gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 13
As we wait, a lot of groups were pitching their product and I heard a lot of questions and comments. The panels were very straight to the point and has a lot of suggestions. Some were not really prepared and some were prepared. Its time! As we pitch our product, it goes well. The panels asked us a lot of questions on our product. Draught & draught brought drafters to our community and draft designs structure for planning.  Before the day ends, we have our pitching demo. And thank God we delivered it very well.
We as young innovators continue to soar high and used our full knowledge in every part of our journey that will bring success and joy in to our lives. More power and Thank you! At Draught & Draught, we draw your future. 
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 12
Final meeting before demo day, we had done our last discussion about our incoming pitch demo day. And things we will be doing with our presentation. Some also showed to Sir Bronson their pitch deck. He corrected things in our pitch deck, the things we will be putting to our presentation. So far, the discussion was all about the preparation in our pitch deck.
A pitch deck should tell a story about your business. It should tell the problem and solution about your proposed idea. Show also the team behind these idea. The advantages of your solutions to other who already have your product, market, Business Model and persuading investors to invest to your business.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 11
This value proposition is what service are building for whom and what does it solve? for me we create a service that could actually solve the problem to busy engineers who don’t have to draft and also, to people who don’t know how to draft in CAD a advance technology compared to traditional drawing. It’s not just about your product only but also pain and gain of your customer.
Through this, we will have minimum viable product which just enough features to satisfy early customers, and to provide feedback for future product development. Gathering insights from an MVP is often less expensive than developing a product with more features, which increases costs and risk if the product fails, for example, due to incorrect assumptions.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 10
The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you can focus on your business model segment by segment. This also means you can start with a brain dump, filling out the segments the spring to your mind first and then work on the empty segments to close the gaps.
By this BMC, We do have a better understanding to our business model and we hope it could be a good and a success to our service and to have developments for it.  The ideal engineer is a composite. He is not a scientist, he is not a mathematician, he is not a sociologist or a writer; but he may use the knowledge and techniques of any or all of these disciplines in solving engineering problems.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 09
The Business Model Canvas has variations those are; Value proposition, what core value do we deliver to customers?  Customer Segment, Who is your most important customer? Which classes are you creating values for? Channel, Through which channels that your customers want to be reached? Customer Relationship, What relationship that the target customer expects you to establish? Revenue Streams, For what value are your customers willing to pay? What and how do they recently pay? How would they prefer to pay? Key Activities, What key activities does your value proposition require? Key Resource, What resources are important the most in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue stream? Key, Partners, Who are your key partners/suppliers? and Lastly, Cost Structure, What are the most cost in your business?
By this Business Model Canvas, it will help establish the right business model to your service/product which will truly fit on it. I think next week we will create a Business Model Canvas for our service and it will be an exciting to do.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 08
As we continue interviewing peoples to our services, We prepared a lot questions regarding to the services that we don’t actually compromising our service project on what will be there opinion to the problem. Some are said it is good to have a solution like that and it will be more good if we have a lot of drafters. And others told us they haven’t this kind of problem. By that, we will interview more people which will relate to same kind of problem.
We should be precise to our interviews to have a data a much understandable data in our project.  It will be a challenge for us to interview more and by that we could reach our dreams. The way to succeed is to double your failure rate.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 07
Yo There!
After then we ask question on How does it work? Why would we came up with this kind of product? and Who’s our customer?
So, I and my groupmates brainstorming on how do we comply or do this task and then we come on answering those questions. And those questions above are answered during our activity.
Our service is to help non-knowledgeable engineers especially those who are old yet on getting some of their work easier. 
So our service is the one who can help them to ease there work especially those busy ones who cannot have time to computerize their project plans. 
Our service can be helpful to everyone thats why we want to implement it and help those who needed our help.
Note: This blog is for compliance purpose only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 06
Way back in Dec. 2, 2018 we have agreed in my team that we have to finalize our Pitch and also the product of it.
