gr9scott · 8 months
Getting Started: The Seven Laws of Magic
Magic is an inherently mysterious thing but there is a strange logic to its nature. Describing said nature is a difficult thing. How does one describe something that can never truly be known?
The answer for most of history? poorly. Practitioners of the arcane arts are not known for straightforward explanations. I will do my best to explain the basic mechanics:
The Law of Contagion: Once together, always together. The part of the thing is the whole of the thing. By performing magic on a strand of your hair, one can effect your entire body. The more intimate the connection, the more powerful the effect. A cigarette butt you smoked will have almost no effect, but a phial of your blood will be extremely effective. Magic using this law is known as Thaumaturgy.
The Law of Sympathy: Like attracts like. The image is the thing. A drawing or representation of something can gain its properties. A photo or drawing of you will have a similar thaumaturgical connection to you. Combining sympathy and contagion is the basis for poppet magic.
The Law of Correspondence: As Above, So Below. The gods are like us and we are like them. When viewed closely, atoms resemble solar systems. The big effects the small. The idea that there is a sort of harmony between similar patterns no matter their size. This is the basis behind astrological magic.
The Law of Resistance: Some things are more magically conductive than other things. Everything exists on a spectrum of “magical“ to “mundane“ and the less magic something is, the harder it is to effect with magic. The same extends to people who, for whatever the reason, simply have a harder time being interacting with magic. 
The Law of Balance: Magic seeks equilibrium, and therefore, every magical action has a cost. No magical act takes place without some sort of power behind it. Energy will not move unless something is moving it, be it a practitioner or the natural energy of the moon. A body in motion will stay in motion, a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.
The Law of Reciprocity: If you don’t know where its pointed, its pointed at you. If it doesn’t have enough energy, it will get get energy from you. The process of getting hit with your own improperly constructed spell is known as Recoil. Safe practice often involves setting up wards to act as a barrier between you and any mistakes.
The Law of Reversal: That which is done by magic can be undone by magic. For every spell there is a counterspell, for every ritual a counterritual. Every ward can be hexed, every curse can be dispelled. This does not mean countermeasure will be easy or efficient.
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gr9scott · 8 months
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gr9scott · 1 year
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This was in Sioux Falls South Dakota! The green sky is caused by large hail stones within the storm refracting back green light to the observer.
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gr9scott · 1 year
Sound on 🔊
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gr9scott · 2 years
she sand on my man til i cardoor hookhand
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gr9scott · 2 years
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gr9scott · 2 years
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If you aren’t choosing 5, you need help. 
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gr9scott · 2 years
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based on this post
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gr9scott · 2 years
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gr9scott · 2 years
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Comm I did for Antdroids1 on twitter! Reject the flesh, become party skeleton man
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gr9scott · 2 years
dress codes that arent ppe are stupid as fuck. as an adult human being with a (relatively) functioning brain i have never walked into a place and given a fuck what an employee was wearing. “professional” okay bitch i can make up adjectives too. “grundlous” see easy
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gr9scott · 2 years
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gr9scott · 2 years
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This tweet is so much funnier now. The whole backstory of Bioshock is that Andrew Ryan, the guy Musk is quoting here, started a city entirely to be a libertarian paradise, but the moment someone else was successful enough to compete with him he made himself a dictator, seized all their assets, and began killing anyone who challenged him. He’s a character defined by his hypocrisy, constantly giving speeches like this about freedom and people pursuing their ambitions without limitation, but throwing all of those beliefs away as soon as they start to inconvenience him.
You know, kind of like a billionaire who buys a social media site, calls himself a “free speech absolutist”, announces that “comedy is legal now”, then blocks or bans all of his critics and changes the rules to limit satire.
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gr9scott · 2 years
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gr9scott · 2 years
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gr9scott · 2 years
"i let my friends/partner go through my phone" people baffle me like i don't even have anything worth hiding on mine and id still turn it into shrapnel before i let anyone browse through it. id prefer it be a fine metallic mist than let anyone see the recipe tabs i have open. it's my right and my right alone to know what strange games i downloaded from janky yet intriguing ads
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gr9scott · 2 years
heyo! new uquiz :) how do strangers perceive you? there are six results, all positive & one lyric question (with a skip option). pls pls take it
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