grailwishes · 1 year
um. what if u like this for me to test my hand out at fafnir/seig alter....
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grailwishes · 1 year
when marian dressed herself as a man and went looking for robin hood in the woods, but he was in disguise too and because they didn't recognize each other they got into a sword fight, and when after they'd both wounded each other robin hood called for her to stop and invited her to join his band, and when only then, hearing his voice, she recognized who he was and kissed him. that was sexy as hell
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grailwishes · 1 year
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grailwishes · 1 year
QUALIFIED CLASSES : ruler, saber, caster.
TRUE NAME : Princess Ariadne of Crete.
AKA : Mistress of the Labyrinth, Goddess of Mazes and Labyrinths, Ari. ( Ἀριάδνη)
RARITY : 5 Star.
ALIGNMENTS : Lawful・Good
ORIGIN : Greek Myth.
TRAITS :  Brynhildr's Beloved, Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Female, Riding, Servant, Enuma Elish Nullification, Divine, Immune to Pigify, Argo-Related.
LIKES : weaving, mazes, her siblings, thesus, dionysus, napping.
DISLIKES : hurting others, imprisonment, hypocrites, inaction to hurting others, her father, thesus, mazes and labyrinths, abandonment.
threading labyrinthos ( type: aoe arts. applies: ignore def, ignore invincible, sure hit, np gain, np generation for all allies, Gains critical stars every turn for 5 turns for self ). [ saber ]
Prodótis Kríti [ TREACHEROUS CRETE, the betrayal of the mistress of the labyrinth, Προδότης Κρήτη ] ( type: aoe arts. anti-fortress, effects tba ) [caster]
Corona Borealis [ THE NORTHERN CROWN, The Wedding Diadem of Godhood, βόρεια κορών] ( type: aoe quick. anti-unit. effects tba. ) [ruler]
CARD : AAAQB [ saber ], AAQQB [ caster ], QQQAB [ ruler ]
📖  *  ariadne.   ‣  labyrinthine heart.
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grailwishes · 2 years
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grailwishes · 2 years
i want. a guinlily n saberlily thread. it'd be cute
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grailwishes · 2 years
updating my age bc it was my birthday today!
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grailwishes · 2 years
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grailwishes · 2 years
crypters, cringe : humanity sucks and phh is awful and therefore must be destroyed and replaced
yuuki, based : none of you have friends or even have experienced the best of humanity. joy and grief, pain and healing. have any of you had boba tea and went window shopping? stayed up all night and got breakfast at 5 am with the people you love???
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grailwishes · 2 years
Send ‘!!’ and I’ll write a para description of your muse from mine’s perspective, including:
Their looks
Their personality
And who they are to my muse
+ Etc!
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grailwishes · 2 years
um ... what if you liked this and told me what muse u want for a starter? ( if u specify like im giving you cassie or guin )
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grailwishes · 2 years
my birthday is in two days does anyone mind if i update my age 2 say 24 in advance
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grailwishes · 2 years
new character tags ( blorbos first ) ^-^
📖  *  guinevere pendragon.   ‣  queen of camelot.
📖  *  cassandra of troy.   ‣  princess prophetess.
📖  *  helen of sparta.   ‣  the most beautiful woman.
📖  *  maid marian / william scarlet.   ‣  lady of the merry men.
📖  *  saito momoka.   ‣  wisteria & peaches.
📖  *  yuuki cupid saito.   ‣  last hope of humanity.
📖  *  percival.   ‣  the dove knight.
📖  *  gawain.   ‣  knight of the sun.
📖  *  agravain.   ‣  knight of iron.
📖  *  sieg.   ‣  balmung's heir.
📖  *  siegfried.   ‣  dragon slayer.
📖  *  emiya shirou.   ‣  hero of justice.
📖  *  cú chulainn / sétanta.   ‣  hero of ulster.
📖  *  fiore forvedge.   ‣  yggdmillennia's true talent.
📖  *  jeanne d'arc.   ‣  holy maiden.
📖  *  rama.   ‣  brahmastra.
📖  *  asterios.   ‣  chaos labyrinth.
📖  *  nursery rhyme.   ‣  born of fairytales.
📖  *  bazett fraga mcremitz.   ‣  god's holder.
📖  *  waver velvet / lord el-melloi II.   ‣  cringefail professor.
📖  *  grey.   ‣  grave for you.
📖  *  charlemagne.   ‣  joyeuse ordre.
📖  *  name.   ‣  tag.
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grailwishes · 2 years
🌠  *  out.   ‣  welcome to the cringe and failzone.
🌠  *  in.   ‣  tap to start.
🌠  *  inbox.   ‣  party select.
🌠  *  answered.   ‣  battle finish.
🌠  *  face.   ‣  throne of heroes.
🌠  *  dash.   ‣  event.
🌠  *  aesthetics.   ‣  ascension materials.
🌠  *  character.   ‣  palingenesis.
🌠  *  worldbuilding.   ‣  i'm sprucing up your gacha game.
🌠  *  creations.   ‣  scoutlight‚ scoutkeep‚ scoutboss.
🌠  *  promotions.   ‣  drop rate up.
🌠  *  wishlist.   ‣  bond lvl 10.
🌠  *  connections.   ‣  because no one is truly alone.
🌠  *  calls.   ‣  choose a character.
🌠  *  closet.   ‣  spiritron outfits.
🌠  *  music.   ‣  a familiar melody.
🌠  *  blog updates.   ‣  god help us all.
🌠  *  roster addition.   ‣  new blorbo just dropped.
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grailwishes · 2 years
the cringefail urge to remake this blog and give this acct a fresh start </3 or at least heavily revamp
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grailwishes · 2 years
menelaus offers up his youngest daughter, iphigenia to artemis like a slab of meat- for war. for helen. for glory. he kills his daughter because artemis will not let them go to war. priam offers up a daughter- cassandra to apollo, a tributary- out of piety, out of respect. apollo has favored the children of priam. therefore he pledges a princess of troy to the god of the sun.
the young princesses are victims of the gods. cassandra could never fulfill apollo’s demands without breaking her sacred vows. iphegina could never be married to achilles. they were doomed from the start.
clytemnestra stews in her own anger over the death of iphigenia for a decade. hecuba washes her hands of the embarrassment of cassandra’s curse.
iphigenia looks nothing like cassandra. iphigenia had white-blonde, ocean blue eyes, and a gentle gaze; she would’ve made the perfect wife to a great hero. cassandra had black hair, olive-green eyes, and a dreamy gaze that seemed to look into your soul, long before she had been marked with prophecy.
they had the same soul. the same fate. slaughtered in the name of troy, of helen, of revenge.
menaleaus brings a teenager back home. it is not his daughter. this is a trophy. a prize. a mad princess, a war concubine. her name is taken from her, her city, her family- and she is turned into a princess who has been dead, by the grief of a mother.
cassandra weeps for her lost self. orestes and electra weep for their sister, and the girl who has replaced her.
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grailwishes · 2 years
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med student joel gregory valentine going to a new cafe he heard about to study at -> yuuki cupid saito fighting beasts of humanity to restore phh.
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