In my dream, there was a tiny highlander cow that kept breaking into my backyard to eat my twine. I carried him out by a horn.
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A real doozy of a dream
Got overheated while a slept, which always means crazy dreams. Buckle your seatbelts on that submarine or airship, this one gets weird.
Where to start...there were many parts, I will post as they come to me.
-Helping a distant family member build a house...in the tundra of all places. Middle of nowhere, though looking around, I saw a single ramshackle house in the distance. A snowy giant hill/cliff overlooked the area. I pondered that it would be good for skiing. Looking around, there were now several houses in a semicircle around the one we were building, as if this house was on the (admittedly large) island in a (equally large) cul-de-sac. The relative hoped it would be a party house. I hoped the neighbors would not be pissed.
-Everyone was hungry, so I had to find food. I knew people liked chicken but....oh, the quest tells me exactly what to make. Some sort of chicken and gravy for some and a high end chicken dish for others. I had to visit a snowy village (I blame Guild Wars 2 for all the snow) to get ingredients from the people who lived there for the gravy.
-A noble owl lady was upset her egg didn’t hatch and she’d be forced to marry this asshole of an owl noble in order to maintain her status (guess what kind of region she lived in. Guess.). A visiting noble suggested she travel to America, as then she could marry this older noble owl who had no children and a fortune. She lamented over her unhatched egg one last time, as it should have hatched days ago, but had rotted instead. As she is knelt over it, a single bullet pierces the egg, as if drilled, revealing to all that it was, indeed, rotten. No one seemed to notice/care where the bullet came from. The noble owl then grabbed her things and...flew north. A servant flies after her to course correct.
-Flying over the ocean in an airship, trying to get to...somewhere, more of getting away. But alas, two alien enemy fighters come after us! They look something like a combination of an open hair clip and a clam (looked Sentient-y, for those who play Warframe). Me and the captain were in a small airship, two of these would take down a larger one. The captain (who looked like Uraraka from MHA/BNHA) said they were likely expecting a larger ship. Perhaps we could outmaneuver them. Alas, a hit! One of them grabs on. The floor of the lower area gets covered in what looks like a mossy mold (btw the ship was kind of three-toed paw pad shape, with the “toes” being up stairs and where the hardware and controlling and all that jazz occurred. The lower part was just a gathering area.). However, the captain was undaunted! She peeled up the sheet, opened the garage style door, and threw it outside. Well, it worked. Now all we had to do was slide off the clips that connected the flooring and stairs and spray them with some bleach to clean it off. Easy.
-A teenage son sits at his computer in his messy, messy room. His father comes to check on him, offering chicken and green beans. God, dad, I can make my own chicken and green beans! But the dad *insists* he uses a special ingredient, even after the son throws the dish at the door as the dad closes it. The dad silently laughs under his breath. The green beans, on the floor and forgotten, move, coming to life! They turn into flat green worms and squirm into the mess. The son is suddenly hit by an urge to clean, despite not seeing what just happened. And most of the mess goes into the garbage, though he does remove one of the brooms when he finds a dustpan (yes, multiple brooms, though this one had a foldy head.) The worms were not found.
-Treasure hunting with a team of heros! A special jungle ruins set up was filled with hidden treasure, and whoever finds, recovers, and delivers the most wins. My team of four were looking all over, but a lot was picked over already, and there was a lot of dangerous and pokey stuff lying around from traps others set off, like extending, biting plants and 5 inch long darts. But my team thinks they found a path to some treasure, as it looks like it’s been unpillaged! I approach the pathway, and four slabs, to exactly my height, slam across. I back off and they slide back into the recesses. I crouch and approach and only a few come out, but more come out when I stand. And then the floor I was in sunk about an inch and filled with lava. Via video game mechanics, I hopped back to the higher rock ledge my team was standing on. It all returns to normal. Eureka! One of my teammates has a ghost form! We send him over. Though the traps react, he walks right through. Excellent. Now, there must be a switch to hit to turn the traps off. I suggest the torch that is on the ground for some reason. He tries it, and all the rocks start slipping into lava. Nope. Nope. Wrong switch. He flips it back, and then tries the more obvious switch on the wall. The sunken lava pools reappear, but the slabs do not come out now! Just one, large slab, but it moves slow enough to get through. I am somehow suddenly through, and one teammate “vines” her way across (it was *not* the girl from MHA/BNHA) and the other one climbs and jumps across like a monkey. At the other end is...a boat. It looks like a small version of one of the ones from a river cruise. We hop on and take it out on the water. It is a massive pool and and also quite deep. And also filled with biting plants and thorns. Some people had already thwarted some of the extending biting plants in there, and they were making out. (The pool was technically in the room before the trap path, but somehow this was an improvement, idk) A teammate notices a hidden door knob on a wall. We head over and open it, revealing drawers filled with minor treasures! We claim all of them. The door is flipped and fenagled a few times, revealing even more drawers! One has an ancient relic which looked remarkably like a broken glazed flower pot. Score! We claimed it and turned it all in. Yay!
