Final - Georgia Morris Rickard Grad603
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Final - By Georgia Morris-Rickard
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Obsticals along the way
Some areas I found tricky were: 
Focusing on type. I know this assignment is based on kinetic type but I got really into my animations to the point where I think I would like to to animation/motion graphics for a career. It was awesome to fall involve with this but a big challenge to strengthen my type to match and work together with my illustrations. I feel I have come a long way with making these seamless and matching the speech. 
I found it difficult to make the type look effective and not cheesy with some of the bridge animation tools. I wanted to use it to enhance my work but I was careful with how I did this. 
I found it hard to make my illustrations move. The hardest part of my animations was making the sheep run. This was a great challenge but was a big one. I tried for so many hours. I have created 5 different variations of the run to try and make it seamless. this gave me a really good understanding about rythem, frames per second and how to speed up and slow down motion. 
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Ease and motion
ease in and ease out and motion blur I found this really helped smooth my text and imagery rather than it being jittery and stop motion, ist. gave it sort of a suspension or more dynamic feel. 
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I have used some type animation tools to amplify the type, such as slide in by character, slide in by word, quiver, typewriter. I found this help match and incorporate the text more with the animation style so it goes together as one rather than two separate pieces. 
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Mood of animation
1 Light-hearted tone: The speech can be considered light-hearted due to its subject matter and the way it is presented. The topic of mourning the death of Shrek, a sheep, may seem humorous and unexpected. The use of the word "mourns" in the headline adds a touch of irony, as it is typically associated with human deaths. By approaching the subject with a lighthearted tone, the speech can engage the audience and create a sense of amusement.
Animation style:  using a grainy farmer-style typeface, it implies a playful and whimsical visual aesthetic. The grainy texture can evoke a nostalgic or rustic feel, connecting to the rural setting and the concept of Shrek being a sheep. This style complements the light-hearted tone by adding charm and character to the overall animation.
Image-based animation: Opting for an image-based animation rather than focusing solely on type is a creative choice that allows me to incorporate illustrations and visual elements that enhance the storytelling. By using illustrations alongside the text, I can create a more visually engaging experience for the viewer. The images can represent various aspects of the story, such as Shrek the sheep, New Zealand's landscapes, or other relevant elements. This approach adds depth and visual interest to the animation.
To create a light-hearted animation with kinetic type, I considered incorporating playful transitions, dynamic movement of the text, and animated illustrations. I will try use lively colors, whimsical characters, and humorous visual cues that align with the tone of the speech. Also to keep the pace lively and adding sound effects and background music track that complements the overall light-hearted atmosphere.
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Colour pallet
Through out my animation I have used a variety of colours but I have tried to stick with mainly Beige, brown, white. This is focusing on the colour pallet of Shrek himself. He has beige wool that has been dirtied by mud over time with a brown face and white also representing his wool. The brown text is also tried to look like a mud farmland feel. I have incorporated other colours such as the scenery of the landscape where shrek is at the start to show where he lives and setting the scene it then turns drastically to grey to show the sadness of shreks death. I have also included colours where I think are necessary such as orange to amplify the fire, blue and red are the secondary colour pallet as this was the coat that shrek has been awarded for the wooliest sheep. I included gold to show his medal. 
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Chosen typeface
When searching for my type face I started out with multiple different types such as Helvetica - this was to simple. I tried Chinese rocks for a long time this was edgy but it was only in caps so wasn’t flexible. I then searched a long time on adobe fonts to find a bold army looking type face that had texture or a rugged look. I found veneer which has a texture in it and has multiple weights and styles such as italics and weights. 
The colour I began with my type was white to connect the idea with sheeps white wool, but I changed to a brown as I have a beige background connecting to New Zealand muddy farmland. The texture reminds me of mud splashes or old worn our signs on farms.
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Here is an update, I still have tp do a lot as its quite jittery but I’ve made some progress
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This is my update on my video 
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Here is my sound effects on top of speech 
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Things to note
- show boundary box
- key frame assistant easy ease out
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Class notes
1. squash and stretch
2. anticipation ( this is to carry momentum)
3. Staging (subject taking the centre stage)
4. straight action and pose to pose (this is key framing)
5. follow through and over lapping action ( this is the core element) 
6. Slow in and slow out ( easy out easy in this is when a point carries from one element to another the more the closer the frames the slower ) 
7. Arc (considering the real physics pf the movement)
8. secondary action ( one activity is supported by another)
9. timing ( more frames together is slower and less frames is faster)
10. Exaggeration ( to make it more visible or dynamic)
How can I push the limit of my typeface to make the type more visible 
11. Solid drawing 
12. appeal ( to have personality or character) 
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I have found free royalty free sounds on https://pixabay.com/service/terms/
According to the Pixabay terms of service, the sounds available on Pixabay are provided under the Pixabay License, which allows for free and unrestricted use for personal and commercial projects, without the need for attribution. This means that you can use the sounds without having to give credit to the creator or Pixabay.
I have sounds for
- farmland
- loud rain
- photos
- crickets
- shearers
- sniffs
- fire
- plane
- wind
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Class work
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masking, shapes, shy layers ect
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class work
In this lesson I learnt how to import this into after effects and create a pulse on the heart, it was interesting to find out the background of an illustrator colour goes to the colour of background of this.
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Digital illustration story board
apologies this isn’t uploading in order
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