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designing boarders - playing with colour density
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Looking at old letter heads
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test prints of envelope design
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envelopes will contain letters giving back ground to the stamps designed giving context accompanied with co ordinates showing the location where the art came from and is now which compliments the addresses on the envelope  
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envelope designing
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looking at exisiting stamps to draw from and allude the authenticity 
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testing handwritten font options 
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more envelope design inspiration
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options for stamp designing
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visual inspiration for design on project
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Sealed Signed and Delivered
* Taking an everyday commodity and 
Romanticize it making it a fantasy
Wanting to reclaim the art of a hand written note 
Handwritten letters are a lost art of the modern century. Nowadays, it’s almost unheard of to receive such a golden egg. It’s a rare commodity. Although they are not as common as they once were, we can all relate to the excitement that comes along with opening an envelope addressed to us. If we find them so exciting, then why are they so rare?
Handwritten letters symbolize so much more than simple thoughts penned to paper. They symbolize the thought and effort that went into the jumble of words that ended up in your hands. They stand for deliberation and purpose. 
We live in a world that is purely reactionary. As much as we love technology, it has altered the world in which we live. It has caused us to expect quick replies and receive fast solutions. We live in a world where news and information can be accessed with the touch of a finger. We live in a world that refuels itself through an instantaneous response. Things like texts, emails, and calls demand our immediate attention. Face it, our lives are a whirlwind of swift acknowledgment.
Handwritten letters are gentle reminders that it’s okay to slow down and pause to think. They are physical proof of our intention to tell a person how we really feel. Taking the time to write a thoughtful note displays the importance of the relationship. 
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I have chosen to document the art that hangs on walls and populates 
the homes of people who have immigrated/moved with the art from other countries to New Zealand. The project will delve into the personal stories behind the pieces. It will feature a diverse array of people, their art and their stories. No art critics, its a story told by ordinary people. Its not only about the art but about life, memories and moments, and anecdotes that make a piece of art a piece of history. 
My parents immigrated from Cape Town a month before I turned 6 - Mum made conscious decisions of what art to bring with. She packed up a hand full of pieces that now hang in my parents house as proof that art can go beyond boarders. 
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Everyone has that one object that holds deep meaning - some relic that speaks to their past, that carries a remarkable story. What are what we keep is a collection of interviews with people about the single object of art in their life that has the most emotional significance, those objects we often don't talk about but that make us who we are.
At a time when the dueling trends of decluttering and over-consumption seem to offer no middle ground, We Are What We Keep provides a fresh perspective on both, and leads us to consider our own objects in a new light -- not only what we truly value but why.
 and providing an intriguing glimpse into the small, emotional moments that make 4 fascinating people tick.
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