-An event almost like a recording of the treasure hunt, and revealing treasure locations, shows that when the pool was empty, there were many miniature types of boats tied to the edge of the pool for use. The miniature submarine was taken by....Team Rocket? They used it to get at the two giant rubies at the bottom of the pool, but had to pull up for air after getting them. Revealing the highest level treasure location showed it (oh man we missed another hidden treasure spot, you can see the handle there!) was accessed from the hidden treasure we found! Once the set of square drawers is pulled out, one would knock on the side and they would turn into a staircase. One could climb up to yet another hidden doorknob, and after some twists and turns of doors, shelves, and cupboards, revealed a gold dress hiding among other treasures (all of them were outfits, though, including one that was from Final Fantasy 14, it was one of the free-reward-after-so-many-days-subscribed, but roegadyn sized). The gold dress was worth 205 million points per thread! Wow! One of the women puts it on (whether this was a preview or not has been lost). I warn her that any damage to it will wreck the price, but she ensures she won’t get it damaged.
Whoa that was a hell of a dream.
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My mother was very excited to tell me that Fruit Loops are not flavored like an exotic fruit, but in fact, an assortment of fruits.
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The God of War and the Hunt is a Jerk
This dream was odd in that I was actually the protagonist!
I remember it started with me living in a dorm, but they were more like compact but efficient apartments. I wanted my mom to bring me some easy things to cook, since I was hungry and had nothing, but she said she’d take a while. Somehow, the apartment building I was living in was set in the school in the neighborhood, so I just went into the office knowing my mom would be there and maybe I could get some food from her. Oh goodie she brought her mini fridge. I looked inside to see if there was anything like some broccoli, which is easy to cook in a microwave, but the vegetables were all old and wilted. I decided to check back at home (not the apartment). By dream logic, of course, I was suddenly there.
For some reason, I had my extended family visiting, including my grand-aunt. And also the God of War and the Hunt. I remember thinking about what a weirdo he was due to his tendency to turn people who hunted with him into horses as some sort of prize. The God of War and the Hunt was carrying a bow and arrow, though in the mirror, they appeared to be a spear in disguise. Apparently, they were there because my aunt had the soul of his lover, so he decided to uh. “Humanely euthanize” her via dissection on my kitchen table. The soul was released, she liked the bean bags we had in the front room. I decided to take a nap on one of them, and had a dream within the dream, or perhaps a vision of something slinking towards me like a big black short leathery snake. I “woke up” to find there was a big black leathery snake there, and grabbed it and held it at arm’s reach, which allowed the God of War and the Hunt, who realized it was there, to dispatch it. Guess what, the God of War and the Hunt was impressed. He threw me what I, at first, thought was a rope and wooden jump rope, making me think, “Why is this guy giving me a jump rope,” until I realized what they were: reins. Dude wanted to turn me into a horse. He opened a portal to the godly plains in front of me and I began getting sucked in. As he prepped to climb onto me, I thought, “You better be light as a feather and I better be f*cking majestic.”
So yeah I got turned into a horse for a while. Luckily, those he transforms can turn back, which I did when we reached the oddly placed open-air strip mall next to his heavenly plains. Some armored monster was wandering around, and I threw cans at it to try and get it to go away. Little did I know, one of the cans was actually a miniaturized explosive barrel, blowing a hole in the armor and killing the thing. The God of War and the Hunt was once again impressed, turning me back into a horse, and spending the rest of the time trying to kill things by throwing cans of soda at them. I wandered off to let him make a mess, looking at the wares in the store. Yes as a horse. There was a discount rack, but all it had were three pairs of super low rise pants with build in thongs. Like why. None of them were my size anyway. At this point, I turned back into myself and looked at some of the other racks. One had “work out shirts” that were transparent. They were white tinted, but still see through. They came with a sports bra....that was equally see through and purple tinted. Why. There was a squeeze me tag on the bra on the front, though when I did......it activated a massager and lotion release. For your n*pples. While you work out. Though it made them more tinted, they were still see through. Why.
