FLY AWAY, knowing fully well that not only was she soaked, but there was a chance it’d hit someone on the way. lo and behold did it almost, her voice caught in her throat ready to shout out a warning before it missed him. a loud sigh pushed passed her lips only to be muted by the harsh pounding of the rain next to her ears. no hat, no umbrella and, unfortunately, not a particularly thick jacket to keep her lips from turning blue. what a great day this was turning out to be, why did she even need to go out in the first place? slowly walking to where she assumed her hat had flown away to, go go soon noticed the man ( who she had almost skewered with her run away umbrella ) holding it out towards her. 
she sighed again, reaching forward and gently taking it back. was there any point in putting it back on her head? probably not -- but it would shield her eyes away from the droplets of rain. “yeah.. and it’s all wet now.” she grumbled, not necessarily blaming anyone but herself for even thinking that going out in this weather was anything but a bad idea. “crazy’s a bit of an understatement.” she said, bitterly looking up at the rain which reflected off of the light of the buildings before looking back down towards the stranger. “guessing we’re in the same situation then, huh?” 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
Olivia never liked rain.  The weather always had her freezing, leaving something tasting bitter in her mouth and making her head pound.  Something about it made her heart race and all she thinks about is the night she went to the police, desperate and frantic.  She grips her umbrella tightly in both hands, thankful that she at least wore a hoodie today.
As she walks, she spots someone else out in the rain, though this one seems more unfortunate than her.  No umbrella or anything to shield her from the shivering rain.  Quickly, Olivia moves over, clearing her throat to announce herself before she speaks.  “Do y-you need help?”
She shivers from the cold, but holds out her umbrella, above both her and the other woman.  “I can’t imagine being out in this w-weather without an umbrella.”
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GO GO WAS NEVER A PARTICULARLY EMOTIVE PERSON but in this case, she couldn’t help but offer the younger woman a small smile of gratitude, still feeling the chill of death deep in her bones. however, her gaze darts around, hoping to still find her hat somewhere -- “i guess i kinda do.” she almost laughed at how pathetic this would have all seemed. alone, in the middle of the side walk, completely drenched from head to toe in freezing rain water. almost like something straight out of a chick flick and she hated that. 
“yeah well -- if you saw a rogue umbrella flying passed you, that’d be mine.” she raised her hand in mild defeat. to think that she’d be the only one out without an umbrella was a major hit to her pride but hey? what was the use in getting caught up with that right now. “thanks.. for shielding me though. pretty nice of ‘ya.” 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
Wasabi had left work and was now walking back home through the streets of San Fransokyo. Though, he wasn’t a fan of the rain, Wasabi was always prepared with his state-of-the-art umbrella, ready and able to resist the wind and rain and keep Wasabi dry and clean.
It was not, however, built to be umbrella-proof, which it needed to be when Wasabi saw one hurtling towards him and used his umbrella as a shield. He looked up frantically, wetter than he’d like from when he moved it from over his head. Upon seeing Go Go, he raced to conclusions immediately. “Wha-! Go Go, that better’ve been an accident!” he exclaimed angrily, grabbing her hat off the floor and speed-walking over to her. Regardless of his frustration, Wasabi moved his umbrella over the both of them to keep them from getting more wet and returned Go Go’s cap. “And where were you today?” 
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AS IF HER DAY COULDN’T SEEMINGLY GET ANY WORSE, go go was in no way, shape, or form ready to be lectured by her dear, dear friend. eyes narrowed in defence as he made his way over to her ( suddenly feeling her clothes slowly start to suck into her skin with the sudden lack of rain over her head ), she let out a soft huff of frustration. “as if i would waste my umbrella to hurl it at you... in the rain.” she added. why on earth would she risk her health and her umbrella ( a gift! ) to play a prank on her co-worker? well -- it didn’t seem too outrageous to think but she wasn’t in the mood to tease. 