We have interviewed a lot of engineers about on our drafting service which is the “Draught and Draught” but then a few of them rejected our offer because of on how do we validate it because we are a service having a facility and hiring skilled draftsmen.
My team trying hard on explaining to them about our service but as I’ve said earlier few of them rejected our service proposal.
But then they have a lot experience better than us. So some of them encourage us and interview more engineers so that our service will be validated and hopefully in the near future it can be build up.
Note: This blog is for compliance purposes only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 05
Yo there! welcome to my new blog.
There are a lot of things that happened last week. We have to update Ma’am Lagumbay about the improvement of our pitch. She wanted to know if we are doing this seriously.
She suggested many ideas that really help us, and encourage us to interview more engineers so the many we have been interview will considered as on how our service will be validated.
So yesterday we have a class. Sir Bronson tackle more also about the improvement of our pitch and we had also a group exercise.
By the end of this semester we have to present the actual product/service.
Note: This blog is for compliance purposes only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 04
Last Wednesday we have an activity which is to make a Business Model in our Product. Sir Bronson told us to bring a manila paper and a sticky notes with a different color.
In a sticky note we have to list down how our company creates value for itself while delivering products or services for customers.
There are 9 parts in a Business Model namely Value Propositions, Customer Segments, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Model, Key Resources, Key Partnerships, Key Activities and lastly Cost Structure
So we list down the different parts of a business model on a sticky note. We enjoyed the activity also I learn new things because my group mates had a lot of ideas that is unique and relevant to our product.
Note: This blog is for compliance purposes only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 03
Yo there! Welcome back to my blog. So last Wednesday Sir Bronson tackle about Pitching which is our Midterm Exam.
He discussed to us what is pitching is all about. I learned a lot and also it was fun. He explained to us very well so that we can easily understand what is pitching because this is my first time to do this thing.
He explained also our assignment which is to create our pitching deck with 10 slides on it and also also to prepare a 5 minutes pitching.
I feel nervous about it but we will try our best so that the panel will be satisfied to us.
Note: This blog is for compliance purposes only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Good Morning I’m Jeb S. Lira so today we are task to write a blog what happened last Wednesday.
Our class started at 10am. Sir Bronson tackle about our Innovation as a group and also what’s the update of it. He gave us also an example of Innovation which probably helps us to think more out of the box because some of us can’t decide yet what Innovation they will do.
My team came up with a service facility which is the “Draught and Draught”, in which we can help some old engineers or others engineers who are not really good at Autcad who is the latest software now to use and to easy the life of an engineer in making house plans.
We are going to present it this coming Monday a Pitching type an idea that can be quickly and easily understood and we are going have a Business Plan. This is for our Major Exam instead of writing in a sheet of paper.
Hoping that our Innovative Idea will be approve and also looking forward that it can help our community/society in the future.
Note: This blog is for compliance purposes only.
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gotsometrick-blog · 6 years
Blog 01
Yo! I’m Jeb Lira and it’s my first time blog here. So yeah, last week we had an orientation about the technology entrepreneurship. Which is the investment in a project that assembles and deploys specialized individuals and heterogeneous assets that are intricately related to advances in scientific and technological knowledge for the purpose of creating and capturing value for a firm. So its sounds exciting. Our speaker explain to us what we need to learn to be an entrepreneur someday and basically not all our problems can be solve manually but by the help of the technology it ease our problems.
Last week also, our speaker gave as an assignment which is to make or to have a written blog report about on what we are going through every week and an assignment also which is by partner. He gave us a task and that is to take the Personality Test and the Individual Survey.
I downloaded an application which is the Slack in order for me to join a certain group. And in that app also there where I can send my weekly blog reports and in order also to be updated.
And lastly we group ourselves and decided on to know more in our talents on where we fit with to help with the weekly task and on what should be the benefit you can give with. So that’s all for this time and yeah, more challenges awaiting on us soon.
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