grandnightpeace · 2 years
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jennifer Yates <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: FINAL LETTER 02/11/23
On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:53 AM Jennifer Yates <[email protected]> wrote:
My name is Vincent Megason, I began my carrier in law enforcement in 2015 through the East Texas Police Academy in Kilgore, TX. I transferred from Anderson County Sheriff’s Office to the Clifton Police Department in 2018 as an officer before becoming the departments lead investigator following a devastating housefire. We moved here to start fresh in what seemed to be a very nice little town to live in and raise our family. However, since I’ve been at the Clifton Police department, I have seen first-hand the police misconduct and illegal activity that goes on here from insurance fraud, the commissioned killing of animals perpetrated by police officers and city workers, local election fraud, theft, destruction of evidence, illegal arrest, abuse of power, TECOLE fraud. These crimes have been committed by not only the department but also single Clifton police officers both previous and current, the as a whole department, and the towns elected and appointed officials. It has become more than clear to me that this town is anything but wholesome.
The knowledge of this information and the fabricated charges against me have cost me my career in law enforcement, the gross defamation of my character has tarnished my reputation, and my life and livelihood have been continuously threatened as well as my families. I have dates and the documentation for all the information stated in this letter is easily accessible by public records for anyone who chooses to seek it out, and I hope they do. At this time, I am being set up by the Clifton Police Department I worked for, including the District Judge, Shawn Carpenter, the District Attorney, Adam Sibley, the former Clifton chief of police Trace Hendrix (now the Sheriff of Bosque County), with the involvement of the Texas Rangers (friends of Trace Hendrix) to name a few. I am writing this letter in the hopes that a thorough investigation will be done to prove my innocence and to put a stop to the corrupt abuses occurring within the city of Clifton, Tx. I am going to begin from the very beginning, starting when I first became aware of the animal cruelty going on within the PD.
It is true that Clifton for some time now has had some issues with an abundance of stray animals within town that at times would pose problems for the residents which spurred some new local laws regarding animal treatment etc. What isn’t known to the town residents is that police officers as well as city workers are being commissioned and paid to go out at night and shoot and kill any dogs or cats they come across in town. There have even been reports made by residents of their own animals securely kept within their fenced in backyards shot dead, some of them tethered to the owner’s front porch. Docile, unaggressive family pets of town residents killed for no other reason but they were paid to do it. Another incidence where a homeowner’s dog had bitten someone and needed to be quarantined and tested for aggression a few days was instead taken directly to be euthanized without the owners knowledge later telling the owner that the dog must have somehow escaped and they were unable to find it. I later found out about the illegal dog pound located at the edge of town where dogs are housed inside an old concrete concession stand filled with cages at the old, now unused baseball field. This building is a torture chamber for animals as there is no ventilation, heat from the cold or air from the torturous heat of summer. Most animals unfortunate enough to be brought here to die from the elements and their bodies thrown into the nearby woods, not even buried. Those who don’t and are not claimed within a number of days are shot anyway. Seeing this and knowing this was going on, as an animal lover and owner of three dogs myself broke my heart and I wanted this to stop and have better policies regarding the treatment of animals, so I brought this up to Chief Trace Hendricks and was quickly told that I had better keep my mouth shut about it, if I wanted a future with the department and I got the feeling that my job would be in jeopardy otherwise. After a second incident were a small female child was bitten by a dog and the dog was taken to be quarantined at the animal shelter as they called it. One of the city employees went down to the shelter on Saturday to let the dogs outside, there was a sign on the cage which stated dangerous dog quarantine for 10 days. This employee lets the dog out where this dog began to attack him where a second city employee shot the dog in the head and killed the animal. Due to the dog being shot in the head the dog could not be tested for rabies and so the Police Department was sent to the child’s house who was originally attacked and told the dog was not able to be tested for rabies and they recommended the child have the rabies shot, which are very expensive and painful. A police report was done and the situation was swept under the rug by Trace Hendricks. With the second incident I felt as if this was going to keep going, I reached out to the department of health and human resources in Austin who regulates and assigns certificates for quarantinefacilities in Texas. I spoke with several people who put me in contact with an investigator who stated he could come down and look into things however he would issue tickets and possibly have to arrest someone for the illegal activities. I then went to Chief Trace Hendricks once again with this information as well at the city manager. Trace Hendricks stated to me to let it all go or it would be bad for me, he stated I needed to worry about me and my investigations within the department. In fear of my job and not being able to provide for my family, I let it all go.
