grandgrandgalop · 5 years
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Steffi Drewes, Daniel Poppick, Wendy Chin-Tanner, Kate Leah Hewett Saturday, February 2nd The Spotty Dog Books & Ale 440 Warren Street Hudson, NY 12534 7pm / free  About the readers: Steffi Drewes is author of the poetry collection Tell Me Every Anchor Every Arrow (Kelsey Street Press, 2016) and four chapbooks, most recently New Animal (Dancing Girl Press, 2017). Her work has appeared in various journals and event series, including the 2018 Way Bay Poetry Assembly and postcard project at Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive. She is also the recipient of writing and art residencies at Vermont Studio Center, The Desert House in California, and the Wassaic Project in New York, where she debuted an original set of photo-based tarot cards and performed readings at the Wassaic Summer Exhibition: Vagabond Time Killers. Today she works as a freelance writer and editor in the San Francisco Bay Area. Daniel Poppick is the author of The Police (Omnidawn, 2017). His poetry appears in BOMB, the New Republic, Fence, Bennington Review, the PEN Poetry Series, and other journals. A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and Kenyon College, he has taught at the University of Iowa, Coe College, and the Parsons School of Design, and has been an artist in residence at the MacDowell Colony and Yaddo. He currently lives in Brooklyn, where he coedits the Catenary Press with Rob Schlegel and Rawaan Alkhatib. Wendy Chin-Tanner is the author of the poetry collections "Turn" (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014), which was a finalist for the Oregon Book Awards, and "Anyone Will Tell You," (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2019). She is a poetry editor at The Nervous Breakdown, founding editor at Kin Poetry Journal, and co-founder of A Wave Blue World, an independent publishing company for graphic novels. Some of her poems can be found at RHINO Poetry, Denver Quarterly, The Rumpus, Vinyl Poetry, The Collagist, North Dakota Quarterly, and The Mays Anthology of Oxford and Cambridge. A trained sociologist specializing in race, identity, discourse analysis, and cultural studies, Wendy was born and raised in NYC and educated at Cambridge University, UK. She is the mother of two daughters and the proud daughter of immigrants. Kate Leah Hewett is a poet, writer and music promoter based in Hudson NY. She arrived in Hudson from the North of England, where she spent a number of years working with artists and musicians of many genres. Kate doesn’t believe in working in isolation, and feels that collaboration is key in producing work that resonates outside of her own brain. Her writing draws on her own queer experience and the vital influence that the wider queer and creative community has had on her life. Find her at @kateleahhewett on Instagram.
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grandgrandgalop · 6 years
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Winter Walk Literary Reading at Walnut Hill Fine Art Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 5pm With readings by: Rebecca Wolff Hallie Goodman Cat Tyc Adam Tedesco Karen Schoemer Jane Liddle Hosted by Jasmine Dreame Wagner About the readers: Rebecca Wolff is the author of four books of poems (most recently One Morning-- from Wave Books) and one novel. She is the editor of Fence and Fence Books. She was born and raised in Chelsea, New York and has lived in Hudson almost as long as she lived there. Hallie Goodman is a writer living in Hudson, New York where she co-founded Volume Reading and Music Series. She is a MacDowell Colony, NYFA MARK and InStar Lodge fellow. Her work has appeared in Glamour Magazine, Condé Nast Traveler, Redbook Magazine, and many others. A recent essay, published by Hunger Mountain, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Hallie holds a GED and an MFA. Cat Tyc is a writer and artist. Her video work has screened locally and internationally at spaces that include the Microscope Gallery, Anthology Film Archives, CUNY Graduate Center, Brooklyn Museum, Kassel Fest and the PDX International Festival. Her most recent writings have been published in Weekday, The Sink Review,  6x6 and The Fanzine. She is an occasional contributing writer for BOMB and Topical Cream. She teaches multimedia composition and media analysis within the CUNY system and Rutgers New Brunswick and works as the Program Coordinator for The Home School based in Hudson, NY. Poet and video artist Adam Tedesco is a founding editor of REALITY BEACH, a journal of new poetics. His video work has been shown at MoMA PS1, among other venues. His recent poetry, essays and interviews have appeared in Laurel Review, Prelude, Powderkeg, Fanzine, Fence, Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere. He is the author of several chapbooks, most recently ABLAZA (2017), the forthcoming Misrule (Ursus Americanus, 2019) and the forthcoming poetry collection Mary Oliver (Lithic Press, 2018). Karen Schoemer's poems have appeared in La Presa, the Pine Hills Review, Up the River and lex*i*con. She performs and records with several bands, include Sky Furrows, Jaded Azurites and Venture Lift. Her music criticism has been widely published and anthologized; she is the author of Great Pretenders: My Strange Love Affair with '50s Pop Music. An MFA student at the Writer's Foundry in Brooklyn, NY, she lives in Hudson and manages Book Space at Time and Space Limited in Hudson. Jane Liddle is a friend to birds and lives in New Paltz, New York. Her stories have been published in various journals and featured in the Best Small Fictions anthology. Her short-story collection Murder was published by 421 Atlanta in March 2016. Jasmine Dreame Wagner is the author of On a Clear Day (Ahsahta Press), a collection of lyric essays and poems deemed “a capacious book of traveller’s observations, cultural criticism, and quarter-life-crisis notes” by Stephanie Burt at The New Yorker and “a radical cultural anthropology of the wild time we’re living in” by Iris Cushing at Hyperallergic. She works for Basilica Hudson. Sarah Butler : Ephemera is now on view in the gallery... enjoy the readings and the art. 
