grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Final animation -
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Rationale -
I found the project very challenging and gratifying. Having Chloe Swarbrick as the speech giver and having it be quite a serious tone pushed me to think about the meaning behind design choices, and create something sensitive and successfully representative. I applied all the knowledge I had gained through our workshops, also for added text effects I used YouTube tutorials, such as with the look of the text writing itself and the blurring scribble text. What I was trying to do with the text, was make it almost text as image. Examples are the ‘record’ spinning, and the ‘identity crisis’ having two differing fonts. This was so I could make things interesting and representative without using too much imagery and enhancing a simplistic colour palette. I am happy with the connections between the conceptual ideas I had to communicate the tone. Intentionally tying in with each other. - Such as the handwritten typefaces for a raw effect, the effect applied to those, the simple colour palette for the sombre tone and sketchy ‘hand-drawn, styled imagery for the above effects. I absolutely feel I could have executed it better, with more time I would have edited the realisticness of the time dial on ‘at this POINT in time,’ to make it smoother, as well as going into more complexity into perhaps the typefaces and transitions. However, as this is my first time using after effects I am proud of myself and the time and work I put in to create the animation. I felt I was quite slow with my progression of the actual making of the animation, and really struggled with making it efficiently time-wise, struggling with missing crucial steps and having to start over etc. This led to frustration and self-doubt,  but this has undoubtedly taught me skills on how to manage those feelings and gain a new perspective by stepping back and re-evaluating to get a satisfying and desired outcome.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
illustrations and why -
After rethinking the importance of images within my project, I wanted to simplify their detail and the amount of usage/ the actual size of them. I did not want my project to come across as gimmicky when speaking on such an important and sombre topic. I still referred to my storyboards but edited them down image-wise, and really paid attention to the content of the words to make sure they relate and aid the text, while using them as ‘background,’ enhancements. 
I used Procreate to sketch up the imagery and exported as png’s which I then imported into the animation. 
illustrations and why used in according to text -
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For the title I decided to add a unique way of revealing the text, going for a lamp which is to represent the illuminating of an important topic and by an influential topic.
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This image ties in with the words 'identity crisis,' I wanted to show the different versions of herself, warped and distorted that are reaching for her in this period of her life. She is confused/lost, her arms up in question.
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This image was purely to go with the the word depression, and placing that in the head where the brain would be, showing the effect it has over her.
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The scribble lines are a universal way of showing confusion or in this case, bad mental health having its effect on someone and taking over.
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To represent the amount of people - when talking about not many politicians it shows one lone person, coming out of the crowd, and when talking about people harassing Swarbrick for telling her truth, there are multiple figures.
Pairing with this-
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the lines are speech marks, communicating loud chatter. The speech bubble pairs with ' spoke about it,' to add a level of interest.
Overall, I feel I dialled my imagery back to make sure it was not the focus successfully.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Week 12 feedback -
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remember that with serious toned speeches, you do not want gimmicky imagery that takes away from it, keep it small and background.
Don't make transitions too in your face and look at canvas for tips in presets.
represent themes through imagery that is not completely literal, universal symbols etc. such as the scribble above the brain I want to use.
I noticed that my words were reaching the corners of the screen and it didn't look put together - I was advised to use the grid to keep everything consistent and visually appealing.
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my animation at the point of this feedback - next post, the edits -
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
text idea -
Adding a unique thing to the type so that it is still the focus but breaks it up and holds your attentions, this style ties in with the rest of the elements and gives the ' confused brain,' feel.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
illustrations and explanations -
illustrations -
explanations -
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Week 11 feedback & reflection -
Use the jagged lines to fill up negative space and ease transitions/create them. Have them pulling and working with the illustrations etc. 
think about transitions a little bit, and edit speeds of them to make sure it doesn’t look like they’re lagging, smooth…
Be careful of negative space and where the eye is being drawn 
I am liking the use of my elements to convey the tone and atmosphere of the speech, the black and white colour palette allows you to focus on the text and enhances a sombre emotion, while the typefaces make you think of rawness and authenticity, almost like an artist type situation. Slowly I am getting the hang of after effects and have managed to make everything look smooth but I am not happy with the speed I am progressing at.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
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title cover: Lamp - shedding light on this topic, acting as an introduction, turning on the light for a discussion. 