How I came to purchase my home begins with a domestic violence call that led to the arrest of the male perpetrator who that night was very talkative on the ride to jail. He stated that he paid rent to his parents to stay there even though they did not even own the home. I then inquired as to who did in fact own the house and found it was owned by Beverly McLemore, a widow who when her husband passed was left a good number of rental properties and a sizable estate I would later come to find out. Being that her tenant had been arrested and would be doing some time I took it upon myself to locate her to let her know what had occurred there and being that my wife and I had been looking for a place to buy asked her if she had thought about selling the property. It was not in the best of shape and would need a complete remodel so she said she probably would so I asked her to give me a price she felt comfortable with and we’d go from there. She then told me $10,000 for it which blew my mind because even in rough shape it was a three bedroom brick home and it didn’t feel right to pay so little for it and I told her this. She went on to say that she had money and didn’t need any more and that was the reason that every single person living in her rental houses paid nothing but their utilities because she didn’t want to bother with getting it from them each month. (This too can be verified by the people who had been living there). I told her I could not do only $10,000, she told me $20,000 which I still said was low, she stated to me she would not take any more for the property. I told her we would take the house for $20,000, she asked if I could pay her in cash, which I did which I have paperwork on. She then had paperwork drawn up and signed and notarized in town by notary republic Jamie Pitts on March 25th, 2020. Mrs. McLemore was a kind-hearted lady and I always enjoyed chatting with her when I saw her and telling her about what we were doing with the house. Several months later I find out that she had passed away and that for some reason she had left her entire estate to me. This was shocking news and I didn’t know what to do with this or what moves I needed to make so I took the document to Judge Carpenter and the DA, Adam Sibley who I was at that time good friends with, to inquire about what I needed to do. They then directed me to an attorney I should talk to about it, which I did do but unfortunately, he was too busy to take my case on at that time. I decide to at least have it notarized for the time being until I could figure it out and did so through a fellow officer and notary republic in my department, I also considered a friend at that time named Les Perry, who when he was later asked about the notary signature said that “he did not remember ever notarizing a document for me”. This was found to be a lie as a handwriting expert on my behalf confirmed the handwriting to,in fact, be his. The news of her death traveled to a man named Curtis McLemore, who was a relative of her late husband but of no relation to her who was extremely angry about the will claiming that her estate rightfully belonged to him and that I obviously had to have done something for it to have been willed to me. I agree that it really didn’t make much sense, but I couldn’t have made up a will like that even if I had wanted to, she had information in that I would never have known like stocks and bonds that could not have been fabricated.
I was arrested the first time by the Texas Rangers who showed up at my house on August 29th 2021 on the bogus charge of forging a last will and testament. I was then transported by the Sheriff’s offices investigator in the front seat of the police car, uncuffed (not customary procedure for an arrest, and very odd) and upon arrival was then PR bonded because quote “they didn’t want me sitting in their jail” all recorded public record, and then gave me a ride back home. A search warrant was also done at my residence by the Rangers.
