gravycreek · 2 years
         THE SCIENTIST WAS rubbing her temple with her free hand as she awaited a response from the other side, the side effect of yet another all-nighter starting to creep up on her. Frankly, she wasn’t in the MOOD to deal with a potential customer ( usually consisting of some pretty weird figures; though, it makes sense that only some of the strangest would bother with ECC ), feeling that she had enough on her plate already. But, as she stated, her boss was absent, and lord knows she couldn’t leave Skarr or any of the goons to handle it. So there she was, overworked and severely underpaid and combatting every bit of it with more caffeine than what was probably healthy.
         She admittedly found relief when she realized that the voice on the other end was likely the delivery guy she’d reached out to to help circulate some of the company’s products. Saved her the trouble of keeping up with the customer service angle, anyway ( seriously, she was not built for this. There was a good reason she became a mad scientist and not someone in retail. She’d have been charged with murder a long time ago otherwise ). Hector had been severely reluctant to even humour the thought of interacting with the kids up at Peach Creek that were running, oh, only the current largest supply chain. It’d taken a lot of trying to talk some sense into him to get him to force out some form of agreement, although ultimately, she had been the one to do the heavy lifting and actually get a functional deal going. So she was quite glad to see that all that effort might’ve finally been bearing fruit.
         “ Oh, thank goodness, you’re finally here, “ she said in a sigh, muttering, “ I tell you, trying to get these arms out of here has been a complete nightmare… “ 
         When he mentions that he might need assistance getting in, Ghastly leans over in her seat towards a panel and hits a particular button, one that opened up the large entrance that led to the large warehouse where they handled most of their transactions these days. “ Yeah, I’ll be right down, “ she said, the sound of her getting up from the chair just barely audible over the phone. She was fine with helping him so long as it meant finally getting with these products dealt with.
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          After a thought, she decided to add, “ Mmmaybe don’t touch anything ‘til I get there, there’s a lot of, erm…volatile objects in there. They might, y’know…just don’t touch anything, “ she finally said, hanging up immediately after so that she could meet Ed down there.
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    — Ed hopped backwards as the entrance opened with a large mechanical noise, wobbling before regaining his balance. Wow, this place was pretty huge. He hoped he wouldn’t get lost, feeling his own relief when she mentioned she was coming down. The teen definitely was overworked in his own right as well, but he didn’t mind it too much. He’d been helping out his community for years with his strength, what was a couple thousand more people?
     He managed out an ‘Okey dokey!’  before she’d hung up, finally putting his phone into his pocket and regaining his footing, his free hand moving to more carefully hold onto the pile of inventory he’d already been carrying, slowly but surely making his way through the entrance and to the warehouse. Once he was there, he placed down the pile very carefully, looking around in curiosity. 
     “ Wow... Look at all this stuff... It looks just like the gadgets Double D makes. But cooler! ” he chirped, clasping his hands together and picking up a nearby firearm. “ Ooooh, this looks just like the magma based laser pistol from issue #67 of Lava Larva Girl Attacks! Stay back, you goody goody fiends, for I am equipped with a deadly weapon! ” he recited, striking a pose with it, squeezing a bit too hard and immediately firing it off. The extremely powerful beam that shot through the air and left a hole in a wall many feet away left Ed wide eyed and mildly blinded, blinking as spots covered his vision.
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     “ ...Whoops, ” he murmured, immediately discarding the weapon and walking away while whistling, opting to wait somewhere far off from that area.
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gravycreek · 2 years
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          “ Evil Con Carne, “ a rather unenthused female voice responds promptly after picking up [your muse]’s call. “ If you’re looking to speak with Hector, he isn’t available. If you’re looking to check our inventory, though, I’d be happy to help. “ She says, sounding the precise OPPOSITE of happy.
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   — Ed scratched the side of his cheek, clearly not fully registering the tone of the woman’s voice, his tone as candor as ever regarding the fact he was utterly unfazed. It was hard to say if he would have the same reaction if this was in person, considering Ed wasn’t too great at picking up on these things right away ( if at all ).
