goyubi · 2 years
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Medical Equipment Loans
A medical equipment loan is a type of loan for doctors that is acquired to purchase medical equipment or update a medical facility. Self-employed doctors, speciality clinics, diagnostic centers, nursing homes, etc., can acquire business loans.
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goyubi · 2 years
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The food and beverage industry is one of the most prosperous ones in the tertiary sector of the Indian economy. And restaurant businesses are one of the most significant contributors to that prosperity.
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goyubi · 2 years
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The food and beverage industry is one of the most prosperous ones in the tertiary sector of the Indian economy. And restaurant businesses are one of the most significant contributors to that prosperity.
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goyubi · 2 years
Asset Backed Securities
Securitisation or structured finance is a central cog in the global economic machinery. Securitised assets are pools of re-packaged homogeneous illiquid assets linked to security interest payments emanating from the steady cash flows generated from the asset or loan pool.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Types of Bonds
A bond is a fixed-income debt instrument. Investors who loan a certain amount of money to a business expect a return on their investment or loaned amount. The borrower promises to pay the bearer of the bond an interest income on the amount lent.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Secured Business Loan
It is a highly likely scenario that borrowers have already begun exploring options if they are on a quest to borrow money. Secured loans are much easier to qualify for and often offer lower interest rates since they pose less risk to the lender.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Business loans for women are loans for women-led enterprises. They come with attractive features and structures that make availing them simple & straightforward for businesswomen.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Bill Discounting
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goyubi · 2 years
Bill Discounting
Bill Discounting involves trading a company’s unpaid bills due to be paid shortly to a financier- a bank/financial institution. The seller gets the amount in advance at discounted rates from the lender through this trading, as it involves selling bills to bill discounting firms before the due date of payment at a value less than the bill amount.
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goyubi · 2 years
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What are Capital Gain Bonds?
54EC bonds, more popularly known as capital gain bonds, are fixed income instruments that offer exemption from capital gains tax to investors, as per section 54EC. The tax liability when it comes to long-term capital gains from the sale of immovable real estate or property can be significantly minimised by buying 54EC bonds.
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goyubi · 2 years
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A deep-discount bond is a subdivision of such bonds sold lower than the face value or par value.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Covered Bonds
Covered bonds are a type of debt securities, which are hybrids of generic secured corporate bonds and asset-backed securities. They possess dual recourse for investors as they get a particular routine payment from the issuer AND have their bonds secured by collateral.
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goyubi · 2 years
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In simple terms, structured finance implies the design and availability of financial instruments and services that address complex financial needs. It is generally accessed by prime corporations who need to fix a looming financial problem that the existing stock of financial products cannot accomplish.
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goyubi · 2 years
Zero Coupon Bond
Traditional coupon bonds generally offer periodic coupon payments to investors. Zero coupon bonds differ from regular corporate & government bonds because they do not have any periodic interest payments. Instead, an investor gets to buy zero coupon bonds at a significant discount on the bond par value or face value.
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goyubi · 2 years
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It is known that every business venture, initially, needs funding (startup business loan) and financial stability.
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goyubi · 2 years
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AAA Rated Bonds
AAA is the highest rating that a bond acquires. However, AAA-rated bonds are not just any debt instruments that guarantee a return on investment. Such high ratings are entrusted to those bonds that display top-level creditworthiness.
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goyubi · 2 years
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Securitisation combines and consolidates different financial assets, primarily non-marketable assets, into tradable liquid marketable securities.
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