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grandgrandgalop · 6 years
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Daniel Nester, Mike Faloon, & Jasmine Dreame Wagner Reading @ The Spotty Dog Books & Ale 440 Warren Street, Hudson, NY Saturday, September 29, 2018 @ 7pm About the readers: Daniel Nester is an essayist, freelance writer, poet, writing professor, erstwhile literary journal editor, reading series curator, podcaster, and Queen superfan. He is the author most recently of the memoir Shader: 99 Notes on Car Washes, Making Out in Church, Grief, and Other Unlearnable Subjects. His other books include How to Be Inappropriate, a collection of humorous nonfiction; The Incredible Sestina Anthology, which he edited; The History of My World Tonight, a book of poems; and God Save My Queen: A Tribute and God Save My Queen II: The Show Must Go On, his first two books, which are collections on his obsession with the rock band Queen. As a journalist and essayist, his writing has appeared in a variety of places, such as American Poetry Review, Salon, New York Times, Buzzfeed, The Atlantic online, and the Poetry Foundation website. His work has been anthologized in Lost and Found, The Best American Poetry, The Best Creative Nonfiction, Third Rail: The Poetry of Rock and Roll, and Now Write! Nonfiction. https://danielnester.com/
Mike Faloon is a former DJ, dishwasher, and drummer. He is the author of The Hanging Gardens of Split Rock and co-editor of Fan Interference. Faloon co-founded the Go Metric and Zisk zines and has contributed to Cabildo Quarterly, Cashiers du Cinemart, Razorcake, Submerging Writers, and Vol. 1 Brooklyn. He has toured often in the past decade, with stops at the UCB Theatre and the Baseball Hall of Fame. Faloon lives in upstate New York. Faloon's The Other Night at Quinn's is a window into a community of creators surviving beyond the mainstream in an otherwise overlooked outpost of the cultural underground that cuts across distinctions of culture, gender, race, age, and genre, a circuitous anatomy of a scene where initially opaque and elliptical experiences are transformed into the rewards of deeper understanding and humanity. Mike Watt of the Minutemen exclaims, “Whoa, these spiel batches pack much punch and got their grip way into brain-frame! Faloon had me captured and I had to keep reading.” Wayne Kramer of the MC5 adds that it’s “…a deeply personal dive into the psyche of a hardcore music fanatic…utterly indispensable. A truly great read.” http://razorcake.org/tag/the-other-night-at-quinns/ Jasmine Dreame Wagner is an American writer, artist, and musician. She is the author of On a Clear Day (Ahsahta Press), a collection of lyric essays and poems deemed “a capacious book of traveller’s observations, cultural criticism, and quarter-life-crisis notes” by Stephanie Burt at The New Yorker and “a radical cultural anthropology of the wild time we’re living in” by Iris Cushing at Hyperallergic. She is also the author of Rings (Kelsey Street Press) and six chapbooks. Wagner's work appears in American Letters and Commentary, Beloit Poetry Journal, Colorado Review, Fence, and Guernica. Wagner will read from a novel in progress about a young musician touring solo across America. http://www.songsaboutghosts.com 
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