greatgraygay · 6 years
Hey guys, Halloween is coming up
And I would just like to remind everyone that mental illness is not a costume, trick or decoration!
Please do not create “asylum” themed haunted houses, do not dress or act as a mockery of someone who may have shizophrenia/OCD/trauma/self-harm tendancies/any other mental health concern, and please do not describe Halloween related things as “psycho”, “schizo” or similar words.
Please remind other people who do things like this that real people and their struggles are not a costume!
Please spread this if you can for the upcoming Halloween season, especially if you’re neurotypical! Thank you!
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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greatgraygay · 6 years
Hogwarts mystery
I would die for Rowan
What the hell is Merula’s deal
Snape is a dick but what else is new
Little Fang is the cutest
The energy thing is annoying
Charlie and Tonks are in the same year as us!!
What the hell did my brother do
It’s my first day and I’m already being choked by devils snare
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greatgraygay · 6 years
a new law is about to be passed in Saudi Arabia that will allow the government to execute people for coming out or being openly gay online.
ignoring the fact that this is literally something out of some kind of dystopian novel, in the interests of safety i’ve emptied out my face tag and may temporarily deactivate or password protect this blog.
please reblog this and get the word out, and if you pray, please pray for me and my fellow Saudi LGBTQ+/MOGAI family.
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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Let! Me! Date! Rowan!
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I’m gonna date Rowan!!!
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greatgraygay · 6 years
Me @ myself: Energy takes quite a while to come back, so you have to chose the actions that take the LEAST energy
Game: You can practice for 1 energy
Game: Or
Game: You can smile at Rowan for 3 energy
Me: I didn’t actually NEED that energy anyway
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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greatgraygay · 6 years
Anyone else falling in love with Rowan Khanna???
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greatgraygay · 6 years
Send me "have you evers" and I'm gonna answer with yes or no
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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greatgraygay · 6 years
rb if you’d wipe all pedophiles off this earth
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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alluring allura
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greatgraygay · 6 years
…I almost killed myself
I put on my sunglasses, to hide my swollen eyes, over my tears. I cried all my makeup off. Went inside to have a milkshake. I don’t know why. I wanted something to drink as I figured out what I would do. I got a soda and a milkshake. Medium. The cashier looked at me and with a line around the corner of the counter he rushed away from the counter “Hold on “ he yelled to a coworker.
I filled my soda and went back and saw him looking all over. I go up and he gets close and says “I made it a large”.
That was seriously enough for me not to do it. His kindness. Someone went out of their way and as I went back in my car to cry I realized I could muster through a few other days. A few more weeks. Then I came down from that panicky high of anxiety, depression, and pain. I finished my shake. And it was enough time to let me feel better. I… I’m alive. I’ll make it through.
Try and be nice today. Tomorrow. Something as much as a smile. It helped so much.
Thank you man at McDonalds.
The milkshake saved my life
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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The total area of solar panels it would take to power the world, Europe, and Germany
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greatgraygay · 6 years
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That guy is Zargnon Lix, Intergalactic Criminal and Founder of Smugglers Against Jugglers.
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greatgraygay · 6 years
Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
This actually sounds hilarious
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