“they give us days off sometimes, you know.” however, she wasn’t one not to occasionally ditch, so his assumptions weren’t too off. “didn’t know what to do -- thought about taking a walk. obviously not the smartest plan i’ve ever had...” the last part was but a mumble hopefully muted by the sound of thunderous rain pouring down on the top of his umbrella. which, in fact, she had just noticed. eyeing it for a moment, her gaze flickered back down to the man next to her, lips still tugged in a straight line. however, did an edge curl in a small smile of gratitude. “thanks.” 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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Suzy // Lancôme
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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RARELY DID SHE EVER HAVE DAYS OFF, and when she did, go go was never quite sure what she would do. a much younger her would have jumped at the thought of bringing out her bike and zipping down the streets -- but it was raining now, she was too tired and although safety was usually not her first concern, there was no harm in not risking it. she exhaled loudly through her nose, the soft sound of chewing coming from her mouth as she walked down the street, umbrella in hand and a hat which barely stopped the rogue drops of rain from flicking into her eyes. 
walking down the street with no destination in mind, the buzzing lights of an active city around her, she lost her train of thought, not noticing as the wind had started to pick up in speed and the bullets of rain darting down on her. as a cruel coincidence, just as the bubble blow from between her lips let out a satisfying pop, the wind, too strong to control now, blew away her umbrella, the sudden chill of hard rain on her skin sending a shiver down her spine. “ oh for fuck’s sake...” she groaned quietly to herself, looking for the salvation of refuge around her before her own cap got blown away and now she was completely soaked. 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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hi my name is sab and i’m terrible at everything i do -- especially when it comes to intro posts because i never know what to write but anywho nothing is going to stop me from posting a lil bit about this big softie first. 
brief background. 
she grew up in a relatively harsh neighbourhood as a kid -- it was more in the middle of the spectrum where it wasn’t necessarily safe to walk alone at night nor was it just straight up mugging at every hour of the day. her mother had always been relatively protective of her in the way that she taught her daughter straight off the bat how to protect herself in any given situations. she enrolled go go in muay thai (thai kickboxing) at a young age so she had some grip of self defence. 
ever since she was a little girl, go go had been particularly interested in racing -- it didn’t matter what kind whether it had been cars, bikes, boats, she always watched with avid enthusiasm ( one of the few times her own mother could recall her daughter bouncing up and down at something ). and so, her interest in racing extended into mechanics -- what makes a vehicle as fast as it is and how can she make it faster. this eventually led her to sneaking around near mechanics, watching them work their way inside engines and what not as she took mental notes, trying to apply it to her own imaginary bike. 
as an avid eater of all things healthy ( due to her active lifestyle ), go go found a job at the local health bar, where she not only earned money for her labour but managed to get a few tips here and there on how to make healthy food not taste like cardboard. she balanced work and school, where she was recently accepted for a course in engineering, when she finally earned enough money to buy herself her own bike. now -- it wasn’t a particularly nice bike ( as she scraped up just enough money to buy one ) but she put it to work, 
reading as much as she could, recalling her memories of sneaking off to mechanics, watching youtube videos on it -- go go did everything she could to learn the trade in order to better improve her bike. and it worked -- it certainly wasn’t the nicest thing the world of racing has ever seen but it was hers and the amount of pride she felt for it would never waver. this is when she decided to take it to the little streets, racing in smaller races, zooming past her rivals and earning just enough each time to fund new projects relating to her motorbike. 
of course, she never gave up her own studies. studying to become an engineer was one of the most fulfilling moments of her life. sure, in a class where she and only a handful of other women were present could have been intimidating in a male dominated field. but go go never let that deter her, only using that as motivation to keep pushing forward out of complete and utter spite at all the looks she seemingly got from her fellow classmates until she made a proper name of herself -- which she eventually did, of course, seeing as her new job at krei industries, despite its controversial past, is still worth noting. 
+ protective, kind, considerate, motivated. 
- sarcastic, hotheaded, abrasive, reckless. 
a few headcanons: 
she absolutely hates her name, “ethel”, and no one in the world other than her mother and those who hold her legal documents know that her real name isn’t “go go”.
she isn’t a huge fan of anything cutesy and, in all honesty, usually finds those sort of things repulsive. but she has a strange obsession with keychains. she just absolutely loves them and doesn’t care if they’re considered “cute”. her phone is full of them. 
she chews gum because it makes her look cool ( of course ) but also because she has a problem with her jaw which clicks and tends to ache a lot and chewing gum helps relieve that pain occasionally. 
she doesn’t like living by herself. its the one thing that really stresses her out to no end, what with all the bills and taxes and having to clean constantly when work dominates her every waking hour. 
she has a photo album dedicated to all of her bike upgrades, starting from the moment she got it. they aren’t all the same bikes, of course, but she still keeps track of where she got them and when and what she did to upgrade them. it is a very cherished personal item. 