THE SECOND ARREST. Nearly a month later September 20th, I was again arrested at home for another bogus charge of forgery of a government record and theft over $2500. I later learned that this charge was supposedly tied to the personal sale of one of my firearms to a city worker I knew named, David Tucker who I had also given a small personal loanto, as well. The allegation was that I had somehow conned this man out of his money even though I had a signed bill of sale with his signature on it. That didn’t matter because for some reason they produce a check that has a completely different amount from the one I had and they stated that there were some incriminating things that had been found on my work computer. Those “things” found were apparently an empty folder entitled “will” that allegedly once contained documents of some kind that had been deleted and were unable to be recovered, and the other was an upload of a very fake looking FBI receipt claiming some kind of identity theft protection package that had been uploaded to my work computer and a receipt of payment from the sale of the gun, which is extremely odd, all of it, because why would that receipt have been uploaded that long after the sale had taken place and while I was not even allowed inside the building more less my office. I was shown the alleged FBI receipt and I can tell you there was nothing official about it, my kindergartener could have made one better and I am still not sure as to how that applies to the fabricated case of forgery on a private firearm sale. The last time I talked to David about this,he told me that he never filed an official police report regarding any kind of fraud and from what I understand there still is none, unless yet again, it was fabricated. A FEW MONTHS LATER….
By this time I had hired Brandon Luce attorney at law out of Waco to represent me and several months had passed without any communication at all from David or anyone else per my attorneys advice as it was clear to him and I both that anything and everything possible could be used and weaponized and fabricated into a supposed crime to falsely arrest me. Then one day I receive a letter in the mail addressed to me from David Tucker. I immediately took it to my attorney unopened and we decided that it should be opened only by a private detective completely unaffiliated with the case and it was several more months before we could get one in the office. Once we did and the letter was opened David had written that he had been threatened to lie against me and he would be taken care of and protected and would be dealt with if he refused to do what they said by someone in a position of power that I likely knew, but no name was mentioned. They told him that I knew too much regarding illegal activities and they wanted me out of the department no matter what it took. ( I have enclosed a copy of the letter with this email as well as the letter from the attorney I had contacted stating that I should definitely seek council regarding the will through someone else as there may be issues regarding William McLemore’s interest in Beverly’s property.) Not long after this my attorney Brandon contacted Adam (DA) to try to reach David in order to conduct an interview with him and he told us we couldn’t do that because David was dead. Another piece of shocking news, even more odd is the fact that there was no investigation and no police report taken on his death, according to what Brandon had found out. None, at all. Even stranger than that, the following week, if that, David’s home burns to the ground and once again, no police report was taken or filed about it. The week the fire occurred my family and I were all out of town for my mother’s wedding thankfully, because it is my opinion that the fire was done deliberately and done to try to fabricate more “evidence” to set me up for Arson, but their plan fell through because they were unaware, I was going to be out of town. This is the one thing so far that I’m unable to prove but I do feel strongly. The mentioned letter has never been brought up to the DA in my case as evidence because my attorney (who was previously a district attorney) believed that if we did they would try to use it against me and try to charge me with homicide and arson, which I am still confused about because I can’t see how they could but they’ve managed to get away with fabricating everything else so far so why couldn’t they do that?
Just this past month my attorney and I appeared in court on the ninth of January 2023 with the intention to request an extension as we were working to obtain a handwriting expert to compare the letter I had received to David’s writing and conclusively prove it was 100% written by him. Quick backstory here: Before I moved to Clifton I traded an air-stream trailer to a man in LaRue, Tx (I forget his name, it’s been nearly 10 years now) for an older but nice bumper pull RV our family used to vacation in etc. He was going through a nasty divorce and wanted anyone but his soon to be ex-wife to end up with it, so we were both pleased with the trade. When we bought the house in Clifton and began repairs one of the repairs needed was the driveway needing new concrete, so I made a deal with Anthony Powell who owns his own concrete pouring company to trade the RV for the new concrete job on our driveway which amounted to around $10,000. We were both very happy in this trade as well, the only problem that existed is that the original title I had for