    “ Oh, uhhhh...! ” he falters, staring down at the writing on his hand. Oh, right, he was supposed to ask about that. The inventory, that is! At least, he thinks so. It’s smudged. “ The inventory thing! Um, I’m supposed to be picking up some stuff. I’m actually here, I think? I’m just a bit... ”
   If there was a camera, it’d be zooming out comically from a close-up on his face to reveal that he had already been holding a bountiful amount of boxes and cases full of items in one arm, stack piled high and wobbling, meanwhile he’s using his foot to hold the phone. Yes, he has one free hand. No, he isn’t using it. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to read the writing on his hand!
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    “ I might need help getting in. ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
“ don’t you pay any heed to those morons. they don’t know you. not like i do. “ ( Fusionfall! Eddy )
reassurance prompts. | @greedycreek
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  — Ed gave a sigh, shaking his head. Eddy was right, of COURSE he was right. Ever since they were kids, nobody really understood Ed. They never understood any of them, really. Why would that change now?
   Still, it stung to have the other heroes trying to help the fight against Fuse snub him for doing the same. He didn’t have powers, or brains, or agility, but didn’t his strength count for something? And “brains” aside, he was good at making plans! If anyone was to deal with aliens, he was like, the number one guy!
   He’s protected the cul-de-sac along with the others. Was that not proof enough?
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     “ ...Yeah, I know. It still bites! Nobody ever takes me seriously, I... Just thought maybe it could be different. ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
idk what this is my dudes, i got angsty, then spot.ify gave me a soft song, and i decided to resolve the angst briefly by writing up these! i hope y’all enjoy!
“ hey, look at me… you can do this. okay? you can. “
“ it’s gonna work out, alright? i promise.
“ you’re not alone, okay? not anymore. i’m right here with you. “
“ you good? “
“ here. hold my hand. you get scared again, squeeze tight, and i’ll help you. got it? “
“ shh… it’s okay… breathe with me, okay? in… and out… good job. “
“ we’re gonna figure all this out together, i promise. “
“ that’s it… there we go, good job… let it all out. “
“ of course i came. you called me. what’s wrong? “
“ hey, why don’t we get out of here? would that be better? “
“ you wanna get out of here? i know a great coffee shop a few blocks away. “
“ do you wanna talk about this, or be distracted, or left alone? “
“ you don’t have to be so strong all the time. it’s okay. cry. i’ll be strong for both of us. “
“ hey, i got you some water. drink it all, you’ll feel better. “
“ it’s been a long day. why don’t you stay here tonight? i can take the sofa. “
“ c’mon, you gotta eat something. and i can’t cook, so take-out it is. eat up. “
“ let’s go for a walk. staying here is the worst thing we can do, right? “
“ don’t you pay any heed to those morons. they don’t know you. not like i do. “
“ it’s okay. i got you… “
“ we don’t need to talk unless you want to. i’m happy to just sit with you for a while. “
“ it’s alright. you take your time… i’m gonna be right here whenever you want to talk, okay? “
[ KNEE ]:          sender gently rests a hand on the receiver’s knee to stop them from shaking it.
[ MOUTH ]:          sender notices the receiver’s distress from across a crowded room, and silently mouths “are you okay?” to them.
[ SIT ]:          sender guides the receiver into a seat after noticing them becoming upset.
[ BESIDE ]:          sender sits next to the troubled receiver at a social event so that they don’t have to feel alone.
[ BACK ]:          sender rests a gentle hand against the receiver’s back, silently checking in on them.
[ HAND ]:          sender takes a gentle hold of the receiver’s hand, as a form of emotional support and reassurance.
[ JOIN ]:          sender follows the emotionally unsettled receiver out of a crowded party and into a secluded space to check on their well-being.
[ BREATHE ]:          sender begins to take slow, deliberately even breaths, encouraging the receiver to copy their motions until their own breathing is back to normal.
[ SPOON ]:          sender lies beside the receiver and becomes the big spoon to comfort them.