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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the stats:
Meet Ethel “Go Go” Tomago, the twenty-five year old that is often mistaken for Bae Suji (Suzy). Born in 1993, Go Go has had a lot of time to figure out who she is. Known by most as protective, athletic, and sarcastic, some are starting to see a resemblance to Disney’s Go Go. In Carthay, Go Go can usually be found in Little San Fransokyo. If she’s not at home, she can be found at Krei Tech Industries, where she is a mechanical engineer.
THE backstory:
✧   If you see someone speeding through the streets, going way over the legal speed limit, chances are you just saw Go Go. She’s got a need for speed and she’s always looking to get her fix. Ever since she was a young girl watching races on tv, she knew she had to go into engineering. She was fascinated with the process and how things worked, so soon enough she bought her own bike and took it apart, only to put it back together with major improvements. In no time she was winning her own races, collecting prize money to put towards bigger and better bikes. But that’s not the only thing this girl likes. She’s big on rock concerts, eating healthy, and taking out her energy on kickboxing. She’s the one always popping gum, her favorite treat.
✧  After college, Go Go took a controversial job working for Krei Tech, a company that has had plenty of sales, and plenty of negative press around them. While it might be surprising to her surroundings friends and family, Go Go feels that until she discovers things for herself, she can’t turn down such a lucrative job in the profession she wants to be in. Luckily for her, the paychecks are generous and so far, things have been operating smoothly in her field. Whether it will continue to be that way is still a mystery, but she won’t let petty gossip get in the way of things. 
✧   Go Go is currently navigating the adult world in Carthay, which has included living on her own for the first time, getting a job at a place she never thought she would, and trying to find ways to keep in touch with her ever moving friend group. Drawn together by tragedy a few years back, it seems like the crew is slowly starting to drift apart. With varying schedules and new people entering their life, it’s no surprise that things might be shifting, but as the protective mother of the group, Go Go refuses to see her friends grow apart. 
✧ Audrey Ramirez- Go Go and Audrey are a pair of misfits that love to take apart, reassemble, and customize all sorts of mechanics. Their desire? Speed. Go Go is always searching for the best way to enhance her ride, and Audrey spends her spare time fixing other people’s cars. It was a no brainer that the two would become best friends. Most days, you can find both girls hanging out in the autoshop. It might be best to befriend them now, you’re sure to get some nice benefits for you and your ride.
✧ Ramone Impala- When Go Go caught wind of the news of a body shop for cars in Carthay, she took her bike and sped straight over. It was there she met the owner, Ramone, and got to see his studio. While many mistake his place for a tattoo parlor, he focuses specifically on the paint jobs you see on cars and bikes. The thing is, he’s still got plenty of space in his shop, which he has generously lent out to Go Go and Audrey after getting to know them. Ramone even painted Go Go’s motorcycle for her in a bold yellow and red.
✧ Wasabi Wayans-  Wasabi likes schedules, organization, and obeying all speed limits and laws. Go Go is living life in the fast lane and has no time for things that will slow her down. Based on those facts solely, Wasabi and Go Go should be enemies. Whether it was their late friend Tadashi bringing them together, or their love of science, the two have stuck together for years now. They might get into small fights from time to time, but the value of their friendship is stronger than any silly argument. Plus, where one lacks skill, the other helps out.You put Go Go and Wasabi together and you get the perfect mix: attentive, efficient, and unique.
✧  INCOMING MESSAGE from AUDREY: Stop by the shop after work. I need a second opinion on the sound of this one engine. It’s seriously bugging me.
✧  VOICEMAIL from RAMONE: Hey I fixed up your bike. I’m not sure why you wanted it to be yellow but it’s all done. I even added a bit of red for contrast. Anyways, stop by when you can and let me know what you think.
✧  RECENTLY TWEETED: I dropped my gum into my salad…..
✧  NOW PLAYING: Dirty Deeds by Joan Jett.
Interested in Go Go? She is currently OPEN.
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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Suzy for Dazed Korea 2017 May Issue
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gotomogo-blog · 5 years
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Suzy’s first solo album <Yes? No?> gallery
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