the RV had burned up in the housefire and Anthony wanted to get it replaced. Not knowing how to go about doing this he made the mistake of going to Trace Hendrix for advise and upon hearing that it had been obtained from me immediately became overly suspicious of it and began taking pictures of it inside and out and exclaiming that the RV had been stolen, although officers within Clifton PD had ran the plates and it did not show up as stolen. Trace continued his accusations of it being stolen and of course, me at the heart of this “theft.” He then had Texas Ranger Hatfield reach out to the Anderson County Ranger to look into it further and what do you know the RV was found to have been previously stolen but recovered and afterward put up for sale and bought by an unknown individual at auction, which may or may not have been the man I made the trade with, if the story of it being stolen is even true to begin with. Trace then showed up at Anthonys home and said that he was confiscating the RV and during this time told Anthony “We gotta take this thing now before it burns to the ground too.” An odd statement to make I thought. Going back to the day in court now, the judge and DA are now pushing for a trial to happen and for me to come to a decision on something to happen as fast as possible and as a matter of fact had already chosen a brand new grand jury that very morning and had a pre-trial date scheduled for January 19th and the trial for January 26th, also making sure that each charge would be tried separate from the other so that they could not run concurrent. They told me that they had a subpoena to arrest me, yet again, that day with false charges of RV theft unless I agreed to their plea deal of 10 years prison time as well as waive my right to a jury trial and if I didn’t agree to that I would be arrested on these charges as well as re-opening an investigation against me AND my wife Kira for charges of arson on our previous home based upon nothing more than the fact that Kira had not been interviewed by the third party fire investigator, only I had been. The treats against my wife and ANOTHER unlawful arrest caused me to sign the document, but it was certainly signed under extreme duress. I don’t know how much more of this I can handle or why these people are hell-bent to see me end up in prison for doing nothing more than wanting reform within the department. I can tell you that the fire marshal, a deputy under him and the fire investigator that was sent out by our insurance company, Foremost Home Insurance, out of Athens, Tx all agreed that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring on an air compressor that was plugged into our garage at the time and no foul play or arson was even slightly suspected. Our insurance did pay out so that attests to something I think and I know that the records on this housefire are accessible and will state the same. At this point, it seems that everyone affiliated and formerly affiliated with Clifton PD especially Trace Hendrix are just grasping
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grandnightpeace · 2 years
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jennifer Yates <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: FINAL LETTER 02/11/23
On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 2:53 AM Jennifer Yates <[email protected]> wrote:
My name is Vincent Megason, I began my carrier in law enforcement in 2015 through the East Texas Police Academy in Kilgore, TX. I transferred from Anderson County Sheriff’s Office to the Clifton Police Department in 2018 as an officer before becoming the departments lead investigator following a devastating housefire. We moved here to start fresh in what seemed to be a very nice little town to live in and raise our family. However, since I’ve been at the Clifton Police department, I have seen first-hand the police misconduct and illegal activity that goes on here from insurance fraud, the commissioned killing of animals perpetrated by police officers and city workers, local election fraud, theft, destruction of evidence, illegal arrest, abuse of power, TECOLE fraud. These crimes have been committed by not only the department but also single Clifton police officers both previous and current, the as a whole department, and the towns elected and appointed officials. It has become more than clear to me that this town is anything but wholesome.
The knowledge of this information and the fabricated charges against me have cost me my career in law enforcement, the gross defamation of my character has tarnished my reputation, and my life and livelihood have been continuously threatened as well as my families. I have dates and the documentation for all the information stated in this letter is easily accessible by public records for anyone who chooses to seek it out, and I hope they do. At this time, I am being set up by the Clifton Police Department I worked for, including the District Judge, Shawn Carpenter, the District Attorney, Adam Sibley, the former Clifton chief of police Trace Hendrix (now the Sheriff of Bosque County), with the involvement of the Texas Rangers (friends of Trace Hendrix) to name a few. I am writing this letter in the hopes that a thorough investigation will be done to prove my innocence and to put a stop to the corrupt abuses occurring within the city of Clifton, Tx. I am going to begin from the very beginning, starting when I first became aware of the animal cruelty going on within the PD.