Transition Idea e.g: For stand - do it rising up, text disappears from top of screen as it rises and people appear below . Signifies power through height and angle rules.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Iterating -
an Idea I had to pair with my handwritten text, to enhance that personal, raw and authentic feel - was to make it look as though it is being written word by word. I looked at youtube to figure out how to do this on after effects, following this tutorial.
Following this was really useful in creating the effect I wanted!
I feel this links to the emotional content of the speech, by communicating a meaningful and personal feel through being ' written herself.'
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Storyboarding -
This helped me visualise what I want to do illustration and text layout wise for the animation.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Week 10 activity .2
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Week 10 -
Week 10 lecture notes -
Disneys 12 principles of animation -
Squash and stretch, manipulating to be dynamic 
Anticipation - the waiting before GO, you don’t just stay still
Staging - how the object is in form, how it sits, where, staging the scene
Straight action/pose to pose - ptp keyframes, in-between frames - straight action
Follow through & overlapping action, having two different aspects going on with one asset - speed, the top is behind/slower than the bottom 
Slow in & slow out - judging speeds, dropping ball… trail
Arc - bounces, anything with the use of velocity 
Secondary action - what is the secondary thing doing to interact with the main character
Timing, allows you to case things - helps with audio
Exaggeration, giving animation the opportunity to be varied and lively, more dynamic 
Solid drawing, pertains more to 3d and has to map out the width and length of the shape so it is correct in animation
Appeal, how to make it dynamic as a whole and aesthetically pleasing 
Remember to look at blending with motion blur and zooming in and out, look at the polishing of your work. 
If doing simple credits, make the above line bigger than the below to add differentiation between the text
Feedback next week in front of peers 
Week 10 workshop notes - animation with audio 
To make things look polished, use motion blur, on layer click 3 grey circles 
Composition - composition settings - change background colour - doesn’t create an extra layer
The large timeline reflects on the time code by the bottom left corner 
Text box, write starting word, undock layer, keyframe ‘source text’ move to wanted time ’3:24, 3 seconds 24 frames,’ double click the text, don’t press delete but start writing the new word, repeat later down - this is all in time with audio. 
Can change colours and sizing etc 
To change font over the word - click on the source text layer, go where the word keyframe is and start a little after it, highlight one letter at a time and make keyframes one after the other. Highlight, change the font, and do not do any deleting. 
Option, left bracket (next to P) to cut/crop layer times
After finishing, click composition, add to render queue, ‘not yet specified,’ where you want it to go, and render.
Position, the graph icon next to the stopwatch, then the graph icon above that, you have the graph editor, which can edit speeds etc.
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Reflection - 
I really struggle with getting back on track once I have messed up, with a new software, I don’t know my way around getting back to my original positioning, and this lesson ended up going down several unnecessary rabbit holes and losing my work. However even with that, once I got back on track and got the hang of what I was doing, I really enjoy animation and find it a fun challenge. Now I think I have my head around it and am liking this project. 
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
title, theme and credits -
When researching different displays of titles and credits, I put together a board that gives references to the illustration and atmosphere styles I am attempting to create. These images pair with the colour palette which pairs with the typography which pairs with the speech content and atmosphere that that creates.
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This shows simple illustrations that would still hero the text but give it context in a simplistic and, in this case, therefore more meaningful way, depicting the turmoil Chloe has been through with her experiences and depression.
from this, I was looking at title pages and tried to find examples of credits, overall I would just say that the credits will follow the same theme as the rest of the animation with less imagery, so black and white with handwritten listed text. While the title page will also follow theme but maybe with something more extravagant or large for the imagery, in the above style.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Type and colour -
thinking about the content of the speech, it is very raw and personal to Chloe, talking about some of the deepest emotional experiences that she has had in her life. Taking this into account, as this is visually based on typography, I feel that typography should have a raw and personal feel to it, such as handwritten styled text and typefaces - with a slightly sketchy look to tie in with the illustration style that featured in my brainstorming. But not cartoony or immature handwritten text - almost the urgent messy look to signify the emotion behind it. 