And then my sister woke me up. Talk about a freaking weird dream.
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Scifi people in a scifi world
Y’all play Warframe? I have been playing it for a while, and this dream picked up on that. It was a weird combo of Warframe and Shadowrun.
It took place in Canada, specifically near the Cliffton Hill-esgue area, to those who know it. But with that Shadowrun twist, meaning more lights, taller buildings, and more dangerous. But the focus for the first part was in a small hotel that was down the road and around the corner -- you could still see the lights, but this was separate. Apparently, in my dream this was an infamously dangerous T intersection, on one side was the hotel my family was staying in, and the other a delicious sandwich shop with chairs to sit outside. The intersection didn’t meet up square, so there were a lot of places for crosswalks, resulting in a lot of people getting hit, especially since it was typical to cross the road multiple times to get to the straight of the T section? It was odd.
At some point, it stopped being “my family in a weird hotel” (never saw the inside of it anyway) and became a Shadowrun trip. The team was an elf gunner (who I was following in the dream), an orc heavy gunner, and some mage, I don’t know. But the elf and orc were good friends. They were tasked with raiding the secret basement of a corporate shopping center for information. It happened to be owned by the corpus. So they were shooting at and through the corpus, with the orc looking more like a stone elemental due to a protective spell. The elf was using him as cover as they worked towards the still-being-constructed area, which they were informed had a secret exit to the outside, unguarded, since it was still being built. They managed to work their way outside while being shot at, but of course, those shooting don’t follow them into the public -- that would be bad for business. The elf ties up his long blonde hair as they get to the getaway vehicle. Once they reach the parking lot of the nearby church (which was being patrolled by grineer), the orc admitted he wasn’t feeling so hot. They took him into their undercover base, clean and crisp looking like something out of a scifi novel. Turns out, one of the corpus bullets shot him and poisoned him. The poison was specifically attacking his heart. They would have to go back to the corpus and find the cure before it was too late, but oh, what’s this? The corpus followed them and found their secret base. They came i waves like a defense mission, with the orc as the defense target. (For some reason some of the corpus were gardeners?) I believe one of the members of the running team must have been ex-corpus because he was freaking out that they found him.
My dog woke me up before I could find out if they helped the orc. I remember that sandwich shop had a good Italian sub, though!
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The Clockwork Curse
The land was once peaceful, filled with magic and power. Many races lived in harmony, and those who fought against others to gather power were punished. At least until the world tore open.
Caves and caverns opened across the land, revealing strange and intricate clockwork machines. The world entered a state of turmoil. What was this? Where did it come from? People panicked and began blaming each other. Some took advantage of the chaos and took over large areas of land.
I followed the story of a “Faer elf” in this dream, an elven race with blue skin and a propensity towards hoarding knowledge. An adventurer, he decided to use his magic to try and calm the turmoil of this world and try to discover the source of the clockwork machines, or at least assist those more capable.
Right near the town where he started, one of the clockwork filled caves had opened. The elf went to investigate it, before anyone got hurt.
The cave was on a cliff side, with a door big enough for a man to get through. Peeking in, the elf noticed that four large, ovate, bronze statues were staring at him with circular glowing red eyes. They spoke, “they who enter the pit shall be punished, and their twin made. If one twin dies, so too does the other.” Between the four statues was a massive pit, at the bottom of which was a clockwork conglomerate, with a bronze mask over it, shaped similarly to the statues above but with an open mouth, filled with churning gears. The elf could feel an odd draw to dive into the open mouth, to give up, but he pushed himself away from the opening.
He needed time to think about this.
The elf decided to ponder his findings in the astral realm to consult the spirits. Though he also had fun messing with his housemates from the spiritual plane, none of the nearby spirits knew what these odd constructs were. In fact, most of the spirits were too busy or did not want to talk about the clockwork.
Upon leaving his unfruitful trip to the astral plane, he had some very bad luck, one of which it being 1 AM and missing dinner. The servant of some odd visitors blamed herself for his bad luck upon telling the others of his trip and why he was out so late. Though he assured her that it was bad luck, she still blamed herself. He told those he lived with of his trip to the clockwork cave, and what he was looking for in the astral plane. The elf decided to adventure out to find some answers in the plains; there was one who lived there who had very old knowledge, things even the faer elves did not know. The strange guests said they also wished to leave that morning, and offered to go with you at least part of the way.
