greasetanalopez · 7 years
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
I wish we could go back to kindergarten, when napping in the middle of the day was socially acceptable. Whoever told me growing up was a good idea lied to me. You’ve known me for too long when you know my mood patterns. Or am I just that predictable? I’m sure I can pencil you into my oh so busy schedule, Lopez. You’re worth my time.
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“Socially acceptable” screw that. If I’m tired I’m totally taking a nap. I can barely tolerate most of the people in this town under normal circumstances. No one wants to see me all grumpy from the lack of sleep. You never should have believed them, that’s all I have to say on that. ... Let’s just say it’s a bit of both. I’m sure this is the moment when I’m supposed to act all flattered and be a little humble but it’s me so, yeah. I’m definitely worth the time.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
Okay, you have a point… You don’t think it was one of us, do you? I don’t wanna think that one of us could actually do something like that… I mean, I couldn’t blame them if they did, but still. Hitting someone with a car? Even if it is Sebastian… I just think it’s… shit that he was hit by a car. That’s totally it.
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Possibly, but who knows. I hate to say this but, taking everything into consideration, it does seem like it could have been one of us. He doesn’t exactly make it a habit to torture his own so they wouldn’t have much of a reason to go after him. It does seem extreme but I can’t help feeling like he totally had it coming. Karma was bound to catch up to him. You’re a good guy, so I can totally understand you feeling bad about someone getting hit by a car. But the devil’s spawn doesn’t deserve your sympathy.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
That was the problem, and I’m glad someone broke that persona. The mere thought of that boy eating hospital food for even one day is enough to put a smile on my face.  Well, at the end of the day, he got paid back. I wish it was worse than what it was and would’ve made him unable to run his mouth still, but hey, at least it was something.
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You have to feel bad for the nurses that had to tend to him. He’s a pain in the ass under normal circumstances, now imagine him in pain. For their sake, I hope he was medicated the entire time. It hardly seems fair, does it? He sends goons after Ryder, insists on making the life of every Greaser hell and all he gets for it is a few weeks spent in a cast.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
Assumptions? Santana, nothing I say is just an assumption. I’m so much more interesting than my brother, and it’s your fault if you can’t see that, not mine. What about you, huh? You’re only captain because you suck up to Sue and she wants to give back to the less fortunate. You’re a moron and a jerk and honestly, I should be the one pitying you. But I dont’, because I don’t actually care. I have people that care about me, and these people wouldn’t turn on me or stab me in the back for anything. So, you can keep your guarantee and shove it up your butt. A hooker is probably too nice for you though, they wouldn’t even hire you if they were desperate.
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You’re right. It’s more of a delusion. You’re vanilla, McCarthy. Plain. Boring. And I’m not the only one that sees it. At least he decided to shake things up and make a bold move. What about me? Are you serious? Now that’s laughable. I have never sucked up to anyone in my life. I don’t need to. The fact that you think to suck up to Sue would get anyone anywhere just goes to show how little you know about her and how she runs the squad. This is why you will never be Captain material.  You don’t actually think I believe that, do you? Clearly you care or you wouldn’t be here attempting to defend yourself and making weak ass insults. So you think. Just wait. Is this jealousy talking? I mean, I get it. People are interested in me while they barely even look in your direction. It must make you feel better to just assume I’m a whore instead of focusing on what you may be lacking. For your sake, I hope you’ve at least had your first kiss because, if not... well, it would make you even sadder than you already are.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
Text II All
Becky: Why don't you go suck you're thumb.
Santana: Because I'm not the overgrown toddler here.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
So. I did not fall off the face of the earth, even though there’s a handful of you out there that wish I had. I’ve been swallowed up by school work, actual work, and being an ’adult’. Apparently all I missed is that there’s a bake sale? Is that all? I was expecting something more.. substantial. 
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Adulting. A necessary evil. But c’mon. All work and no play will make Elliott a pain in the ass when the inevitable bitching starts. You have to have a free night coming up soon, right? We should go do something. It’s been forever since we’ve caused a little trouble.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
….Do you wanna come over on Friday?
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... Friday? Yeah, I’d like that.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
That’s pretty much exactly what it would entail. And free food?
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-- You pretty much lost me at the whole ‘sitting around for hours’ aspect of things. But I wouldn’t be opposed to some free food.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
Lord Tubbington, he’s a lord because he’s related to the British Royal Family. They banned him though, because they only like dogs. So now he’s living with me. Hmm, so that means you’re the best? You may be hot and good at dancing with the Cheerios, but can you do hip-hop and dance the tango?
