grac3333 · 6 days
what an incredible moment for alexia.
2 years struggling with an ACL injury, then all the back and forth with contract negotiations.
and when she returned she wasn’t getting the minutes she wanted, even in today’s game. she comes in in extra time and scores a banger.
also big ups to the girls for holding that defense with an iron grip. i do think there was a luck element on our side today, but it’s all a part of football.
alexia and aitana, 2 big time players stepping up to the occasion to help us past the finish line.
special shoutout to lucy creating chances, cata for channeling her inner prime neuer, and ona for taking the boot to that beautiful face like a champ.
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grac3333 · 6 days
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I adore this woman
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grac3333 · 2 months
georgia stanway x reader
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“so……how was your run?” it was about midday and you were sat across from olly, georgia’s boyfriend just trying to make conversation. You didn’t like him very much and you were certain that he didn’t like you either. but seeing as this lockdown didn’t seem like it was going to stop soon you were trying to put an effort in.
“it was good. thanks” he replied glancing up from his phone to look at you. you sighed and rolled your eyes at his lack of effort with you before standing up and walking out of the room.
you and Georgia had met when you had moved to barrow-in-furness, way back when you were 12 and joined dowdales school. coming from liverpool you had a pretty strong scouse accent but it had died down from living in south london for the past few years.
you had moved when your parents split up, your dad getting custody and he wanted to go back to his family. for you and your older brother to see where he grew up.
your aunt owned a small cafe that was next to a local rugby club (whitch you would soon learn that gorgias house backed onto) and the rest was pretty much history.
but right now you faced a dilemma. through the door you stood outside was georgia and your phone. but georgia was doing and interview and you really wanted your phone.
you decided to just go really quietly, grab your phone then leave. like a ninja. so you slowly opened the door and crept in. g was sat on the floor with her laptop on the low table in front of her and milo laying on her lap. sadly though, the laptop was facing the door so you were caught in the act.
“sorry I have an intruder” georgia teased smiling at you, her eyes gleaming.
“i just forgot my phone” you rolled your eyes at her but grinned back.
“is that y/n l/n i hear” you heard a familiar voice call from the laptop and your smile grew.
“is that my least favourite right back i hear” you teased walking closer and g patter the space behind her to sit down. you did, sitting beside her, your thighs pressing together and you flashed at smile at the camera. milo seemed to enjoy your presence as he jumped up and clambered onto your lap.
“and we are now joined by one of england’s and chelsea’s super star y/n l/n” ben haines announced while you waved at him.
“hi, thank you and sorry for just barging in” you smiled, stroking milo who had seemingly fallen asleep on your lap.
“no worries it’s a pleasure to have you” he smiled.
“right now say hi to me” the other person on the call demanded.
“hey luce miss you” you said and the face of lucy bronze smiled, happy to be acknowledged.
“miss you toooo” she said blowing you a kiss.
“oi get a room you two” g grinned from next to you so you pinched her thigh as she yelped.
“come now geogia don’t be jealous” lucy teased and g rolled her eyes playfully.
“yeah g don’t be jealous” you parroted lucys words and it was g’s turn to pinch your thigh.
“sush you or ill kick you out” she threatened and you closed your mouth quickly as she grinned to herself. you currently played for chelsea in london but seeing as you lived alone, had to come to ride out the lockdown with your best mate in sunny manny.
“anyway back to the question” ben was quick to bring the conversation back to the topic to the video and you weren’t sure if you should leave or not. you weren’t supposed to be there and was slightly worried they didn’t want you there.
as if she could read your thoughts g put her hand over yours. “You might as well stay” she said. “please” she added as if you were even thinking of leaving after she asked you to stay. you nodded, squeezing her hand in reply. you would do anything for georgia.
“right on the topic of phone what was your first social media app” ben asked.
“i think mine was snapchat” g answered and you looked up at her.
“oh come on” ben looked genuinely shocked.
“shut up” lucy said in disbelief, smiling.
“yeah it was, cause i was dead late to social media. i just wasn’t interested. but i do remember i had snapchat” g tried to reason and i smiled at the look on lucy’s face.
“georgia actually dosn’t text people - wait no y/n don’t sit there ginning when you are the worst at this! right basically the both of you only text people on snapchat and like it’s the stupidest thing i have ever seen” lucy went off on a little rant seeing you into a little fit of giggles.
“nah but it’s just- it’s just like easier innit” you reasoned elbowing g for her to help back you both up.
“yeah you just get used to it. and it’s better cause you know why, you actually have to open it to see what it says otherwise like on whatsApp you read it then forget to reply” she replied with you nodding.
“and you can send pictures easier! so if you like, wanna show your mates you can be like, this is what I’m having for me tea and it’s so much easier!” you grinned, your words rushing out and not many much sense in a sentence.
“ah no why would I send someone what i’m having for me tea!” lucy laughed.
“because lucy bronze that’s what friends do sometimes but you wouldn’t know cause your to old and don’t have any friends!” you teased and g beside you started laughing her head off making you laugh as well.
“i used to have my hair in like dreads” g answer the new question.
“oh my god i remember thattt” you said laughing at the memory of baby faced georgia with braids.
“yeah i remember georgia turned up to training one day with her hair full on braided like i could see her scalp” lucy recalled making you laugh again.
g whipped up a baby photos of her with braids on her phone.
“oh bless you were such a cute baby!” you cooed at the phone (as if you hadn’t see the photo a thousand times before) before looking up. “what happened” you grinned and she pinched your cheeks playfully but your cheeks flushed, especially as her big brown eyes bore into yours.
“anyway so i used to always have my hair in like dreadlockes” you snapped out of whatever you were in so g could explain her photos.
“you look a bit confused as to why you’ve made that decision in the picture” ben said.
“that’s just her happy face” lucy smiled making you all laugh. “like death stare”
“what about you y/n what was your worst fashion choice” ben asked.
“oh god probably like when i used to rock a bob” you said cringing at the memory.
“that’s not even that bad man, of course that’s yours, you’ve always been a little model” lucy rolled her eyes grinning.
“yeah always been bloody gorgeous” g tapped your nose as you blushed.
“ummm i don’t remember my first poster but when i moved to barrow i had about a million one direction posters” you giggled and g laughed next to you.
“lord you should have seen this girls room it have covered in one direction” g laughed with you.
“what can i say i love one direction” you smiled.
“guys thank you so much for you three making me feel incredibly old and nice and nostalgic at the same time” ben laughed.
“no worries”
“thanks for having us”
a while later your head was on g’s stomach as her hands ran through your hair.
“i’m really happy you came to stay with me. ive missed you now you live all the way in london” she mumbled quietly but you could still hear her.
before you moved to chelsea, you had the fattest crush on g and you were pretty sure she liked you back. lingering stares were shared along with soft touches and rosy cheeks. g was your best friend but she was also so much more that than.
but you moved. it wasn’t anything to do with her at all but you had to put your career first and as much as you weren’t a chelsea fan at all, they were winning things you wanted to win and playing games you wanted to play in.
anyway you moved and the next england camp you heard all about how olly had asked her out. you were sad but needed to get over it. you went gonna let a stupid little crush ruin childhood friendship.
“i’ve missed you to g” you replied and she smiled. “your my best friend” you added and little did you know that even though she had olly, georgia’s heart broke a little as you said it.
hey guys this is my fic after and very very very long time just reading woso fics. always love feedback but please be nice. thank you for reading xoxoxoxo
Also I’m hoping for a pt 2?!?!
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