It is true that Clifton for some time now has had some issues with an abundance of stray animals within town that at times would pose problems for the residents which spurred some new local laws regarding animal treatment etc. What isn’t known to the town residents is that police officers as well as city workers are being commissioned and paid to go out at night and shoot and kill any dogs or cats they come across in town. There have even been reports made by residents of their own animals securely kept within their fenced in backyards shot dead, some of them tethered to the owner’s front porch. Docile, unaggressive family pets of town residents killed for no other reason but they were paid to do it. Another incidence where a homeowner’s dog had bitten someone and needed to be quarantined and tested for aggression a few days was instead taken directly to be euthanized without the owners knowledge later telling the owner that the dog must have somehow escaped and they were unable to find it. I later found out about the illegal dog pound located at the edge of town where dogs are housed inside an old concrete concession stand filled with cages at the old, now unused baseball field. This building is a torture chamber for animals as there is no ventilation, heat from the cold or air from the torturous heat of summer. Most animals unfortunate enough to be brought here to die from the elements and their bodies thrown into the nearby woods, not even buried. Those who don’t and are not claimed within a number of days are shot anyway. Seeing this and knowing this was going on, as an animal lover and owner of three dogs myself broke my heart and I wanted this to stop and have better policies regarding the treatment of animals, so I brought this up to Chief Trace Hendricks and was quickly told that I had better keep my mouth shut about it, if I wanted a future with the department and I got the feeling that my job would be in jeopardy otherwise. After a second incident were a small female child was bitten by a dog and the dog was taken to be quarantined at the animal shelter as they called it. One of the city employees went down to the shelter on Saturday to let the dogs outside, there was a sign on the cage which stated dangerous dog quarantine for 10 days. This employee lets the dog out where this dog began to attack him where a second city employee shot the dog in the head and killed the animal. Due to the dog being shot in the head the dog could not be tested for rabies and so the Police Department was sent to the child’s house who was originally attacked and told the dog was not able to be tested for rabies and they recommended the child have the rabies shot, which are very expensive and painful. A police report was done and the situation was swept under the rug by Trace Hendricks. With the second incident I felt as if this was going to keep going, I reached out to the department of health and human resources in Austin who regulates and assigns certificates for quarantinefacilities in Texas. I spoke with several people who put me in contact with an investigator who stated he could come down and look into things however he would issue tickets and possibly have to arrest someone for the illegal activities. I then went to Chief Trace Hendricks once again with this information as well at the city manager. Trace Hendricks stated to me to let it all go or it would be bad for me, he stated I needed to worry about me and my investigations within the department. In fear of my job and not being able to provide for my family, I let it all go.
How I came to purchase my home begins with a domestic violence call that led to the arrest of the male perpetrator who that night was very talkative on the ride to jail. He stated that he paid rent to his parents to stay there even though they did not even own the home. I then inquired as to who did in fact own the house and found it was owned by Beverly McLemore, a widow who when her husband passed was left a good number of rental properties and a sizable estate I would later come to find out. Being that her tenant had been arrested and would be doing some time I took it upon myself to locate her to let her know what had occurred there and being that my wife and I had been looking for a place to buy asked her if she had thought about selling the property. It was not in the best of shape and would need a complete remodel so she said she probably would so I asked her to give me a price she felt comfortable with and we’d go from there. She then told me $10,000 for it which blew my mind because even in rough shape it was a three bedroom brick home and it didn’t feel right to pay so little for it and I told her this. She went on to say that she had money and didn’t need any more and that was the reason that every single person living in her rental houses paid nothing but their utilities because she didn’t want to bother with getting it from them each month. (This too can be verified by the people who had been living there). I told her I could not do only $10,000, she told me $20,000 which I still said was low, she stated to me she would not take any more for the property. I told her we would take the house for $20,000, she asked if I could pay her in cash, which I did which I have paperwork on. She then had paperwork drawn up and signed and notarized in town by notary republic Jamie Pitts on March 25th, 2020. Mrs. McLemore was a kind-hearted lady and I always enjoyed chatting with her when I saw her and telling her about what we were doing with the house. Several months later I find out that she had passed away and that for some reason she had left her entire estate to me. This was shocking news and I didn’t know what to do with this or what moves I needed to make so I took the document to Judge Carpenter and the DA, Adam Sibley who I was at that time good friends with, to inquire about what I needed to do. They then directed me to an attorney I should talk to about it, which I did do but unfortunately, he was too busy to take my case on at that time. I decide to at least have it notarized for the time being until I could figure it out and did so through a fellow officer and notary republic in my department, I also considered a friend at that time named Les Perry, who when he was later asked about the notary signature said that “he did not remember ever notarizing a document for me”. This was found to be a lie as a handwriting expert on my behalf confirmed the handwriting to,in fact, be his. The news of her death traveled to a man named Curtis McLemore, who was a relative of her late husband but of no relation to her who was extremely angry about the will claiming that her estate rightfully belonged to him and that I obviously had to have done something for it to have been willed to me. I agree that it really didn’t make much sense, but I couldn’t have made up a will like that even if I had wanted to, she had information in that I would never have known like stocks and bonds that could not have been fabricated.