However, come morning, it is clear her servant had other ideas. Still feeling guilt over the bad luck she thinks she caused the elf, she runs to the strange clockwork cave he mentioned. Though the elf and the strange entourage chased, she reached the cave before them. The statues seem to have reacted in some way to the servant’s guilt, now asking her questions on her deeds. In the end, they say if she still wishes for punishment, dive below. And so she does. Mere seconds after she falls to the grinding gears below, she walks out of the cave...twice. There are now two of her, though both look more frail than the original. Concerned, the master of her suggests they leave this place before anything worse happens.
So you leave the forested area for the plains. An odd miasma drifts over the center of the plains, so you opt to take the outer path around the perimeter. Upon entering, stray clockwork litters the area. The group works to collect as much as they can for future studies, and the elf leaves the others to search for more.
He comes across many strange travelers on the way, noticing how different the land is now. It once harbored many carrot fields, as a race of animal people lived here, including some ratfolk that the elf had made friends with.
Finding a cave, he enters, only to find a race of the violent feral catfolk inside, practically living as kings....and eating the ratfolk! Though they treat the elf as a guest, it is unnerving how they treat those they seem to have enslaved. The elf manages so sneak away from the “feast” they were serving, finding another piece of clockwork in a planter. They deem the only good plants are decorative ones, and not a single crop is in sight. The elf descends into the deeper portions of the caves, and finds a tunnel that goes through to the other side of the hill.
Passing through, it is the colony that his ratfolk friends once lived in, but it now appears abandoned. Their art hands on the walls, covered in dust, and the metal scaffolding is attempting to fall. The elf travels to the deeper parts of the cave, hoping to find a sign of his friends. Instead, he finds what appear to be undead ratfolk! Using his magic, he destroys the attackers, wave after wave, until he thinks he recognizes them. Could it be that his friends all became undead? He assaults them as well, though they begin to complain and run up at him, and recognize the elf! They are OK!
Though they sent their mangled kin out to try and chase off the elf, thinking he was one of the cats, they have been in hiding in the deepest parts of the cave, staying safe from those who wish them harm. Even their leader is OK. While their leader may not be true ratfolk, he has great power of nature and is very aged and wise. Overjoyed that the elder is still with them, the elf hugs him in welcome.
Unfortunately, my phone rang and I woke up.
What really happened: -the one with bad luck was actually *me*, and it included such things as being scolded for wasting electricity (turning the lights on and off repeatedly in my bro’s room while in the astral plane), falling down in the shower, missing a delicious dinner, and falling over.
-one of the races of animal folk in the plains were rabbit people, one of which was a “superhero” who could jump really high and was very strong. He gave the elf an idea of what was going on and traveled with him up to the cave.
-there were weird trains like the cars of a roller coaster traveling the roads of the plains. They’re used for shipping and transport, but for some reason they would not let anybody on. Normally, if one gave them fuel of carrots, one could ride, but the cars were not accepting carrots anymore and got quite distraught at having carrots in their gas tanks.
-A non-feral cat person was in the cave as well, trying not to eat the rat folk, though the feral ones tricked him into eating one of the ratfolk’s tails. He said he’d prefer fish -- fishing was popular with catfolk, after all.
-The leader of the feral catfolk must’ve been able to brainwash people or something because there were humans in the cave too, joining the revelry.
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Bits and Pieces 2
This was when I was asleep before the To Hero or Not to Hero dream.
I remember being in a weird camp, and I think it was supposed to be some intro to a game. My weapon was useless against the present box and shadow foes. Enemies kept washing into the camp and I had to keep running past them into a village of crazy pig-men enemies, and eventually ran into a truck bed which then started up? It was a hot pink extra wide deluxe luxury truck! With me driving. Dang near ran another truck off the road.
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To Hero, or Not to Hero
Just woke up from this one, wanted to get it written down.
I remember that I was working in a store that sold sports equipment, but the equipment was a bit...odd. I think it was more of a superhero supply store. But anyway, a girl wanted to try on one of the swimsuits, so she grabbed one and went to try it on, but I knew the bottoms ran big and grabbed a smaller size (I think I grabbed an XS). The customer began ripping into me about how I should have told her the sizes run large when she grabbed them and that she went to show her superhero boss and the bottoms almost fell down and do I really think she looks that fat, etc. Shoo’d her on pretty quick.