[ GLANCE ]:          sender glances at the receiver while in a public setting to assure them they aren’t alone, and ground them in doing so.
[ BLOCK ]:          sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to prevent them from seeing something that may upset them further.
[ SHIELD ]:          sender deliberately stands in front of the receiver to protect them from a targeted attack (verbal or physical).
[ DISTRACT ]:          sender, noticing receiver’s distress, provides a distraction for them (by conversation, a mobile game, a detour, etc.).
[ ARRIVE ]:          sender shows up at the receiver’s door after receiving a troubled phone call from the receiver.
[ CIRCLE ]:          sender rubs slow circles on the receiver’s back while hugging them in an effort to calm them down.
[ FOREHEAD ]:          sender lowers their head to press their forehead against the receiver’s, trying to comfort them in the process.
[ ANCHOR ]:          sender places a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck and pulls them close in an effort to physically and emotionally ground them.
[ HOLD ]:          sender holds out their hands to the receiver, either to hold hands or to hold them.
[ AROUND ]:          while sitting together, the sender quietly wraps an arm around the receiver’s shoulders as a support.
[ SHOULDER ]:          sender reaches out and places a hand on the receiver’s shoulder, both to catch their attention and silently ask if they’re okay.
[ JACKET ]:          sender notices the receiver beginning to shake after an immensely distressing incident, and removes their own jacket to wrap it around the receiver’s shoulders.
[ CATCH ]:          sender, noticing the receiver’s legs beginning to give out beneath them, rushes over to them and catches them before they collapse to the ground.
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gravycreek · 2 years
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   — “ Why can’t Fuse take, uh, weekends off? Aliens should have weekends off. Please? ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
what's it like being cool, eddy?
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— " For a small fee, I can give you the ins and outs! The, um, premium, real Eddy experience. Because I'm Eddy! "
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gravycreek · 2 years
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       “ what, you got something against short people ? “
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  — “ ‘Course I don’t! I’m short, ‘cuz I’m Eddy! What, do ya need glasses or somethin’? ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
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  — “ Y’know, being short isn’t all that bad! I can pick peoples pockets a lot easier! ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
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  — Ed Eddy lowers his sunglasses. “ April fools? The only fools I see are you people! Hah Hah! ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
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gravycreek · 2 years
Send 💭 for my muse’s first impression of yours. Send 😵 for a random headcanon between our muses. Send 😊 for a friendly headcanon between our muses. Send 😍 for a shippy headcanon between our muses. Send 😒 for a headcanon about something your muse does that annoys mine.
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gravycreek · 2 years
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     “ hey, count me in ! nothin’ more fun than traumatizing stuff, right, mate ? “ he says, as if he doesn’t have a phobia of blood, whether fake movie blood or not . this can’t end well .
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  — “ Right? Wow, I can usually never get my friends to watch something like this with me. They always chicken out, ‘cept it’s okay cuz I’ve never been mad at chickens. I guess that guy turning inside out was a little too much for them last time... But this should be even scarier than getting spinach brownies! ” you have time to back out, Wally.
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gravycreek · 2 years
“He’s very mysterious like that.” -neverwaryy
callmekevin : raft … sentence starters | @neverwaryy​
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  — Consider Ed’s interest piqued, VERY piqued; it had already been the moment he became acquainted with Lydia, finding her attire interesting and unlike anything he’d seen... In fact, she herself was hardly like anyone he’d met before! She reminded him of the witches he would see in his horror flicks, sitting up late on warm summer nights and binge watching his VHS tapes until he’d fall asleep in his chair to the sound of screaming and corny splatter effects.
  Never in his most wild imaginations would he have thought she would actually be able to talk to ghosts, it nearly caused him to jump out of his shoes in excitement! When he’d brought up the supernatural (admittedly in perhaps a tactless manner, as he, he never anticipated that it would be met with something like that. Usually it just ended up freaking the other kids out. 
  Ed definitely felt a chill down his spine ( was a ghost near? ) when she’d made that comment, huddling into his jacket nervously.