I was arrested the first time by the Texas Rangers who showed up at my house on August 29th 2021 on the bogus charge of forging a last will and testament. I was then transported by the Sheriff’s offices investigator in the front seat of the police car, uncuffed (not customary procedure for an arrest, and very odd) and upon arrival was then PR bonded because quote “they didn’t want me sitting in their jail” all recorded public record, and then gave me a ride back home. A search warrant was also done at my residence by the Rangers.
THE SECOND ARREST. Nearly a month later September 20th, I was again arrested at home for another bogus charge of forgery of a government record and theft over $2500. I later learned that this charge was supposedly tied to the personal sale of one of my firearms to a city worker I knew named, David Tucker who I had also given a small personal loanto, as well. The allegation was that I had somehow conned this man out of his money even though I had a signed bill of sale with his signature on it. That didn’t matter because for some reason they produce a check that has a completely different amount from the one I had and they stated that there were some incriminating things that had been found on my work computer. Those “things” found were apparently an empty folder entitled “will” that allegedly once contained documents of some kind that had been deleted and were unable to be recovered, and the other was an upload of a very fake looking FBI receipt claiming some kind of identity theft protection package that had been uploaded to my work computer and a receipt of payment from the sale of the gun, which is extremely odd, all of it, because why would that receipt have been uploaded that long after the sale had taken place and while I was not even allowed inside the building more less my office. I was shown the alleged FBI receipt and I can tell you there was nothing official about it, my kindergartener could have made one better and I am still not sure as to how that applies to the fabricated case of forgery on a private firearm sale. The last time I talked to David about this,he told me that he never filed an official police report regarding any kind of fraud and from what I understand there still is none, unless yet again, it was fabricated. A FEW MONTHS LATER….
By this time I had hired Brandon Luce attorney at law out of Waco to represent me and several months had passed without any communication at all from David or anyone else per my attorneys advice as it was clear to him and I both that anything and everything possible could be used and weaponized and fabricated into a supposed crime to falsely arrest me. Then one day I receive a letter in the mail addressed to me from David Tucker. I immediately took it to my attorney unopened and we decided that it should be opened only by a private detective completely unaffiliated with the case and it was several more months before we could get one in the office. Once we did and the letter was opened David had written that he had been threatened to lie against me and he would be taken care of and protected and would be dealt with if he refused to do what they said by someone in a position of power that I likely knew, but no name was mentioned. They told him that I knew too much regarding illegal activities and they wanted me out of the department no matter what it took. ( I have enclosed a copy of the letter with this email as well as the letter from the attorney I had contacted stating that I should definitely seek council regarding the will through someone else as there may be issues regarding William McLemore’s interest in Beverly’s property.) Not long after this my attorney Brandon contacted Adam (DA) to try to reach David in order to conduct an interview with him and he told us we couldn’t do that because David was dead. Another piece of shocking news, even more odd is the fact that there was no investigation and no police report taken on his death, according to what Brandon had found out. None, at all. Even stranger than that, the following week, if that, David’s home burns to the ground and once again, no police report was taken or filed about it. The week the fire occurred my family and I were all out of town for my mother’s wedding thankfully, because it is my opinion that the fire was done deliberately and done to try to fabricate more “evidence” to set me up for Arson, but their plan fell through because they were unaware, I was going to be out of town. This is the one thing so far that I’m unable to prove but I do feel strongly. The mentioned letter has never been brought up to the DA in my case as evidence because my attorney (who was previously a district attorney) believed that if we did they would try to use it against me and try to charge me with homicide and arson, which I am still confused about because I can’t see how they could but they’ve managed to get away with fabricating everything else so far so why couldn’t they do that?