Luckily, a friend showed up later to look at gear, wanting to be a hero herself but she didn’t know the full scope of her powers so she just wanted some basic gear. We spent a lot of time looking through everything and trying stuff on, and she chose an axe to use as a weapon, due to her preferring it in a video game. Her boss then showed up and gave support to the friend over her choices, and that maybe she didn’t need the weird bucket style shoulder armor. They began messing around and discussing weapons, and her boss asked what kind of weapon I prefer. I went to the rack and pulled out a sword. Sure, it’s a cheap kind, used for training and basic fighting and stuff, but it was blue and made for a fun time of chasing the friend’s boss around with the friend. It was all good.
We then went to try and learn more about the friend’s powers in my backyard. Turns out, she could fly! Way better than my super jump. I could only fly with the help of a magic broom. Though trying to carry around a soup pot lid as a shield was really weighing the friend down.
And then it was suddenly Christmas for some reason. We were still putting up the tree and decorations when guests started coming in. I was putting on ornaments and candy canes when I was asked to put up some decorations. One was a religious picture with a spot to put a square quote slip. I found the paper that had the square in it, and all that was in it was a teabag tag with a funny quote on it (I don’t remember what it said exactly but I remember it had “wee” as in small). And then we went to church, which was odd because I haven’t gone in years. I wanted to help light the candles, but everyone else seemed clueless as to how and had many fire hazards, like picking up tealights to light other candles instead of using a long skinny candle. I went to the remembrance candles to light one for all those lost in battles, though I was really lighting one because I like lighting candles. Every time I tried to light the big candle with a skinny one, though, the melting wax of the skinny one put itself out. Again and again. I eventually had to resort to the bottom of the candle, which got totally deformed from being lit, but it worked. And the others, by then, had already finished lighting all the other candles. Boo. I went home.
The next day, an emergency came up. A flood had occurred, but it was unusual in that it encased the city! I feared my fish tank may have played a part in it. We knew we had to go try to help, or at least find out more if we weren’t needed. So we entered what must been a dimensional slip or time stream or something to speed up the trip because halfway through I got distracted by the cute little house that little past me was sleeping in. It was blue.
And then my mom woke me up.
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Flying like a brick through space
Ok the dream I just had was weird. There were many parts that lined up but many that were just unrelated. Here we go!
I was working on a team that was rooting out corruption in the world. For some reason, this involved being in space. Part of the dream focuses on one woman, who ran a station where when something had to go through a door, she pushed a button and it opened. Like a robot could replace the job sort of thing. And she was…. not very good at it. Didn’t pay attention much, fell asleep. But at least she did it. No idea why they didn’t replace her. As the dream went on, she got older, though no one else did. I think she was just aging fast or the initial look was in the past or something. She looked weird as an old lady; she had fish like eyes. Still on front but looked plastic and shallow and kind of crinkled. But she still did her job. Yeah, the door job. So I ignore the crazy old lady and look out the window and see a ship. This ship looked like a giant brick-red cinderblock with an antenna on top. And there was a person in a space suit gripping onto the inside of the brick and pounding their head on the side, which was clearly how the ship would “go”. The person on the brick ship went onto our ship and it was my mom. She gave us info to go down to the surface. At this point, I get an overlook of the town and such where we were stationed.
I don’t remember much of what happened next, but I remember being in a car that would go faster if you pulled on the giant bendy straws that were dangling from the powerlines, using the force of the pull like swinging between vines. I was also looking at the bendy straws for reusable durable looking ones, because I have an obsession with reusable stuff (one did look promising, but I did not care for the materials). I remember that I was investigating this girl who said she did not use her phone while driving to class, though previous history proved otherwise. So, this time, we had her parents block the internet access, which she could hide usage of, so she could only use this one signal we had that we could measure. We needed a device to track the signal, but luckily many of the devices were being sold on a rack right next to my bed. I couldn’t choose a color fast enough, but someone else in our team had one. Sure enough, the girl began a skype call not even three blocks from her house and was in it the whole half hour drive to school. We confronted her about it, including a map of her trip and where she started and ended the call. We were amazed that she didn’t get into a car accident. She got in trouble from the authorities. After ensuring that the info got out, I went back to the rack of what was now think ballet style socks. I saw a pair that looked like it came with a pair of toe-and-heelless stockings for going over socks, but turned out someone had swapped out many items that were paired to try and get a better deal on something, so I was upset. Like, the stockings went with a set of orange spotted little ballerina socks, and the socks that were paired with the stockings actually went with a pair of jeans that someone threw on the ground, etc. What a mess!