  “ W-Wow, ” his eyes were wide in wonder at her, looking at Lydia as if she were some kind of mythical creature in one of Jimmy’s baby books, “ Is he... Dangerous? ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
“It still doesn’t look good, but it is what it is.” (eddy)
callmekevin : raft … sentence starters
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  — That was... The understatement of the week. 
  It was nearly a talent the way that Eddy expertly constructed the shoddiest of things when he didn’t have Edd to fuss after him, almost to the point where one would question if it was intentional. 
  Not Ed, though. He simply wiped his nose with his sleeve, sniffling as the smell of sawdust was still in the air; it looked like it’d give you nasty splinters just by looking at it, actually. He hoped he wasn’t allergic, he hated getting rashes.
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  “ Um. What if what it is isn’t very good? ” he commented helpfully.
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gravycreek · 2 years
callmekevin : raft … sentence starters
“I’ll scare him away.”
“Oh my god, he bit me!”
“Well, it was a good run.”
“Could someone feed me?”
“That was actually pure panic.”
“He’s very mysterious like that.”
“I’m going for world domination.”
“Please feed me for saving you.”
“He’s so protective of his leaves.”
“We replaced you with a scarecrow.”
“You are the tastiest out of all of us.”
“We’re just trying to act tough for you.”
“Let’s keep living, laughing, and loving.”
“This is great. Everything’s going great.”
“He’s over there, staring at us judgingly.”
“Please do not be offended, I need you.”
“It just broke, so I hope that was enough.”
“Okay, now the next problem: I’m starving.”
“I put the dad pants on there for a second.”
“Okay, this time, I know exactly what to do!”
“It still doesn’t look good, but it is what it is.”
“Did you just eat three entire watermelons?”
“I’ll stop the name calling if you stop biting me.”
“The thing is, I don’t even know what I look like.”
“Yeah, this is great, I haven’t gone insane at all.”
“I’ve just been sent to Heaven, I think I just died!”
“I’ve got a fishing rod, now, and I’m going to help.”
“Look, you guys can do the work, I’m fine with that.”
“Why can I not pick up this fish? I don’t understand?”
“It took us less than a day to start worshipping a potato.”
“I just threw something in the water. I think I needed that.”
“Good thing I have this flimsy piece of wood to protect me.”
“Sometimes your best try is garbage and you should give up.”
“It hasn’t attacked, yet… I assume, feeling pity for me, right now.”
“This is my land. This is (name)-topia, and you are not welcome.”
“Yeah, you might have to paddle, the winds not doing a very good job.”
“This is good progress. Much more than I thought I’d actually accomplish.”
“Why am I the voice of reason in this? That’s never supposed to be my job!”
“Don’t try your best, you’ll only fail. Half-ass and maybe we’ll get somewhere.”
“This feels right. This feels good. Feels like we’re really doing something here.”
“And now that my thirst and hunger are dealt with, I have to deal with the wrath of God.”
“This could be the starting of a beautiful relationship. I feed you, you don’t attack me. It’s perfect.”
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gravycreek · 2 years
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  — “ I found a rated-r horror movie, who wants to watch it with me? I heard it was banned in most theaters for how traumatizing it is! ”
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gravycreek · 2 years
pokes eddy. pokes eddy. pokes eddy. pokes e - gravycreek
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          when the first poke comes, he merely grunts in annoyance but otherwise doesn’t say anything. after only a few moments of this, he finally says, “ ed, c’mon, quit it ! “ he must not sound genuinely annoyed enough ( ‘cause he’s not really; i mean, it’s annoying, but he doesn’t genuinely care like he does some other times ) because he’s still getting poked. “ eeed ! “ he protests again, more in a warning tone.
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         the last poke comes, and cue a low growl coming from eddy followed by him swinging his hand, a cartoonish WHAP audible upon smacking ed’s hand away. “ alright, that’s enough already ! god. “ ( again, not too genuinely annoyed, but like heck he’s lettin’ ed poke at him without giving a little bit of retaliation. )
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