Just this past month my attorney and I appeared in court on the ninth of January 2023 with the intention to request an extension as we were working to obtain a handwriting expert to compare the letter I had received to David’s writing and conclusively prove it was 100% written by him. Quick backstory here: Before I moved to Clifton I traded an air-stream trailer to a man in LaRue, Tx (I forget his name, it’s been nearly 10 years now) for an older but nice bumper pull RV our family used to vacation in etc. He was going through a nasty divorce and wanted anyone but his soon to be ex-wife to end up with it, so we were both pleased with the trade. When we bought the house in Clifton and began repairs one of the repairs needed was the driveway needing new concrete, so I made a deal with Anthony Powell who owns his own concrete pouring company to trade the RV for the new concrete job on our driveway which amounted to around $10,000. We were both very happy in this trade as well, the only problem that existed is that the original title I had for the RV had burned up in the housefire and Anthony wanted to get it replaced. Not knowing how to go about doing this he made the mistake of going to Trace Hendrix for advise and upon hearing that it had been obtained from me immediately became overly suspicious of it and began taking pictures of it inside and out and exclaiming that the RV had been stolen, although officers within Clifton PD had ran the plates and it did not show up as stolen. Trace continued his accusations of it being stolen and of course, me at the heart of this “theft.” He then had Texas Ranger Hatfield reach out to the Anderson County Ranger to look into it further and what do you know the RV was found to have been previously stolen but recovered and afterward put up for sale and bought by an unknown individual at auction, which may or may not have been the man I made the trade with, if the story of it being stolen is even true to begin with. Trace then showed up at Anthonys home and said that he was confiscating the RV and during this time told Anthony “We gotta take this thing now before it burns to the ground too.” An odd statement to make I thought. Going back to the day in court now, the judge and DA are now pushing for a trial to happen and for me to come to a decision on something to happen as fast as possible and as a matter of fact had already chosen a brand new grand jury that very morning and had a pre-trial date scheduled for January 19th and the trial for January 26th, also making sure that each charge would be tried separate from the other so that they could not run concurrent. They told me that they had a subpoena to arrest me, yet again, that day with false charges of RV theft unless I agreed to their plea deal of 10 years prison time as well as waive my right to a jury trial and if I didn’t agree to that I would be arrested on these charges as well as re-opening an investigation against me AND my wife Kira for charges of arson on our previous home based upon nothing more than the fact that Kira had not been interviewed by the third party fire investigator, only I had been. The treats against my wife and ANOTHER unlawful arrest caused me to sign the document, but it was certainly signed under extreme duress. I don’t know how much more of this I can handle or why these people are hell-bent to see me end up in prison for doing nothing more than wanting reform within the department. I can tell you that the fire marshal, a deputy under him and the fire investigator that was sent out by our insurance company, Foremost Home Insurance, out of Athens, Tx all agreed that the cause of the fire was faulty wiring on an air compressor that was plugged into our garage at the time and no foul play or arson was even slightly suspected. Our insurance did pay out so that attests to something I think and I know that the records on this housefire are accessible and will state the same. At this point, it seems that everyone affiliated and formerly affiliated with Clifton PD especially Trace Hendrix are just grasping
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