Maybe the straw-pulling (ha, I see what my brain did there) happened here but the next part of the dream I was back with the group and “I” was some pissed off kid who must have been like 11 years old. Yet he was powerful and could see what people were doing and hiding via projected metaphors. What’s a projected metaphor. Well, at one point, a guy was trying to find a problem with a car and the kid saw a projection on the wall of the car of him literally digging through a pile of parts like a rat that could smell cheese underneath. The guy who was working on the car lived between two motorhomes at an abandoned gas station. He said he didn’t like being indoors. The kid did not like this guy and kept messing with the door he was standing by, like opening it or locking it. The guy did not realize the kid was there and just attributed the problems to the car being old. The car had odd bees nests on the engine that looked like barnacles but had one bee in it and they were really unpredictable and hard to kill (it’s why the kid was hiding in the car, they chased him), yet the dude just wiped them off like they were nothing. At this point, I was “me” again and I saw my mom in the parking lot. She just got an inoculation against a disease and my sister wanted one too. Luckily, the guy who gave it to my mom was in the car and gave my sister one. My mom was heading towards a restaurant and of course my sis, my bro, and I wanted to go. My mom wasn’t enthusiastic about us going too, but I offered to pay for myself and my siblings. And in we went.
This was a pretty fancy (and weird) restaurant. The surroundings were clean, but the lights were oddly dim, except for one over each table. Now the food was the really weird thing. Their specialty were these soups served in bowls that were hollowed out ends of huge cucumbers. My mom was a friend of the owner, so he told us all about the bowls. They were a specific breed of cucumber that could not be cross pollinated with any other cucumber species or it would not grow big enough (these were like small bowl sized, which would be a big cucumber). The part where it would attach to the vine (or the other end) had a divot carved into it, to allow it to stand better, be held easier (you put your thumb there) and also had mustard seasoning put into it to infuse the bowl itself. The soup in the bowl was just a super hot broth, but little bowls of dumplings and cheeses would be brought to the table and you could add as much or as little as you wanted. As we ate, I kept noticing the room was getting darker, until all the lights were out and only the light from the window came in. They said a storm must have blown out the nearby transformer, no one else nearby had power either. I knew it was something more sinister, though, because….
And then I woke up.
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The Monster Serum
There were two factions: an extremely powerful, but also extremely corrupt empire, and a group long descended from the rebels who ran from the planet. The rebels now lived in a constantly moving ship in orbit around the planet, and the ship's random motion kept it from being invaded. However, something changed, and the ship was being attacked (it was weird). The main character, whom I have named Jet, escaped using an emergency pod, as did many of his companions and superiors. They landed on the planet but were scattered for the most part. Jet knew he had to get to safety, as the empire was very good at creating all sorts of nasty things, like sleeping poison and monster liquid.
Monster liquid was a very potent liquid that, well, turned people into monsters temporarily. It was strictly only used by the soldiers of the empire, as it was dangerous. Sleeping poison could, at high enough levels, make you fall asleep and die in your sleep.
So Jet went to try to gain access to a manor on a street, and raid it for anything that could help him find his friends, but a rather strong looking man came out. The more Jet hit the man and threw things at him, the bigger and buffer the man got..... it soon became apparent that this guy has monster liquid, as he was now 2 stories tall and grossly ripped. He effortlessly grabs Jet and carries him over to a large pool.... of monster liquid. And plunges him in. When pulled out, Jet now had a tail, horns, long ears, sharp teeth....it was kind of obvious that it got into him. And then the big guy proceeded to use Jet's horns to carve a wall with a history lesson, while scolding him constantly for the crimes of the rebels. He then threw Jet to the ground, where he realized the liquid pond also likely held sleeping poison cuz he passed out.
He then had a weird dream: it was a flower festival, collect all the falling flowers!! And it was all jumpy jumpy flower catching like a minigame...until they began looking more lie shuriken and he had to catch more and more....and then there was a loud BANG behind him..... there was a giant purple teddy bear with a twisted expression pushing a giant purple spiked metal roller. He dodged it just in time....for another to appear behind him, and the first one to turn around to go over its path again....he manages to dodge, but each time he dodges, it adds more evil teddies....until a small normal looking teddy bear father and his son walk through, causing everything to freeze as they went to the sink in the park to investigate it. And then Jet woke up, and his appearance was back to normal.
