grapplesauce-blog1 · 7 years
Oh--You train in...
Had another experience with those folks who say, “Oh, you train in martial arts? You must be a beast in bar fights!”
I take these chances to drop some knowledge on all present. So this time it was my coworkers at the water cooler. I explained the uses of Ki Aikido outside of aggressive night clubs, and when I brought up Kiatsu (a form of pressure point massage) it peaked the interest of a burly fellow who had back pain. The conversation became rather benign from there.
Just goes to show, in the realm of pain in martial arts, we can giveth and we can taketh away.
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grapplesauce-blog1 · 7 years
The Training Begins
My Sensei has lit the beacon signalling the first steps to my ascension into upper-beltness. Soon I will test for my purple belt in Ki Aikido. Time for some serious Plus Ki!
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