I made up a list of examples below, some of the handwritten typefaces I have collected over the years and some new editions from https://fonts.google.com/?category=Handwriting and https://www.fontspace.com/category/sketch,handwriting?p=10 as some possible directions I could go in. I have realised more requirements regarding, they need to be legible and readable at different sizes and potentially in small paragraphs and be thick enough to stand out against a black background.
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Colour palette: Black and white, I don’t want to distract from the speech and typography, and feel paired with the speech content, illustration and overall emotional and almost dark feel of the project, it all ties in well together and creates the atmosphere that enhances the audio. 
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
backing music
When researching for the right backing music for my speech, I was doing so based on considering the emotional meaning behind the words in Swarbicks speech, I was looking for something slow, instrumental and almost sad/emotional to enhance the content of the speech and give it musical context. I was also looking for something that at some point In the sound an uplifting/inspiring turn, so that I could end the sound on that, at the same time as Chloe becoming strong and coming to terms with standing alone in a judgemental parliament and society for talking about her mental health.
I looked at the suggestions we got in the class and went onto Kevin Macleods free music samples with the above considerations in mind. After picking through I found the following -
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I feel that each of these was at a speed that wouldn’t overbear or overtake the speech and truly be backing music. Each is slow, with instrumental notes coming through and some even had added sounds of people talking that I could put at the point where Swarbrick mentions parliament and people emailing her negative things to signify the buzz of gossiping. 
I also looked at audiojungle but couldn’t determine if they were free. 
After listening through the sounds I had selected again, and listening to them with the speech playing over the top I landed on my final choice - on the passing of time, Kevin Macleod.
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This is because I feel it encapsulates the emotion being conveyed in the speech, it is gentle and moving, and has the people talking in the background overlaying the gossip concept I was talking about above.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
Week 9 lecture notes -
Some principles -
Relative relationships
Legibility and readability
Context and emotion
Dwell time and duration
Final video size and format
Perfect grammar-no typos.
Designers to look at- 
Jesse Reston -kinetic typography tutorial
Jenny Holzer
Kevin Macleod, free music for backing music 
audiojungle - backing music  
Free music archive 
Storyboarding - Essentially planning, helps to visualise your concepts, and have a visual sketch of your direction & flow. look at different angles and techniques - can look at an example
Titles - the first impression, they present the story, 
Credits - continue connection with film design
- Directing/producing - you 
Design - type design
Sound design - individual music track
Voice over - your speech, who is talking
Sound effects - the website where you've got the files from
Production date.
Week 9 after effects tutorial notes  - 
Illustrator, create new, mobile, ... For correct sizing for after effects file.
Go into after effects
looking at time line of numbers,’ you are just looking at how many frames there are, reading by seconds. E.g 1 second and 5 frames in - 15f
Composition settings - change placing of key frame by changing seconds 
To edit where rendering happens, grab top scrolling bar, pull it to appropriate end. 
After importing a file from another place, double click composition to see files appear below.
Click e hold for drop menu's,
Ellipse, click and drag stroke.
Click in the works full and fill options comes up for gradients , default black and white. To change click on fills colour box, move colour clicker, click on them to create more to get more colours. 
Window, align, select all layers, align now you want
Solo is little circle, bottom left, hides other layers when selected 
Little alien allows you to hide certain layers without deletion for efficient working, make the alien a ufo then press the bigger alien bottom right. 
Masking methods - 
highlight layer, rectangle ellipse, create rectangle over selected layer. Undock mask section, click mask path stopwatch, creates key frame, then move key to 1 second or wherever. Hold shift, and press the left arrow key to move the rectangle across and hide the layer. 
Key frames versatile, you can change the order by moving front one back
Solo next layer, create shape, can use pen tool or ellipses, uncollapse mask layer, mask path stopwatch, move slider, shift and arrow keys to move. 
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Unfortunately, I deleted my work from the school computers before knowing we were to save and upload!
Sdl - 
add layer for truth 
reflection: I got a hold of the masking techniques quite well, I have found I tend to make one mistake when learning new things that have a domino effect on the rest of what I am doing, I need to pay closer attention to details and the surrounding things that need doing when creating a methodology. I want to start creating my work and am happy to get on to the storyboard, I like being able to visualise my work and have a reminder as I go along, I feel storyboarding is a very effective motivating technique.
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grad603-breilamia · 1 year
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Illustration ideas -
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