grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Final Poster + Mocked up
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Final Brochure + Mocked Up
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Final Ticket + Mocked Up
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Signage + Mocked Up
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Underground train poster mockup:
Bus stop poster mockup:
Ticket mock up:
Brochure mock up:
Lamp post banner:
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Brochure Design Progress
Inside the brochure:
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-> First panel (left panel): Further information on the festival
The brochure inside information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_in_the_Clouds_Festival
"Head in the Clouds Festival is an annual music festival organized by 88rising. The lineups feature musical artists across the Asian diaspora."
-> "See you there!"
I noticed that in their artist line up poster, there's this handwritten message that says "see you there" and I thought that was a cute touch because it feels as if one of the artists had written this message to me and it feels really personal so I want to add this into my brochure.
So I went and recreate this handwritten message with the brush tool so it feels more authentic, more raw rather than tracing it with the pen tools.
-> Using the same artist lineup layout as the original 88rising artist lineup poster -> see below -> I found these images from the 88rising on Instagram.
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The map
-> I also found a festival map on their Instagram page and I used it to trace it. I changed a few aspects and left out some. I made it more simple and change the colour.
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Signage Design Progress
Planning ideas:
-> Free stand banner/Pillar poster
-> Signage Block OR shape block like cloud block or arrow block
-> Pole -> Direction pole -> Flag pole
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-> "Glad you're here" -> continuous hand written message from the "See you there!" message inside the brochure
-> Hand written message made by using the brush tool for a more authentic, raw hand writing rather than using the pen tool to trace it
-> Fix up the scripted message -> make it more readable and neat
-> Right option is the final option because i think the contrast handwritten message work well with the actual type face, it heps to tied both the flag banner together
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-> People read from the left to right so it makes sense to place the 88rising mark and the festival's name on the left so people knows that they're here at "Head in the Clouds" festival and then look to the right banner and there's a personal message saying "Glad you're here"
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Signage Research
Finding inspiration
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Designing ticket
Putting ideas together
What to include in the ticket:
-> Festival name: Head in the Clouds
-> 88rising logo/88rising mark
-> Location, Date and Time of the festival
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-> Straightening up the alignment of elements on the ticket
Design proposal:
-> Gradient head in the cloud heading using sky image
-> Date and times are grouped in the same area
-> Hand drawn cloud outline to tied in the same aesthetic as the handwritten heading
-> Scanning barcode
Scanning bar code:
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Ticket research
Finding Inspiration
How does these existing tickets affect my design decision?
-> Festival name: Head in the Cloud
-> 88rising
-> Date, time, location
-> Barcode and general admission
These are consistent information I noticed when looking at these music festival ticket. So I will apply and include these in the ticket I'm designing for "Head in the Cloud."
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https://www.behance.net/gallery/108044317/Rome-Film-Festival?tracking_source=search_projects%7Cfestival%20ticket ]
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Brochure Designing Progress
Planning my brochure: The front cover
-> Double-sided, x6 panels so x3 on each side
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Front Panel
-> 88rising logo
-> Head in the Cloud heading
-> Ideas: Cloud element, Cloud 88, Cloud arrow, Cloud title
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-> I feel like there's too much going on trying to curve the heading or wrap the heading around the head
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-> So I will just be doing something more simplified. The left front panel heading is too small. The middle is too big. The right panel is a suitable size.
Completing the brochure front cover
-> Below you can see a stop motion video of how my brochure fold works and how it affects my design decision and thinking.
-> Front panel opens to half of the 88 double panels in the front which the arrow point and give direction to the reader to go to the read the information panel for further information about the festival
-> The number "8" can be read from any direction
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Poster Design Progress
Feedback Reflection
-> Raul mentioned yesterday how in the previous year's festival poster, they had this organic typeface going on, especially in the 2019 festival poster, the font is almost like a drop of liquid form into text. I decide to do a handwritten/hand-drawn typeface so it gives the poster a more organic feeling just like the previous year's ones.
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-> I have handwritten the title "Head In The Cloud" I like how it looks compared to when I use the actual typeface. The handwritten has a softer approach to it, more organic, more personality. I think I'll progress with my own handwritten title and just emboss and bevel to add dimension and shine just like the 88rising logo here.
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-> Taking a different approach in the "88" curve and effect.
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-> Substituting the "i" for a music note to make it clear that it's a music-related festival. OR substituting the H for a double music note.
-> I prefer the one on the left, it's more sleek and effective.
Feedback Reflection: "Side profile"
-> Catherine mentioned that I should try using the side profile, so half of the poster is the artist's side profile and half is negative space. So I tried this approach. The artist's side profile picture I used is Joji, here's a photo reference:
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-> Playing around with composition. Add music notes that flow out of the artist's mouth, as if they're singing.
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-> Overall, even though I have reflected upon the given reflection and did a side profile approach but I think I still prefer the first cut out shape portrait.
-> I can use the side profile on my other stuff like the brochure or ticket or signage etc. But I will be sticking the other poster.
-> As mentioned before, I will be adding shine and dimension to my heading as well as the 88rising mark. I will be using the tools "Bevel and Emboss" on Photoshop to be doing this. Below you can see me trying out different stroke weights and effects to find a suitable one for the poster.