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If he’s related to the Royal Family, what’s he doing in Lima? I doubt that Royalty’s location of choice would be in Ohio. -- I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation.  I’m not completely narcissistic. I’m not claiming I’m the best of the best. But... close enough. I’ve never really been a fan of the tango, if I’m being honest. You’re not the only one interested in dance. Believe it or not, I actually took lessons as a kid. Even wanted to be a ballerina at one point.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
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Becky: Loser whatever
Santana: Why don't you go back to the bridge you crawled out from.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
As I said I wanted to make a name for myself outside of this town. I’m more than aware my name won’t have even as half as much meaning as it does here. Sue actually has respect for me. That I was actually confident enough to, I guess, stand up to her and throw in my opinions. While she may not always take on what I say. She has done so once or twice. But sure, if you want to think my head is up Sue’s ass then go ahead. I’m not trying to undermine your abilities as a Captain here. As I said, it’s my way of attempting to help us all win as a team. Wouldn’t it be worse for me to go behind your back and work with the squad directly? Surely that would be me actually insulting you as the leader. All I’m doing it giving suggestions to Sue after having noticed what the judges have liked seeing from other squads that are different from ours. I can be, and am, a team player. We might not get along, but it’s for the sake of winning.
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I still don’t think that you get it. You’ve been living in a fairytale world. Mommy and Daddy have given you everything. People have fawned over you because you have money and status. This gives you a false sense of the world. You have no idea how hard it is going to be to make something of yourself. Unless you decide to actually rely on your parents to help along the way. In which case, you do you. Personally, I would want to accomplish something all on my own. But what do I know? I was just instilled with a great work ethic, a drive to succeed, and have the knowledge of what it takes to work for absolutely everything you have. So you basically talk her ear off until she has no choice but to do what you say just to get you to shut up for a few minutes. That’s exactly what you’re doing, Fabray. You’re undermining me by going to Sue instead of coming to me. If you want people to actually believe that you’re all about the team, coming together and working for that win then you would have the decency to show your Captain some respect.  You’re not looking out for the team, you’re looking out for yourself. You’re doing this because you think it’ll make you look good when really, you’re showing people how conniving you can be.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
Unnatural for you maybe because you hate to admit it. And no, I don’t. Unless you’re that someone then in that case, nothing in my life would please me more. Seriously. I live to be a pain in the ass for you, Lopez. Makes my dreams come true and all that garbage. Alright well just find a new buzz. I promise I won’t kill it as fast as I did this time. Happy? That is true but I’ll deny it for as long as I can. I actually don’t totally hate the idea of Dalton. I mean it’ll suck being surrounded by a bunch of uppity douchebags all day, but better than people who can’t stand to see my face. It’s high school, Santana. Class president doesn’t really mean anything. The most he could do is make the cafeteria food taste better and that isn’t a bad thing. Same with Hummel. Yes, but you still said it so in a way you let it go to my head.
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Have you considered that I hate to admit because of how much of an ass you can be able it when I do? You’ve made it painfully clear just how much joy you get from it. Must be a Puckerman gene since your brother is more than a little familiar with being a pain in the ass. “kill it as fast as I did” That doesn’t exactly inspire me to run out and find a new buzz. So, no, I’m not happy. We’ll see just where all that denial will get you. Those uppity douchebags are just as likely to dislike you as much as any Greaser. The only difference is that they’ll just talk about you behind your back. At least Greasers have the decency to tell you to your face. Let's be honest, it would be just a new form of hell. Well, obviously. As soon as classes are out for the Summer it won’t matter. But this is Sebastian we’re talking about. He’s already unbearable. Can you imagine how much worse he will get if he wins? Personally, I don’t want to go through that torture. Enjoy it while you can because it won’t happen again. 
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
text message; santana
RYDER: If you ever find out, count me in for the party planning committee. They're all spineless and I don't think there's one that doesn't have their head up Smythe's ass. Can you believe he said he was the victim of an unfair attack?
SANTANA: I'll be holding you to that, Lynn. I almost feel sorry for them. I mean, we may not live lavish lifestyles in the South but at least we can think for ourselves. But then I realize that they're just horrible excuses for human beings and that all goes away. Somehow I'm not all that surprised that he's playing the victim card. It must be difficult for him to accept that it was karmic justice for all the stuff he's pulled.
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greasetanalopez · 7 years
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Becky: Nope!!
Becky: NO you were born to Satan, the Satan from hell. Loserpez.
Santana: Stalker.
Santana: I think you're confusing me with your scumbag of a leader.
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