Change Monster liquid to Monster Serum
Only soldiers, who are genetically modified at birth, respond well to monster serum….all others tend to die. Serum becomes activated either by the addition of more serum or by adrenalin.
Jet was found on a ship that crashed into the main ship of the rebellion. He was the only survivor and had no memory of what happened or who he was. They named him after the only surviving structure of the ship….all the rest was salvaged.
This causes the group to lose Jet’s trust. He first goes to the elder seeking info on what happens, and the elder flies into a rage thinking that Jet betrayed them and attacks him. Of course the fighting causes Jet to trigger the serum again….when he is then forced through the wall. Everyone sees him. He is put into a cell while the others discuss what happened, though they eventually decide to trust him, since he had fought by their side many times before, without serum so clearly, he only just got it, and that he had no memory, making it difficult for him to have been a spy or such.
Also, the guy who upon seeing that Jet reacted to the serum carved the royal family crest into the wall with Jet’s horns, not a chart on the history and inventions of the empire.
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He was just a student at Blessia Island Academy, which accepts people from all over the world. His little sister goes there too. Nothing unexpected, as she is super smart and the apple of his whole family’s eye, including his own. However, he never expected to turn out to be a demigod. He awoke one night from a strange twisted dream to find that his hands…..were glowing. Freaking. Glowing. It was quite bright in the darkness of his room. How on Earth was he going to take care of this before class….yeah, turns out, it’s pretty easily hidden by gloves. At least the uniform has optional thin gloves. However, that whole night he had dreams of a waterfall on a lake near campus. Even at school that day, he felt compelled to go there, constantly distracted, which is quite unlike him.
After class, he heads to the pond, not sure what to expect. It’s not like it’s a hidden secret pond in the middle of the island’s jungle, it’s right near campus—he himself had eaten lunch by it numerous times. There’s a pool at the base of the water fall that has a mirror-finish polished stone at the bottom. He felt he had to….touch it. With his hands, no gloves on. So he removes his uniform, folds and hides it, and dives in in his undershirt, glowing hands pointed in front. It’s a surprisingly deep lake, but he reaches the stone, somehow……and the moment he touches it, he feels that he is sucked in! And then he pops out of another mirror into an odd area.
It looks like the main chamber of an abandoned shrine. Even the mirror he came out of seems grimy. Probably not best to touch it, he feels like he should be in the shrine, for some reason. He can tell it’s still on the island, though inaccessible aside from the open roof. A thin layer of water coats the floor, but with the construction of the room, it almost seems like it’s supposed to. He wanders the floor, looking around until he comes across a hall off to the side that isn’t blocked off by stone or broken and submerged in water. He heads through and finds a mirror at the end of the hall. It’s rather dark in the hall, due to the grimy walls, but his hands provide enough illumination to see. He touches this mirror again, and it’s somehow clean….as if someone was caring for it, he thought as he once again gets sucked in. He must be deeper in the shrine now, as this room is closed off. Dirty windows high on the walls let in filtered light, revealing dark wood walls and a shining golden floor, and practically a lake taking up the whole middle of the room, from wall to wall. It looks like it’s supposed to be there, at least, even if all the plants at the bottom seem hideously overgrown.