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Finalising the poster
-> Things that I have changed after the feedback
-> Handwritten text: "Head in the Cloud" heading and the date "20.08.23" and "+ more artists tba soon" tba -> to be announced
-> Substituting the "i" to a music note to make it clears that it's a music related event
-> Adding dimension and shine to the heading and 88rising mark
-> Adding a list of artist that will be performing at the festival
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Studio 5.2
Feedback from classmates and lecturer
-> try other shape like a close up shot of the artist portrait, like the side profile so it's more of the face shape rather than like a blob shape -> play with more face shape that define the face shape -> make it more clear that it's an outline of someones portrait
-> which information is more important, than display that louder
-> 88rising > head in the cloud because the festival is known and introduced and announced from the organisation 88rising -> therefore the 88rising is more important than the event name
-> adding a list of artist to the poster because music festival event poster always show who will be performing at the festival
-> creates a pattern for consistency across the whole design system, etc poster -> brochure -> signage -> poster
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Poster Design Progress
Reflection: Taking a different approach
With the given feedback from this week's first studio. I decided that my image-making technique is going to be mainly photomontage/photography. I start collecting some images from Unsplash.com, mainly looking at skies photos. Some sunset, some normal blue skies with clouds.
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-> Add cloud shape to the photo that doesn't have cloud. Experimenting with 3D and Material tools to gives the cloud some dimension.
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-> Instead of using the image as a whole, I tried cutting out shape as you can see, like cloud outline AND people outline. I used one of the artist that performs at every Head in the Cloud festival "Rich Brian" portrait photo and I traced his portrait outline and clipping mask it with the skies photo. I like how this look so I'm going to add more information such as the date and location of the festival as well as the 88rising photo
-> Photo reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=rich+brian+portrait&sxsrf=APq-WBtGBYDKEfkqJl74uNbfC7xCDYYKEw:1649030146496&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij8OuAjPn2AhUARmwGHbpbBUwQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1440&bih=720&dpr=1#imgrc=XkYB7PesbkfHQM&imgdii=63vH0Mrn4ZgG1M
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-> Applying the same form of image making on different skies picture found on unsplash. Also adding the logo, playing around with the colour and contrast.
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-> Adding heading. Adding effect to heading so it wraps/curves around the head. Placement of heading and logo.
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-> Adding location, date, lineup and extra details such as bevel and emboss on the heading to add shine and dimension. Hand drawn music note, etc. See reference for music note at the bottom of this post.
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-> Trying to add more colour but I think I much prefer the simpler colour palette of just blue and white as there will be a lot going on with the heading and extra information on the festival poster.
Some editing and referencing:
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-> I noticed that the original photo is a bit dark to my liking and how it contrasts with the black heading -> I can't do a white heading because of the white cloud, the heading might blend into the background so I decided to go with black ->To make the heading stand out from the background image, I brighten the images and alter the contrast of the photo. Here's is a before and after.
Music note
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-> I used this image for inspiration and to practise hand drawn my own music note.
More cloud pic reference:
Cloud #1: https://unsplash.com/photos/q4TfWtnz_xw
Cloud #2: https://unsplash.com/photos/pqfkN8WcdR8
Cloud #3: https://unsplash.com/photos/hAJdblpm6z4
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Studio 5.1
Feedback from classmates and lecturer
-> Choose an image-making technique -> Could try vector illustration on artist -> music note -> photomontage of sky image and artist?
-> Image that has meaning -> HEAD IN THE CLOUD -> visual rather than word, an audience should be able to look at the poster and be like that's head in the cloud
-> The title doesn’t have to be the biggest -> you can control what’s the main thing and what isn’t. 88rising can be bigger than the festival name because it's the organisation of Head in the Cloud festival and is more well known.
-> Organic font -> Raul mentioned the font that has been used in the previous year poster have this organic feeling to it -> I decided to add some organic feeling by adding hand music note to make it more personal and 'organic' -> or I could try to hand-drawn another font but more simple and minimalistic this time
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Poster Design Progress
Putting ideas together
I began taking ideas that I sketch up in my workbook into Illustrator to put my brainstorm ideas together. I like these ideas but none of them are giving me what the actual festival "HEAD IN THE CLOUD" would create and use as their poster. So I will keep experimenting until I found one that I want to take further into finalising.
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-> I played around with the 3D & Material tools on Illustrator and also played with the gradient colour using the mesh tool on Illustrator
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grad601-quinnphan · 2 years
Poster Design Progress
Finding the right typeface for the heading
-> Looking at their previous year poster, specially looking at the typeface. Every year they uses a different typeface for their "HEAD IN THE CLOUD" heading. So for the heading typeface, I'm pretty free just to play around with different type of typeface.
-> I'm after a unique, fun, bold and freeform type face for my poster heading.
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-> Here, I tested out multiple different type of font, beside that I also play around with the 3D & Material tools on Illustrator to make my font 3D.
-> I played with multiple different type face but it seems like I still haven't found the exact one for my festival poster
-> So I will be making my own (or at-least try to)
Making my own typeface
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-> Instead of using type to make an image, I want to try to reserve the image making ideas by using an icon to turn it into type. 88RISING icon is arrow (arrow is one of the main elements I will be using in my poster as it's a part of the logo) I made the poster heading using arrow "HEAD IN THE CLOUD"
-> I began to draw letter "sharp edges" letter because arrow is pointy and sharp. I sketches out the title "HEAD IN THE CLOUD" in my workbook
-> Then I trace it on Illustrator (see in the 2nd image)
-> Then I took it on Photoshop and add effects "Bevel and Emboss" and "Outerglow" along with some sparkle to make it shine and stand out
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-> I tested the arrow typeface that I sketches out along with some ideas that I brainstorm and I feel like the typeface is very hard to work with the other element, as well as the gradient sunset colour them that I planned to play around with.
-> As you can see this typeface already is very loud so combining it with other element is a lot going on. This was some good experimenting but I don't think I'll be carrying on designing my festival poster with this typeface that I created. It's also very different typeface in term of atmosphere and vibes compared to the other typeface on the previous year poster.
-> I can stick with other typeface, play around with more until I found the one that is suitable to use for my poster OR I can make something more simplified.
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