He hears a voice, “Cross,” it says. Whelp, looks like he’s getting wet again. He slips into the water, not diving this time because he doesn’t want to touch the gross pond plants. He swims across and can’t help but feel he’s being watched the whole time. And likely judged too…at least he’s a good swimmer, one of the best in the school (though he never wanted to be in the swim club no matter how much they asked). He reaches the other end, which seems to have a broken altar with an even older mirror and a towel rack near it….with one towel on it, that’s decent. The voice rumbled out again, “Remove your robes,” which is probably a better way of saying ‘take your clothes off’ without seeming like a total creep. Hanging the towel like a curtain, he pulls of his now damp and dirty and a little smelly t shirt and boxers. And suddenly a part of the wall near him seems to come to life. It looks like a giant golden beetle and it jumps on him. He panics and calls out and tries to pull it off as it skitters over him, though it eventually settles and dies down over his junk. Once it is no longer moving, he notices that the bug has pretty much made him new clothes from fibers, a skirt like thing and a small jacket that covers part of his back, all in glistening gold. What the heck. The beetle does not move and for all intents and purposes is now a large belt decoration on his skirt thing. At least the clothes glitter nice when his hands catch the light. He moves the towel and freezes in his tracks. A tiered platform had descended from the ceiling on a moss-covered chain, and like five fish men were staring at him from it. Honest-to-god sort of fat fish men in orange robes. And they were all looking at him. They bow respectably. What the hell. The kid promptly expresses confusion as to what’s going on. They explain to him that he has awoken as a true child of the temple god, making him a demigod. What. And now they will help him awaken his powers. What. Wait did they say they wanted to or they will. He gets his answer as they suddenly all go to their hands and knees and begin chanting at him. Near instantly a splitting pain ruptures across his forehead, focusing in the center. He doubles over in pain and seems to be trapped in the fetal position in gaudy gold clothes with weird fish men chanting in the background for an eternity. Oh hey they stopped….so has the pain. He picks himself up slowly and looks back at the fish men, who now stare at him. The leader of them advises him to look upon himself. He looks down; still wearing the weird gold clothes with the not-alive beetle and hands still glowing more than a Christmas tree. The fish man advises him to look in the mirror by the altar. The kid obliges, and gawks at what he sees. A small grey crystal, like a piece of glass or clear pond, is now embedded in his forehead. Or maybe it just...popped out. Great. Before the kid breaks into explicatives over what just happened, the fish man explains that it is one of his gifts, and now he can travel to the shrine whenever he needs, as long as he has a guest to touch it. Also, he can now breath under water. This all makes sense, as he is the child of the shrine to the god of water, time, and light. They need him in order to revive the shrine and repair it, before the dark forces emerge from the sea. Members of these forces, and children descended from them, are already looking for the kid and his powers. They must get him back to safety before it gets dark, as that is when the beings of darkness will scour the shrine looking for them and the kid. They have already called one of their assistants from outside who alerted them of the kid’s presence to escort him back to the academy. Before the kid can ask any questions, they all point at him and he feels that sucking feeling again from travelling through the mirror. The next thing he knows he is flying out of the lake in his t shirt and boxers. He lands unceremoniously on the grass, tinted orange from the sunset. He hears a familiar laughter and looks up. His….best friend is there, holding his clothes and looking at him. Really. REALLY? He’s their assistant? How cliché. He says that the monks are his uncles and helps the kid on his feet. They had a feeling he might be the demigod for a while. He hands him a headband in silver, matching the colors of the school. Best cover up the crystal when on campus, it’d get weird looks, draw bad attention, and could get accidentally touched and then shit would be bad. He helps his friend get dressed and walks him back to the academy.
Things that also happened:
-his sister eventually goes to the shrine
-he and his friend use the crystal to return to the shrine numerous times
-he uses his new powers to help clear blocked paths of the shrine, including to the main area of prayer
-he finds that one of the people on the swim team is descended from the dark beings. Swimming sports have been corrupted by dark beings for a while.
-His sister is not a demigod, as she is the child of his mother’s remarriage after his father vanished mysteriously. The man he was raised with as a father is not actually his father.
-to awaken his power even more, the monks of the main shrine room have him imitate hand signs that they do, which they have chosen from videos from the 80’s-90’s. It was odd to see a bunch of fish men and a demigod doing air guitar. Also he kept getting left and right confused.
-his friend awakens as a guardian of the shrine and gains a mermaid like tail that is orange with red spots. Also he can levitate now, which helps with moving. More like his body was in the wall like a garden worm. No more classes for him, he has to help rebuild the seal the shrine. He is now being hunted by the beings heavily, due to the fact that his power passively keeps them out of the shrine at night. Only one path to the shrine for them now….and it’s embedded in his forehead.
-the dark being descendant tries to kidnap his sister in an RV and they chase him in his friend’s convertible. Eventually they run him off the road and the RV flips. At least the kid remembers to cover the crystal before entering.
-there were random MMO like bits like a huge f*cking line to the main shrine room, but I just swam past them and entered.
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A quick notice
As we all know, dreams sometimes don’t make sense, or are just plain weird. Even my coolest story dreams have inane parts, so I may edit those out of the story. I will be posting what really happened in the dream below the story, if I remember it.
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Hello hello!
This is going to be a side blog of mine for sharing my.....exceptional dreams. Sometimes, it may just be a part of a dream, like a little short story or such. Sometimes, my dreams play out into great adventures with interesting characters and even a plot line! I always wanted to write them down, so this is to force me to.
Welcome to the craziness that is my mind, I hope you like sexy anime boys, because for some reason that is they style of my dreams.
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